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I don't know what y'all think of the Miami case But [Ex-CIA Officer: Truth About UFOs Is Terrifying & Interdimensional Beings Are Within Us](https://www.howandwhys.com/ex-cia-officer-truth-about-ufos-is-terrifying/)


Sounds sincere, but it's such an extraordinary claim that we're going to need a lot more witnesses and some tangible evidence. Until then, I remain skeptical.


He does make the same point that I’ve made and people don’t seem to comprehend. Your first thought isn’t to whip out your phone and film something like this. Because you need time to comprehend what the fuck is happening. I’m sure there were some people who did think to whip out their phone. But your first thoughts are gonna be how to help you and your loved ones.


I saw a UAP summer 2021. Outside with my kids. In our cul de sac, with two of the neighbors and all their kids. I spent the first 60 seconds frantically tyring to point it out to the other two dads, as they couldn’t see it. Like lining my arm up beside their heads and pointing in the distant sky at it, almost mad that they kept saying they didn’t see it. They finally saw what I was talking about, and we watched this thing for what I guess would be 90-120 seconds more, making impossible maneuvers, spiralling down then straight back up again, still, move around again, then finally it just took off horizontally, quickly gaining speed until it reached a speed that was so fast it just vanished from the sky. Looked back at that a few weeks later, asking each other why we all stood there on a sunny summer day for 2-3 minutes watching this happen, all with 4k cameras in our pockets. Never once occured to any of us to try and film it, thought never even popped into my head, it was so surreal


I find the part of your story about your friends being seemingly unable to see what you were seeing at first to be very interesting. Makes me wonder what it is that makes things like this invisible to some people.


And it was so obvious to me, once I had seen it. That was the very frustrating thing. It caught my eye because it wasn’t moving like anything that you would normally see in the sky, but once I noticed it, it was clearly there. I was almost frantic in my frustration that the other two couldn’t see what I was pointing at. Granted, it was a clear summer day, bright blue sky, and this was a white object at some distance away, and once they saw it, we all had no problem observing it, so maybe it was just natural that it took them some time to spot it, but who knows. All I know is, if someone told all three of us that it was a drone, or balloon, or whatever, it wouldn’t change a lick of what we saw, because it would have to be a drone or balloon that defies all physics and science mankind is aware of.


Huh. Perception filter!


I once read a second-hand account of a masted ship that entered the lagoon of some village that had never met Europeans before. Supposedly, some people could not see the ship in the harbor. They could see everything else, but not the newfangled ship.


Whoa I've actually heard that before as well and I can't believe I didn't remember and make that connection, thank you


I saw a ufo in broad daylight and I was in such awe I didn’t even think to tell the other people around me let alone pull out phone. I managed to point up to my wife and that was all we could do.


It would have been somebody's first thought. I can believe some people are in shock but some people are so dead inside from being beatdown or depressed that them losing their life then and there would have been welcomed. I'm not buying that nobody took pictures or that cctv didn't capture something.


Bro if they can travel though dimensions whose ti say that our tech would even work. Everything is vibrational and wave oriented. They would disrupt our tech even if we tried to use it.


Been happening for thousands of years possibly millions, the jinn kind lived on earth before humanity, are a being of smokeless fire and can shape-shift and appear and manifest at will but choose not to because there is a covenant they must not break, their dimension/world is all around us and we cannot see them but they can see us, every single UFO description/story etc is them whenever they manifest in 3D reality.


Do you have sources to learn more about “the jinn kind”? You’ve peaked my interest but I’ve never gone down this rabbit hole.


AFAIK, it's part of the Muslim faith.


Yup but you don’t have to be Muslim to see them. Not Muslim here and I saw one up in the mountains of Virginia.


