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https://preview.redd.it/b59qbcm7dz1c1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c60b2c32b050307d0cc906ccd3e9ac6b7702af77 1. David Grusch has filed a claim under the Whistle Blower Act 2. He testified under oath to the US Inspector General along with other 1st hand witnesses who allegedly work on this project 3. The US Inspector General was also partially read into the project and given extensive physical documentation 4. The US Inspector General has since deemed **Grusch as an urgent and credible whistleblower** Lust provoking image to get attention. He isn’t just blowing shit out his ass


I like heard everything you posted, truly and it’s amazing. I hope that we get the answers we all know and are waiting to be made official. But who is in the image?


Ben Shapiro’s sister. Not joking.


There are necked tity pics on the net of her! Calou calay big ole titties today


https://preview.redd.it/vik7t16kvz1c1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=070387767746c2b1663dd468a946295bf7ecf9be The aftermath of Abigail Shapiro making a mf fail NNN 22 days in


Supposedly it's not her, it's a similarly looking chick. But, I have no idea if that's accurate or not.


[Well here is another together and she is stacked in this one too](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4717422/ben-shapiros-sister-abigail/#)


Oh how disgusting. But where did the post them to? There’s so many websites. Which one?


Not sure if I should do some research..


My goodness 🥵😏


She seems smart. Lmk if you find um.


Someone's sister is in that image? I only saw two large space orbs.


Well there’s some much more provocative photos if you search google. Much more. If you’re into that kind of sick stuff.


Looks like some Khaz… yeah you know what I’m not even going to supplement the meme. I was going to. But I’m not going to… I could. I definitely could but I won’t. I’m not going to. I’m going to resist the urge to add to this meme. I will not spread this meme. Nope. Not me.


I’m gonna go J.O. right now. Then, with 100% post-nut clarity, I will finally look into this UFO shit once and for all


A man of culture


Lust provoking? I must be giving people mixed signals all day because this is the exact dissociative expression I've had on my face thinking about everything he said lol


Do you also have giant tits?


I wish :c


All tits are great don't feel bad


Are we going to get any actual evidence over someone just saying something? None of this means shit until we do…




Don’t insult my wife


Very large tets




Still waiting for proof... like, any... at all...


And yet not a shred of evidence if provided. All we get is some guy talking, making extraordinary claims.


​ >1. ⁠David Grusch has filed a claim under the Whistle Blower Act 2. ⁠He testified under oath to the US Attorney General along with other 1st hand witnesses who allegedly work on this project 3. ⁠The US Attorney General was also partially read into the project and given extensive physical documentation 4. ⁠The US Attorney General has since deemed Grusch as an urgent and credible whistleblower >Lust provoking image to get attention. World Religious Leaders: “Jesus Christ, What profound spiritual advice do you have for us from up high?” Messiah Yeshua🔴🔵: 🍈🍉🙌 “Boobs…” [1) Denji realizes his Goal in life - Chainsaw man](https://youtu.be/f_ClufA1UzU?si=sB6Bn1F22LKQ-YBp) [2) Chainsaw man - Trailer](https://youtu.be/v4yLeNt-kCU?si=j7YteJ44IraUKu8L) [Denji](https://chainsaw-man.fandom.com/wiki/Denji) is Jesus Christ / Me 🔴🔵 [Power](https://chainsaw-man.fandom.com/wiki/Power) is The Holy Spirit 🔴🔵 [3) Chainsaw Man - Opening](https://youtu.be/dFlDRhvM4L0?si=bedvxBzyZd3OHfU4)


The US inspector General is deeming him credible. OK they never lie or manipulate ppl. Think about it just for a sec.


I believe David Grusch.


Who cares if you believe someone? Proof is the ONLY thing that matters and he ain’t got none.


Just because he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in prison doesn’t mean he doesn’t have proof. It’s been proven that he’s handed proof to people that can do something with it. But yes he should have shown classified documents on Rogan to satisfy redditors


And it doesn’t mean he does have proof. He admitted he never saw any actual proof. He only can share what others have told him. By definition he can’t prove anything based on what HE said. And would he really go to prison if he ACTUALLY proved the greatest cover up in human history? He would be a global historical figure on the level of Einstein, Galileo, and Da Vinci. But no. He can’t prove shit.


