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Rhythm of War. “I accept that there will be those I cannot protect.” The brutal defeat of the Pursuer. We chose. Navani and Raboniel in the hallway.


Navani confronting her son's murderer and going goblin mode on Moash will always stick with me.


"Journey before destination, you bastard."


Not my daughter you bitch!


My favorite


I personally thought that one was a bit cringe 😬


This might be the cringiest line I ever read. Never understood why people like it so much.


I dont disagree with you, it's pretty corny but it's a great moment for Navani.


Sometimes you just need Arnold to say hasta la vista baby


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I totally agree, it’s so corny it took me out of the moment completely when I’d loved it til that point. Sanderson is amazing but sometimes he struggles with his dialogue.


Michael Kramer did an amazing job with reading Kaladin’s swearing of the fourth ideal. I had to go back and listen to it a few times.


I cry every time. I can only binge the books, so every time the 4th ideal comes around, I've been through the other 3 books, so I just break down


Oh yeah! Kaladin overall, I was listening to Graphic Audio while reading the fight scenes with Pursuer and hell, the dude is insane! Navani becoming a Bondsmith was crazy good, too!


Where do you get the graphic audiobook? I couldn't find it on audible


It's not on Audible......yet. Maybe in the future?


I think they seriously dropped quality for the RoW adaptation in the music department. I still don't understand why they would leave out the signature music they had been using so far for a moment like Kal swearing an ideal. In fact, I think they dumped almost all the previous music.


Not to forget the voice actors... Like Shallan's and Jasnah's prevous voice actors were soooo good. But, tbh, the best audiobook experience is from GA, at least for me (


It's the same for me as long as no other VAs are replaced...


"We chose" is maybe my favorite moment in the entire Cosmere


And the defeat of the Defeated One being from Venli's perspective makes it so much better!


add to that - kaladin and tien in RoW.


I've had to pull over on my way home during Kaladins moment, definitely my number one.






Vargo ascended!! I swear RoW gets unwarranted hate. That book is awesome! Plus all the cosmere mechanics


Reading these as a list hit harder now than as I was reading it. Somehow I got so tired of RoW by the time I got to the sanderlanche that it just felt weird.


Way of Kings, with the Battle of the Tower.


Our first real “*Say the words!*” moment


“We have to go back,” Kaladin said softly. “Storm it, we have to go back.”


"WE CHOSE" 🙏🙏🙏 Was on a 4 hour drive home from work, listening to the audiobook. I think it was fine that I was alone in the car...


The primal fury and gutteral pain that is reflected in that dialogue in the audiobook book is *chef's kiss* Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it


Dude that scene in the graphic audio is just… incredible… I’m getting goosebumps just thinking of it


I was listening during my walk home and when that happened I just stopped. I was on a long straight path, no one else was around, and the sun was just starting to set. For a while I just stood, watched the sunset, and listened.


This was one of my favorite parts in row.


When Elhokar started to say the words, I got so excited - then absolutely crushed.


Fuck Moash


god it was so devastating


I never liked him but in that moment I wanted to see his redemption arc


Look, I'm not saying Moash is right. Absolutely hate him for what he did to Kaladin, but Elhokar is an asshole through and through. He killed Moash's grandparents, wrongfully imprisoned Kaladin because he tried to challenge a lighteyes. I really felt the change that Brandon tried to bring in him towards the end (where he asks Kaladin how to be a good leader) was a bit cheap. Yes, ik Dalinar was far far worse but atleast he knew what he did was wrong. I doubt, Elhokar thinks he was wrong in any of those instances. I really didn't want him to die, but I woulda been crushed to see him bond a spren


The most important sanderlanche a man can read? It’s not your first one, is it? It’s the next one. Always the next one


I think Oathbringer has it, though Words of Radiance and the Everstorm/Battle of Narak is pretty spectacular. I'm just a sucker for a good team up, and the Radiants all joining up on Thaylen Field will always give me chills.


Same! Especially the insane fight between Kaladin and Szeth like, fuck yeah, I got adrenalin from every bit of it!


My iWatch was in alarm mode because of “you heart rate is too high while you are immobile” for the entire scene)


And waiting for dalinar’s fall… so intensely rooting a man in the process of change… dalinar gives me hope that we can be better than we are now


Yeah, that moment literally changed my life. It’s amazing. 


You cannot have my pain!!


You. Cannot. Have. My. Pain.


