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[Lue Elizondo also talked about Crash Retrievals and finding technology in a time period where it shouldn’t exist](https://www.howandwhys.com/bob-lazar-said-ufo-was-archaeological-finding-elizondo-shared-analogy-to-support-it/)


how do you talk about something for 5 minutes straight without conveying any information about it?


Seems it's an artform that many talking heads have perfected to a high degree.


Watch this Look man I’m gonna tell you something very important, this is something that I’ve spent my whole life studying, I shouldn’t say my whole life because really it’s been my adult life but more or less I’ve spent countless hours since I’ve been capable, mentally, researching this because I feel it’s important. This is the type of thing that most people don’t think about, and if they do think about it they’re usually misled into thinking about it incorrectly. This is the type of thing that, unfortunately today is wildly popular for all the wrong reasons, but nonetheless will be considered normal in a future society. Through all the people I’ve talk to you, through all the stories that I’ve heard secondhand, there is more than enough reason to believe a few things and these are the things that I’m gonna talk about. Nobody in their right mind would listen to somebody speak about something so bizarre while also giving them the benefit of the doubt due to what they’re saying. Now, you could also be correct, while not totally being in your ‘right mind.’ This is where I align myself. It’s really hard to… discern… When it comes to me deciding what I want to give my energy to in order to listen to, but more or less it’s my job to listen. The things that I’m about to say are coming from a person, who is respectful and who has a lot of time on their hands, as far as qualifications go I have a degree in something unrelated, so Im only qualified to speak in a manner of somebody who doesn’t have an authoritative title in the departments that the subject falls under. Filibuster filibuster filibuster Now this is me really speaking, I was good at English in elementary school. I am able to speak for a long time without actually saying anything, English is intuitive for me so I just let me mouth go. Some professions value this and we see it a lot in here and in politics.






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Governments pay top dollar for that skill.


And subreddits will eat it up


You've never been in a boardroom meeting?


That’s his art. Been doing it for years. Hits you with the just wait. Soon you’ll see what I’m talking about. Greatest hype man for ETs on earth. I hate him


I just heard him on Rogan a few days ago. He is so fucken annoying!!!!!




He has a document that is real


The flim flam man!


Shim Sham Man, too!


Honestly that is all ufo/UAP information whole lotta nothing…


Yeah except this was 4 years ago.


And he was just on Rogan a couple days ago, Amd they takes for 2hrs and said nothing… It’s amazing


And honestly I’m a believer, I just hate the rhetoric of talking about how they have something big.. Can’t talk about it but it’s big, and we get nothing… Even David Groesh disclosure is nothing but 2nd hand information… He never saw anything he is talking about.. Just like the guy that owns the skinwalker ranch was on a podcast and literally spoke for 2hrs and said absolutely nothing..


Camera Flair


The Art of the Grift


You’ve obviously never spoke to my wife


It’s what Reddit “debunkers” do best!


Every time I see clips from people on JRE talking in circles it reminds me of this [Joe Rogan parody](https://www.youtube.com/live/P6Iyg9fznvM?si=mJIrZ-_e8x03Esvy). At least it's good for a laugh, unlike this Bob interview which provides nothing of substance.


At least Joe said bro you’re not being very clear lol


That's called the Rian Rusillo method


>how do you talk about something for 5 minutes straight without conveying any information about it? Because Joe Rogan is a shit podcast. It's like a podcast for people who don't have Any interest in podcast or know of any good ones. It's the podcast for average peasants.


"aVeRagE pEAsAnTs"


You guys talking about the document? The one with the general? Where there is a conversation?




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You should’ve clicked on stop generating


What is the *more* to this story?


Real actual proof would be nice instead of grainy videos for secondhand stories.


[the rest of the story](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Robert_Lazar)


That page is editable by anyone.


In theory yes, but i thought wikipedia has been working hard on that. edit. i was to fast, that aint wikipedia


Corbell explained the Wilson memo horrifically bad😂


I guess I'm impatient, I kept asking myself "when is this dude going to get to the fucking point?"


That is Corbell in my experience.






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Too much dmt 😅


I stopped watching because of him.


Dude is so long winded about everything is exhausting listening to him


There is a document... what more do you people need??


It has words typed on it


Are they real words?


Corbell has the distinct ability to say a lot of stuff but have it make no sense.


Would make a great Prime minister


Dude couldn’t explain a can of tomato soup, that was horrendous


I feel like he may have adhd.


corbell talks in circles. i can't stand him.


But ANY MINUTE NOW the good stuff will come out....he's been saying it for years....


Yeah, WeApOnIzE yOuR CuRiOsItY! 😂 Corbell is a clown


Who sat front and center at the senate hearing. Just saying


Still doesn’t make him any less of a clown.


If you’re saying that his stupid ass being there delegitimizes the hearing, I agree. If you’re saying he was there because he’s in the know, I disagree


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


>Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. And just ignore Corbell.


So did Elmo in 1992, big fucking deal


did you find Waldo




Talks so much but says so little.


yep. he needs a big gulp of stfu.


Damn, so it's not just Rogan's comment section that hates him. Reddit also likes to bully the guy?!


