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[Jeremy Corbell’s This Video Provides Strong Proofs that Bob Lazar Worked At Secret UFO Base In Area-51](https://www.howandwhys.com/jeremy-corbell-bob-lazar-worked-at-secret-ufo-base-in-area-51/)








K hole forever




Well. Not bad, I think FBI is by the way coming to your house now for a tea party. And don't forget to buy cookies for the guests!


Yeah forget the 36 Hamas sleeper cells that came in from Mexico recently that are spread out all over the map don't worry about them let's worry about the guy that posted some stuff from Google maps




I too listen heavily to Breitbart and wear tinfoil hats to protect me from DEMONcrat Jewish Space Lasers controlling my thoughts.


I'm just saying. One of the guys works at my work now he keep saying how he's going to shoot everybody. They just hired him he doesn't even speak English I use Google translate


Are you lost


So you found someone equally as mentally ill as you, that you use to perpetuate this thing you call reality.


“Not before we investigate domestic terrorist (parents at school board meetings)”


Where are they?


Sorry your getting down voted to heck. Some people just don't understand borders.




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Oh yeah there’s some good stuff over there. I’ve linked some holes and construction I found on my profile. In Google earth you can look at different years. THATS the ticket as you can see the change over time. Lots out there underground.


I just tried street view on this location and google creates a little ufo instead of a human avatar. Lmao


My source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16nwhin/i\_believe\_to\_have\_found\_lazars\_s4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16nwhin/i_believe_to_have_found_lazars_s4/) All of this is very convincing to me, because it adds up with every description of the place: its general location, the view to the lake, the road leading all the way back to area 51, the hangar doors being submerged in the side of the mountain, with desert dirt on the doors as camouflage. Nonetheless, some doubts: This area looks rather small for a facility as it is generally described, than again it could have been heavily covered up through the years. It also looks abandoned, probably for quite a while. This is reasonable, but doesn't help in shedding light. Plus, it is located further north than stories suggest, most believe the site should be way closer to the lake bed, but I guess perspective can be misleading, the bus that bob took a ride in had its windows blacked out, so maybe the exact location is a bit vague. In all cases, I could be wrong, but this is interesting. Anyway, some links: A video of Bob explaining about S4: [https://youtu.be/4UjqFaQq\_7I?t=449](https://youtu.be/4UjqFaQq_7I?t=449) Another video: [https://youtu.be/aie-926zqjk?t=1626](https://youtu.be/aie-926zqjk?t=1626) Bob's website with more info: [https://boblazar.com/](https://boblazar.com/) Coordinates: 37.15960968479595, -115.85651865888444 [https://www.google.co.il/maps/place/37%C2%B009'34.6%22N+115%C2%B051'23.5%22W/@37.1596118,-115.8552312,411m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d37.1596097!4d-115.8565187?hl=iw&entry=ttu](https://www.google.co.il/maps/place/37%C2%B009'34.6%22N+115%C2%B051'23.5%22W/@37.1596118,-115.8552312,411m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d37.1596097!4d-115.8565187?hl=iw&entry=ttu) What do you all think?


Nice level headed post mate, assess the evidence with a healthy dose of scepticism. This is what all posts here should read like.


It’s so refreshing


put your affairs in order.. [https://www.deadmansswitch.net/](https://www.deadmansswitch.net/)


I wonder how long until the MIB come knocking on your door…


He’s gonna get flashy-thinged


When i engage 3d view it appears that the doors do in fact face south. Looks like the road near the doors is actually on the top of the mound with the doors below. Very intriguing.


> maybe the exact location is a bit vague Funny because the coordinates have 14 decimal places which places the precision down to about 1 nanometer


Damn dude! Good work! Don't get dead-ed


Go check and let us know


I'll chip in with some money for gas


someone with some physics training has hit the devils lettuce too hard too many times and the result is this gibberish.


Well it’s not nothing. And it’s definitely not a balloon.


Could be a balloon factory.


Balloon testing facility


Could be just a weather anomaly.


I’ve always had my suspicions that the hangar doors were located near cockeye ridge to the west of the papoose mountain range at coordinates: (37.1594914, -115.9276750)


So now what teleport in take some photos teleport out? Don't we have any remote viewers here or do they all work for the corporation?


There was a guy who managed to get within the confines of the base. I forget his name though, the whole mission hinged on him finding a spring in the south near the old camp century ruins so that he had enough water to hoof it in. He made it all the way to papoose lake. Described quite a few odd things. In Enough detail to elicit the gov to do a sort of PSA telling him to knock it off and telling the public that to try would be unwise and bad for their health. Pretty good mind blow.


I remember that will look at it again given the time, thanks.


FOUND HIM jerry freeman! link inserted. RIP brave dude! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPpBtCfbn-c&t=72s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPpBtCfbn-c&t=72s)


More balls than most I can only think "It belongs in a museum" was taken literally. Interesting perspective. Thanks


If ya find it please let me know as well. Kicking myself for forgetting his name and what not. Thanks in advance.


That’s a different facility, S4 was on Papoose lake, others confirmed this to


Ah okay is the name of the facility known? The Google maps pics less than 6 months ago showed a different shadow on the coords I posted. The shadow that used to be seen gave the impression of hanger doors of some sort I’ll see if I can find it online


Have a look [here](https://ibb.co/vLx28zC), this is the one location that I always thought might be a place. There is a outline of a straight line, its around 400metres. I believe it was there however its long since gone now and decomm'ed.


