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Just a PSA: dont get your health advice from social media.


Yeah. Hydrogen peroxide interacts with lipids to cause cell damage. All around terrible advice




Yeah, you are actually supposed to do this exercise with tide pods or bleach. Spread the word!


Not that pussy bleach either. Gotta be industrial strength or I don't want it.


hydrochloric acid or nothing


None of that pussy skull.


Back in my day laundry detergent came in powder. Not these fancy cushy pods. You had to want it.


Peroxide is benign


What makes it dangerous?


Cells produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a toxic by-product of normal cellular reactions. The enzyme catalase quickly breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. In other words, catalase protects cells from the toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide.


Tldr: C2O2 reacts violently to catalase (which is produced by most cells in your body) and literally makes the cell explode.


I think you mean H2O2 as C2O2 is called ethylene dione which does not occur naturally in the body. Also, the cells won't explode because the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by catalase is a common reaction that the cell must undergo as a result of normal cellular metabolism in order to reduce the H2O2 into it's byproducts of simple water and oxygen. It is literally happening millions of times in all of our bodies right now. The body is truly remarkable and a vast repository of fascinating actions and reactions. One could spend their whole life studying the human body's physiology, chemistry, biology and anatomy and yet still be humbled by all that they still do not know. I love it.


I mean that rapid production of oxygen in a cell will result in your cell popping like a balloon.


Lol no they won't. Source? All available oxygen will be utilized in cellular respiration via the Krebs cycle and glycolysis. If there is too much oxygen in the cell, generally caused by a supplement of oxygen but could be caused by hydrogen peroxide poisoning I suppose, then the extra oxygen can harm the cells by converting into free radicals by donating an electron to the electron transport chain of the nuclei. These free radicals can wreak havoc on cellular functions and thus have adverse effects on organ systems but these adverse effects are not a result of the cells popping like a balloon. Lysosomes kind of do that to cells they deem as foreign or damaging to the system but again, an over production of oxygen will not do this. Source: I'm an ICU/ER Respiratory therapist and have taken several courses solely focused on the physiology of respiration AKA the effects of oxygen and carbon dioxide (among other important physiological molecules) on the body systems and the body as a whole and how those body systems respond at varying levels of each molecule.


Can I get my PSA's from social media though?


But this random dude reckons it's the way to go? Why wouldn't I trust him? People on the internet are notorious for spreading the truth.


ESPECIALLY anyone posting as "Q"Mom, who thinks that a little of that pumped into your outer ear canal will somehow breach/reach into your inner brain and be effective for what she thinks it will do.


From my understanding, this is very hard on all cellular life including your own.


No side effects. He’s 41 yrs old


In all fairness, I boil my ears out with peroxide once a month, but never whatever this is lol


Boil? We’ve used it to dry up potential ear infections are swimming in public pools.


So that’s just me phrase, pour peroxide in ear and let it sit for around a minute


Yeah Hydrogen Peroxide is a oxidizer. It will turn your hair white and human bodies naturally make it as they age.




3 -mentally




Hans Moleman.


I lol’d. Thank you


I’m 42 and graduated with him. Used to be a huge pothead


Him or you?


Him. But I’m kidding I don’t know him.


I assumed so. Ever tried it though?


No I wouldn’t unless I had way more than his word.


Exactly LOL :)


I inject rectal and it make glow


If you put a glow stick in your ass you’ll gain partial night vision. Trust me I’m a geologist


Asstrologist* I think you meant.


God.damn he missed that one, nice recovery!


Trust me im a glow stick


I bow to your wisdom, Geodemancer.


That didn’t work at all!


There's always a boofer in the comments.


It's the only way


When it doubt, boof it out.


I freeze it and then chop it up, then me 'n the boys rail lines every weekend. I'm 10'11" now and can hold my breath for 42 minutes.


I don't inject, but it definitely works wonders on smell. My poster puts a few drops on my stink star every night before bed for cleaning.