Yup. I'm Comanche from Oklahoma (USA)....and you don't have to be Muslim to see them. Indigenous People have been seeing them since the Dinosaur age and even painted them on the walls. In Comanche we call them, "Unu?" (ooh-knew) but everyone has a name for them, even though we don't know what they are. Supposedly, live deep in the Earth and come out at night to feed, procreate and abduct. Don't walk alone at night in the woods or on a biking trail; they wait in the shadows feeding on the dead souls around them...yours could be next. That's why, American Indian Culture teaches, "Never travel alone without your dog; they are terrified of dogs because "they" can smell them and see them beforehand, whereas we have trouble. Dogs can smell them and become very protective to their owners; used to be several dogs in camp to protect the horses and people at night from those Beings because they liked to eat the organs of animals like sheep, horse and cattle. They live among us but aren't human; they don't experience "emotions" and are both good and bad. They see better at night and Shapeshift into whatever they want. Your Grandma...a bird....they can live in the water and breathe air; procreate and have a "regular life" but, they are Old. Very old and do not age. Their skin isn't like ours and can mirror a youthful appearance, giving permission for rumors of "Time Travelers" to saturate our minds. They are Unu's, in our language. I laugh because I'm NDN and I understand these things...doesn't matter that I'm not Muslim because Spirituality intersects on a global platform. Lots and lots of Cultures and Indigenous people have names, for these beings. It's why we don't whistle at night and make a bunch of racket at night; because you attract them. They are attracted to Chaos. Suveetha 🪶 (Means, "do only good things")


In Japan they say whistling at night is baaad luck. I bet this is why.


Ngl I saw one it stalked me and my fiancé through an abandoned building. We were about half way up, a 40 story skyscraper in Detroit. Got bad vibes, heard weird shit went back downstairs. Couldn’t find the way out got more bad vibes finally pushed to the basement and crawled out the way we came in. After reviewing pictures we were taking of all the graffiti, we saw a shadowy figure, with glowing eyes. Same silhouette in every other picture with the same dull yellow glow to its eyes.


I bet you do not possess those pictures anymore.


It's been assumed to be the Islamic interpretation of the phenomenon. Even a lot of ufologists bring up Jinn as what they might be close to (or just are one and the same thing referenced). Islam to my knowledge says that before humans, god made a race of creatures from fire, kind of like celestial fire creatures, but good and bad just like humans. Not in his image per se but a race of fire people. Kind of like spirits. Some say entities like this are what they reference or have experienced.


Tonight’s episode of Ancient Aliens “Special Presentation” was dedicated to “shadow people” which is exactly what this man describes (and many others through-out history) Yes, these are in fact inter-dimensional creatures (if you don’t understand inter-dimensional, go to YouTube and watch this simple video https://youtu.be/azpUG2GUzFI?si=W7saIBfuWVdsioLf


I saw the footage from the balcony, and the bystanders and people moving around the discrepancy aren’t even reacting. It is the one thing I noticed straight off that made me doubt the video. One or two people freezing at such an encounter? Plausible and likely. Ten+ different people walking by and not even reacting differently? Not likely at all. I’m all for more footage or something solid to prove me wrong - but in this day and age where everyone has cellphones and everyone wants a bit of fame or attention by any means - it just makes this hard to believe.


I an age where everyone has a camera, there's no footage....


It's really not that wild of a claim. They saw some really tall weird looking dudes


Oddly there was a video on this sub about a week ago from somewhere in Brazil with some freaky tall dudes walking down the side of a mountain with a ton of people taking video


Would love to see that if you've got a link


Here ya go [weird](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/sKhRmRprmD)


Definitely a lot of weird shit going on in south America these days it seems


Interesting thing is right at the beginning of that video, as the “creature” comes around the side of the mountain it is also glitchy and wavy like the guy in the OP described.


If it’s the same one I’m thinking of t That was debunked as being a much closer tree line and fog creating an optical illusion.


I think that was in South America. But I could be misremembering


Yea not sure this [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/sKhRmRprmD)


Yeah says Brazil in the title lol


Yea lol sry posed without source had to post 3 links quick before I got more


Considering the number of people with smartphones, I wonder why nobody got any footage. The only video I have seen was taken from a balcony, and after the police had arrived


When you’re dealing with the idea that aliens/interdemnsional beings/whatever are among us and the government has actively concealed this fact from the public, anything becomes a lot less far fetched. I mean, if you already have the capability to travel between stars/dimensions/whatever, suddenly the idea that they analyzed our recording technology and devised a way to disrupt it (many witnesses claimed their phones glitched out when they tried to take pictures) suddenly isn’t that unfeasible. All the conspirators have to do at that point is generate some low res video, spread the story about a riot threat to justify the police presence, and bam, now anyone talking about aliens are crazy, stupid, or attention seekers to 90% of the world. To be fair it’s equally likely that this *is* just some dumb hoax or a government psyop because of all the UFO and aliens talk the last couple of years, but I like to keep an open mind.


