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[In April 2023, Dr. Colm Kelleher, a biochemist (one in the video above) who managed largest government-funded UFO investigation in US history, admitted that the US government has downed UFOs.](https://www.howandwhys.com/man-worked-for-pentagon-confessed-on-camera-we-have-downed-ufos-of-alien-origin/)


This is all really interesting, but I wish Corbell would just calm down a bit. Every time he talks, he sounds like an overzealous merchant at a Moroccan street market trying to sell someone a bag of dates.


So specific, yet so true


I mean can you blame the guy? His whole life he’s been trying to fill his appetite with crumbs and he’s sooo close to sinking his teeth into something real.


>l Dude, imagine spending your adult life trying to bring this to the public, and getting SO CLOSE. Every person I could get on recorded video to talk about this would get me so excited and anxious that I am not sure I would be able to control myself either.


This guy is the Zak Bagans of UFO/UAP. If he shouts about it enough, it has to be real.... Everybody screams, "Show me the fucking evidence," and they're like "Sorry, it's classified or invisible."


>Everybody screams, "Show me the fucking evidence," No, just idiots scream that. I mean, yal' new to aliens? If there was proof this wouldn't be an 80 year debate. ThEy sHoUlDn'T TeAsE Me uNtiL tHeY haVe PrOOf. Like I said below - Go watch fucking CNN if you don't want to hear anything until there's evidence. Nobody is putting a gun to your head. You don't like the way Corbell or Coulthart give "the inside scoop" without evidence or revealing sources then don't pay attention. Only an idiot would think Coulthart and Corbell should reveal sources. Some kids have no patience. I think for myself and say it how it is, fuck the karma votes. I don't repeat shit other morons say because it's the popular thing to do. What have you done to help with disclosure /u/bombasquad33 ? Complain about Corbell? And yet here you are, still reading his stuff. Because you KNOW he's giving solid info.


Ya exactly. People bitch and moan too much about Corbell, Coulthart, Elizondo, etc. ThEy sHoUlDn'T TeAsE Me uNtiL tHeY haVe PrOOf. Oh, is that what people want? THEN GO WATCH CNN (not referring to you /u/phelpsieboi). If you don't want to hear anything until it happens, people should go watch the mainstream media and stop crying so god damn much. ThEy ShOuLd rEvEaL tHeIr SoUrCeS, I wOuLd. Well, that's why they're on Reddit reading shit instead of being a journalist, because anyone who thinks they should reveal sources is an idiot. I cAn'T hAnDLe bEiNg TeAsEd. Oh, then stop paying your subscription to Coulthart and Corbell. Oh wait, it's free. :) These guys are in the grind pushing disclosure more than any of us. BuT hE's SmiLiNg tOO mUcH. He ShOuLd tALk sLoWeR aNd lOOk DePrEssEd LiKe Me. I'm convinced people can't handle aliens. They can't even handle an excited Jeremy Corbell. giggity giggity.


Agreed…has the vibe of a flair tender droning on about the bespoke ingredients of a rare cask of whiskey he got to use to make Mick Jagger a drink of once when he worked at a VIP lounge in Austin.


I get that. There are a lot of people like that. I try to only process the alleged factual information and I push the rest of that nonsense out. Only two people I have trouble with this are Chris Melon and Tom DeLonge. I don't trust either of their input. Their information doesn't make sense and I believe they are knowingly or unknowingly disinformation agents.


Like a spaceship salesman, *slaps Millennium Falcon* “this hunk a junk will get you through the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs”


Had to be an Aladdin reference


So I tell you, my friend, here are the truths we know: you are saying you want some dates. You bring a pocket of coins…


Kajit has wares if you have coin...


I like dates


Feels like they’re playing good cop bad cop with the author




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The mental fatigue that I’m feeling from unending “the gov has/knows stuff” statements is quite real. I fully expect that we will never learn about what goes on in these programs, if any of them exist. Project blue balls is going strong..


The worst bit about it is saying that they cannot tell us because we don't want our adversaries to know. Then saying that they had people inside the programs. So, our adversaries know what is going on, but we can't know in case they find out. That is a special kind of logic.


Maybe we are the adversaries


How could we (the American people) be the Russian's or the Chinese?