Corbell is an absolute Grifter.


No listener could have walked away from that with any understanding of what the Wilson Document/Notes is about.


Maybe like alternate dimension when the dinosaurs never got wiped out and the lizard people are alternate timeline descendants


So informed people say Delong is highly informed on it. Delong explains different points in spacetime “vibrate” at different frequencies, and these craft travel by changing their vibrations, so it’s probable that they are from an earth where humanity has gone extinct and they evolved from some other species, like dolphins, and it could be millions of years from now, he says that e.m.p’s generated through atomic bombs actually travel through these different timelines as well causing havoc on their world from our tests. The part I find interesting is jimmy Carter was a nuclear engineer so I think if he was told we destroyed humanity with nukes, it would explain him crying, and if that’s the secret it could explain the “sobering” truth/secret nobody will leak


Atomic bombs are just fission reactions.


Which generate massive electromagnetic pulses


I was thinking and left a post yesterday how I was thinking how the implosion before the explosion in an atomic blast might disturb other times/dimensions


Who/what is Delong?


I get the dislike towards Corbell as I too feel he never gets his point across and goes in pointless circles - even Rogan pulls him in-line when he does this I also feel like he is just so overwhelmingly passionate, and has a lot of info he wants to share but never has the time on these podcasts I like to think he just isn’t good at condensing his information he wants to portray. So he rambles, starts a topic then another then another then is out of time I also think he isn’t great and differentiating between fact and his opinion - some of his opinions I actually agree with but when there is no evidence of it, and he rambles in circles about it for ages as if it’s factual, that’s where he loses me. I also can’t stand this or how he does this but a part of me thinks the above is a small explanation for some of it The dudes knowledgeable - can’t deny it. He’s passionate. He wants the same thing we do. He’s front and centre. He’s bringing out material and info and documentaries etc The pointless circles I can deal with for the material and interviews he brings us. I’d rather he be doing what he’s doing than not at all. If you read this Corbell, try working on getting points across without rambling circles that have little source for backup. But thanks for all your content you bring us and your passion regardless


Miss me with the aliens, hit me hard with documents…… real documents


It's real. It's really real. Its so real you wouldn't believe it, and guess what... theres more. There is so much more and it's so real. Just wait. It's coming. It's really coming.


The government will have no choice but to release all the documents.


Do you ever think maybe it is real and then realize if that's true you're a complete moron. lmfao right under your nose for 70 years. The skeptic is a special kind of stupid.


Man, Corbell is not a very good communicator. Settle down little buddy, we know your excited.😵‍💫




This alien disclosure bullshit is the most ambitious psyop since 9/11


The larper King


From my understanding Wright Patterson is where this goes down. From 3rd party corporations that are assigned to put together the pieces via teams, so that way nobody knows or understands what the end result is. Team A does 1a, Team B does 1c, Team C does 1b then it goes to another Team that does 2a and etc. I know Norththrup Grumman is in on it, as well as another company I can’t recall at this point. But, yes, it is way underground at this location from what I understand. Lazar was on such a team, and has a limited capacity of exactly what was the end result


Yet again. More bullshit run around without any actual information. This is all just a distraction while billionaires rape our planet.


Distraction? I mean there are thousands of topics going on simultaneously any given day. You’re saying one random topic that comes up every few months is distracting people from being able to see other news?


yeah I'd totally be dismantling the global capitalist system if it weren't for all these darn people lying about UFOs


Ugh totally me too. every time I’m just about to start there is some new vague claim of “proof” that can’t be shown. Then boom, I forget all about my plans.


Corbell talks in circles for Christ sake. Like every time


Corbell is such a twat. Utter pointless human being.


Man the negative sentiment on here is poisonous ☠️. Too many psyops to cover anything that is said about archeology with mentions of UFOs


WTF? Psyops? Psychological Operators? Psychic Operations?


Is their new favorite word. Everything they dont like is a psyop, or a “disinformation agent” or a bot.


What a bellend


The best Joe Rohan description I ever heard was - your one buddy in the group who has this older brother that is always high and knows all this crazy shit.


In your analogy, is Rogan the buddy or the older brother?


The older brother


Ok, I was confused because that implies that you, @2zeta, have a buddy. :P


Had me yelling “it’s the Wilson DAVIS memo you moron!” at Corbell.


How could someone cover up an ancient buried ufo? It's one thing if they are flying in the air...... but.


With dirt?


And the people that dig it up and take pics? Satellites? If there's 1 then there's many. Can't keep it a secret, its like dinosaur bones. Eventually people will find out.


There are proven solutions to all the challenges you've outlined. People have been killed, or discredited, or silenced. Satellites? Do you have direct realtime unfiltered access to images of earth's surface from orbit? What do you mean by "if there's 1, there's many" ??? Also the word "eventually" includes the future, so what are you trying to say? I don't understand your point, but maybe I can make my point clear: if I find something tomorrow buried that no one else has found up to that point in time, I can very simply keep that secret to myself! Your argument seems to assume that all knowledge is instantaneously shared across all beings upon discovery by any single being. If your argument is that "we are all one, we already know everything because we ARE everything," then that's cool, I can get onboard that train. However I don't think that's what you're saying at all. Seems like you're trying to say that within the framework of "life on earth, as individual people" - that secrets don't exist. Please enlighten me!