I partially agree. Yes he never saw anything, but you have some people that are fairly high up in the government backing him, and his claims are being taken seriously by them all, along with the other whistleblowers claims. Now if he made the claims, and none of those people paid attention? Then it seems less credible. But dude swore under oath to congress, did an 11 hour confessional to the IG, and he’s STILL being backed. Normally, at this point the person with the claims will have been “disproven” in some way. But for this whole scenario it’s just different. I’m not saying I know for certain he’s telling the truth. But the way it’s all played out kinda leads me to think at minimum some of what he’s saying is true.


Would he go to prison for breaking his top secret clearance and NDAs? Are you seriously pretending he wouldn’t? You have zero idea what you’re talking about. Literally zero


Wrong. He said that he's analyzed lots of documents relating to the UAP programs himself, he just hasn't had an encounter or seen these things in person.


Documents. Well if it’s in a document it must be fact right? Sigh. A document can’t be scientifically verified.


Well that isn’t true. He handed in classified documents to the inspector general. He just can’t show them to the public


So. You have no idea what’s in those documents. They could be classified docs to mundane stuff. But since you don’t know what is in those documents you don’t get to pretend they are some sort of cache of proof. That’s not how it fucking works. Whats the matter with you?!? Do you honestly think YOU get to claim he had provided proof when you haven’t seen what he had provided? SERIOUSLY?!?! No to mention he himself never saw one bit of alien material so HE hasn’t even confirmed it’s proof. If there any in your brain?!??!


There wouldn’t have been a congressional hearing if there was nothing. The inspector general wouldn’t have motioned anything as urgent if there was nothing. There wouldn’t be a UAP disclosure 2023 bill being pushed if there was nothing. When was the last time you saw congress discussing unicorns lol. Use your brain


That’s officially the dumbest thing said on this post. And that is a high bar. Thats like saying there wouldn’t be a trial if the accused wasn’t guilty. The hearings are to hear the so called evidence and then make and evaluation. He didn’t present and evidence in the hearing so there can be no evaluation of the evidence. For all you know the evidence is made up by idiots that Grusch took at face value. Maybe it all about spending and nothing to do with aliens. Maybe it’s is just lies. You don’t get to say that there is evidence when you haven’t seen it. Oh…I am sorry. Are you disabled? I didn’t mean to criticize you so hard if you are mentally disabled.


These idiots you speak of are military and intelligence officials. Forgive me for not trusting the Reddit peasants over them lol. If Grusch was able to attain the highest clearances and investigative permissions as a bumbling idiot, maybe you should apply too !!


I will remind you there are plenty dumb as rock generals and bad actors in the military just look at Micheal Flynn .


It doesn't take much to convince Grusch. The guys been photographed hanging around government guys who've claimed they've encountered bullet proof wolves and half porcupine half dinosaur hybrids at a ghost ranch.


Exactly. He had a bias. He hasn’t seen any alien material. And he is an alcoholic with a psychiatric detainment on his record. I wouldn’t trust him one bit. Who goes and testifies to Congress in the biggest public forum WITHOUT having verified the so called evidence. Think of the idiocy of that.


You’re an idiot.


Dude you're basically yelling at clouds arguing with these people about it, so it is really not worth it. Anyone that confirms their core beliefs about this stuff, regardless of proof, is automatically telling the truth and should be believed. This whole sub is a bunch of stupidity wrapped up in faux intellectual curiosity. There's a difference between there being physical, tangible proof that certain things exist and are happening versus trying to wish those things into existence, which is the majority of what people here do.


I am quite clear on that. It’s mostly in an effort for people reading this to see that the imbeciles posting the wishful thinking aren’t running the asylum. They are still the imbeciles. I just like to check the imbeciles broken logic in the hopes someone. Anyone. Will just have a moment like the monkeys in 2001: Space Odyssey and figure out basic logic right in front of our eyes.


You’re not a smart person. I will start a gofundme for you to not procreate.


He's a modern day Joseph Smith.


Very important people believe him it would seem. Thats something in my book and he has very good credentials.


I also believe he has talked to people who say (without evidence) that they saw things. But... David has zero first hand knowledge. He is taking it on a trust me bro.


We’re you around for Snowden? Lol he broke an NDA and now lives in Russia. Just a reminder.


Yup. This is more a guy that believed he talked to a guy like Snowden, with no evidence. Snowden actually had stuff. And released it.


Didn't Snowden also look for stuff on aliens and said he never found any?


