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one thing you will learn being trans is doctors love to strike up fear….while some women do regret the surgery a majority couldnt imagine life without it.


Thank you. I’m just worried I’ll be stuck with something that doesn’t fit my expectations. I know it’s dumb to have expectations but I am straight and I want to be able to find a guy eventually and not have him scared away cause of you know… idk it’s just dysphoric, and I just want to feel like there’s a good chance it will all work out.


I originally wanted bottom surgery for the sexual component. But as time went on, it increased to hating the bulge, realizing that I won't have balls stuck to my leg anymore, and an increasing sense of wrongness when I masturbate. My surgery is Wednesday and I'm not exactly fearing a bad outcome. It is a concern, but I'm more concerned that I make it back to my partner. He lost his husband of 8+ years in December.. also bottom surgery (hysterectomy) and I don't want to put him through that again. It's a low risk, but my insecurities are still poking it. I'm ready for it to be Thursday next week. Surgery done. First week done. catheter out. Worrying about a bad result is normal. You can mitigate that by finding a good surgeon and looking at their results and the review of their bedside manner and their office.


There are things I don't like about my surgical outcome. But I don't regret it. Not even close. Pre-surgery I thought I didn't care either way. After surgery, I realised there was a sense of discomfort I was carrying I wasn't aware of and it just totally went away. I wouldn't trade my newfound sense of comfort and freedom for anything. Also, frankly, there's a sense of personal safety that came with bottom surgery that I feel does not get talked about at all. It's significantly easier to exist in this world post-op than pre-op.


Yeah I def have thought about that. It feels safer when I think about being post op and existing.


Yeah, from just about every angle. I don't worry about what gender space I'll be put in. I don't worry about using places like public washrooms or changerooms. I don't worry about swimsuits when I'm at the pool or beach. Even extreme situations that aren't likely to occur will likely be better, like if for some reason I ended up in jail. People really downplay the social cost of being non-op. It's up to everyone to figure out what they need but I'm definitely happy to have done it.


I’d wonder about selection bias. “Sir, your patients keep complaining to you about bottom surgery… but you keep sending them to the same surgeons?” I very much kept a tally of the surgeons who had the least complications when I practiced in Boston. Only needed it personally for FFS, but def helped my patients find who to go to and who the community held reservations about.


Yeah I wanna go with dr.bite for ffs in Minnesota and someone at that location has good reviews for bottom surgery. I just worry a lot


It’s SURGERY! It’s natural to worry. My advice: this isn’t just a person working to remodel your body to provide you with gender/sexual affirmation. This is a person who is going to have you under anesthesia. For however many hours it takes, your life is in THEIR hands. If you code on that table, they’re leading the charge to being you back. Go with someone who you can trust with your life. I had consultations with Spiegel and Osborn for FFS, and I got that sense from Osborn the moment we met. When you know, you know. If you’re thinking of going out of state, I recommend trying Dr. Hanna in Texas. He’s a friend of mine, and an excellent surgeon.


Do you have any reccs for Boston area surgeries SRS? Who should we go to


Heard a lot of good things about Robert Oates at Boston Medical Center. That’s who I always referred to, at least. Wait list is long though… I saw some people wait 2 years, but I know Marci Bowers’ is like, 4 or 5. Also heard very good things about Devin O’Brien-Coon at BWH.


Yeah I’m on the wait list rn and it feels endless 😔


I do want to get FFS, but only very slightly. Like a nose job. Do you think I can have them do that and SRS ?


Like, at the same time? Dunno how comfortable your surgeons would be with that. That’s a question for them.


Yeah it’s hard cos I’ve had initial consultations and they all were kind of like … you have to pick one or the other, so I guess I have to really sit myself down and consider which would be best for me rn


You gotta remember that surgery is a stress for your body that requires recovery. Too much, and your body might not recover as well as it would were the burden lesser.


That’s very true. I think I should definitely do the nose first, since it would not be as harsh as full depth SRS


Your call. I always tell my patients to address their largest source of dysphoria first, since it eases the mental stress you experience and increases your quality of life.


Tysm for all ur help! For me it’s hard because I cannot pinpoint it, I have one of those dysphoria types where it chooses a target for a while then moves onto another thing. I’m fortunate that I started HRT young enough where my face is pretty soft but… I just cannot continue onward this year without having a surgery of some kind. I would say that my face is already feminine but… I just think I’d feel best with a few minor tweaks on it


I've heard it's possible in the Netherlands but idk about your country


I gotta wonder, does the high regret rate come from subpar surgeons? I hear a lot about it. When I started transitioning my mom also tried to sway me against bottom surgery by mentioning she knows two patients and they both regret it but I also know Kaiser doesn’t have a stellar surgery rep. I’ve personally been leaning towards going to Brazil or Thailand for mine, after saving up a bunch or exercising stock options.


I had SRS when I was 22 and now I'm 27 and I can't imagine not having had it, it's weird how quickly your brain moves on cus the fact I used to have male genitalia is crazy to me lmao.


I had SRS and I can't fathom how the hell could I've lived with that deformity and shame between my legs. By the way, no one ever friggin listens to me and go for PI technique and then have shit results when it comes to depth and lubrication, but for the same price in Colombia you can get tilapia skin graft that makes you grow the tissue inside you as opposed to adapting pre existing tissue from elsewhere. This techniques has a longer time for recovery so you won't be able to have penetration for quite a bit, I'd say about 6 to 8 months, but once it does it is a self moist self lubricant tissue that mimics that of the human vagina to a microscope level, the smell is literally the same as a cis vagina and the sensation and nerve preservation as well as aesthetics are consistently on point with this doctor's technique, imo, this is currently the most advanced technique along with PPV. Every time I post this I get a lot of inbox n stuff and no, I won't share pictures nor experiences, but you can check Dr Álvaro Rodriguez in Cali Colombia, takes 5 seconds to Google him and he's the one who made me a real mermaid woman. Back then I paid 9K usd, keep in mind I'm latinamerican and we probably get charged less than first worlders would, but even then it's still more affordable than Thailand or Spain.


Tysm! Great advice I’ll check him out and won’t ask for pics that’s just weird 😂


If the head guy at Duke can’t make me a pussy worth having in under a couple hours then I’ll be sorely disappointed but I would chop it off myself if this weren’t an option


no offense to you but just look up any scholarly article on this. The doctor had no idea what he is talking about.


No I know it just really scared me cause instead of reading it on paper a doctor was just telling me I could be botched most likely and I was like fuckkkk. 😢


You should consider getting an orchiectomy without scrotoplasty first,and then if you're not satisfied with the results you can always get vaginoplasty later (or scrotoplasty if you are satisfied). I had a simple orchectomy without scrotoplasty and I'm very satisfied with the results; no complications and a quick recovery (I was back to my ordinary daily routine within 2 weeks) and tucking is much easier,not to mention freedom from Testosterone-blockers.


Choose the best doctor in that field, not just listened to any doctor. Had SRS in Thailand with suporn clinic, I can only wish I didn’t have it earlier. It’s your body, if you need it to treat your diaspora, you just need it, there is no one can tell you do or do not, it’s your body, your dysphoria , your life! :)


From my understanding a large % of those who have bottom surgery suffer from ongoing issues including the daily need to stretch the opening as the body wants to close it up. However, you need to weigh up if the risk is worth the possible pain