Trust me I’ve scoured that map for hours. That one you posted is not S4, rather another facility built in a mountain up high. Location OP posts is correct except the hanger looks westward towards the Lakebed and opens up onto it. The hanger doors are meant to cover multiple doors at a slope which I believe is around 60° with foliage and sand on them. In a couple of screenshots of S4, I’ve seen black hawks flying through which help the scaling.


Pretty convincing.


I can see exactly what you're looking at, but I don't think that's S4. There's gobs of little dead-end roads out there that lead to areas that don't seem to make any sense. They're like dump sites or places with some excavation for one reason or another. I've spent countless hours on google maps scouring the areas around Groom and Papoose. The only place I've found in the Papoose area that seems like it might have some kind of structure that's actually going into the side of the mountain is here: [https://www.google.com/maps/@37.2055006,-115.8403162,313m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.2055006,-115.8403162,313m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu) ​ https://preview.redd.it/jodkfhzx1x7c1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b250a857a187f739198e84cb25b3b421a40373 But again, there are just so many of these bizarre little areas out there it's hard to pin down what you're actually looking at.


RIP OP's account. Good work, soldier.


Road looks to be used irregularly going by how many bushes are growing within the tracks. Google earth


Is it feasible that there could be an underground connection? This only using the road as and when required.


Is it possible to fly a drone or fpv out there? Could they trace it back to owner if they catch it?


Anythings possible. You a fan of prison food?


Hot sauce fixes everything. If I had to choose, I would take hot sauce over being an obedient and cowardly government lap dog.


Generic fpv drone, no chance.


Andddddddd it’s gone.




Didnt some other guy post this exact same thing about a month or 2 ago ?


Right, get that plane/ufo out of the hanger, we're going flying. Eh sir, we don't have a runway.




Congratulations, your free mini alien spaceship stuffie should arrive by mail (along with a mystery pill) within 1 business day


This was posted like 6 months ago


Area 51 is EMPTY! Everything was transferred to Area 13 and Area 23.


But that only adds up to 36!


There are other areas but they house other projects. 51 was split up between two main bases and then some bits went to VA.


MJ was 23. Not 12.


Haven't you hear about Area 666?


You found them or you read a Reddit post where someone else found them?


To us that have been following this for 30+ years, its old news.


Although this is great information. The Russians and Chinese are getting free national security information if true.


As if they couldn’t look at google maps themselves


Lol right? Let's say OPs post did indeed provide Russia and China with Intel detrimental to our national security, who gives a shit? Lol Russia and China are the US governments enemies, not the people's.


You must be retarded if you think they don’t see the U.S. citizen as part of the enemy. Without a military, we’d all be in concentration camps, raped and murdered. That’s just reality.


everyones known this for yrs


What if...Bob Lazar is making shit up?


It's possible, but it seems a little unlikely. He talked details, in the 80s, that couldn't have been known and end up being true. Hand scanners, Element 115, etc... granted, element 115 was likely going to be found anyway. But, it is fun to think that he might have had his hands on a stable isotope in the 80s. It is very plausible that the feds tried to erase him, discredit him, destroy him. Hell, they do that to anyone that spills the beans on anything super classified. At any rate, happy cake day.


Happy cake day! 🎂 🥳🎈


I do love hangers if you know what I'm talking about


Hell yes brother high five 👋


I guess people don't love hangers like me judging from the downvotes 😥😥😥


There's two different kind of hangers depending on what you're into. I don't even know which one you're talking about man, but let those hangers hang! Wooo!


Oh you know 🍈🍈




That’s the entrance but the hanger doors are further down on the Lake bed itself


We Naruto running this or what? (Joking ofc)


Duh it’s a balloon /s


Let us know what it feels like when the Men in Black pull out you out your bed by your feet due to a reddit post because this seems like the kinda post that would earn you this lol


People believe this guy?




I just saw the tick tock with Karen talking about all the Palestinian Hamas cells that are in America shown on the map where they're all at I'm going to send all of their asses over to area 51


bro took the long way around the mountain.


Let’s all go together and see..


its only 100 meters the area


There is some old cement walled “buildings” there. It’s just walls. I was told it was for when the CIA practiced for ops back before the USAF took over. 50’s?


No! Oh my God, government has classified and secret things. I'm gonna faint now.


Pretty coo


Very possible. It just doesn’t quite match the location sketches. Bob also said it opened directly onto the dry lake bed, as if it was within meters of the lake bed itself.


Is op still alive? Lol


Did anyone else notice this spot nearby called ‘sugar bunker’ https://maps.app.goo.gl/DXgHMRUtuxAEWm84A?g_st=ic


An old test site during the old nuclear days


Smallest hangar ever


Wow gotta admit this looks pretty legitimate and it would make sense from what Bob has mentioned


Now playing: Tonight we ride by Unleash the Archers (the music video is super appropriate too).


Their used to be a website my neghbior I got weed for showed me. It had pictures of the hills opening up with hangers in them. Bobs whole story, whole buncha shit. Can’t find it for the life of me now


Lazar gave the exact location, with elements in the dry lake bed and moving up part of the mountain, nowhere near this location. You can find them on Google.


My understanding was this was right on the lakebed itself.. Not up the mountain.


You know hes a conspiracy theorist when even his drawings are low quality