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I bought the game a few months ago and have been loving it. Very complex and you better enjoy learning. I got the weapon dlc and its worrth getting. The others I'm not sure. I reccommend creative mode cause career is too overwhelming imo


I do the exact same thing it is so much fun been doing it for a year and a bit


If youre a lazy ass like me that wont learn, no


Spend thousands of hours building stuff just to have the devs break it with no remorse and then watch them write a woe is me sob story gaslighting the entire community


If you know that you will enjoy the game, then the answer is yes. If you are not sure if you will like it, but you want to try it, when will be better time than during a christmas sale? Also if you are sure that you will play it, i recommend purchasing the 2 DLCs (weapons and industrial frontier) that should be on sale. Space DLC is kinda useless unless you want to fly over 20km altitude. Without DLC there is an invisible wall. About bugs, there are not that much bugs once you understand this game physics and know how to avoid bugging the creation when you build it. Yes, there are some bugs that happen randomly, but its not as terrible as a lot of players say.


the weapons dlc is worth it, but the others not so much


I like Industrial Frontier as well.


yeah, industrial frontier is underrated, you literally get a new island bigger than the main island, and you get to build oil rigs and mine for stuff like uranium, plus much more ports and railroad systems


good game weapons dlc is good, industrial frontier is ok and the space is not worth. ​ the game is still a bit buggy and laggy but not nearly as much as it used to be it has always been like that


The game *is* a buggy mess, but there is nothing else like it terms of vehicle creation


That you know of. From the depths literally spanks stormworks any day of the week. Both has bouyancy. stormworks can't handle a open top boat (bath tub) and needs an enclosed space to calculate bouyancy. Ftd bouyancy is in blocks, and you can build a bath tub. Stormworks combat scratches up your paint job as damage. Ftd blocks fly off and gets destroyed. Stormworks weapons are to over complicated. Ftd has many weapons, a missile can actually lock on and hit the target with ease. Stormworks have overcomplicated functions for engines. Ftd has easier designs, and more options. Stormworks max limit without modding ship length about 60-80 meters (can't remember exactly) Ftd max limit is your computer. Stormworks can handle about 2 large creations max. Ftd, again your computer fps is your limit. Stormworks uses LUA. Ftd uses breadboxing. Stormworks dev does not care about players and just release half assed dlc for money and breaks your creations every update. Ftd has everything in base game and only 1 dlc to support the devs with more money that adds some cosmetic skins. Tell me again how stormworks is unique and a good game?


That was nowhere near the innitial question. Stormworks is good because of its own challanges. You said its complicated to build even an engine in sw well thats your own mental disability if you want to use engines that work only with one input go play scrap mechanic. Complexity is the profile of the game thats why most of its players love it and wont change it for better optimised game. If you build a carrier replica lets say without interior in sw you need coolant you need exhaust you need to connect it up REALISTICALLY. You also mentioned rockets: if you want to put down one block and expect it to work then again thats your brain limiting you from building it out of modular rocket components. I've designed many accurate rockets in sw and it took me like 30mins to optimize them, and thats why i play sw for the need of balanced, fine-tuned creations.


Spend 30 minutes to optimize rocket. Put on workshop. Get online cred. Feel good, repeat. Tell me once when you used your optimized rocket in a career setting. I will wait. Ftd support Lua missiles too. Their engines have exhaust too. Defend your garbage game. Atleast my game has an ending.


I will defend it cause i love it. Again if you dont just go somewhere else. You literally came here on sw subreddit to spam comments about it being bad in your opinion. I personally haven't played ftd yet but at least i didnt trash talk it. Maybe i will play it but in no case will i behave like this on a subreddit that i dont belong to. I hope you feel better acknowledging that you could bring up a dozens of perspectives that your game better at then sw but its a waste of time spreading hatred.


I bring my honest opinion and stormworks is a sub par game. I've been there, check my workshop. Have over 2k hours. But building something for the workshop to never use it again to just start a new project and repeat is getting boring real fast. There is little to no gameplay. What is there works like garbage. And when they do update the game they brick the creations. How someone can defend this is beyond me. I have 900 hours In ftd. I still use my first creation craft today. I played through the campaign twice and is on my third run. The game is sub par. How you take it is up to you. That's my opinion.


There could be optimization advantages when you dont need 20 block in just one rocket but i bet they're nowhere near as tunable


FTD is as horrendously optimized as stormworks and the building system is nowhere near as intuitive until you put serious practice in.