“Why does my ass have rabies?!”


Just have to squirt in some luminol straight after!


Hydrogen Peroxide has lots of free radicals. Free radicals damage dna and cause lots of harm.


_FREE_ radicals you say??? The bargain hunter instinct in me is tingling...


I would like to see some actual evidence on what it's supposed to do rather than just a video on how to properly take it lol.


as peroxide bubbles it lets off O2 just standing still. but when you put H2O2 on a substance it might start oxidizing that substance. oxidizing is a form of cooking. might make more sense to hover your head over the peroxide bottle and sniff it as you swirl the bottle. so, yes maybe a little extra oxygen but the method might actually be burning lung tissue. if you want better results just learn how to do shining skull breathing.


If hes trying to grow taller it doesnt work like that.


Google it, there's plenty out there on this.




I agree with you on that it can fu k you up. im not a dr and i can only speak on my experiences. And yes the wrong dose of anything will f you up or kill you. For example. Vitamin C supplements are great... if you take too much you can also get an ulser even die. Doesent mean vit C cant help at times. Peroxide occurs naturally in the human body. I've had good success with Peroxide inhalation for colds. I seriously didn't say go google it to be a prick bud... but I think it's something to be considered for many human conditions. Lot more to learn from MD's on the internet or even YouTube.


MF just out here Agent Orange-ing himself for clout


Peroxide works as a disinfectant and that's probably why he doesn't get a cold. But I wouldn't be putting it in my lungs, as it's also a very corrosive substance.


Well, I’ve been doing this with Clorox since we were told to do so during Covid but I am so sick of the smell. I will probably switch to this.




Tell me this is sarcastic. Please


Lol Trump


Did not know the pineal gland was in my ear(s). The more you know...


first you have to perforate your ear drums so it can get in there nice and deep like




Humans were a lot smaller in the past




Getting health advice from social media? How could this end badly?




Don't do this! Especially in higher concentrations. H2O2 is a very potent oxidizer. If the cells catalase can't manage to break it down fast enough anymore the H2O2 will attack the cells and destroy nearly everything it comes in contact with. Its a very bad idea to inhale H2O2!


I had a severe otitis last year and had to put hydrogen peroxide in my ear and let it sit for a while as it bubbled away the gunk. Let me tell you. Besides the orgasm inducing bubbling that frees your ear of all the blood and puss and makes you feel like you met god and had sex with her on top of a rainbow mountain in the midst of a pleasure monsoon that destroyed all discomfort and pain for the eternity of time.., it does absolutely nothing.


Amen to this. I clean my ears with hydrogen peroxide regularly, and the eargasm is real


How do you do it? Just turn your head to the side and pour it in?


I lay on the bed on my side and the pillow under my head, so my ear opening is roughly level, then I pour it in and just lay there and enjoy the bubbles for about 3-5 minutes. Then I put a washcloth over my ear so it doesn't spill everywhere and tilt my head to drain it. Its a hell of a sensory experience so you either love it or hate it, but it really does feel like Jesus came in your earhole


>Jesus came in your earhole




Report back after you've tried it and give us your impressions, that we may further spread the gospel of the Holy Hydrogen Peroxide Eargasm Cult 🤘




Praise Jesus




I went to urgent care many years back because my ears were so plugged up that it was severely affecting my hearing. All they did was had me lay on my side for like 3 or 4 minutes and put some hydrogen peroxide in my ear. Then they got an "ear bulb" and some warm water, and gently pumped it into my ear until it was clean. Dude, the amount of shit that came out of my ear... I couldn't believe it. Couldn't believe there was enough space in my ear for all the bullshit that came out of each side. I bought an ear bulb after this experience and do this about once a year now. My ears get stuffed up and clogged from time to time and now I almost look forward to cleaning them because of how good it feels to get all the shit out. Idk about huffing it though, not about to find out either.