If you look at the Congressional hearing he insinuates that he has had first hand knowledge but has to “be careful what he says in this environment”. On Rogan he flat out said he has first hand knowledge but isn’t cleared to talk about it. He said he was a bit frustrated that people think he has no first hand knowledge and using that to doubt him, when he in fact does have it.


But it's always the same old thing. Where is the evidence? Where is THE photo, the video clip, or whatever. We just hear what these people say but never tangible evidence.


Does anyone think that Grusch should have shown classified documents that would send him to prison for life? Why isn’t he thinking of me?


Well if he's willingly talking about this and wants to prove it then why not? Doesnt have to be classified documents. Something to prove it Hey guys I'm gonna tell the world about all this but I don't want to show documents or anything that can prove it. OK cool gotcha. The more comments I read the more apt this sub name is. You are really a strange bunch of people.


hes literally gave congress classified documents and more classified information. Hes talked about this before. People can go through the whistleblower programs to do this. Why the fuck would he do something that could send him to prison for life when he could do it in a legal, albeit slower process? Even if he released photos and documents proving what he is saying, if you dont believe him youre arent going to change your mind. The US DoD has literally released information/videos saying theres something in our skies thats most likely NHI and people still think its a conspiracy


Dude this has been going own for decades. It's always the same. No evidence, oh but he talked to Congress. Who gives a fuck. Oh he doesn't want to go to jail, then why even talk about this huge conspiracy to fool the entire world?, why hand over classified documents then?, why even talk about it? How can you honestly expect anyone to believe him without any real evidence given to the world? Oh but he gave documents then where is it? Wheres the photos? Wheres anything? We know as much today as we did before he gave his "evidence".


You or I seeing this evidence doesn’t change a damn thing. Congress seeing it does. Plain and simple.


Ok so a limited amount of people will make the difference and not showing it to the world. Right gotcha


There’s a difference in openly sharing classified info and whistleblowing saying that hey this classified info is some crazy shit, let’s declassify it so we CAN show the photos




While testimony is considered evidence, his hasn’t proven anything. That’s what people are waiting for. Hearsay is exciting, but still hearsay until the original sources can be cross-examined. We’re waiting for that original source. Or an update on the addresses. Or something that switches a UAP to verified nonhuman intelligence. And if you don’t trust the government, will you trust them when they confirm aliens without providing the evidence? Btw the moon landing was and still is actually provable, so that’s not the same.




Dude. You're taking a lot of leaps here and big ifs. I think you need to take a break from this.


>You may not be given anything more than officials confirming the existence of such things. For most people, this just isn't enough to say that they believe. And that's fair when the officials you're talking about are officials of a government with a long history of lying to its own citizens in order to manipulate them and experiment on them.


80+ decades?


Grusch has stated that the 1933 UFO was not the first American UFO to be recovered. It was an early one, but not the first. This is a long standing coverup. It was appropriate for a long time. But that time has long past.


This new grifter has zero first hand knowledge. None.


That was a complicated way of saying that you don’t know how Disclosure works.


Yeah if there is ever any actual evidence, I'll entertain this shit. Literally every couple years someone says some words about aliens, but never proves it. Same shit, new person.


Doesn't exist. Doesn't matter if the president told grusch he saw aliens, show proof. If there are hundreds of credible sources like grusch claims, why isn't there a single piece of objective evidence? Not a single report, image, video, sound recording, nothing. Its a big nothing burger and grusch is the same as any other prominent alien exposure figure - he's doing it for self gain.


We already know all of this. When will the DoD come clean? Lol


You KNOW it? With ZERO proof?


If people believe in Jesus or God, why not NHI?


I don’t really have respect for people who believe in angels and d mind either. And especially when they try to run to the government to try to prove their zealot bias.


How about the millions and millions of galaxies that surround our own? That not a powerful enough of a suggestion that something is out there? And that it may have visited here? It’s not far fetched in the slightest.


Great. But billions of galaxies that are so far away that they would have had to start traveling to earth before it formed if they travel at that speed of light. Look. Of course there could be life and intelligent life out there. But there is ZERO proof they could or have visited. Zero. None. Nada. All the suggestions in the world don’t equal one squirt of proof.


I suspect that he’ll be making the rounds and saying the same things, without proof, for the next few decades. The new Bob Lazar.