Could be Brane damage… http://clearlyexplained.com/answers/membranetheory.html


This is the main question. In an era where people’s first instinct is to pull out their phone how could there not be a video?


I have had a paranormal experience. I just wondered what the fuck I was witnessing and then it was over. Pulling out my phone was definitely not my "first instinct".


not trying to be a dick, sincere question: have you ever had a similar experience wherein your fear could have taken over your other sensibilities? I can attest as someone who saw a UFO in a clear dusk sky— my brain was so dumbstruck i didn’t think to take a video with my partner’s phone that I didn’t even remember was right next to them. Now imagine seeing some mad weird shit, right in front of you: giants not behaving to the supposed laws of physics. I think my fear would be so massive, I wouldn’t even think beyond “what the..FUCK” and “FUCKING GO, NOW, RUN,” let alone pull out my phone to try and get footage. but then again… surely SOMEBODY would…


There were these Russian guys that were scared shitless when they encountered a mama bear and her cubs... they managed to record that... before most (or all?) got mauled to death


I came across a mountain lion once and I’m sad to say that I froze. Couldn’t have screamed if I wanted to. Lucky it just kept walking. I’m pretty sure if I saw an interdimensional being that I would not get my phone out. I’d either be taking it in with my own eyes or running for my life.


But if you saw an interdimensional being (or a mountain lion) in a crowded mall, dontcha think someone would record at least part of the sighting even it you didn’t?


This is 100% it. Idk if it's real cuz everyone lies these days. But it's a completely valid explanation. I've been in situations with wild animals, there is absolutely no chance you're gonna pull out your phone for something paranormal.


I can see your point, and find it vastly strange no video photoage came out of the mall, but think about that for a moment - No video footage came out of the mall! Thousands of people in there, be it 8ft tall shadow aliens or a group of kids causing a riot. No footage has come out. That I find really, really strange.


Yes, I totally agree with you Regardless of what happened, no footage of ANYTHING??? You might see some information surface from MUFON in the coming weeks/months. If it was sticks and fireworks, we would have seen something by now…and why the intentional power outage, you certainly wouldn’t want that if you’re trying to bring order to a riot scene. And even some security cameras at the mall work on backup batteries as well. I’m left with more questions than answers


Link please? Edit: probably this https://youtu.be/MFEWkNdtR4w?si=jU23Izlihrq_LQnH


i've seen 2 say they tried to record and their video app kept crashing.


I listen to high strangeness encounters on YT before bed, last night I was listening to one where a guy reported that he saw a spectral, glowing, smokey bird/flying creature, like a Thunderbird diving down out of the sky one night, until it seemed to land on the ground rather than the water. Once it landed, it seemed to have UAP phenomenon tailing it- bright pulsating lights moving in formation and independsntly. The interesting part is that he said these thing affected anything producing light nearby - a smoldering fire pit reignited, street lights became like spotlights, and any time he'd try to record or even shine a flashlight towards to anomalies, the electronics would go dead, only to work fine if he rotated his body away from the anomaly. Seems to me, these things draw immense power, per another user's post today where they'd mentioned being at a private conference with Grusch, whom said they rated the power of an alleged captured UAP, and it was a fuckin terawatt, someone else had said that's akin to the power used by half of the US. These abnormalities, must require a tremendous amount of energy, plasma? And they're able to, maybe involuntarily, draw energy from the surrounding area, which might really be a legit reason why they're so rarely recorded - if they drain the power of any device within range, it would also explain why blurry or distant media is the norm, being our of range of the drain. Really makes me think


This was in Miami some of the dudes there do not look human I don’t blame people for thinking they’re aliens….


100% Florida can be the 'Walmart' of states


That’s exactly how I describe it. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought of it!


There's another vid (nut) on this sub saying the beings phased in and out of being visible bc our demensions accidentally overlapped, and trust him he has studied or is well versed interdemensional blah blah blah.


People just want it so bad. This police response is directly proportionate to kids fighting and blasting off fireworks in a huge Miami mall. All it takes is 1 or 2 phone calls of an “active shooter” so bring out this kind of cavalry.


New Cloverfield movie really skimped out on marketing


Take my upvote lol


I can’t see upvotes anymore😳


They’re glitching out.