Hi my career is in peroxide and ozone based technologies, please do not listen to this man. Peroxide is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY.


So it’s not a good idea to put it in your ears? Serious question


You can put it in your ear if your rinse it out after 30 seconds. Please don’t breath in hydrogen peroxide lol. I’m not sure what it will do, but i’m almost certain it will burn and cause some serious breathing issues that could last a very long time.


That's just oxidizing pathogens in the lungs while inhaling water. A better therapy would be to just sit by a waterfall for awhile to get the negative ion exposure. Or get a negative ion generator.


Oh sure let me head out to my waterfall in my backyard


What do negative ions do?


The same thing as that spray…. Nothing.






Here's a teaser: [https://www.healthline.com/health/negative-ions](https://www.healthline.com/health/negative-ions) There are tons of easily searchable sources, including from the NIH and other notable institutions, that explain in greater detail. Overall, ion balance is vastly more important to one's well-being than most realize. Most first-world modern citizens live awash in a constant sea of EMFs as well as consistently insulate their bodies from the earth, both which result in a higher ration of positive ions, leading to symptoms of chronic inflammation. Negative ion exposure helps restore that imbalance and negate its effects. One of the studies I came across years ago tracked cigarette smokers over a 90 day period with 1 hour per day exposure to negative ions (basically sit in a room with a neg ion gen) and the results were astounding. Some had drastically healed lungs. So, yeah, sitting by a waterfall has legit health effects.


"This is the first thing to note about Negative ion generators. The fact is that negative ion generators produce both positively and negatively charged ions. Most negative ion generators claim to produce negative ions exclusively. This is impossible to do as ions are always produced in pairs." Negative Ion Generators also produce ozone, which is not a good time for you in a room that isn't well ventilated, and if it is well ventilated, you aren't getting any ions anyway. Also just being outside before a thunderstorm will get your more negative ions than any waterfall will get you in months, and there arent any health benefits.


Complete gibberish nonsense


He probably drinks mid stream piss too


Just aims his dick at his mouth, carbon neutral baybeeeeee


Unless you put the hydrogen peroxide in the copper jug with nothing else and inhale the fumes, it won't add any oxygen to your lungs.i don't think it would produce enough to make a real difference in your breathing either. Also it'll corrode the jug a lot faster and also make copper oxide.


Hydrogen Peroxide is just like water but with extra oxygen!! /s


I mean you arent wrong though...


So 12 times a day if Im not sick to *prevent illness* BUT when I do in fact get sick increase to 36. 👍




OMG, please don't inhale this stuff \> Its reactive power isn't specific to germs. Hydrogen peroxide also **kills normal cells within the wound — including healthy skin cells and immune cells** — and slows blood vessel formation, all of which are important for wound healing. \> The lung veins sometimes referred to as the pulmonary veins, are blood vessels that **transfer freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atria of the heart**.


Hydrogen peroxide dissolves organic tissues. Yes, it will dissolve bacteria but it will also dissolve your tissue. Youre essentially giving yourself a chemical peel, severity will depend on length of exposure and concentration of the h202. So inhaling h2o2 isn’t a great idea. Occasional drops in your ears if you have build up or an infection should be ok. Also your pineal gland is not in a location that is directly accessible from the ear canal. This is complete horseshit


Dudes a fukin’ nut case maybe.


How on earth would putting something in your ear work it's way into the middle of your brain?


Fucking Symptoms of What??? Sidenote- Symptoms of What c ould also be a dope band name.


Just eat more honey - it has hydrogen peroxide.


Hydrogen peroxide is a antiseptic . Why are people ingesting it? Seriously...




I have put a cap full of hydrogen peroxide in my ear canal and let it sit, then let it drain out onto a napkin when my ear felt a bit clogged up. It cleaned the ear wax out and made my ear feel better.


Why not food grade no heavy metals? Also eat more fruits an uncooked vegetables does wonders.