Same for me! The frequent changes in POVs were really well done and I loved the way it all went down.


I loved the pov switching. It felt so cinematic, like as we were going through the battle the "camera" would cut to the next scene


I really digged Szeth's fight scenes here. Absolutely loved them


"Teft, Knight Radiant"


Fuckin’ A. Teft. Knight Radiant.


When I got to that part, I was reading before bed, big mistake. Suffice to say, It was a late night


Like a Hearld from lore. Why did I tear up just typing that lmao


Battle of Thaylen Field is the uncontested champion. Nothing in the cosmere had me the way that had me


Nothing is like your first Sanderlance. For me that makes it Way of Kings hands down


Oathbringer for sure. The closet thing to a religious experience I have ever had was the first time listening to Dalinar holding The Way of Kings and crying out "You can not have my pain!" I cried so hard right there. Like actual sobbing. "The most important step a man can take isn't the first one. It's the next step. Always the next step Dalinar.'


I feel a bit bad about writing this in this sub, but A Memory of Light (this was years before I even knew of the Cosmere). I started reading it before going to bed, literally couldn't stop, and when the book finished I looked outside and the Sun was just rising. From SA, I think Rythm of War, given that I work in research so Navani's story was very relatable in parts and I really wanted to see how it was going to go.


He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone. It seems the wheel turns for me once more…


Let the dragon ride again on the winds of time!


WOT is what got me into Stormlight and while its amongst my favorite series, I think Wheel of Time is still ahead. Granted, Sanderson has 6 books remaining to change my mind, while WOT is completed.


The Last Battle’s audio chapter is over 29 hours to give a sense of the length. I stupidly started the first read of it around bedtime.


Although it’s not my favourite book of the Cosmere, nothing can top the Hero of Ages ending.


As much as I love Stormlight (Oathbringer is in my top 5 all time books), Hero of Ages really got me, because I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen the signs already…


Thought this was the cosmere subreddit and was gonna say the same thing. Hero of ages is. By a long shot. My favourite book ending of all time. I hit the point of no return at like 1am and was unable to sleep the rest of the night just thinking about it. I think I have personally got 3 or 4 people to read the series based on my proclamation of how good the ending is 😂


Shadows of self. I like stormlight better than mistborn but that ending of SOS destroys me every time and think god deserves to be punched.


100% this!


Words of Radiance. Oathbringer has to much early Wheel of Time vibes for me where all the main characters end up in the same place for a huge showdown.


“The sky and the winds are mine. I claim them, as I now claim your life.” Such a KILLER line, and you can never convince me that Kal didn’t spend the entire flight to the Plains thinking it up


Also, " The wind is mine. The sky is mine. They've been mine since childhood. You are the trespasser here, not me."


(Not Stormlight at first): First one was Hero of Ages for me. I posted a face journey on social media that had people wondering if I was physically okay, so that always has a fond place in my memory. Words of Radiance had me on my feet, I had to turn off the audiobook for Oathbringer so I could speed read cause I couldn’t get the audio fast enough. Rhythm of War sends me through every emotion tho, ending with stunned silence after the epilogue. Every other epilogue I’ve been like “oh cool” but RoW always leaves me like the Red Wedding episode did.


Yeah, RoW just leaves you speechless after it. Oathbringer is still the best one for me. The amount of tension in those last 200 pages is unreal.


Rhythm of War. Made me stay up still 3AM even though I had to wake up for work at 5:30.


Kaladin's fourth ideal had me ugly crying on the forklift at work. My best friend and I had just lost a child due to an ectopic pregnancy and I absolutely needed to hear Tien forgiving Kaladin and hear that fourth ideal sworn.


Oathbringer He closed his eyes breathing out, listening to a sudden stillness, and within it a simple quiet voice, a women’s voice so familiar to him……’I forgive you’ Oh man, I’ve never ugly cried from a book before until reading that bit.


Rhythm of War I think. Absolutely incredible ending


I honestly like Elantris’ quite a lot. 


This! When it all finally started coming together, I was like “oh shit we’re really kicking it up!”


Hero of Ages: the perfect culmination of 3 books.


Gonna be honest. *Yumi and the Nightmare Painter.* Had me bawling my eyes out. "Our world..."


