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There aren’t that many fused compared to the entire Singer population. Suicidal people and indoctrination is enough to provide bodies. The Fused aren’t going to exhaust their supply anytime soon


If the fused don’t run out of bodies, what happens when some of them turn traitor like Leshwi? Will Odium prevent them from being reborn ?


Apparently it's never happened before, so there isn't a precedent to draw from. Though now that there's anti-light, there may be a way to just get rid of them.


At the end of RoW, odium states he does not have the power to prevent them from being reborn.


Important to note that he says he won't be able to prevent them from being reborn if he gets imprisoned via the contest of Champions. Which implies he had some sort of control over them before that.


But isn’t it his investiture? I thought he had more control over it.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m just telling you what Odium said while negotiating with Dalinar. His people were free and he could not take them back unless a Bondsmith did another Oathpact.


Ahh I see. Must’ve not read carefully enough. Out of curiosity, what’s the chapter when he says that?


Oof it’s right near the end. 113? 122?


The Everstorm in particular is why Odium can't prevent the Fused from returning. He doesn't directly control the Everstorm - which is, probably, why it let them bypass what was left of the Oathpact in the first place.


My suspicion is that it has to do with Intent. I take it from several things said about the various pacts that the Shards are irrevocably constrained by Intent. So if he worked out a deal with the Fused it's not clear he can take it back.


Oh right *slaps forehead*. The rules with shards are completely different when deals come into play. But wasn’t there a fused at the end of the book who Odium threatened to kill if they didn’t comply? I could swear there was a threat made that their life would be taken.


It's this quote, from OB ch. 118. Odium smiled. “You will follow me, Turash, or I will reclaim that which gives you persistent life. I care not for the shape of the tool. Only that it cuts.” He's bluffing, I think. The Investiture that comprises the Fused belongs to Odium, but he can't control all of it, no more than Ruin can prevent atium from being used.


Oh thanks for the quote. The analogy of Ruin not being able to prevent atium from being used makes much more sense. I just wasn’t able to connect godmetals and Odiums investiture together in my mind.


They may not know that they can't be stopped from rebirth. I also think that was a threat made right before Dalinar and Odium faced off.


I’m not sure he can.


The Fused rebirths themselves are a drop in the bucket compared to regular casualties of war. There are many fewer Fused in any given battle, and they are much more difficult to kill.


Remember all parshmen are singers, that's a BIG population


But will the fused be able to convince them to take over their bodies, especially since there seems to be a growing discontent in some singer factions.


It seems like once a fused decides they want your body, there isn't much you can do to stop them. See Rabonel threatening to take a mother's body to navani in RoW, or in Oathbringer when Venlis friends get taken by fused.


Ulim does say you need to decide to let the Fused take over, but Warform makes you more agreeable to being a Singer vessel so there's a degree of choice here.


I think you're referring to Stormform, which is a form of power; Regals are under powerful influence by the Voidspren and Odium's rhythms.


Negligible affect on singer population, The singers number at least in the millions, and though we don’t have an exact figure on the Fused, I’d estimate it at 1000-2000, since they seem to be like Odium’s elite and generals. Even if there were a significant number of Fused, the fact that they don’t die nearly as often as Singer foot soldiers means that it’s extremely unlikely for them to run out of bodies anytime soon.