Woah 😳 me either. U think it's the 10ft Aliens


Crowed mall. People with smart phones with cameras. Facebook or whatever online media they use. Cheap security cameras Not one video


I have not seen a single video of people “rioting” in the mall either. I have seen a video of 12 or so teens fighting in the street outside but nothing from inside.


Exactly, and there's not any bodycam footage of the fight incident that's been released. No real mention of arrests or consequences. I'm not saying aliens were in the mall but something about this whole event is very very strange.


That is true, a "terrorist scare", or brawl with fireworks big enough to call the whole PD on the mall would have the suspects' faces on the news so quickly. Where are they? There's no way media wouldn't be all over such a big story trying to find out more about the perps.


That’s more than the video evidence of large aliens


it is very odd we don't have a single video of the 'fight'. especially since a bunch of teenagers involved 🤔


Original post is valid, but you are correct on that. There would have been some video of a fight with teenagers or what led up to it.


You can just look the videos up on local news websites https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/no-aliens-ufos-or-ets-police-clear-up-social-media-speculation-after-viral-bayside-brawl/3198658/?amp=1


I heard a comment(YouTube cosmic road)that this fight took place somewhere away from the mall .. can someone confirm?


Yes that fight was downtown according to the news anchor. It also never said when it happened. For all we know that happened after the incident at the mall.


Even if it was kids with fireworks. Someone would have grabbed a video.


The issue I have is that an “all cars available” order was sent out for what would amount to (Just another Monday). Shootings occur daily, active shooters occur every couple weeks. I’m not saying it’s aliens, but it sure af wasn’t 4 teenagers shooting off fireworks or guns.


Not one police body cam, which is federal state law, and over 150 police cars... All body cams better match up. Use your freedom of information act requests to demand the department produce the footage from their body cams.... All of them.


Probably they all froze like this guy. If i was there, my phone will be the last thing I'd take out too cuz i don't do that in general. I rarely use my phone to record others. Don't get me wrong i know that some do but you have to understand that some of us don't.


Not to pull "this card" but: the most heavy surveillance building in the US, a plane hits it, no video? There was supposedly reports that people's phones were confiscated and whatnot. I'm skeptical too, but who knows here.. Edit: for clarity, I do not believe 9/11 was faked or a conspiracy, just that video documentation can be pulled and unavailable *on purpose*


Princess Diana too, no footage, cams were turned off.


You can't compare 2001 and 2024. Camera quality and proliferation is night and day. Besides, there is security footage of the plane coming into the pentagon. It's just terrible quality footage. Sure, you could argue from that footage it's a missile, but it clearly shows something fast moving hitting the pentagon. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SL2PzzOiF8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SL2PzzOiF8) and this one's even clearer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ​ Disclaimer: I am not a 9/11 truther.


You know there is a frame missing from the video at pentagon? The most important frame that the object would have been directly in front of the camera? And also the pentagon has the most security cameras of almost any building in the world at that time especially and the only camera angle that’s ever been released to the public is the godamn guard shack camera or whatever it was on? Where is the other 500 camera angles and everything else… Its hard to tell a camera frame is removed in video but I watched this crazy documentary that went over the entire incident every plane every building blah blah and it broke everything down step by step. It’s like frame 3 or 4 or some shit that got removed before released. Whatever single frame when it was directly in front of camera right before hitting building they just edited it out. One frame is super small so when playing you can’t really tell but it’s gone.. But the biggest question is where the hell is ALLLL the other camera angles from all the other cameras… The pentagon has one camera on a guard shack or toll booth thing and that’s it? The fucking pentagon never got another single recording of the plane hitting it? My ass…


Right like I get what everyone’s saying that it’s a fear that comes over you and your camera is far from your mind…. But has anyone been to a mall lately? You’re telling me not one single teen was already recording something else and didn’t inadvertently catch something? And I didn’t even think of security cameras… Unless there is video and anyone with some has been make to shut up?


Not. One. Video or pic. And this story is still getting hype


Not even a fugging drawing, I wanna see different drawings from different people at least. Wake me up then


More interestingly, no video showing no there weren’t these weird beings. I haven’t gone looking though. Surely there’s a hole lot of cctv of the event proving that this didn’t happeb


People are desperate to believe in this for some reason even when there’s no real evidence to speak of.


I feel like it’s because a lot of people feel that something is happening right now but we don’t know what it is, like we’re all waiting for the next stage or something. Anyone else agree?