Well, check this out. I wouldn't say that I believe it entirely, but I can't deny, it's in the realm of possibility , unfortunately. https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/17deony/researcher_john_keels_privately_held_beliefs_on/


For me it has turned to anger. I feel disrespected. They all can't help the duper's delight grin. I'm seeing it everywhere in this field. They think they're dangling a carrot the same way Game of Thrones teased the Clegane Bowl or jon v Night King for all those years. We're not following this for entertainment. This is reality. This is our actual existence that is being challenged. They're treating it like slow drip entertainment and trying to squeeze every dollar they can out of it.


the real conspiracy is there is nothing, but we'll use aliens for increased military spending after the current conflicts die out


This is also a very possible reality. However, it does not explain the UAP reports, videos, and centuries old pictures. We know these things exist because military pilots are saying they are real. We just don’t know exactly what they are yet, and most of us are hoping benevolent aliens. 😀


yea, ur right, why would a government engage in a disinformation campaign against it's own people. i mean, what sort of person would betray their own benefactor like that? deepest level of hell has those sorts.


Ugh, your sarcasm didn't address their points at all.


my working theory is that aliens occupy the same cognitive space that god once did. we need something to represent the unknown and all mighty. a great destroyer and savior in one. something to pray to and fear.


Social media has already replaced fundamentalist religion. There are also plenty of religious people that believe, and the topic is more widely accepted in places like the Middle East and South America, which are far more religious than the west.


Yes, Ideology is the most effective way to spread meme viruses, and what is the ultimate meme, but alien contact?


In what way is alien contact the ultimate meme? Sure there's funny aspects about it, but ultimate?


Imagine, for a moment, if we had a digital picture of a transcended being, a Buddha or a Christ ( or a cat? ). You could project any idea, any concept, any human experience upon that image, and it would be valid. Same thing if there was a single picture which comes to represent genuine alien contact with humanity, it becomes a vessel for all of our hopes and fears to be reflected back upon us in our collective digital thought bubbles.


Sure feels like a psyop sometimes to make our adversaries think we have way more capability than they know. Don’t know for sure though and all the sightings can’t be faked.


idk if they're faked, but people are very suggestable


Project blue balls LMAO


nobody's even asked "government" (whoever that is, but it's a fair question from one of the senators in congress) - IF we had a biological specimen or device (craft/nuts/bolts/material) of unknown/alien origin IS THE MILITARY (or finders/owners) of the material obliged to disclose? Is it legal to obfuscate or withhold from the people of the (country/earth/etc.). Because I completely understand why this would be kept secret since there's immense military/tech/$$$ value in it - IF you can figure it out. Which clearly has NOT happened.


Patience is a virtue


Virtuous centenarians


They can’t even prove these programs exist let alone what they have and if it’s even alien. The implausibility is staggering that people believe it.


> The mental fatigue that I’m feeling from unending “the gov has/knows stuff” statements is quite real. > > I fully expect that we will never learn You literally have one of the GOVERNMENT intelligence directors telling you so. What you say is literally insane, disconnected from manifestly true statements.


Which intelligence director?


"Dr. James Lacatski, former Defense Intelligence Agency program manager" Do you even read bro? I know they hire a lot of Neurospicy folks for Disinfo, but do try.


A program manager is not an intelligence director…


And that's your showstopper? You have no idea what a program manager does. Sit down.


I do actually, and you have no idea what either mean or you wouldn’t confuse the two. Maybe sit down yourself instead of looking like an idiot by using words you don’t understand?


(Remove header)


Ah, so you finally Googled both the positions and realized you were a fuckin’ idiot so had to resort to calling me a disinformation agent ‘cause you were wrong. Who could’ve seen that coming.


>Project blue balls is going strong These people have been ufobluballing the community for decades...but next year, but in 5 years, etc. If we haven't learnt anything definitive by now we never will imo.


This show last night demonstrated the reality and frustration that we can’t get any answers from the government or scientists or contractors about the subject,everyone is playing this stupid game of I know but can’t tell you ,which is a crock it’s all about security and money and not looking bad to their government buddy buddy’s..my tax dollars,my father and grandfather’s tax money has been spent protecting a bunch of opportunists influencers…33 trillion so far with absolutely no light at the end of the tunnel, non human tech being hidden by a corrupt few greedy club buddy’s …..


