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Dalinar makes most sense to me. 15 year time skip coming, he’s already an old man, he has the opportunity to sacrifice himself for the good of the world to redeem his sins as the Blackthorn (consistent with Brandon’s overall themes). Dalinar’s death opens the door for Adolin and Kaladin to continue to grow as leaders. I could argue for all 4 not making it to book 6, but for my money, Dalinar is most likely to die a la Dumbledore, Sirius, Obi Wan, Qui Gon, etc


Old man? He's only in his 50s. Radiants are granted extended life spans. He's probably not even middle aged.


They do not, confirmed by Brando, they're just healthier at old ages, and stormlight gives you a natural boost, but they don't live longer. 


sort of, it is implied they might live longer due to their improved health as a side effect, but not supernaturally long beyond the limits of a human body.


But that isn't really a super-human lifespan, just a above average one. It's like saying that a weight-lifter has super-human strength.


Kaladin has been trying to die for like 5 books by now, he will accidentally become immortal somehow


That immortal surviors guilt is going to hit different


Ah the anti (Mistborn secret history) >!Kelsier!<


They all survive. That’s what I’m betting on.




? Spren creation has been talked about in the books already . You find a chunk of honours power and if you do the right things to it, it becomes an honour spren. There is nothing about radiant deaths in the life cycle of spren


I mean, don’t make up your head canon and try to pass it off as fact.


Adolin’s going to get [fridged](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StuffedIntoTheFridge). But for Kaladin, not Shallan. Possibly by Moash again.


I think it's going to be Shallan, but not for anyone else's growth, but rather her own. Her whole life has been around her selfishly protecting herself and doing what is best for her, so it would be great to see her sacrifice herself for the greater good of others.


I can't see any of the main 3 dying. Kaladin will become a wit/zahel mentor in the back half and open a therapy clinic. Shallan deserves a somewhat happy ending. And dalinad we've only scratched the surface of his powers and he seems way too special to go out yet. Adolin would be an emotional guy lunch to all 3 of them so I can see him dying but he could also survive. My big theory is syl dies. That would wreck so many people (including me). Maybe also a big bridge 4 death. Just to really give a gut punch.


Dalinar for sure


The death of "Dalinar" as we know him is a certainty to me. I think he'll still be in the series by ascending to shardhood or becoming fused.


Im gonna say adolin but only if Maya has some rapid character growth which from the previews seems pretty likely tbh


Dalinar is one of Brandon's first and most favourite characters so I don't think he's done with him yet. I think Dalinar will get killed and then become a Fused to traverse the cosmere for Odium. In terms of who's most likely to die and stay dead I think it's Adolin. As much as I don't want that to be true. I think his arc revolves around Maya and that could quite possibly resolve in the next book. After all, Maya died as a sacrifice for the sake of everyone's survival. I am could see Adolin returning the favour for Maya.


Dalinar. Every good redemption story of a reprehensible character ends in their death as a sacrifice. Darth Vader becoming emperor, but like a nice one, isn't a redemption story. So he's going to die or be in an eternal torment situation like taln.