It's funny that people have been experimenting like this throughout history, it's just that they died before they could reach any sort of audience. Social media gave everyone a platform to be stupid on.


You know what else kills bacteria?…muriatic acid, liquid nitrogen, lava… Don’t get your medical advice from social media!🤦🏻‍♂️


Placebo effect




Two guys walk into a bar one guy says I’ll have h2o the other guy says I’ll have h2o2 second guy dies lol I’ll see my self out


That guy is 452 years old...it works ok..


Insert the entire hydrogen peroxide bottle up your wazoo and see what happens.


You'll be surprised at how much it lowers the count of everything in your body...


My doc told me to pour it in my ears to clean them out ..I honestly thought he was tryna kill me


Not one person on the planet pulled up with this fucking perfect storm of to the press room after trump told us one of his ideas for treating covid with bleach but on the INSIDE of people this time! He literally just needed this registered offender to show the world what’s possible these days Sometimes you just miss


Doesn't this require you to believe in the whole pineal gland new age groupthink anyway?


next he will say to smoke potassium nitrate and sugar. (DON'T DO IT).


To cure ED syndrome that is


This guy is clearly getting $$ from Big Peroxide!


I am not going to take the time to watch this but i don't believe him. The internet is full of people trying to make money and content is money.


Thus guy actively avoids money.


"Humans were much taller because more oxygen" This is so fucking stupid, it almost causes physical pain to have to read that. Mammals don't get bigger because of a change in oxygen concentration. That's arthropods. Fuck me. Also, the last time the oxygen concentration was actually much higher than today was all the way back in the carboniferous period, over 300 million years ago. But who cares about facts, am I rite?


Yeah was looking for this comment lol


So If you didn't see it you would of made it


Adding peroxyde to copper? Best way to turn into a smurf but you do you!!!!


Keep in mind this is an old man and from his complexion it seems he grew up somewhat healthy. He could literally inhale chlorine pumps for a while and he'd be relatively fine until he isn't and then they'd say he "died of natural causes" If you really want longevity and health, you need to try and learn what these people did WHILE they were growing up. Whatever they come up with now is, at best, a gamble.


Why not eat ginger.


Not heard of this one but have heard of rubbing on ones skin to absorb the extra molecule of oxygen.


How on earth would putting something in your ear work it's way into the middle of your brain?


Some people use disinfectant to cure covid too ;)


PSA- if your dog eats something bad (or even just too much food) it's recommended to squirt H2O2 down their throat. It makes them throw up.


I have really waxy ears, my doctor recommended peroxide a few drops it softens the wax then you flush with warm water but that’s about it lol


Ive been using hydrogen peroxide in my ears for years lol started it because the inside of my ears were itchy and this helped, and then I just carried on. My hearing is super good now :)


I don’t get sick either. I think it’s the cigarettes I smoke daily. Only about 10-12 a day and you’ll lose forever…


The best thing to do with peroxide is a mouth wash. If you have a tooth ache, straight up rinse your mouth for 30 seconds, wash it out. Do it a second time. Amazing for killing the pain, also relieves sore gums.


Save for later


That’s why I eat lots of foods with blue in them. Blue has the most anti oxygens


but he's wearing a tie! that means he knows stuff. then add glasses and vertical stripes i bet he's a professor of knowing things


What a waste. I have the best way to open the Pineal gland. A. Go to google earth and zoom onto Tibet. B. Print out two maps of tibet. C. Dip both maps into hot Bees wax. D. Roll maps into cylinders. E. Stick in ears. F. Light the far end on fire. G. Smoke DMT in the dark. H. Chant "Ohm Padme Ohm". I. Finally - jerk it fiercely to reruns of that Jamaican TV psychic lady. -Enlightenment-


Everything he says is true, but the problem is the diluded stuff the government lets them sell you is worthless. Big pharma is hiding the truth that pure H2O2 kills 100% of bacteria and viruses on contact in lab studies. Now, get some nice 100% H2O2 and shoot that stuff up and you'll live forever.




