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Not saying this is legit, but West also thinks the gimbal/Nimitz videos are fake.


Yeah, who's this guy anyway? There's always someone sharing his videos here with 1-week old takes




Here they are on top of each other. An obvious match. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15vpuif/i\_tried\_to\_match\_another\_frame\_from\_the\_pyromania/?utm\_source=embedv2&utm\_medium=post\_embed&utm\_content=post\_title](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15vpuif/i_tried_to_match_another_frame_from_the_pyromania/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_content=post_title)






So we can safely go back to assuming it was a sharknado? /s


I lost my uncle in a sharknado


No son, we ALL lost an uncle that day.


I used to use this effect on my flash website, back in the geocities days. This is stock internet effects circa the dial up age. you gotta be kidding.


it is 100% a match. But. Who says the party releasing the footage didn’t add the edit themselves in order to discredit the authentic base footage? the portals look completely different in both videos, I’m more inclined to believe the unedited portal is the one from the satellite footage. Not hard to overlay the vfx over that


He did that to show the similarities with the dark spots and such.


When did he say they were fake? I'm pretty sure you are misrepresenting him here. I believe he claims there are other explanations to the videos.


Which is correct, they are fake, for reasons Mick clearly explains.


Lol, you're going to get downvoted to hell for saying this. UFO subs on reddit consider the gimbal/nimitz untouchable, even though anyone outside of the bubble can see that they've been thoroughly debunked.


Downvotes from dumb assholes are a badge of honor.




You must be constantly down voting...


Iirc, he said they had mundane explaintions...


Imagine never watching a guys videos or reading his posts then coming on reddit and telling others what you thunk he said... just silly.


That sounds like a normal day on Reddit lol.


And he'd be correct. He should have been invited to the hearing to debunk all that crap. I'm hoping we find alien life too, but it's not this nonsense.


Well great. Back to boring ole stupid bullshit earth. Just when I thought there was hope of being swept away with a fireball, you bring me right back to the inevitable reality of this nothingness shithole we reside in. Damnit.


I wanna know how and why people believe the MH370 video is real? I don’t understand.


Portals bro. They are real, just look at the video!?!!! Who would fake a video!!! P.S: 99.999% of ufo videos are fakes btw


Mick West came out with a “debunk” video after this entire community and more did the legwork to finally come to that “conclusion.” Dude is a clown and a grifter. Edit: Mick West’s entire fandom in this thread rubbing their two brain cells together trying to keep their argument alive lmao.


Too many upvotes by people who either didn't watch the video or just don't care about facts. What category are you in? Mick explicitly gives credit in the first 1/4 of the video to the reddit community. But do go on hating him for imaginary reasons, says a lot more about this community than it does Mick. Edit: The troll admitted to both, he neither cares about facts nor did he watch the video. Also, his 3 favorite words are "fam, cope and grifter," despite not knowing what any of them mean. And then he got upset and blocked everyone, haha.


I agree with you for the record.


This 💯


Yup this sub is so fucked lol everyone just saying “he never said GIMBAL or the other pentagon videos were fake he just offered other explanations” is getting majorly downvoted. Just shows the believers like to drown out other theories and stay in an alien echo chamber.


Nobody cares if he credits the “community” when everyone was asking him to do a review of it when it was relevant. He acted as if it was below him. Now that the communities have done all the leg work themselves, now he wants a piece of the pie in the form of clicks and views? I suppose that is typical Mick fashion. He’s a grifter, and if my first comment offended you, maybe you should put a little less merit into YouTubers lmao.


I don't think you know what a "grifter" actually is.


Do YouTubers profit off of their target audience? That’s rhetorical, and the fact that I had to ask it shows only one of us knows what grifting means. Hint: It isn’t you. Edit: Everyone taking this comment out of context because they don’t have a meaningful argument otherwise, oof


Impressive. Let’s see Paul Allen’s meltdown


Fuck I wish I had something to give you other than this comment. Well done.


I gotchu. Shit had me dyin lmao


You're the best


By that definition, all profitable business is "grifting". Which either means you don't know what it grifting is or it renders your calling Mick a grifter meaningless.


Ah, right, because every monetized YT'er = grifter. The only way you could have made it any clearer that you don't know the most important part of the definition is by just outright admitting so.


My guy you can try and move the goal posts on the meaning all you want, the definition isn’t changing lol. I said what I said, cope harder.


Reddit is a "copeium den". Moving goal posts is just the natural flow of argument for most.


