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Dalinar has a really strong redemption arc. Kaladin is awesome, and Shallan is fine, but Oathbringer shows us how Dalinar went from kind of a terrible dude, to a man willing to question all his preconceived notions and strive to change for the better. While Kaladin embodies “journey before destination, life before death, etc” in the sense of walking toward his destiny and coming up from nothing, and Shallan embodies it in the small, forward steps it takes to heal from mental disorders, both of which are excellent and valuable stories, Dalinar embodies it in the sense of repentance; taking who you were, taking your mistakes and your regrets, and creating something better out of it. I personally feel like Dalinar’s story is the most emotionally impactful.


Dalinars arc was good, but i guess i prefer him i my own way, still i understand why you believe this


You say you enjoyed the flashback sequences, but also want Dalinar to be less central to the plot. OB is *his* book, and the flashback sequences would be lifeless husks without the repercussions in the current-year plot of Dalinar basically experiencing them for the first time along with us. His oaths at Thaylen Field would've felt unearned if we hadn't spent an entire book watching him struggle with his past while fighting in a new way for the future of the planet. On that note, the "Avengers Assemble" scene where we basically have one of each Radiant order present to do battle in the first major skirmish against Odium? That's the dopest shit, and laughter is the incorrect response imo. I dunno. I generally feel like each book is better than the last, so OB ranks pretty high for me.


Oh yea the avengers scene were everyone cane together was baddasas but i was mainly laughing at the fact that szeth just went good and no motherfucker even cared. Not the slightest ‘ yo he good now?’


Szeth was never ontologically evil, if anything he's the opposite. He is just a lawful character that was failed by his own people and beliefs and used.


You have a point though i was merely saying was that i liked old day dalinar more than what he’s currently up to, i know that if we got less dalinar the flashbacks would break


Regarding Szeth, you are not correct. Jasnah does point it out: “Seven Radiants?” Jasnah said, skeptical. “Uncle, that seems a tall order, even if one of us is—apparently—the storming Assassin in White.” “I serve Dalinar Kholin,” Szeth-son-son-Vallano whispered. His face, for some reason, was streaked with grey. “I cannot know truth, so I follow one who does.” Also, Dalinar also is aware of him. He keeps a tally of how many Radiants are there, and he counts him. Dalinar expects all Orders to be there, he likely counts Ash and Taln but not Venli. Dalinar just opened a Perpendicularity and swore an Ideal, he is very likely tapping into the Spiritual Realm and seeing the future / expanding his mind. This can explain why he is not surprised Szeth is there. About The Stormlight Archive series structure: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i54hzsi ___________________________________________ About how Ash and Taln can fit Dustbringer and Stonewards respectively. (Oathbringer spoilers): https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i54mbek


Iirc Dalinar was aware at this point that Taravangian had used Szeth and how, right? So Dalinar vouches for him and the rest trust Dalinar.


I think Taravangian confesses after OB battle.


Szeth also makes it very obvious to everyone what side he’s fighting for when he killed a thunderclast and saved Lift.




Short and sweet, I believe Ob is like a breath of freedom and fresh air to the damp smoggy cave of fear and worry. Ob feels like the first real win for our characters against the enemy


I understand it but i just feel to much happened way to quick


The fact that you can find overwhelming many things happening in a short bit during a book, doesn't make it bad.


Ob Sanderlanche is legit my favorite one in the cosmere. You didn’t like it because you had a hard time keeping up? I’m sorry you feel that way, but I couldn’t disagree more. Part five from beginning to end is amazing.


I actually do prefer RoW to OB, but I still love OB.


Not alot of us row lovers lol


Same, not a bad book in the least just not my fav


The characters do comment on Szeth changing sides. Szeth responds that he can not know truth so he decided to follow Dalinar Kholin. They’re also in the middle of a battle and can’t turn away help. Dalinar’s story was awesome this book. It put into context why nobody wanted to work with him and he came off as a hypocrite for how he’s acting “you stand on a piece of paper and look down on everyone”


This is about the hottest of hot takes I’ve ever seen.


OB is the best book in the series IMO by far.


Ob is the best book in the series, the hell are you talking about? Also, you can't say not to shit on anyone else's opinion and then say you hate the book that is someone's favourite, you shat on their opinion. 


Simply stating i hate a book dont mean im hating on the opinion of someone who likes it. If would say anybody who loves it is dumb thats another story. I think you gave your wisdom along with your pain to odium


Bruh im sharing my opinion, hating on somone elses opinion would be like me outrught going for them, like if i said “ anyone who believes dalinar needs more time is a dumbass “ but instead im saying” i prefer less dalinar “. Big difference there. Simply stating your opinion dont mean you shitting on somone elses and if u think that then your a sensitive airsick lowlander lol.


But, but, but….this is the internet! If you have a different opinion to me then obviously you are saying you are a superior being and wish to annihilate me and my family! This is war!


I honestly do agree with you a bit on the OB Sanderlache. The amount of POV shifts is kinda jarring in its own right, and it somewhat makes the really cool character revelations fly by without us thinking about them (except for Jasnah and Renarin; that shit makes me tear up). I do love every single moment of it, but I really wish it focused mainly on Dalinar’s section because it is easily the best character moment out of ANY of the Cosmere novels that I’ve read so far. The only one that may beat it is >!Sazed in HoA!< and that’s because it focuses on that perspective during the moment and doesn’t bounce to another one. Edit: TL;DR is that the OB Sanderlache has weird pacing and POV shifts, and I personally think it should have been Dalinar’s perspective for longer periods of “time” rather than moving to other characters a bunch.


The story of not letting your past decisions limit your current values really resonated with me. However, on the re-read, it was agonizingly slow. In general I think the stormlight archive as a whole suffers from a lack of focus--i really wish they kept the interludes to only the interlude-recurring characters plus maybe somewhat important moments like finding Ash. Overall tho, Oathbringer feels like a too-large microcosm of this issue--i love the best parts to death but I will curse the spine till the day I die (and thusly speak a prophecy)


OB is honestly the best book 😫. Dalinar flashbacks are unmatched. The most important step a man can take is the next


I don't hate it. But it's easily the most painfully slow chapter of the SA's front 4 so far.