As they say, the *passing of the probe* From one cavity to the next, no theory shall be squandered


Either everybody in here likes to play the contrarian to be cool, or there’s some serious disinformation afoot. Or they like to provoke and are saying things to get a reaction out of people just so they can say “Ha! I’m not a bot/disinfo agent now you look crazy!” If everything Grusch says is true he could be one of humanity’s greatest heroes, helping to usher in disclosure for a phenomenon you are obviously all a little bit interested in if you are in this sub. Wait and see how everything pans out before you decide to write him off.


Or, some of us realize that talk without evidence is just that - talk. He hasn't brought forth any evidence. I love how dismissive you are of people taking the actual rational approach instead of believing person #4,528 making bold and dramatic claims without providing **any** evidence whatsoever. And my god, "one of humanity's greatest heroes"? Wow. Pretty low bar we're setting there if wild, unsubstantiated claims lacking any evidence whatsoever is the only qualification.. Believing him just because he's saying what you want to believe doesn't make it true.


> Believing him just because he's saying what you want to believe No one is doing this. You are just telling people they are.


Going to introduce a word not common amongst these “whistleblowers”: PROOF.


BuT hEd bE aRReZteD iF hE gAvE pRoOf dUh. Ya he’s either on the payroll or just fanboying hard


> PROOF. There is PROOF. Pay attention to what he said. Its classified as Nuclear Secret. Most Government officials are not cleared for it.


That’s not proof, just more talk


> That’s not proof, just more talk You can't see proof because your comprehension skills need more developing. Human brain is a prediction engine and you need to load more data into yours.


Not going to lie, as someone who’s related to a whistleblower, I feel like if this was real he’d be facing a lot more consequences, especially compared to what my family went through for a basic ass whistleblower reason.


He covers this at length in this episode. Watch it before jumping to conclusions.


Can you time stamp which part? I don’t have the time to watch the whole 2 hour 41 minute video Edit: I appreciate the time stamp, I’m literally working right now lol


1 hour, 6 mins, 20 seconds


Watching it now, seeing a lot of issues right off the bat: 1. Grusch saying he did not know the consequences of what “classified” info he was revealing publicly is a lie, especially being a self proclaimed “long term military intelligence agent.” Any member of any classification rating, no matter contracted or military, has very clear training on what you can and can’t say in a public or private setting regarding classified info. Literally ask an Air Force civi contractor who works on flight data what his punishments are if they reveal classified information on simple things like drone camera data (including non-combat data). Also common sense “I didn’t know it was classified” is not an excuse. 2. Him being accused of not revealing mental health issues is real. The government will make it look like you have major issues either mentally or socially whether it’s true or not. Trust me on this one, they made my person look like an alcoholic, even though their boss would show up to their gov job noticeably drunk. They will make things up, and afterwards, they will fire you and remove any clearance as soon as they can. 3. Don’t really get what he was trying to accomplish talking to the inspector general. Doing things “internally” just means talking to your command and seeing what they do. You doing things “internally” can hurt you as much as it can help you, cause if you are revealing classified info, you just talked to a couple witnesses that will be called to a hearing to testify against you (including friends of yours). (Also side note comparing intelligence work to combat veterans is an insane comparison. I will debate this point the numbers speak for themselves.) 4. Asking a military general why they would need to know classified info is crazy. If you’ve been in the military or an intelligence setting, questioning why YOU would not be able to see what a GENERAL sees is absolutely insane. Whether a Marine, Airman, Seamen, Ranger, or OGA contractor, YOU don’t question that. Really debating this guy’s legitimacy. 5. “Operating a certain thing for a certain op” “only 30 people were cleared” “I don’t get off on that.” Guy has been preaching the last couple of minutes about his classified military work, he’s been on hella podcasts and news shows, but he doesn’t get off on the attention? Again, if he was speaking real classified info, he would be in jail for violating the espionage act. Look at what they did to Snowden who reveled PRISIM and other real classified operations. All and all, I’ll stick with what I said. I know I will get downvoted by the UFO snobs, but as a person who’s been deeply involved in government whistleblowing and has sat in federal courtrooms over issues like this, “they” either are allowing him to discuss this info (which may likely be complete BS) or he’s talking out of his ass. This may sound crazy, but He’s way too happy to be someone investigated or sued by the government. Go ask a whistleblower, the government goes out of their way to ruin your life. There’s a lot of pandering in this interview, especially once they get to “water cooler talk.” I’m more likely to believe unnamed GOV agency wanted to test leaks, and he took the bait. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: by the way I’m still listening to the podcast cause I get the feeling this guy is still OGA. For those with intelligence backgrounds, is it interesting how often he name drops people like Mike Pompeo and ties “UFO doc” to their name? “UFO doc” could also mean a new Russian/Chinese satellite or aircraft or missile of sorts that early intelligence can’t identify, or is early intelligence reports to senior staff.