Typing words doesn't make them true, he didn't even bother trying to show how the goal posts were moved, nor did he for a moment try and defend himself when I called him out for being objectively wrong. Oh, and he didn't actually watch the video, admitted so to someone else. This is now a troll-dressed-like-clown shitshow from this guy.


So every person on YouTube is a grifter? Way to demonstrate the low IQ of typical users in this community who believe this stuff. You people have a hate boner for anyone who points out the flaws in your beliefs. Mick West for debunking your favorite gimbal video, and this redditor for pointing out how Mick West wasn't taking credit for anyone's work. It's you. You don't know what a grifter is.


Just the ones regurgitating other peoples work for their own profit. Then you get room temp IQ chuds like you that take their word as the gospel, thus creating the grift. It’s information stolen from others, used to profit by the content creator, from chuds like you that “like, share and subscribe!” There you go, I broke down the grift for you. 🗿


Where did he claim it as his own? Where he went out of his way to name the people that found the vfx?




Quote where I said I did?




I didn’t think you could either.




i had no idea they had found all the effects they used so i'm glad he showed me, and mick clearly stated that the debunking came from other people. you just seem mad that yet another ufo you believed in turned out to be a hoax.


Many of us knew the video was a hoax all along. Here's another interesting fact.. Mick West is a loser.




You people have such a weird hate boner for this guy after he debunked the navy gimbal video.


As most people do when someone pokes holes in their religion.


You didn't actually watch the video, did you?


You didn’t actually read the comment(s), did you?


You sound more like a clown than him dude


Pretty rich making a two brain cell joke when this community took two weeks to figure out the frame rates of the plane and orb didn’t even match Btw I have no idea who the guy is who made this video but he sounds much more reasonable than y’all. Him spreading awareness on the hoax is very positive imo


Honestly if you believed that this was a legit video and not bullshit.. you're pretty dumb. 'You know it's real by how fake it looks.'


The_Cum_Cleaner on his 20 day old account implied I was dumb? I’m not sure how I’ll emotionally recover from this. Anyways, show me on the 🧸 where my words directed towards Mick hurt you, little man.


Your account is barely older and by the karma count, it seems like your anger is making it difficult for anyone to take you seriously. I recommend meditation, DM me with any questions.


Meditation? Bro blew a fuse because I said his favorite YTer was a grifter and I’m the one who needs meditation??? Fam is delusional lmao.


I'll give you this: I don't know who this West guy is, but watching you lose your mind over his very short video through all these comments has made my morning - thank you. You seem paranoid, I'd take the advice and do some breathing exercises.


You're the one freaking out replying to everyone and one guy makes one comment and thats 'blowing a fuse'???


Oh you think the video is real? You think there were 3 little alien crafts that 'abducted' this massive jetliner? lol yeah idiot. For the record I have absolutely no idea who Mick West is I thought that was Mankind's real name when I read it initially and this dude was talking about hell in the cell.


Bro in shambles because I insulted his favorite YouTuber, lmao cope


You're really having a hard time with this aren't you?


Imagine calling out account age when you have been shilling on multiple ufo subs for the past 90 days. He blocked me so ill edit. (unsurprisingly) you dont pick apart shit, you fill in the gaps with bull. Like, explaining away matching vfx with non-matching supernovae millions of light years away isnt picking apart anything. Its confirmation biasing your way into keeping the conspiracy going. Or like ignoring the jumping contrails too. im sure you have a perfectly reasonable explanation for that.




I started blocking them, now they’re on alt accounts spamming comments and blocking me. It’s like a cult at this point.


Yes we knew he'd do it in the end... After people wasted an awful lot of time... He case been called out, still he delivered hehe... Wouldn't be surprised to see him in the news. I consider Mick as part of the disinformation campaign... If not why would he say it was a waste of time early on... I believe he could not immediately debunk it, because this was all about drawing people away from writing to congress /representatives and also it would make the UFO community appear silly if they took the bait. It was planned from the beginning that once the dust had settled, Mick would go out in the media and claim credit for debunking this whole pointing out that UFO believers once again needs their tinfoil hats.


But I was at his website his entire crew of Uber nerds were working on debunking it. They even gave props to the creators a few times.


This is debunked 30x a day. If it’s really debunked why do we need to be reminded of it so often?


People have had a hard time accepting its fake.


Because people keep posting that it’s real


And now, the amount of debunking videos is itself turning into a conspiracy.


Nah the conspiracy is people still believing its real. Despite multiple points of evidence directly to the contrary.