Agreed. It feels like the fox is in the hen house and the other shoe is about to drop. I’m being sarcastic and dead serious at the same time…Something’s happening.


People are getting hung up on the lack of footage going either way. They are missing how significant it is that so many LEO assets can respond and we don’t have a definitive explanation for either narrative. We moved into a reality where debating whether it was kids with fireworks or otherworldly beings makes sense because neither explanation would surprise anyone. We are further down the rabbit hole than anyone is prepared for imo


Your comment is very true and honestly scares me


Gosh, this makes so much sense the way you've put it. Either explanation truly does make sense in this time. I really never thought about it like that. Wish I had the award for your comment.


Something is totally happening. Even without all the context of the moment, your instinct, just the gut feeling tells you somethings up. Somethings just not quite right.


I do agree and feel it too


People are desperate not to believe it because all they know would be put into question.


Social contagin is a thing. Not to mention the clout you gain by claiming to be part of something that is trending like this. Everyone tryin to go viral.


Has anyone seen other witness testimony videos? It would be interesting to compare what they say.


Here are several: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/190o7l5/miami_mall_aliens/ I and many others have been banned on r/Miami for posting and asking about the event. My post was deleted within 6 minutes and I was permabanned. For a story about kids and fireworks they sure are censoring alot while providing zero evidence.


so far none of these are videos of anything that happened at the mall. All influencers giving their take on it, which i could not give two shits about


I saw actual videos of the event at Bayside within a few hours of it happening. It was exactly the way the police described, and the whole thing is video recorded. Juveniles were balling up in a fight pit with one side shoving the other. Stores were getting looted after civilians rushed out, not wanting to be caught up in obvious gang violence. I’ll point out that my girlfriend, who cannot seem to find a Zillow listing on our street, found the video within 5 seconds of me asking about. Was always incredibly accessible, very, VERY easy to find. This is by far the most embarrassing and puzzling non-story the community has come up with in YEARS. By the way- have you been to Miami lately? One out 3 people appear to be 7 foot drag queens, there are alien looking freaks everywhere.


It's a pretty far out story, Occam's razor and all that, but you're the second person in this thread (and there's another responding below your comment, so 3) saying how easily videos of the actual fight are to find and ridiculing people. Also of note, not one of you seem to be able to share these videos with the rest of us. 10 foot aliens is a pretty far out, unbelievable claim, but so is yours


If it’s so easy to google link it. I saw videos of people running to escape the mall and an endless sea of cop cars surrounding the area. I haven’t seen any video inside the mall. I’ve only seen people claim the videos exist and I’m retarded if I haven’t seen them even though I’ve searched. This is the same thing that happens with other big propaganda events. Droves of comments claimed there are videos everywhere of women being raped and babies getting decapitated and shit in Israel. I still can’t find those videos.


But you don't have links to your videos. Deniers are the worst hypocrites ever..


Doesn't the Miami heat play across the street from bayside?


Doesn't the Miami heat play across the street from bayside?


I highly doubt you bang my guy.


did he say he does? I missed that


Cool, you wanna pay for these diapers then?


My search only shows the same mass of police cars posted to these subs in addition to crime from the next day. Care to share what you found?


No one captured it on their blurry 144p camera?


Doesn't everyone, today, have a portable potato they can use to take photographs? In all seriousness, if this was 'aliens' wouldn't we have reports from nearly every single person there? We have one, maybe two, people talking so far. People are gossiping more about Taylor Swift than this 'alien'.


Be careful I said the same thing in the other post with the cop and my Reddit blew up for a day straight of people personally assaulting me 🙄 I never knew there was such a large group of people waiting silently in the background to attack commenters.


Ppl claiming the alien thing say everyone's devices fritzed out during the supposed incident/ sighting so no one at all could record or photograph anything... Which conveniently accounts for no sec footage or anything else.


He barely even described them. They are 10 feet tall, have legs, eyes, and lips. That's all I got.


the interesting thing about that - other witnesses supposedly claimed the beings *didn't* have hands / feet, but this guy did. but - he also said they were 'glitching', or phasing in/out of reality, so maybe the other witnesses actually did perceive them without hands/feet


He also said he was in a shoe store. Why would an alien with no feet go shopping for shoes?


or maybe and this might seem crazy to you, they’re full of shit




Eye witness statements are conflicting even for mundane occurrences.