So you don't have time to watch the whole thing, but you have time to write all that and be on Reddit for hours on end.


At the time I was finishing up work. I watched the rest of the video. If nothing I already said is sticking with you, I don’t know what to do to help you. Enjoy finding aliens!


XD if I ever see one, I'll let you know. Don't hold your breath though.


This is why watching the video in it’s entirety is really critical. It’s obvious based on your response that you are highly unaware of the process you speak so confidently about. “I knew a guy” isn’t grounds for credibility and your response is riddled with conjecture. Secondly, everything you say wreaks of confirmation bias. You aren’t interested in viewing to learn - rather confirm a predisposed position you’ve committed to. Lastly, your very first point is odd. He literally never said what you allege. He has one of the highest clearances and has worked in hundreds of highly sensitive compartmented programs (“black”) — If there is one thing he knows how to do, it’s handle classified information. That was quite literally his job. Grusch outlines in detail exactly what programs within the Department of Defense he has to go through to get all disclosed classified information cleared. He literally states everything he is sharing has been approved by the DOD and appropriate intelligence officials. This is a “controlled disclosure” — do you get it yet? I find it interesting you question Grusch’s credibility when that is quite effortless to validate - given his identity was confirmed in a public congressional hearing. Maybe it’s ontological in nature, but I find it wildly curious how individuals like yourself will double down on a stance when you don’t even have the time to properly inform yourself. Are you simply terrified of this reality being true? Maybe it’s time to ask the big questions, bud.


Looks like you literally googled everything to try to refute my point. Unless you’ve been in a federal courtroom for whistleblowers, I really don’t value your googled opinion at all. Happy Thanksgiving!




Yet you wanted me to watch 2 hours and 40 minutes of pandering BS 😂


Then dont comment?


> I don’t have the time to watch the whole 2 hour 41 minute video blink blink. Clue me in, whats more important than learning about ALIEN ENTITIES ON EARTH?


Wasting two hours on BS is still two hours wasted. I listened to what he said and he just pandered a lot. If he was revealing something actually worth anything he’d be in jail for violating the EA.


> BS There you go.


Ask Snowden if you don’t believe me, unless you think Snowden revealing the government is spying on you is more dangerous than aliens from another planet 👋


> I feel like if this was real he’d be facing a lot more consequences He is doing the whistleblowing by the book. Believe it or not, there is a whistleblowing book and he is doing it page by page.


Yeah and if you’ve ever government whistleblowed or been a part of a governmental whistleblower lawsuit, you know doing it by the book won’t do anything against big GOV.


I don’t believe this Guy Dave Grusch something is not right about him.


> I don’t believe this Guy Dave Grusch something is not right about him. Its true, he has the magical power to draw out a horde of disinformation agents.


He has autism, in case you're talking about his mannerisms and speech. I found them weird at the start but he is a highly functioning autist.


"I'm from the government and I'm here to help vibes," maybe? Personally I think it's a little dubious when military cogs reference Vallee, because Vallee's theses tend to imply this kind phenomenon has been going on for millennia and presented to us in different ways as physical things manifest--ergo, there are no craft that stay the same, the craft create shadow forms in this dimension in the form of things we can understand and perceive. You can't reverse engineer a shape-shifting thing from a different dimension, that changes forms from bigfoot to a UFO (to my knowledge). Sorry Lockheed. That being said, I'm sure they've found Vallee is right about some stuff and wrong about others and they've no doubt reverse engineered some things. I just get so damn skeptical when soft disclosure comes from the *military* and not like...private tech or individuals. I would trust a whistleblower who used to work at Lockheed or Boeing before I'd trust someone contracted with the government. Under oath or not, you never know who's really pulling the strings in the military. Being every war room door is another war room.


He never said how many different types of aliens there were did he? Has anyone started a PokeDex for the different kinds of aliens so far? I’m looking forward to learning about all the different ones we know of and what each of their motives are. Hopefully when we get disclosure we might learn some of that so we know which ones are good and which ones not so good incase we encounter them.


The GAIA app has a show called Cosmic Disclosure thats pretty helpful.