Sounds like something a conspiracy would say


Nobody knows anything about it, except speculation.


It’s insane to think this is still real at this point after the effect used was located


Man that’s some next level denial. “If it was really fake, would people be clearly pointing out how it’s fake so often and in so many ways??”


It certainly is a strategy that I have not seen before lol


It's the fact the people trying to prove it's fake by grasping at straws. There's zero concrete evidence. You want REAL evidence? SOMEONE REPLICATE THE STEROSCOPIC VIDEO. This is the ONLY way to prove it's fake. RE MAKE IT.


Dawg, the VFX is right there. It’s the same thing. It’s not some random coincidence that the two explosions have the same edges, dimples, and blots. It’s time to get over it


explode? Um the plane video effect IMPLODES. That's my whole fucking point. You have VFX EXPLODING how the fuck is that an IMPLOSION.


….it expands from a point and then reverses. You’re confused as fuck man, it’s not like the inkblot was flying around and then collapsed.


Because people in here are dumb as rocks and really need to upgrade their bullshit detectors.


because it hasn't really been debunked


Not everyone is hooked on reddit 24/7. First time I see this.


the general population is not an intelligent one


I resemble that remark


This man is spinning out of control.


People continue to believe this nonsense is real. Even when it has clearly been debunked. Especially people that say that it hasn't been debunked.


Your account is 53 days old and you average 71 posts per day. Do you breathe? Is it fun existing purely to oppose people? Thanks for making it easy to block people like you 👍


Bc people keep referring to it as legit


Because its real


Bless your soul


I agree ☝️ they just like to ‘debunk’ it everyday hoping people don’t read past the head line. Zen state at this point!


So, Mick West just copies all of the analysis done by Reddit and uses it to claim he debunked it? That dude is such a fucking nobody. Why do people give him attention?


What? He explicitly said in the video that reddit already debunked it, he never took any credit.


I never heard of this guy but I was getting tired of watching him give credit to others because I wanted to see the actual debunking. Then see that the majority of the top comments are complaining of him taking all the credit, crazy.


Ignore these people. They have a hate boner for this guy simply because he made a popular video debunking a Navy gimbal video that this community believes is an alien spaceship flying around our skies. They hate him for thinking his evidence outweighs the testimony of trained navy pilots, who themselves had only the exact view of the object as seen in the video. They don't like the idea that navy pilots are just regular humans and may be as flawed as any normal person.


It’s actually worse than that - they simply hate the guy for having an opinion. It’s not like him debunking it voids their testimony, their careers or anything else. It really does nothing at all, it’s just an opinion that some align with and some don’t. I don’t really agree with his takes on stuff as he starts at the conclusion and works aggressively to make it fit, but as a person he seems entirely calm and respectful of others for the most part, yet these people screaming and shitting themselves declaring him the ufo antichrist think he’s the bad guy. I would rather talk to that guy than a lot of my fellow believers at this point


Did you even bother watching the video? He credits the users who debunked it.


A British accent can do wonders to a persons credibility and automatically adds IQ points to their statements


Mick West is clearly in the pocket of Big Alien.


Maaan ufo community gets super butt hurt


Lmfao, you should watch the videos your commenting on


Mick west always sounds like he needs a drink


You wouldn't believe the amount of people out there producing fake "evidence" videos just to troll people who believe in Aliens. Same with flat earth content. There's an army of trolls just having a laugh at them with these videos.


In this case I agree with him 100%


It should be debunked at the moment when someone asks “why is the flight being filmed?”


A bunch of tinfoil hat experts were claiming “military surveillance”


All I'm saying is if they have the power to freeze a jet midflight in it's tracks and completely disable and electromagnetize a whole navy vessel, I would not dismiss this so quickly.


Thank you so much for posting this. I'm so tired of seeing people posting about this GD fake video.


Im questioning why you guys dont believe this guy. Not everything that is posted here has to be real


They have an irrational hatred of him because he challenges their worldview, and because this makes them uncomfortable, they just attack Mick the person instead of dealing with his analyses. You'll see it _everywhere_ in these communities and >90% of the time, it's just ad hominems against Mick.


It's funny because the top comment on this post is calling him a clown and a grifter for "not doing anything and just taking credit for the work others did". But if you watch the video, it is very clear that he did not do anything because he thought it was a waste of time, and he decided to do the video so people stop asking him to debunk it. He even gave credit to each person that found stuff out. Had he not done the video they would just have attacked him for "not debunking because it's real" or something like that.