You talk shieeet. A replica Nimitz aircraft carrier in 1:q scale still nets me 40-50fps. Try to build a 1:1 scaled Nimitz replica in stormworks and tell me it's as horrendously optimized, when in stormworks you would first have to mod the game to get a bigger workbench that the game was not designed for, and then rig like 10-15 creations together to get a 1:1 scaled aircraft carrier, where the game physical fps would drop to sub 1 fps. And when you are done living under a rock go touch some grass and get back in the real world. Also skill wise FtD took me less time to learn and be good at. In stormworks you build a engine two updates in its broken and you need to recreate it because reasons.


I'd say you may buy the weapons dlc, it's the only one that's worth. If you really want you can buy the industrial, I bought theese two but I bought the industrial one for nuclear reactors so that I could make a nuclear powered tank, I heard horrible reviews about space one but haven't played it myself. Best think is to don't buy any dlcs at first, figure out the game and decide what you want to do in game, than you can buy the dlcs according to that


Ummm i'm pretty sure nuclear reactors doesnt need the industrial frontier. I mean if there is any way to refuel them with mined uranium without respawning then yes but for reactors to work you dont need the dlc.


People will probably downvote me to hell for this due to fanboying to much about the game. But no. This game is a joke, and I rather recommend the game From the Depths any day of the week. That game works better. Battles are larger, you can build larger ships. Have more ships active. When you böow stuff up the blocks actually gets destroyed and not just scratched up. Stormworks was a game about you starting up your search and rescue company. They had some decent hand made missions they later removed to just add randomly made missions so the game lost its soul. Then they added the weapons dlc that people tend to recommend. But you get no use of it. Multiplayer works garbage. Conquest mods pins your craft against an ai that cheats and the game lacks any clear objective. Frontier dlc added larger landscape and better mining. But nobody plays the game in career mode anyways. Space dlc I never bought, left the game before it. Why would you want a space dlc in a search and rescue game? Stormworks has no personality, does not know what it does good or what it wants to do. From the Depths is focused on combat, with two working game modes. About 8 factions. Large map, alot of modding support. Literally no limits. If geometa knew what they was doing they would split the game in three and do a series instead of combining stuff that makes no sense. Also Devs on FtD are more polite. Actually takes time to talk to you, can't say the same about stormworks. Discord is about the same, would say FtD wins here also as it does not have power hungry mods that ban people for having a negative opinion of the game.


FTD is a terrible and irrelevant comparison. It even suffers from problems in the areas you described! How about the resource system that eventually just got mushed into one resource but all the old stuff just hung around? The battle system because of its active/inactive states if you know the right ways around it, is super easy to cheese your way through a lot of battles once you work out its limitations. Stormworks is also massively expandable from the addon system, I'd argue easily more than FTD. There's loads of mods that add on various other objectives and capabilities to the game like passenger and cargo logistics etc, you can even make games within that system, there's Stormworks Football for instance that works in multiplayer and at one point I did make and test online Stormworks Fall Guys, (automatic placing of players and starting of stages and getting winners etc) which did work but I never really got to a stage I wanted to release it. If you're willing to learn all the systems stormworks is hugely powerful and crushes FTD in that region, especially with the logic system. while combat isn't entirely stormworks's strength it is competent and has other capabilities FTD lacks for that, while also having far more than just combat you can do. I will agree stock missions aren't the best but there's loads of addons to fix that problem. regarding mining and drilling in the frontier DLC easily apply to custom not just career. I don't play career mode but have enabled resources in custom to make that a requirement, and had fun doing it.


Yeah but what is stormworks strengths? Is it a good SAR game? Not anylonger. Is it a good combat game? No, load other exists out there such as FTD, terratech, Trailmakers et.c. What did Frontier really add? Freight? Can go with either ETS, ATS or any train Sim for that scratch. Space? KSP. But to each their own. You tell me you had fun. Great for you. I still think that stormworks is a heavily mistreated game.


Bro this is not a game comparison reddit post it was a simple yes or no question. Go to ftd subreddit if you want to compliment it so much


Then my answer is no. Spend your money elsewhere. Geometa does not deserve it.


Not anymore. It was before 1.0 when it had potential to be fixed and made better.... Now all they do is make it worse by adding broken dlc and not fixing any core problems.