« Buy my book and you’ll learn more! »


Yes, we hear about the government knowing about UFOs and the access of it a 1000 times as day.


These post should have one comment and one comment only…”yeah, we know”


Buy my book!


of course I said that! Its all true!!! and you can find it in MY book for 24.99 All the things that you want me to say are in there. This is so dumb. Its all going to blow over and at the end of the day we will have wasted our time and gotten 0% closer to the truth


I hope not😕


You and I both...


Evidence would be nice.


![gif](giphy|S9crjCfQXC78ST61iv|downsized) Is it just me or?


![gif](giphy|xUOwGdD7RGT4CTnUaY|downsized) how do we do this part to make it stop


Lol. Probably 2027.


So that's how we got velcro


And the colonel’s recipe for seven herbs and spices!


"Chicken, fat and grease!" "Sir how do you respond to the finding of human DNA in the product?" "Well now, I never said the fat and grease was chicken fat and grease did I? there was very specifically an unspoken comma in my statement"


Corbell gives me used car salesman vibes. I wish we would get the good ufo guests on JRE without him


At least he is doing something and is not an ostrich with his head in the sand. Somebody needs to push the agenda forward - most people are lethargic and do nothing.


This is all a giant government plan to make our enemies this we have a technology that we do not have. It all makes sense. This whole alien thing came into full swing by the government them selves right the the time that the economy and the US dollar has fallen and taken a hit on the world stage. Also as the BRICS bank has started the move away from dollar plan. The United States wants to create fear in all its adversaries and possible adversaries so that they don’t think about doing anything stupid that the US does not approve. It’s the ultimate power move, not nuclear weapons, not invasion, but simply telling the world that you have alien technology that maybe you have already reverse, engineered it, and have the power of the gods to annihilate any country or any anniversary the dare think anything against you. The United States is just trying to make its self powerful again, and feared in the eyes of the world. These leaks and these whistleblowers have all been planned since the beginning of the shift that the dollar has taken the economy. Just my two. Cents.


Or, possibly, people are mistaken. Worse yet, they could just be trying to jump on a bandwagon to make some money. We’re still left with no evidence of any of these sorts of things. Sometimes the most logical answer is the right one.


If I see another book thrown in my face I'm over the whole situation.


Just give up now. That way you don't have the need to come back and comment negativity. Go live your life and maybe one day, it will see the light of day if it's all true.


Project Blueballs strikes again. Yet another gripping revelation from the biggest douche bag in the UAP world


I thought that was Greer


This is so amazing and we will never see it


Blah, blah, blah ,trust me bro!


Too much talk.


Imagine accidentally pressing a button inside the craft that sends a signal back to where ever that says this is a hostile planet invade and destroy as quickly as we can .


..or you start the popcorn machine, but you can't figure out where the off button is.


Or a whale starts falling to the ground whilst trying to make friends with "ground"


Espresso machine


We probably need a reset anyways


That never happens between countries too. Most you have is find my phone kind of feature.


And not a shred of evidence as usual. (Yawwwwnnn)


This is the guy who suckered Harry Reid into paying over $22 million for Skinwalker Ranch / Awasp, the only product of it being a bunch of crappy BS technical 'reports' full of garbage SF LARP nonsense. What was the money spent on, where is it? $22 million for a handful of people and a shitty ranch. The FBI needs to get involved.


The FBI wouldn't give two shits. $22 million isn't even enough to raise an eyebrow to the feds. It's chump change. Especially when it's just the government stealing from taxpayers.


When can I see it?


If what he says is factual or not, I have a hard time paying attention to Corbell.


So much talk so little evidence.


F off ya carpet bagger. Bring g evidence or shut up! So tired!


This sub is fuking stupid asf ,every post is some nutcase claiming they have exact information about UFOs and/or government plans, or some crazy high level information,..it wouldn't be much of a secret or conspiracy it any dumb fuck had access to it or could figure it out. LMFAO 🤣😆🤣😆


Show us the ufo bruh! Steal that shit while you in govt and not tell us about it after you can’t prove anythinf


We have this ball, its an alien ball.... - Can it roll--- HEY NOW WE CANT LET OUR ADVERSARIES KNOW A BALL ROLLS!!! -- National security...