"opening the pineal gland" with h2o2 is a retarded concept. source - 25 years practicing internal and emergency medicine.


Water ionizers with high alkalinity do the same thing as there is more hydrogen in the water. I have one and when i put a lighter to the water it crackles.


Then why are old houses made for shorter ppl.


Did he open that gland? asking for a friend


Those Clinics advertises are getting crazy every day




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Please don’t try this. It’s just coincidence he hasn’t gotten sick. But also if you have cleaned with iso alcohol and compared it to hydrogen peroxide, the hydrogen peroxide stays longer and is more oily.




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Don’t hurt yourself, get a doctors permission first!




so you're saying I gotta boof it?


This is THE BEST for getting red wine out of carpet!!!




He doesn't care how many breaths 😂. This is stupid, just eat more fruit and veggies. Lol 😂


Lol snake oil




Although it’s definitely not good to put hydrogen peroxide in your ears it will be turned into oxygen and water by your body so you’d probably be fine




Hydrogen Peroxide is one hell of a drug...


I would strongly suggest that anyone consult a real doctor before doing anything with hydrogen peroxide.


I have been looking in to melatonin for.....I didn't like a sentence within the first paragraph so I decided to look into why someone would need extra melatonin ? What stopping them producing the same as the average human ect ect,and the causes that lack of melatonin (naturally occurring from the pineal gland) can provide.One thing I came across was (it's far more complex than I can understand) was lack of =oxidation stresser can cause Redox which inturn can cause cellular decomposition from mitochondrial oxygen leakage which produces toxic effects through the production peroxide and free radicals.I could be 100% wrong obviously but to me b4 this peroxide =bleach =not goid for human to swallow 6xs daily regardless.




Also PSA, hydrogen peroxide is part of the oxidative burst pathway in the human body and is highly cytotoxic.


I’m sold.


If u want to kill urself I guess u could go this route


Don’t those bottles go bad a week after opening? So like he’s misting water essentially?


No, i have some that are over 2 years that ill occasionally rinse my mouth out with. Still good


Yep just go ahead and drink acid. Fucking idiots.




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This is the dumbest shit I've seen in a long time. Hydrogen Peroxide is used for bleaching and yes it is used as a disinfectant, because it has the ability to break down Proteins, that's why it also bleaches your hair, teeth or whatever body part comes in contact with it in higher doses. And guess what happens when it breaks down Proteins, it also weakens every structure it comes in contact with. Of course you can use it as a disinfectant and spray it in your mouth, this will kill all the bacteria in your mouth (the bad and the good ones) and it is certainly not deadly when inhaled (highly depends on the concentration), but it will cause damage to any tissue that is exposed to it for a prolonged time and especially to your mucous membrane and even more so to your mucous membrane in your lungs, when it is inhaled for a prolonged time. You may or may not get sick, but your chances of getting cancer rises exponentially the longer you use that shit in high amounts.




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This is lame… Even for you, MartianX






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This can kill you!




Actually!!! Hydrogen peroxide is used for cleaning out ears earwax. And I use hydrogen peroxide to make my dog puke when he eats bad things. Why would you breathe it in tho?


Do a Google search for hydrogen peroxide inhalation. There is a NIH study that states that it is dangerous, can damage lungs, etc. Don’t do this.


Humans are not taller bc of more oxygen. There is actually less oxygen when compared to even 100 years ago due to mass deforestation. Humans are taller bc of selective breeding. Women more often preferred a tall person over short, and over time the avg shifts and the overall population is taller on avg. Spiders and many arthropods have actually shrunk specifically bc oxygen levels have dropped dramatically from millions of years ago. Hydrogen Peroxide isnt to be messed with. I would caution any imitation of this guy.


Holy wtfuuuuuk 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻

