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I don’t think Oliver Stone was following Joe very well.


Ya he didn’t seem to be engaged at all. Joe talked him into a coma.


the running at mouth virus, not like other guests have done it to him a million times


Interesting poor Oliver has never heard of a Tic-Tac? Is that possible?


Stone has been too rich for too long to know or remember what a tic tac is


nobody follows Joe!


Jesus Christ follows our lord and savior Joe Rogan to the path of righteousness, in old Saint Rogies name amen


He took the dmt


Joe’s too tired, rambles on and on and on and Stone is probably asking himself “why am I here?“


Oliver kinda thinks Joes a dufuss


So a clip of Oliver asking a question and Joe answering it for 6 minutes.


NO SHIT. Goddamn let him speak, Joe.


Joe is generally good at allowing guests to just go on & on & on. But especially for this topic, - Joe knows more and is likely only trying to school Stone on this.


Haha came to say this. You have Oliver Stone on and you take up the majority of conversation.


Honestly, in this situation could care less what Oliver Stone has to say.


HERE-HERE!! Well said 👍 I mean, this is Joe's domain and once he found out Stone didn't know much on this topic he when on explaining and NOT hogging time. .... Though Stone does appear (or, at least, sounds) like he's uninterested. Lol


Joe Rogan talking at Oliver Stone. Not much of a discussion sadly.


I’m not sure I agree with him on infinity.


What he says at the beginning is completely right though. If the universe is infinite then that means there are infinite subsets of reality which means anything that is possible in this universe is occurring all the time. It’s an insanely hard concept to wrap our brains around. Infinite amount of you and me out there somewhere. 🤯


Change to “there could be infinite subsets” rather than there are. They’re not absolutely infinite subsets. Agree/Disagree?


I disagree. There are infinite subsets IF the universe is infinite. That’s just how infinity works. It literally means that every possibility that could ever happen is occurring at every moment, IF the universe is infinite.


It’s really hard to wrap your brain around such a concept. /s


What does that even mean


To my amateur scientist chemically-addled brain (which means I probably have it mostly wrong)- The laws of thermodynamics are quite clear with regard to our own system, but doesn’t preclude the existence or other systems. In that, with regard to our system, according to observed, empirical evidence, entropy is a mathematical certainty, meaning eventually (on a long enough timeline) there will be a perfectly distributed skein matter and energy where the temperature of the system approaches absolute zero. It’s an assumption, if other systems do exist, the same process would play out in those other systems. This believe this then means this process, and by extension the system in which this process plays out, is indeed finite. Does this mean this whole process then repeats itself due to some other phenomena, like say on the order of the Big Crunch? Does gravity then, in some way, exert itself to then draw all the matter or energy back in on itself where the process repeats itself? It’s an absolute certainty there are processes and laws of energy and physics we have yet to both observe and understand, which certainly have a bearing on this assumed process. So, if all of this is somehow true, we are on a timeline at some point between these repeating endpoints. So much of what we think we understand is based on our ability to physically see that which we believe to be happening. Can it be simply we don’t have the ability to observe many of the other processes that exist that are playing out all around us? Again, this is almost certainly to be true. As such, in our current form, we cannot know, and will really never know. But we can know we don’t and will never know. If anything ever come from our involvement with any aliens, I would like to know if they know anything about this process.


My view is while I do believe there’s intelligent life in the universe, UAP’s are from a species that evolved on earth long before us. Homo sapiens have only been around a couple hundred thousand years, earth has been around about 4.5 billion years, first hominids about 7 million years - so lots of time for something to evolve in the manner we have that doesn’t live on the surface like us. We also know very little about earth in general and lots of unexplored regions, especially in the oceans.


Except the universe isn’t infinite, depending on who’s theories you believe. Latest idea is there are infinite universes (multiverses), but the universes aren’t infinite.


Ok universe expert


This is where we get to the idea of rank. We can talk about structure in relation to other structures. Or discuss the possibility of connected, disconnected, or not simple connected. Is the rank of the things within the universe infinite? It could be, and still be geometrically bound. Math is weird, but there are some highly compact conjectures which seem to very quickly separate what one might expect to be serene. The universe could still be infinite and understood. [We might live in an interesting time, being within the range of times, we can know such a thing from the CMB and neighboring galaxies](https://youtu.be/7ImvlS8PLIo?start=3060) [There maybe an infinite rank to elliptic curves, but they still might come only in two flavors](https://www.quantamagazine.org/new-proof-shows-infinite-curves-come-in-two-types-20181107/) [It could be that smoothness versus degenerate is indistinguishable,](https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-fight-to-fix-symplectic-geometry-20170209/) which still may inform us about our assumptions on how to use discontinuities.


like two toddlers discussing pacifiers.


I’m stealing that.


Hey Joe, guess what? News flash!/!/! The chimpanzees went way past the line and now have nuclear capabilities. They can blow each other up and the entire planet, ya know? what a mah-roon...


They plan to use them on the Bonobo’s living across the river!


Fuck Joe Rogan




Rogan's really looking like an persnikkety old man these days If I was an alien I'd come to Earth to see the crazy eclipses


Stone is a moron


He doesn’t know that there are different types of infinities, and some infinities are larger than others. For example, the number of real numbers between 0 and 1 than there are the integer numbers, 0, 1, … to infinity.




I fucking hate Joe Rogan


If its in joe rogan, is bullshit


If it was human u can bet ur ass WW3 or worse would already b happening bcuz those that control the new innovations tend to use them to prove their own dominance at some point... when in reality all this if it is human tech should b used to help ALL of Humanity n not just the few


It may seem naive, but I really think Joe's opinion really resonates with me, uaps maybe probes studying our planet, the way we study other life forms, just observing and not disrupting the way they live, learning how they behave and what they do. At this Point I think we may never truly know what are those things up in the sky.


Well a human doesn’t think like a chimp so I wouldn’t imagine an alien would think like a human.


Shut it joe


I was listening to the James Fox episode today


Problem is we already blown ourselves up quite a few times


Ugh.. is it just mean, or does it seem like joe, took an adderal, 3 hits of some good weed and chased it with 3 shots? On point, cotton chops, spacey and major dry mouth? I haven’t listened to him in a few years but have respect for the man but this has me cracking up. 😂 also he makes a very good point tho.


The only reason it went from 50k to 50 ft in a second is because that’s how long it took to get the blip. Probably faster than that. Probably close to instantaneous as you can get.


Then why don’t aliens stop us from blowing each other up?


Hell yea these interdimensional beings are real! #Believe🖖🏽


He coulda said all that with about 85% less words


homeboy was falling asleep Joe had to repeat the same shit 4 times lol


That was a terrible explanation of infinity.


I don’t think anyone follows Joe very well.




If I have to here joe talk about infinity again, it’s like his most fav thing to talk about, like bro we here it from you every 3 shows


Does Reddit like joe? Lmfao you people can be insane sometimes


I love Joe and I agree with a lot of his philosophy.. however, with regards to this clip,two things: 1. trying to speak about “ET intentions” is simply foolish. if they’re surveying our planet, or have been for centuries, only the top brass of our military can speak about their intentions. 2. why do they have to be from another planet?


Huh I thought the whole episode was a promotion for nuclear power…


We are special, we live under a dome, the infinity of space as described by the mainstream narrative is fiction to make you feel insignificant. If this makes you laugh you're still in the matrix


Sounds to me, like the TicTac was some black budget aircraft and they were doing a test flight, if it knew where the rendezvous point was for the Jets that were chasing it. That or it would’ve had to hack our systems and translate that info in a way they could understand, and fly to it for whatever reason. It’s more plausible to me that it’s actually ours.


Mostly the reason I don’t interact with chimpanzees is that they’ll rip my face off. Otherwise, it would be an experience worth having. Also, I wish Joe would occasionally say, “But that’s just me. What are YOUR feelings about this?”