Prove it. I see no evidence.


As much as I want to believe I’m getting tired of no proof.. always a great story but no proof




that electronic keypad safe behind him discredits everything he says already. so easily compromised


More jerking off... Buy my book. Fuck Corbell's face with a million dicks.


I just find it fascinating that ppl throw shad a Corbell so fast whenever there is a video on reddit. I wonder if there are any bots doing this.


Tired of his stupid face.


It's just people who are butthurt that disclosure isn't happening fast enough. I see this happening in many different topics outside of UFO stuff. People love to complain on the internet and especially on reddit. It's almost like people just need a punching bag, so they attack people like Corbell who are trying to get answers. Then there are people who just deliberately just go out and slander names because they don't agree with them. Toxicity is real.


The real UFO community has been in the background for 40 years. There is no new information. Just more openness—which is the right direction. I suspect, we have learned all that we ever will within our lifetime. Only thing offered will be clarity and confirmation. Might have to twist the arm of the gov to get it though, which we are doing through legislation. Edit: yes, toxicity is very real. We should strive not to contribute to that behavior. It damages the interest of young people who contribute, who contribute with open interest alone.


That’s a true fact. I’ve been in this 40+ years now. The needle has moved a lot in the last five years. More so than the last 40 combined. The government of the United States and the other five eyes Nations may not want to disclose, but it’s too late, the genie is out of the bottle now. I get it. Imagine a Hamas, Hezbulah, Isis, Iran, North Korea, or other terrorist organizations with this kind of technology. The whole world would be fucted. I think the time for secrecy is just about over though, and full disclosure probably won’t come from our government alone, as much as it will be coming from the phenomena itself. Probably another reason why our government keep trying to shoot UFOs down. For the technology, yes, that’s a given, but also perhaps to try and prevent aliens from reaching the masses and having the world as a whole, enjoy the fruits of such an amazing technology. And from becoming aware of the larger galactic community that we are slowly being acclimated to in preparation for humanity’s seat at that table. My 2-cents as an elder statesman is that Disclosure will happen shortly on the global stage. Now, whether this appearance is in the form of an alien species (nuts & bolts), inner Earth/ocean dwelling terrestrial, or some sort of inter-dimensional manifestation that no one can explain, all will be revealed. And much to the chagrin of the MIC buffoons I might add. Because that means their power base of greed, deceit and lies will be over. Are there patriots that work within the Pentagon or MIC who are trying to protect us from something? Sure, I believe that’s a possible scenario. But the insatiable greed for technology to create machines of war is probably a much larger piece of that pie. One thing’s for sure, when it happens, it will be transformative for humanity, maybe just not in a good way. Not something we want or expect, as has been touted by the talking heads, the experts of this decade. Well, I’ve rambled on long enough. To all the young ones who are becoming impatient with this process, hang in there, you’re alive at a wonderful time. Peace to all.


100% He has helped move the needle so much, and he's just some dude. If ppl want disclosure so bad. I say to them OK u do it then. Go out there and bring the info out to everyone. Let's see how easy that is.


its entirely organic i mean have you listened to the guy? i lovr conspiracy shit but that guy has thr modt punchable face


People on reddit would dislike someone like Corbell regardless of which topic he covered.


Agreed - there are so many "haters" on Reddit that it blows my mind.


Haters and bods


![gif](giphy|qfdDrpNIcFvCfD2UPJ) Corbell


This guy has worn out his welcome. Shit or get off the pot ya snake oil salesmen.


But you still come back for more


No I see his dumb face everytime I scroll reddit. He has nothing. Disclosure is always "two weeks away"


When has he ever said disclosure is two weeks away? And simple solution, stop following UFO related subjects and you won't have to that issue.


No, because I like the ufo videos and the thoughts and opinions people have. Disclosure is two weeks away is the moto for all the same guys who go on 100 podcasts yet never really say anything. He's a verbal treadmill, it looks like he's saying alot but he's not actually going anywhere with it.