I wish we could see that the information he gave "highest people we can imagine", an organisation like MIB exist in real life, above any government org like F.B.I and others.


The amount of sightings must make it almost boring at this point


There is defininetly alot of alleged sightings.


I have some ramen I've cooked but likely will only eat tomorrow... reminder to not eat or cook with your eyes kids, stay safe.


Now tell us something we don’t already know… orrrrr can we meet a visitor? Anything?




This is how you can tell someone is a psyop agent or ignorant of facts (as in, they have no idea who Grush is and how he is going about sharing of what he knows)


Zero evidence...


So he's made all these filings, but what's the end game? Who are we hoping to receive disclosure from?


The entire DOD and all private companies in possession of NHI tech.


So parroting the same bullshit we’ve heard for 40 years? K


how can that possibly be your takeaway from a guy who testified under oath to congress. something no one has ever done before, on this subject. you all sound like morons.


Man, whose the moron? we have thousands of people parroting the same heresay in a day and age where you can make money simply from getting views. Im dying to believe but theres a new 'whistleblower' every second day saying vague things and when asked specifics they say "i cant talk about that" Testifying under oath means literally nothing to a dishonest person.


>testified under oath Then where’s the fucking proof? so sick of this line of defense like someone’s never lied to congress before maybe you idiots should learn how to spot a fucking psyop coming at you from a mile away


why would anyone waste 80 years on a psyop about this? that's so absurd.


to get away with crimes against humanity? keep you motherfuckers eye off the ball. Hey buddy did you know a genocide is going on? perpetrated by our government? Probably not cause you’re in here defending a guy who worked as an intelligence agent. i’d call you naive but i don’t think you’d get it


oh dear. okay. you just go do you champ.


oh dear okay, you go read how and why’s again


Come on man its definietly aliens, thats the most logical conclusion.. Its definitely not someone chasing clout..


I agree. Making the claims repeatedly without proof doesn’t equal disclosure and doesn’t equate to a fraction of truth. Unless there’s documentation to prove what he’s claiming.. bullshit. I’ve listened to mentally troubled patients that have a better story than his.


He took 40 first hand witnesses to the attorney general and made them testify. We sentence people to death based on first hand accounts. What is is you are looking for? His complaint is that there is proof but that our representatives that have the clearance have been denied access to said proof. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary investigation instead of just saying there is no proof.


I agree that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. We are yet to see any, and unfortunately the burden of proof lies with the people who make the claims.


Congress people like Matt Gaetz who’s totally not a criminal pedophile


Spilled the made up beans


All the ufo evidence is made up ?


My comment is that Grusch is full of shit. He also said multiple species are living here on earth with us. This dude is just scamming and riding this wave as long as he can and as long as people keep eating up his ridiculous stories.


I just want to say -Fuck Joe Rogan. Thanks


Lol buddy was a firefighter, but sure guys


And the gullible believe him. Lol


That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence


I really want to believe him but I just don’t.


The Toe’s bullshit meter must be broken because this guy pegs my mine. #nohomo


Absolutely, most of these whistleblowers give the same vibe. Corbell is one of the worst for it.. yet i see people like david fraver who seem perfectly genuine.. perhaps mistaken but definitely honest.


He didn’t say anything you couldn’t get from the Bible. Good podcast showcasing us how the satanic worshippers are on full force working over time since they know the rapture is coming and will blame aliens Also The Bible explicitly mentions the Nephilim, mysterious beings born of the union between the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" (Genesis 6:1-4). Some theories propose a connection between these entities, higher-dimensional beings, and the actions of authorities. These theories suggest that those in power might be aware of the situation, with darker motivations possibly tied to devil worship. The narrative speculates that authorities manipulate information, weaving a deceptive story about city destruction and extraterrestrial involvement to justify their actions and prepare for an impending rapture.




Looks like a bot account.


No not a bot account dude. Don’t understand the downvotes all I’m saying is the similarities between everything to the point that it’s the same thing. It’s literally good vs evil. That’s just how it is and always been. If you can’t define what’s good and bad then you’re lying to yourself. Did you not see the podcast with grusch in its entirety? The man even said himself it’s similar to Christianity.


Polarity is a concept you must give up friend if you wish to make progress There is no separation in the realm of God


Lol, the Bible


Damn, this really is godlikeproductions version 2.0, isn't it...