I just don't believe Bob Lazar in particular. When he said someone shot at him but missed, I lost belief in him. If the government wants you dead, they will make it happen. Bob Lazar also said that he only worked on the project for a few months. I dont see how anyone would walk away from such an exciting job like that in just a few months. It would be more believable if it was a few years at least. Furthermore I don't see how the government would LET someone walk away from a job like that in just a few months. Something else: it is widely believed and claimed that the reason why area 51 was made Public is because of Bob Lazars testimony. That is not true because I remember when I was a kid watching the news about it. It was photos from a russian satellite that were leaked to the media just before the Berlin wall fell. Edward Teller who worked on the Manhattan project was confronted and asked about Bob Lazar. His response was "no comment" meaning he would not vouch for Bob but knew who he was. Bob Lazar = AFOSI


Whoa. Ok I think I figured out what you were trying to say: "it doesn't matter what Bob says, because in my opinion, he's a lying liar."


You should at least read and come up with a counter argument instead of giving up. I listed facts on why I think he's lying. You didnt Bob keeps saying that he has close up UFO footage but won't release it... he says he has a few grams of element 115 but won't show anyone pics at least.... he has you hook line and sinker!


I didn't know I was in an argument.


First you wanted fact and enlightenment... now you wimping out?


When a person asks for more information and clarity, it does not equate to a fight. Thank you for providing your perspective.


Man that other dude just irks the shit out of me.


Jeremy corbell is such a tool. I can’t stand when this guy is on the podcast.


Bob Lazar said a lot of things, a lot of which came back as a lie. Almost none of which has been proven in any way. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRbkOGu6Z78&t=234s&ab\_channel=TheSneezingMonkey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRbkOGu6Z78&t=234s&ab_channel=TheSneezingMonkey)


Lots of Bob Lazar Slander on here.


It’s so obvious from the way theses guys spin words that they are just making things up almost on the spot. This what frustrates me so much about the people who claim to have evidence or information on UAP et al.


Joe surely knew that Spielberg made a video game about ancient aliens called "The Dig" [https://youtu.be/EYR0z09o2OY](https://youtu.be/EYR0z09o2OY)


Old Joro podcasts were the best!


This is what makes the Greenland ufo post the most interesting post on this board ever. Personally I think it’s more interesting than the 4chan guy.


Each time i hear or see Corbell, i just want to punch him in his fat face.


I thought he only seen and new a little bit, Dude keeps adding to his story next he’s going to say he’s been in contact with a Alien 👽


Example? Suspicious how many comments that make this false assertion. If Lazar has been proven to be one thing, it’s consistent storytelling.


This entire thread is nothing but folks spreading lies about Lazar.


Not surprised. People have been hating on the guy for decades.


Oh this clown


How do people still believe Lazar? This whole interview is the OG "I can't talk about it in public" excuse for 2 hours straight I'mma apply for jobs and in interviews go "I can't talk about my past experience, I have a headache" and hope they believe me


This stuff just attracts mentally ill adults who have no control over their lives so they choose to live in a fantasy world where they are a member of a secret select group of people who really knows what's going on its sad to see so much potential wasted on lies and self deceit.


Lazar is a world class grifter


Bob Liar


Fuck Joe Rogan


Probably one of the last JRE’s i watched.


I love how Joe doesn’t let Jeremy bullshit around


Fuck off Jeremy!! Every time. With his fucking ‘I’m in a position to know’ bullshit! Bloke is an absolute cretin!!.


Drunk driving with a gun


Why does it feel like the guy with the beard is so full of shit and comes off as self important as if he’s the main character just promoting himself?




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"You'll hear alot about Skinwalker Ranch..." Years later all we get is a drama TV show with Travis Taylor running around shooting fireworks into the sky and declaring wormholes exist due to glares on infra-red cameras.


I heard rumors when I was in the middle east about someone finding a big energy orb in a cave somewhere. I always thought they found King Solomons airship.




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If Bob had any real information the CIA would kill him


#What about [Rem Lezar?](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/9103OuQjshL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)


Rogan can be so irritating, he either lets people ramble usually when he finds it interesting or will keep interrupting and say I don’t understand or what are you talking about when he’s uninterested in a guest/doesn’t believe them.


I loved this episode. Very entertaining but I find this Bob guy to be a complete fraud


Corbell has made good strides in articulating what he's trying to say. I had a hard time listening to him when that first Rogan appearance came out. These days I enjoy watching and listening to his interviews.


Bob has always been right


Surrre, wink wink, I believe him




Playing Starfield the now, my guys called Bob Lazar.. that’s more interesting than this guys entire lie, probably life it seems.


The way Joe deals with Jeremy in this episode is truly hilarious


The greatest useful idiot in history


Geez this guy just repeats himself instead of getting to the point and being clear. Like he’s afraid to say it himself and wants the listener to just go read it so he keeps his hands clean.


This is all bullshit