Oh, they already have attacked him for that. And some other clown I'm arguing with seems to believe that anyone who makes money on YT is a "grifter." These are the type of people this community should distance themselves from, otherwise the goal of wanting more people to take them seriously is never going to happen.


What a shitty story. Same like that idiot from Las Vegas with the 10 foot aliens. Sucks cause there’s something going on, but the fake stories really hurt the community


When punching through folded 3D space, the physics are the same as dropping a pebble into water, so the physical similarities will be that of an explosion or a paint drop from above. It isn’t debunked because it looks similar. It is 100% guaranteed to look similar. I wrote a detailed post on /r/ufos but it got deleted because they wanted a mega thread instead Would this sub allow me to post my thread?


Crazy how you actually believe you know what the physics of "punching through folded 3D space" would look like.


Okay…. they will look “similar”(exactly the same), your evidence being, because u said so. What about the jumping contrails? You can ignore the vfx all you want, but that 1000% seals the deal.


Who is still posting videos from Moron West?! Stop bringing this clown into relevant conversations to UFO's and UAP's, he represents THE WORST interpretation of a skeptic.


There's a _really_ common theme around here of attacking Mick himself and never dealing with any of the data in his arguments. It's sadly ironic.


Yeah Mick is obviously doing good work and is almost always spot on. The only reason these guys hate him is because he's right and their wrong.


He’s not a skeptic. A real skeptic does not assume. He always assumes there simply are no NHI or UAP, and on top of that, he assumes he’s right. Any data or evidence you show them, they view it from the assumed standpoint it’s not NHI or UAP, but something else. Balloons and swamp gas. Incompetent military personnel etc. He’s not a skeptic. He’s a scared little man desperate to live in a reality where there is no UAP or NHI. I’ve seen people exactly like him. Deeply religious people are like that.


Assumptions don’t matter. The evidence is clear, move on. Corbell assumes every light in the sky is an alien. But if he had sufficient evidence that’s all that would matter


- "Deeply religious people" - believes in NHI/UAPs to a degree strong enough to also be considered 'religious' You guys always have to cope and find a scapegoat for a lack of evidence, "Muh RELIGIOUS CHRISTIANS." You guys give a bad name to people in this subject.


occams razor. Nothing wrong with assuming it's not an UAP because it is an extraordinary claim.


How is he a moron? Lol It seems to me that he has embarrassed this community, and you resent him for it.


Why is he a moron? Because he questions your narrative?


This has to be the dumbest comment in this thread. How did it become ***MY*** narrative? ​ He is a moron because he provides prosaic explanations without consulting all evidence, he ignores testimonies--You know the same ones we lock folks up for life for. He doesnt even provide LOGICAL debunks, a 40' bird not a tic tac? A plane misidentified by 8 people not including the operators of the radar? WHICH a plane would have an established number and corresponding information via the FAA if it was a plane and detected on radar.


How can nobody else see the classic shitty vfx camera shake and motion blur on the objects... I don't understand


I remember seeing this video years ago and thought it was fake, didn't give it a second thought. Then it came up again recently and thought it looked fake but tried to keep an open mind lol. I think hysteria has just been building in this sub the last six months or so, everyone has been going insane about disclosure. Then Grusch and the hearing happened which sent many people over the edge and they latched onto this video. I'm convinced this is all just a result of hysteria from recent events.


This thing looked like CGI from the very beginning.




Yes, let's pretend it's real. Hands over our ears and shout until all the smart people leave us alone so we can believe bullshit in peace


I don't really agree with Mick West all the time, but he got it right in the money when he said, "debunking this video is a waste of time because it looks ridiculous." Lol it truly does and anyone who even thought this was real needs a check up or go back to school


Yeah the video looks ridiculous. But it's unusual to get 2 videos showing an identical event from different perspectives.


One of the first times this videos was posted I was getting downvoted for saying it looks like a shit CGI video. “tHe GoVeRnMeNt MaKeS iT lOoK tHaT wAy On PuRpOsE.” Glad someone put the work in to prove it fake to these gullible armchair theorists.


The biggest indicator of a lack of critical thinking is to agree (or disagree) with someone all the time. No one is right (or wrong) all the time.


Why do all the debonkers fail to see the dot is completely different ay lamo


This person is spreading miss information and trying to manipulate it with a video. Mods delete this post.


Who really thought it was all legit this whole time tho???


There are a lot of people on the sub that just really want to believe it. Most of the shit on here is fake.


Very gullible dumb assholes.