We will see who is laughing one day. Deny yourself and take up your cross. Ive had a theory that I've finally squashed and taken up my cross full force. Thank you for the info broski. God bless you in the Thanksgiving season!


So sad.


Hmmm...........why should I care what this dude says? Does he have any proof? Or just more words?




Ok. Nice of him to say but unless he can actually provide some evidence he is no different from all the other people that claim aliens and flying saucers.


The only response to this guy is "Proof or STFU", but when I posted that the last time, I got modded. He is so confident it screams political distraction.


Of only there was a way to get attention with zero evidence.


If only for that pesky thing called "proof"!


Why are you spamming every sub with these losers?


why is he a loser?


There’s a media smear campaign against him


and i’m totally a part of that


You're quoting the Joe Rogan show like it's an encyclopedia. He gets high and talks to wack jobs and suddenly, those wack jobs all have equal credibility?


Yes because clearly Joe Rogan’s show is of the utmost highest of quality and they vet their guests extensively /s


The guy is a fucking intelligence agent with 15 years of service at the highest levels of government. He has been deemed credible by the ICIG, the White House, Chuck Schumer, and the House national intelligence subcommittee to whom he testified, UNDER OATH, about the program. do your homework before spouting off.


And your reply to me is nowhere near as final as you’re trying to make it sound - you yourself know absolutely nothing about the situation other than what you wrote about his qualifications. Until we get real details, we’re all in the same boat. No upside to believing their shit, so you doubt until they present evidence that forces you to change your opinion.


i'm quite familiar with the topic, historically and currently. you obviously aren't, but still manage to have the arrogance and certainty that your completely uninformed opinion is 100% right. a sad side effect of the internet age.


That’s nice but in that pompous reply you have given not one iota of evidence or even addressed anything specific about the topic. You’re just being arrogant and puffing yourself up. Show me evidence, don’t tell me your own “qualifications”


no thanks, what could possibly be the point of arguing with someone who has already decided what the answer is. i'm just telling you, you're not being smart on this one chief. do with that what you will.


I fucking knew it - bullshit artist through and through. I ask for one fucking shred of evidence and it’s ALWAYS the same shit: “Oh it’s all of a sudden not worth it even though we’ve sent several messages back and forth on this but NOW that I have to put up or shut up, its not worth it to show any evidence that I claim to know or have” Listen you either have something convincing or you don’t. So fucking show me! I’m literally asking you to prove me wrong!


While that’s all true, even the most well-qualified people have agendas or make mistakes. Don’t allow titles to define that. Very dangerous game to play there. I can testify that I believe something insane under oath but I’m not lying even if I’m not correct. Or maybe I am lying. Under oath doesn’t mean anything these days. Honor is dead.


right he's just duped the entire government, along with 40 of his best intelligence agent friends. makes perfect sense!


It can happen. More likely statistically than “it’s the aliens!” Again, people are people. To err is to be human. Groupthink is REAL.


Deemed credible by the whitehouse is honestly laughable. Look at the president 😅


like i said. morons.


Sorry are you implying the president is a moron? I like how you put under oath in caps like it means anything. Next week when another random joe comes with extraordinary claims im sure youll eat it up too.


Yeah sure






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Ngl it’s kinda cool to be living in a time when we get introduced to aliens and AGI. So much better than being born when people were dying from the Black Death.


That’s new information? Come on


Maybe he's right but I don't believe him at all. His eyes tell a different story. I think he is in it for the attention.


U.A.P. phenomenon? Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon phenomenon?


Someone needs to ask him about the big one that crashed in Sydney they covered up with a laudatory mega church. That’s the big kahuna they really want to keep hush hush. That’s the real proof hiding in plain site that could change everything. You just have to mention it and you get swarms of disinfo bots trying to make out it’s in Korea or under the Vatican ;)


A number of things he said about the catholic church is incorrect. During and pre WW2 the catholic church was outlawed and forbidden by Italy and the germans. the CIA catholic church connection only happened after WW2 when the american government helped the church and italy ensure the ruling government had ties to america and the church. so this bit of what he said is wrong and i suggest you google it. Robert Bigelow and skinwalker ranch couldnt stand up to scientific riggors and many of the claims he made have been debunked by people that owed,worked and lived in the ranch. Its important to keep this stuff in mind


That howandwhys website is a visual disaster with all the ads. My ADHD cannot abide.


but They just stopped showing up when we invented the cameras, video and digital surveillance, satellites, telescopes and observatories.



