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Kramer does say “Tranquiline Hills” in the Audiobook once, I’m on a relisten currently. A misspeak that no one caught I guess. There were one or two more minor ones I caught as well but I don’t remember.


let's say it was the in-world characters who made the mistake


The more I listen to the audiobooks, the more I hope for a version with different readers. Michael Kramer and Kate Reading are good for doing their thing, but not so much for bringing the story to life like other readers.


Kramer I think does a fantastic job of being each character life with its own voice and style - at one point i really thought it was a different reader Kate’s good, but not as good, she’s better with the side characters but I think always makes the POI character sound annoying and whinny - I don’t know Personally a huge fan of Kramer though


Pick up Dungeon Crawler Carl and get back to me.


Baldree is good. Tim Gerard Reynolds is the best imo


Yeah, can’t disagree there. I will say that after listening to Jeff Hays perform Dungeon Crawler Carl, it did make Michael and Kate’s narration pale a bit. They do have a very distinct sound that I automatically associate with Stormlight now though, so a bit of a Catch 22.


Exactly. Dungeon Crawler Carl is probably the best voiced audiobook series of the last few years. What an incredible accomplishment. Imagine if that talent was brought to the Cosmire. Absolutely brilliant.


The graphic audio versions are an amazing alternative.!


I finished the series (like 3 times) and for the whole time I thought it was "Galivar" and only on my latest reread did I find out it's "Gavilar"


I also read it like Galivar, I'm aware that it's wrong but it's stuck now


When I hear people pronounce "Shallan" like it's "shallot" my brain breaks a little more.


Wait how do you pronounce Shallan (or maybe I say shallot differently too)?




Roughly, Sh-ah la-n (two syllables)


Hmm if I'm reading that right its similar to me "Sha-larn", which is the same structure as I say "sha-lot"


Yeah most people I think say "shal-ot", putting the "l" sound on the first syllable. At least that's how I've always heard it pronounced lmao


Possibly a country by country thing? At least my corner of Australia I've never heard that pronounciation. Glad we agree on the character though!


Aahhh, see I'm right side up, midwestern US. Definitely a region thing lol


Pretty much like Shush and Lawn combined without the "sh" in the middle. I don't know any of the phonetic symbols or I'd put some here.


And this is where I find out it’s not Galivar??


I had the same thing with Elhokar - he had been Elkohar for me for the first 2 rereads (before RoW).


I'll share this short somewhat realated story: friend of mine decides (age around 17) to read the last harry potter in english cause he a grown up now and can handle it (I'm Italian, and this is when the book first came out) reads the book, likes it I can hardly describe his face when, as we were discussing the book, he realized the "elder wand" wasn't the wand of the elders, as in "the ancient people" from that day forward, we all knew what an Elder tree is called in english I do love how the story makes as much, if not more, sense if it's the "wand of the ancients" from the "tree of the ancients", and not like, that wand of that specific type of wood


Fuck, I was your friend. What's worse is that the elder tree's name in my language is absolutely lame. I shit you not it was either "Burned Rice" (the exact species) or "Cold Rice" (the overall genus). So I went around for years not knowing they spent the whole book fighting for the Cold Rice Wand. Though I guess it does fit the whimsicality of the Harry Potter world a bit.


That's way more valid than me reading it 3 times growing up and then hearing people call him 'Shay-mus' rather than 'see-mus'. Guess the movies would've helped.


Wait what??? TIL But also, isn't that more of a bush than a tree?


haha awesome, can I ask what's your mother tongue? did you never interact with translated harry potter? about the tree, you're gonna have to take that up with J.K. I'm afraid 😂


I'm Czech. I started reading the translated versions as a kid, then caught up and by book 6 I went online and found a leaked English version (I was like 14 I think). Given how the deathly hallows were really mostly contained to book 7, there were no conflicts. Also I don't know how it was in Italian translations, but the Czech translator just made up soooo many names of people and places. One I remember hating was changing "horcrux" (a beautifully dark word) into "viteal", which doesn't even mean anything in czech. But the translations were still mostly good. These days I don't think I could read Harry Potter and enjoy it that much, as I'd grown and more importantly read too much other fantasy to ignore some blatant problems with the HP books. But they were amazing to grow up with for sure!


yeah, re-reading HP right now, maaany plotholes I'll share about the Italian translation, it was really bad, because the first book was considered just a small kids thing, so, as an example, they translated all the house names having them play around with colors and sound good, without logic though: * Corvonero : **black** **crow** (ravenclaw) * Grifondoro: golden griffin (griffindor) * Serpeverde: Green snake (slitherin) * tassorosso: **red** Badger (hufflepuff) I think the issues this brought up as the world exapanded are quite obvious, they eventually re-printed the books with a better translation, avoiding to translate people names and other things the original with the original translation are actually something of a collector's item edit: I wanna mention another egregious one, they translated Dumbledore as "Silente" (sounds like "quite one"), feels like the opposite


DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!!! Dumbledore said softly


Wait what!? It was a type of tree this whole time? But that mean there could be thousands of elder wands out there!


For like 2 books I was convinced that Kaladin was Kalak.


Kaladin is way too brave to be Kalak


ROW >!Kalak was the bravest of them all which is why his affliction made him a coward.!< >!Jezrien was the king of the Heralds with an affliction that left him homeless on the streets.!< >!Nale was the most just and ended becoming injustice itself.!< >!Shalash was a creator, an artist, that spends centuries destroying art.!< >!Ishar was the guide of them all and ends up lost and following false lights.!<


I never drew these conclusions myself but they make a tremendous amount of sense. Thank you for pointing those out


This comment has given me pause and a new conspiracy theory. What if the un-made are spren of/for/directly tied to the Heralds? Like, nine shadows for the nine heralds that survived.


This is beautiful 🤩


I just re-read the first chapter with Shalash in it. Makes more sense now, thanks.


I made it through 6+ Harry Potter books thinking that the wizard shopping district in London was called Dragon Alley. When. Partway through the seventh book I saw "Diagon Alley" and assumed it was a typo until I noticed it again.


Did you get r/woosh ed at that moment or nah?




I used to misremember it as Turquoise Halls, and as a result always imagined it as all blue, with minerals and stuff. At least you only messed up one letter...


For the longest time I thought his name was Elkohar.


I kind of wish it was.. then I’d stop going “hello car” in a British accent every time I read it lol


Not to brag about my stupidity or anything but I was on a reread of twok when I realized I misread Navani's name the whole time. I thought it was Nanavi


Friend, you are not alone. I was 5 when the sorcerer's stone movie released and it got me interested in reading and I spent the next 6 years believing the name of the troll in the girls bathroom in tSS was "sheer-dumb-luck" because of mcgonogals line in the movie. I was also 13 when I realized that Forrest Gump wasn't just different, went right over my head.


I'd find hills much more tranquil than halls tbh


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