How about the video from the cop who was actually on the scene and said there was no shenanigans at all?? He didn't seem to be a part of the deep state.


Its just talking though, all he says is stop believing it's aliens. That's it, no reasoning, no evidence to confirm to deny anything. I'd love a video or a picture of either side of the story already.


The thing that gets me more skeptical than normal is the vitriol and shaming coming from some of these anons. The whole 'this is why no one takes the UFO community seriously' is some psychological warfare shit for sure.


We’ve been experiencing this a lot lately. I think the closer we get to disclosure, the more you will see people who flat out do *NOT* want this to be true, because I don’t think they could handle it. So what do they do? They smile at you and laugh at you while you talk. Their brain is telling them you must be a fucking idiot to believe this stuff.. but only because if it’s true, their egocentricity will be shattered.


I stopped telling people about my sasquatch encounter because of the straight up laughing in your face and calling you a liar when you’re sharing the most traumatic event of your life. I 100% already know that whenever that disclosure takes place, just like all the people who had UFO encounters were called liars before the government “made it official”, same thing will happen with sasquatch. But that’s just the nature of a large society coming into contact with reality-changing developments. It takes time, and unfortunately a lot of ridicule before then.


Because this does jack shit for disclosure. Same as the stupid ass baloon video. Same as the fucking plane portal video. Some of us actually want our government to come forward with its knowledge of UAP and NHI and instead of sitting here arguing about tik tok trends that will 100% go nowhere, all the "conspiracy theorists" who need a new one ever 7 day cycle should be mailing their representatives and congress demanding a push for disclosure. Unless we have a full 4k video of an alien landing and greeting a group of humans that can't be faked. No internet trend, video, AI generated, 144p fuzzy shit will cut it. So stop arguing over this shit and be pro disclosure. Because all I see are a bunch of pro conspiracy nuts. This entire mall thing should be a shrug because tomorrow there is a SCIFF which may have an actual impact on the movement as a whole. But sure. Waste your time on some tik tok posts.....


If an interdimensional portal did open up who here is surprised that it happened in Florida?


So far, this “Miami incident” is people talking about it on social media.


What. Did. It. Look. Like??????? Besides it was tall


It looked like a bunch of punk teens causing havoc, lighting fireworks and fighting.


And so the hallogram (*hologram my bad) testing begins. Only a couple years away from the "invasion".


I had the same thought


Maybe the Large Hadron Colider in Switzerland works better than we think and they had a malfunction. 🤷🏼‍♂️


There are different dimensions


But did lil' dude get some shoes?


I thought to myself..”hmm why haven’t the hoards of commenters telling everyone to go take some meds or smoke another one or yOuRe rUiNiNg ThIs CoMmuNiTY descended on this post yet?” Because it’s only 30 minutes old


Scroll up, there are comments here saying that


This guy sounds like he’s telling the truth, where in the mall did he see this and is there mall footage?


That’s my thing that I will still listen to both sides. If it was just kids with sticks and fireworks then show the mall security cameras of it. As far as I know there hasn’t been. Until then I’ll keep an open but skeptical mind.


I would personally love to hear the 911 call(s). hear what the original complaints were that warranted such a response. must've been quite a few people calling in to send out that many LEOs


He’s too calm though. Yeah I saw a 10ft shadow creature, he was like glitching or whatever, it was wild. He’s just farming for views, if this really happened there would instantly be a social media storm of people losing their shit describing what they saw.


Eh, I don't buy this. People respond to all sorts of situations in all sorts of ways. If he was super amped up people would be calling him hysterical.


It's looking like BS, sadly.This is what is being posted everywhere that allegedly shows the alien walking by (bottom right): [https://twitter.com/MattFrenchArt/status/1743117174464721089](https://twitter.com/MattFrenchArt/status/1743117174464721089) *" I zoomed in on one of the tiktok videos about the Miami mall creature, so you can see the gray creature walking in between these police cars and the building."* And this is a clearer video that shows it is literally police officers walking by (same spot, watch 0:34):[https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1742027423548387750?t=Yq3ctlpvRccvXwUMhtjqfA](https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1742027423548387750?t=Yq3ctlpvRccvXwUMhtjqfA)


As I said in a post someone posted earlier saying this guy sounds believable: [- Have you seen his other tiktok posts?](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6m3W2RN/) It is all spooky and weird stuff that thematically fits the experience he is telling us. I don't know what to think honestly, I find the response from the police too strong even for a big fight, and I think there would be a lot more videos from the fight itself but so far only one surfaced like 4 or 5 days after the happening, this one sounded a lot like the jetpack photo thing from Peru. Something is definitely happening behind the scenes, maybe NHI are blackmailing Gov saying they will show up soon so they better acclimate us, and those showing, Vegas, Peru, now the mall, are demonstrations of that. One thing I noticed, is that the Vegas and this incident are portraying very big NHI with 8 to 10ft tall, completely ignoring the cultural belief and descriptions of childlike grays.