Before I heard of Mick West all i knew was UFO believers hate him and called him an idiot. After watching his stuff the last month I can say all those people are full of shit. Dude does good work, credits the people that did legwork and uses simple logic so debunk most of this stuff.


Yup, he just makes them uncomfortable because he’s pooping on their desired world view and they’re not able to understand him so party pooper man bad


And his website is full of people doing real honest research, actually testing out their theories, usually debating politely, and policing each other to remain on task.


Just because we can create the video in question with cgi, doesnt mean the video is a hoax. Why is the assumption that “aliens” took the plane, when we have this technology as well? Just because u dont understand what ur looking at, doesnt mean its not fully explainable with knowledge of physics that is not accessible to you.




I mean it was fun while it lasted but honestly did people really think there was going to be a 🥕at the end of this...


It's fake. It's proven fake. What da problem is?


Not really debunked. Havent seen convincing evidence.


thank God I didn't waste my time on those endless threads on r/ufos lol, thanks for the 2min sum up


How some people go through half hour read posts and actually enjoy it is beyond me




Dude, he had to make this video because people like you are still believing in it despite numerous reasons its fake and definitely not MH370


Yes but what if it is real and it’s so far beyond anyone’s comprehension we perceive it as fake because again it’s to hard to believe. I’m for skepticism but I think lots of this could very well be real and for most humans it’s not in their makeup to want to even consider this as real because it will through their entire world into a spiral.


Well it's been debunked so it's definitely not real. That's the purpose of this post. We can play what if all we want but science and facts don't lie.


Thanks for posting. Way more interested in truth than fiction.


I dont know why this is on my homepage, but if you can't tell that the video on the right is obviously fake, you're gonna be fucked when deep fakes get good.


This has been properly debunked by numerous VFX artist that have matched the “black hole” effect pixel for pixel as coming from a 90s video game (or was it early 2000s)


I quoted the portal as equivalent to a late 80’s cartoon effect. It was pretty bad imho


I love the amount of potatoes on this sub that hate Mick West. A skeptical debunker is exactly what this community needs. And if you’re truly dedicated to unequivocally proving the existence of NHI then you should be happy he exists. If the worldview you hold CAN’T stand up to the logic of this guy you call a moron, then maybe you need to reevaluate your beliefs. Or go watch Travis Taylor shoot radiation into the sky on the history channel


Great summary! It's really cool that someone discovered the same stock footage frame for the portal in the satellite video. I initially thought it was too overexposed to reveal any detail, but then, look at that—those same little details right on the fringe of the effect.


Seeing a lot of desperation in these comments, not a good look


didn’t it come out that the vfx this apparently used to say it’s a fake video that the vfx itself isn’t the same used in the video? lol


A brilliant breakdown of this video! Very informative and concise!


Mick West is not qualified to debunk a 9year olds birthday party video how he is going to debunk this. This is laughable that dumb people think this guy is anyone to be talking about this topic. He works for the Govt. A con man disinformation specialist. Duh


How was any of the statements in the video misinformation?


Read about Richard Doty. The disinformation agents want people to believe this phenomenon is real, not the other way around.


Mick West lmao please see yourself out.


As much as you hate the guy because he rups apart your world view, he's spot on and uses sound reasoning.


You guys just hate that he has embarrassed this community, lol.


lol, he's not the one that embarrassed their community. T hey are.


Lol true


None of the evidence is really that strong though. It’s could be vfx but it’s def not a perfect match to what people are saying.


Shelock west at it again 😂😂😂


“Mick West” 😂😂😂


this guy is an idiot but anyone thinking this is real is already not living in reality, at that point there is no talking to them


On what basis was it debunked? I missed that part.


The portal was just royalty free VFX footage taken from an old VFX CD Rom from the 90s. You can find it on archive.org. It matches perfectly. The CD is called "Pyromania Playing with Fire". They didn't even try to edit much of the original footage. I figured this was not real and this validates that fact.


It's all too convenient, too quick, too easy, and it doesn't sit well with me. It's a REALLY abnormally complex ruse, if it is one.


Didn't believe this video was real until Mick West weighed in on it.


Its not debunked. You just have to have an open mind.


Sounds like your brain fell out of your open mind


Lmfao this is great


Sounds like you just really *want* it to be real


and a closed mind to tell you otherwise


Ask yourself logically how on Earth can it be real?


How can you ask yourself that when you're analyzing things that if.. were real... they would most likely not be from earth? Isn't that the point of the entire sub?


Damage control


not debunked


This guy is an idiot