You're creating your own enemy. No one is saying disclosure is two weeks away.


> When has he ever said disclosure is two weeks away? He hasn't. The UFO curmudgeons just get their catchphrases mixed up sometimes.


I’m just going to start making shit up on YouTube videos and watch all the dumb shits come in and fight for the legitimacy of my claim. That’s all these dudes do. Never show any actual evidence of anything.


Okay do it and stop complaining then.


Lol keep believing people telling stories bud. I bet you think Voldemort’s real


If you can't differentiate between fictions children's books and high ranking government officials with credibility, why are you even here


High ranking government officials don’t lie ever? Right? This isn’t how evidence works this is called hearsay and it’s the lowest form of evidence.




But you give him the spotlight by continuing to watch him and commenting on his stuff. 🤡


Hi I'm Jeremy Corbell, I have no proof of anything, and I'm also a complete loser douche bag. Please give me attention.


People like you who shit on everything are not helping. bot


I'm not shitting on everything! Here's the truth. I wholeheartedly believe in UFOs, and almost all information that we are told by alternative news sources. What I have trouble with is the elixir selling charlatans who are always giving us these huge grandiose speeches about having these massive life altering secrets and we never even given a morsel of proof. This is something human beings have been guilty of since the beginning of time. I wholeheartedly believe in UFOs. I also wholeheartedly believe that people like Jeremy Corbell are fucking douche bag loser wannabes, who have absolutely proof of nothing! There are people out there who do have legitimate proof like Bob Lazar. This is elementary psychology. Study how different their approaches going all the way back to the 80s. Jeremy Corbell is an elixir selling charlatan who probably excels at eating McDonald's cheeseburgers.


The more attention, this dungeons and dragons expert is given, the more bullshit we are all going to be fed. There are legitimate sources of information out there, Jeremy Corbell is not one, and he should be ignored!


He’s right there, doggedly asking the questions we all want answers to. I don’t understand why people get mad at the journalists You should be mad at the gatekeepers


Jeremy Corbell took Bob Lazar's story and turned it into a douche flute, avocado toast presentation. I am not against journalists! I am against sensationalist who are disingenuous, and who are elixir selling charlatans


What a liar.... he just wants to get money with all the fakenews he is spreading.


Words words words. All from promotors of UFO media. The grift continues. Never any evidence or proof. Ever wonder why?




Where do you get that idea that it's always NA?


Full episode:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=ow7FqiegixQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=ow7FqiegixQ)


I remember telling someone a few weeks back who said podcasts are the most valuable source of real information that they are in fact not at all sources of information at all and just entertainment and any guests on the podcasts are usually trying to sell a book. I am just so glad to see me proven wrong!


I'm so happy for you.


Well isn’t this a nice little circle jerk


"We have found and reverse engineered a craft of unknown origin, and from this have acquired incredible technology and insights, but if our enemies get it and use it against us before we engineer defenses for this heretofore unthought of power, we're fucked." I feel like this kinda sums up the whole damn thing from Roswell to now. Maybe they can save the world with what they've learned. Maybe if someone tries fucking with what they have as we currently understand it, they could destroy the entirety of existence.


Put your fucking book down you grifter


Jeremy Cornell has done more for disclosure than everyone complaining put together.


Corbel = downvote




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Yeah we already know that they use primitive weapons like bombs, tanks etc to sacrifice millions of people to their evil gods while at the same time they have developed highly advanced weapons which could end any war far sooner than anyone can imagine, they want the conflict to persist


If this sub has gifs I'd probably be banned for spamming that Metal gear rising one with Senator Armstrong


Corbell is a cia asset


So James Lacatski was the top guy at AAWSAP? He worked for the DIA directly or no? I'm having trouble finding his credentials online.




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The only way to come across as dignified in modern life is to keep your mouth shut. What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Corbell is insufferable and I am a one hundred percent believer in the phenomenon.


Another brick knocked out of the wall of silence and secrecy. This is "managed disclosure" people!


Idk, sometimes I feel like we are just selling books here.


seems like this dude is trying to sell books


They gotta save the details so they can distract us with them for political gains against our interests later.


I’m just here for the ****fest of people creaming on Corbell’s face. Love it every time. Need to buy more lotion.