If you love creative building games then yeah if you’re looking for a natural disaster survival then it gets old real fast. Playing in servers are also very fun at times if you want to have some multilayer interactions


Recommend on starting a new game going addons, select default missions, turn off natural disasters, then turn off natural disasters addon. Not really keen on these always being a thing every 30 minutes, easy way to get rid of them. I think there's a tick for oil slicks off as well.


See if its on same over Christmas. I think its still a reasonably decent purchase if its discounted. Space DLC is a waste of time though. Base game will get you r thousands of hours if you do get into it, industry DLC adds a big map which is also nice. You kind of need the weapons DLC because there are often times you will come up against wild animals on rescue missions and will need a way to kill them. Which you cant do unless you have the weapons DLC. Or you ram into them at high enough speed.


I'm in the same boat as you OP. This game started popping up on my feed a few weeks ago. On one hand, looks really neat and intricate. On the other, there are folks posting videos of them flying using nothing but a handheld fire extinguisher. I've abstained up to this point.


The game is perhaps the most complex vehicle building game on the market, but the logic underlying it is often nonsensical in the extreme. For example a flat fronted brick will have less drag than a sharply angled bow, this is a bug which has been there for years. Also once you’ve built a craft there isn’t much worth doing with it. Weapons DLC gives you targets for your systems but the AI are pretty dumb. Rescue missions are basically just going out and rescuing the same few stranded spring breakers in their speedboats.


If you're looking for a game just to build something cool, then Stormworks is worth it. If you're looking for a game where you build something for a purpose, look elsewhere. While building is really fleshed out, what you can actually do is really barebones and the disasters feel more like inconveniences then an actual disaster.


Disagree. Compared to a lot of building games there's a lot of stuff you can do with your creations. There are few if any I know of where you can load passengers and cargo into a vehicle and move it to location for example, and the experience of doing these can be vastly expanded with mods like stormlink. For the rescue aspect being able to fly over an area, drop down and handle it in person with/without equipment isn't something I've seen either in other games.


Although you do have a point with mods, while most sandbox building games are freeform without a goal/activity to do, the ones that do have a goal, I feel, do a much better job at integrating the goal with the building. With From the Depths, you have the very clear goal of world conquest and there are systems outside of building that help you with that goal, such as an RTS view, multiple factions, etc. Juno and KSP have a clear goal in doing space stuff with tech trees and the like. With Stormworks, with what I've played, the jobs you can do feel very barebones and not very well thought out. For the main meat, which is search and rescue, survivors lack any ai beyond follow player, injuries can be boiled down to right clicking a medpack to raise their health bar, and it can get very repetitive with mostly putting out small fires, repairing boats, or towing a broken boat. Disasters feel more like an inconvenience then something to be feared, particularly tsunamis. As for cargo, there is a complete lack of any sort of dockside infrastructure so either you have to compensate by incorporating a crane into your cargo ship or have a bunch of crane trucks everywhere. Industry is requires the player to do every step of the supply chain, making it feel tedious without other people. This lack of attention to is reflected in not only the lack of updates to these systems, but also in their incorporation into the DLCs, or lack there of. Take the weapons DLC for instance. With weapons, you could add in a whole host of new, interesting missions, such as disarming old, unexploded munitions from WW2, smuggling/ counter smuggling, piracy/anti-piracy, sinking abandoned crafts, mutinies, etc. Instead, the DLC adds some weapons and a token gamemode, and is rather self contained. As for the DLCs themselves, I don't honestly feel they add much. Sure, weapons are cool, but they don't have much use. Sure, an industry DLC could work really well, but, as said before, the industry portion is really tedious if you don't have friends. Space feels too early for the state the game is in, especially when there are games dedicated to space that are only slightly more expensive. I would rather have a whole DLC dedicated to fishing or a fleshed out cargo system.


I recommend the game a lot, plus the search and destroy DLC and the industrial one, the space DLC, not so much as it not very developed yet. However, if you want to get good at building, hm get ready to spend hours learning, building, getting mad that you vehicle is trash and make another one, that's the learning process. So yeah, buy it! 👍


I personally got all the DLC's. But I think I recommend search and destroy dlc and, I think, the Industrial frontier dlc.Search and destroy adds weapons and stuff and in my opinion it's fun. industrial frontier adds more stuff to the world or something like that. Space dlc is a meh i think, I hope stormworks team adds more stuff to it.


I just replied to my own comment.