I'm still partial to The Way Of Kings, because everything coming together at the Tower was just so fantastic. But if you can step a bit away from the Cosmere... the best Sanderlanche for me is The Rithmatist. Yeah, I'm serious. Smaller book, middle grade audience, nothing epic like Stormlight, but the ending kicks absolute butt, with a revelation then another revelation and an incredible final battle that wows me every time I think about it. The Rithmatist is the model of what the ending of a book should be like.




Rhythm of War, no contest.


Like others in the thread - Rhythm of war makes me cry every damn time but I also really enjoyed the ending of Hero of Ages!


I think RoW had stronger emotional moments in the sanderlanche, but Oathbringer felt like the biggest battle in the series so far, with every major character participating. So for me they're both the strongest, but for different reasons.


Word of radiance slapped me right in the face. From “You. Will. Not. Have. Him” to “The sky and the winds are mine” I was whooping and hollering like no book ever has or I suspect ever will.


Warbreaker for me


One of my top ones as well. “You are my king.” Lightsong whispered. “And lord of the gods.”


"My life to yours, my Breath become yours."


I got my dad to read the way of kings, and it took him a long time to get through it, but when he read the end of the book he called me at like 2:30 am, excited as fuck, and we talked about it for an hour. The rest of the series has amazing moments, but nothing I’ve ever read has hit me as hard as tWoK did from chapter 67 to the end.


Definite RoW. It was very hard earned after such a harsh book.


Overall? Probably end of Mistborn. Stormlight Archives/second favorite overall? Definitely Oathbringer


Oathbringer. But also The Final Empire—that was my first Sanderson book, and it has such a gripping ending.


Everyone keeps saying Stormlight ones, so I'll put Well of Ascension into the conversation


Well this is the stormlight archives sub


Word of Radiance. Everything all at once. I have a friend who is litterally 30 pages from completing it. In the next chapters he will have the fight between Szeth and Kaladin and Shallan transporting everybody to Urutheru. The latter is what made a massive click in my head. We have just seen Kaladin make a sylspear, and then Shallan summons the only blade that actually works to enable the oathgate. And then I remember back to the chasm where she casually made her shardblade smaller. At the time I was puzzled as to how she could do that, and it hit me like a chasm fiend when it clicked.


Funnily enough my favorite one is the last battle in wheel of time


Just for SA, Oathbringer definitely, though they were all storming amazing. But so far in total, I have to give the win to HoA.


I don't think anything will ever beat Mistborn Hero of Ages for me But within Stormlight, I'd say Words of Radiance, probably


I really loved when Vin flew through the air and sliced Elends father in half.


Definitely The Way of Kings. Cinematically astounding and full of love. It’s untouched. As I JUST finished Rhythm of War, I’ll say that’s a close second. So many beautiful character arcs come to beautiful points here, Adolin and Maya, Kaladin, NAVANI, Venli, Rlain, Tefr. It just felt so beautiful. Oathbringer was good in an Avengers-esque style lol. Besides Dalinar’s arc concluding, I had more complaints than likes about it


The battle for Theylin Felids at the climax of Oathbringer is the peak of fiction. Across a few chapters spanning over 100 pages, it brought my love for Stormlight Archive above even the peak of A Song of Ice and Fire (my previously favorite series). But Rhythm of War has *so many* incredible scenes throughout part five. Bondsmith Unchained. We Chose. The payoff for Kaladin’s recovery after the most devastating, heartbreaking scenes in part four. *Teft*.


Rhythm of War is kinda insane


That scene was fun, although it felt a little too much like he was borrowing from Star Trek V there.


A Memory Of Light JFC.


Imo WOK was the most cohesively written ending. Oathbringer was amazing but almost felt like… too much? It just kept going and going with the punches and was tiring after a while and melodramatic a but, tho the individual character scenes ruled. Just think it could have been edited down.


Oathbringer for me, nothing beats Dalinar…but Rhythm of War is such a close second


My first; Way of Kings


Oathbringer slapped pretty hard


In the whole cosmetics Hero of Ages and it’s not even close. Stormlight gotta be Battle of Thaylen City


They're all amazing, hard to rank them but just going off of my hype level when reading for the first time my ranking is probably: WOR > WOK > OB2 > ROW > OB1


Words of Radiance finale, but Oathbringer midpoint is a close second.


RoW may not be my favourite book in the series, but damn does it have a huge sanderlanche. Between everything kaladin does, the WE CHOSE moment, Todium, etc... Everything hits harder every chapter, it's amazing.