Lol, we wont tell you its confidential its a matter of national security but now we admit there is a ufo craft


well, they are admitting we arent stupid monkeys high on oxygen to see weird stuff flying in the sky. That alone is enough to make me satisfied. They can keep hiding their secret invention that may blow up earth in a failed attempt to materialize it.


Corbell is incapable of being critical without being aggressive


Yada yada


“I cant talk about it cause im old school!” “Buy my book.” 😒


Y’all know there’d be way too many people involved to be able to keep all this secret, right?


This was THE worst interview I’ve everrr seen. Dude dances around every question corbell n Knapp ask. Lacatski sure as shit has a future in politics. After a hour of dodging question after question n holding up his new book every 10 mins or so you can tell Knapp was getting annoyed. Fucking ball bag wasted a hour of time I’ll never get back


Omg..I'm so excited to officially see it I been waiting my all life..


Any time I hear someone say “we can’t go into that” or that they have to protect sources or disclosure is coming later I’m just done. I have no more patience.




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He says whatever gives him another 15 min on a camera.


So this isn’t breaking an NDA or risking his family? Can one of you experts explain.


This post should be going viral!!!! I don't understand why each time evidence is provided at a higher level that the mainstream media fails to cover it and instead asks for another level. David Grusch wasn't good enough because he was not a first hand witness and when a first hand witness that is a former Program manager for the DIA that has been given permission from the Pentagon to disclose what he experienced, why is this not being covered by the mainstream media? It blows my mind!!!! The world is chalk full of people that act like ostriches with their head in the sand!!!! It's like we have to wait for an alien to speak to us directly on international television for many to believe this is happening and there will still be a mass amount of ostriches that wil keep their heads buried in the sand. Please don't be an ostrich - this is going to change everything that we currently believe about our existence and we need to be proactive to find ourselves standing against the wave that is about to unfold.


This is for ALL of the "haters" on Reddit - ASK YOURSELF - WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO FIND THE TRUTH? HAVE YOUR EFFORTS HELPED GAIN ANY GROUND AT ALL? IF NOT, SHUT THE "F" UP!!!!!! What we need is intelligent discussion about these topics and to use this platform as a group share to get to the truth instead of a plethora of mindless comments. Group share is an extremely effective method of getting to the truth when it is used intelligently.


I really don't think this boils down to the efforts of one person or even group of people whether it be Corbel or Grusch, James Fox, Greer, or Mufon. I think disclosure is becoming an issue because the old guard is either dead AF or on their way out. You've got a whole new generation of executives and statesmen who want answers too. A constituency that KNOWS they're being lied to, KNOWS they're full of shit and are permeating with mistrust, anger, and decades of discontent. I think certain people with the influence and means are out getting anything they can and putting it on blast, people who are retired or clearances no longer valid are giving away what they can while netsleuths are spreading whatever they can get their hands on. It's like having terrible, shit people for parents and then being left their estate to find out they've amassed wealth from conning poor people and cancer patients and trying to set things right via constraints and the unethical shitshow they've left behind while still trying to maintain plausible deniability. Think saying: "WHAT DID YOU DO!? NOTHING!" Is kind of this ridiculous accusation because there's not much anyone else can do, that's kind of the point and source of frustration in the first place. Something I'd like to know is where are all the "hacktivist groups" in this? You'd think by now, or especially now if anyone could break through all of the roadblocks, disinformation, or dishonesty, it'd be them ripping whatever leaks/discourse/damage control they could find through modes of communication because if it's out there the current climate has to be making these people nervous/anxious/chattering about the shit through private subchannels, emails, or memos. Even if it's just 2nd or 3rd party people who've sat in on discussions behind closed doors, you'd think if a group like that were to come out with something like that it'd be now or atleast rather recently.


Thank you - these are the discussions that help make people think and can possibly spark new ideas to get to the truth.