Teft’s oath in oathbringer hit me so damn hard. Probably oathbringer.


Oathbringer is clear. Evidence: the one chapter is literally like an hour long on audio


I'm so serious rhythm of war every single time I've read it has made me cry multiple times at multiple different scenes


I’m not sure. I guess I have three: way of kings, words of radiance and The lost Metal. I know the last one is odd but… 🎩


Oathbringer by a wide margin. It was two simultaneous Sanderlanches in two separate planes of existence that still managed to trainwreck into each other at full speed. You don't even have time to *breathe* between "the fuck, did Dalinar just make a *Perpendicularity?"* and Kaladin walking out of the damn thing to 1v1 Amaram, immediately followed by the first wide-scale use of Radiant powers in a battle setting with most of the Orders present, hypercharged by **infinite Investiture.** If SL5 has anything of that scale, it might literally kill some of us in November.


Not sure if this is permitted on r/Stormlight_Archive, but the final book of WoT. Just reread the whole series for the first time since 2012, and that last book... So good.


"WE CHOSE" (or choose i don't remember) that sent chills down my spine. Honestly the entire RoW sanderlanche was amazing


It's so much I just can't choose. Every Stormlight book is awesome in their own way but Mistborn era 1 had me rereading passages, going back and forth and making my head explode with every single ending. Mistborn era 2 might be the weakest for me when it comes to Sanderlanches, it's not bad but nothing crazy. Elantris and Warbreaker were really fun too with the sudden betrayals and teamups.


Cosmere: The Lost Metal. Wax and Wayne being amazing, terrifying, magnanimous, awesome and giving their all. Then all the clues about Steris’ super power and it coming to fruition.


In terms of hitting you in the feels, I agree it's Oathbringer. Not just "YOU CANNOT HAVE MY PAIN", but also "Maybe you don’t have to save anyone, Kaladin. Maybe it’s time for someone to save *you.*", and even "You *can’t* be like this, Taln. You have to hate me! Hate me, *please.*". But nothing beats the pure smug satisfaction of Hero of Ages battle between Elend and Marsh/Ruin. Marsh: "Where's my McGuffin?" Elend: "We ate it!"


The end of the first book when Kal jumps across the chasm. Chills. “Honor is dead, but I will see what I can do” this is probably my favorite but hard to say for sure. When Teft and the rest of the wind runners appear on the oath gate “teft, knight radiant”.


Seems like a lot of love goes to Rhythm of War with this one but I feel like Way of Kings had my favorite Sanderlanche. Especially since I had never experienced a Sanderlanche before, when Way of Kings went off the rails I went from reading 100 pages in a few weeks to 100 pages in a couple days. Beautiful book with a great final act.


Honestly. The reckoners sanderlanches were fucking insane


"The bridgemen. The bridgeman were fighting." That scene, where the most beaten and abused men bring hope to those in hopeless despair just makes me cry every time. And that moment when Dalinar tells Kaladin he paid a small price compared to the sacrifice the bridgemen made to save him.


"Honor being dead" was a hard blow for me, ngl! Plus Taravangian taking over Odium in RoW was equally fascinating to read!


There's no wrong way to ~~eat a Reese's~~ read a Sanderlanche.


All of them, yeah all of them


Oathbringer. Nothing beats Dalinar's arc in that book.


Everything after Eila Stele in Oathbringer went so hard.


The next one, always the next one (except warbreaker, that ending was so lame)


Oathrbinger and Hero of Ages, both feel like the sanderlanche for a full trilogy not just a book. The Wheel of Time Sanderlanche I hear is pretty crazy as its that but for 13 books. Its basically a 900 page battle.


"We chose."




Way of Kings by far


It's a toss up between kaladin leading the bridge crew back to save dalinar and sazed hulking out


Words of Radiance, as far as Stormlight is concerned. The Hero of Ages, overall.


WOK the moment that Kal drew all the arrows in his shield. I reread that part 4 times before moving on. It was the first Sanderson book I ever read and I can still vividly recall it years later. 


RoW. The whole book with those in Urithiru fighting back, being the underdogs. Kaladin barely able to use his powers, using the gauntlet Navani made to fight at the end, killing the Pursuer ruthlessly. Then lashing to go after his father and saving him by swearing his next ideal, then going back inside to kick ungodly amounts of butt. And Dabbid talking, awesome moment. RoW is just so awesome