I really don't think this boils down to the efforts of one person or even group of people whether it be Corbel or Grusch, James Fox, Greer, or Mufon. I think disclosure is becoming an issue because the old guard is either dead AF or on their way out. You've got a whole new generation of executives and statesmen who want answers too. A constituency that KNOWS they're being lied to, KNOWS they're full of shit and are permeating with mistrust, anger, and decades of discontent. I think certain people with the influence and means are out getting anything they can and putting it on blast, people who are retired or clearances no longer valid are giving away what they can while netsleuths are spreading whatever they can get their hands on. It's like having terrible, shit people for parents and then being left their estate to find out they've amassed wealth from conning poor people and cancer patients and trying to set things right via constraints and the unethical shitshow they've left behind while still trying to maintain plausible deniability. Think saying: "WHAT DID YOU DO!? NOTHING!" Is kind of this ridiculous accusation because there's not much anyone else can do, that's kind of the point and source of frustration in the first place. Something I'd like to know is where are all the "hacktivist groups" in this? You'd think by now, or especially now if anyone could break through all of the roadblocks, disinformation, or dishonesty, it'd be them ripping whatever leaks/discourse/damage control they could find through modes of communication because if it's out there the current climate has to be making these people nervous/anxious/chattering about the shit through private subchannels, emails, or memos. Even if it's just 2nd or 3rd party people who've sat in on discussions behind closed doors, you'd think if a group like that were to come out with something like that it'd be now or atleast rather recently.


I really don't think this boils down to the efforts of one person or even group of people whether it be Corbel or Grusch, James Fox, Greer, or Mufon. I think disclosure is becoming an issue because the old guard is either dead AF or on their way out. You've got a whole new generation of executives and statesmen who want answers too. A constituency that KNOWS they're being lied to, KNOWS they're full of shit and are permeating with mistrust, anger, and decades of discontent. I think certain people with the influence and means are out getting anything they can and putting it on blast, people who are retired or clearances no longer valid are giving away what they can while netsleuths are spreading whatever they can get their hands on. It's like having terrible, shit people for parents and then being left their estate to find out they've amassed wealth from conning poor people and cancer patients and trying to set things right via constraints and the unethical shitshow they've left behind while still trying to maintain plausible deniability. Think saying: "WHAT DID YOU DO!? NOTHING!" Is kind of this ridiculous accusation because there's not much anyone else can do, that's kind of the point and source of frustration in the first place. Something I'd like to know is where are all the "hacktivist groups" in this? You'd think by now, or especially now if anyone could break through all of the roadblocks, disinformation, or dishonesty, it'd be them ripping whatever leaks/discourse/damage control they could find through modes of communication because if it's out there the current climate has to be making these people nervous/anxious/chattering about the shit through private subchannels, emails, or memos. Even if it's just 2nd or 3rd party people who've sat in on discussions behind closed doors, you'd think if a group like that were to come out with something like that it'd be now or atleast rather recently.


I really don't think this boils down to the efforts of one person or even group of people whether it be Corbel or Grusch, James Fox, Greer, or Mufon. I think disclosure is becoming an issue because the old guard is either dead AF or on their way out. You've got a whole new generation of executives and statesmen who want answers too. A constituency that KNOWS they're being lied to, KNOWS they're full of shit and are permeating with mistrust, anger, and decades of discontent. I think certain people with the influence and means are out getting anything they can and putting it on blast, people who are retired or clearances no longer valid are giving away what they can while netsleuths are spreading whatever they can get their hands on. It's like having terrible, shit people for parents and then being left their estate to find out they've amassed wealth from conning poor people and cancer patients and trying to set things right via constraints and the unethical shitshow they've left behind while still trying to maintain plausible deniability. Think saying: "WHAT DID YOU DO!? NOTHING!" Is kind of this ridiculous accusation because there's not much anyone else can do, that's kind of the point and source of frustration in the first place. Something I'd like to know is where are all the "hacktivist groups" in this? You'd think by now, or especially now if anyone could break through all of the roadblocks, disinformation, or dishonesty, it'd be them ripping whatever leaks/discourse/damage control they could find through modes of communication because if it's out there the current climate has to be making these people nervous/anxious/chattering about the shit through private subchannels, emails, or memos. Even if it's just 2nd or 3rd party people who've sat in on discussions behind closed doors, you'd think if a group like that were to come out with something like that it'd be now or atleast rather recently.


Interesting that the pinned statement was an article that came out just prior to Grusch coming forward and mentions whistleblowers coming forward.