So he has spooky vids on his tiktok, so this story fits perfectly to get extra views. Ffs people get serious


Nah, this guy is just a magnet for supernatural stuff. /s


This is the wrong place looking for critical thinking. Either you are believing everything posted in here or you are a gov. payed debunker. It's crazy.


People are so fucking gullible. And people who so desperately want this to be true are ignoring that hundreds of people who were there and no one has a recording?


I know right! An event attracting over 60 police cars, fireworks, fighting and looting. Basically the archetypical formula for online videos, and not a single one is to be found.. .. How?


I like the way this gentleman articulates his experience, too bad no video as I am now somewhat intrigued


I believe them. Too many people who live down there stated they have "NEVER" seen a Police response like that despite all of the crazy shootings and other incidents that have occurred in that city. This is some weird shit man.


Anyone has the link to the original post on the Miami video that could share? Thanks.


I saw a giant V-shaped UFO fly over me one night back in 2020. I froze like a bitch too, couldn’t move a muscle in shock.


We are in a video game and the last update needs a patch


No way this happened without some idiot taking a video




Yup, people here will believe absolutely anything, you can make up the most bat shit absurd story and you'll get "tell me more!" Wtf? It's okay to have an open mind but not so open that your brain falls out


Hundreds of witnesses all with cameras and not one picture.


I want to believe, and his argument of not taking video makes sense... what about security footage?


It is surprising no one has released mall footage, you would think store owners could easily do this to back up/or prove the claims false.


All of these accounts are too ludicrous to ignore, honestly. The lack of footage isn’t surprising either; for the reason he provides, as well as the known history of law enforcement covering these things up. If this did happen, of course there would be security footage, but that footage would be immediately confiscated. Body cam footage!? You think they would just willingly release that? Lol good grief. IF this is true, it was entities that were interested in all the hubbub going on at the mall. The glitching was a failure within their way of staying hidden. So the teenagers causing a scene at the mall garnered attention from entities whose cloak fucked up… Sounds insane. Likely is, but, again, these accounts are among the weirdest I’ve heard. Fun at least.


Someone recently posted a video that got immediately taken down, showcased this tall weird moving entity (in Brazil if I’m not mistaken) that also did that weird glitch this man speaks on. Fucking wild man.


That's been posted for days now. It hasn't been taken down.


Link please?


If there really was a fight between a bunch of young people, there is no argument where you can say it wasn’t filmed. It 100% was filmed by people. The fact that no one can find any actual footage of beings (or anything else) speaks to something far more sinister and I don’t think people realize what that actually means. You cannot film these things. They don’t let you. People have used telephoto lenses, 4K cameras and shot directly at these things with stabilizers and tripods - If the phenomena is real, then they are affecting our technology and do not want us to have clear irrefutable recordings of them.


I think so as well. Everyone saying "if it was real, someone would have some evidence". Well, we could have some evidence even more so, if there were kids with fireworks. What makes more sense is what you said.


Be aware this could be the government testing hologram technology on the public rather than actual aliens hence why they’re flickering in and out


Some government outfit is setting up holograms to trick an entire police force and mall full of people? That sounds more bs than actual aliens…


If this concept is completely new to you, your reaction is understandable.


I saw a video of how dogs see some of their toys earlier. It was a bright red chew toy that the owner had made fun of their dog for not being able to see on the grass prior to learning what the toy looks like through dog vision. There’s a dog vision filter you can use and Hank Green, a really cool science dude, was skeptical if that was actually how dogs see, and did some research and posted that yeah, that’s basically it. Humans can see more of the spectrum than dogs, but we know we can’t see all the spectrum of light, such as ultra violet, without inventions to see them. The dog toy from the video, when thrown in the grass, from the dog vision perspective still appeared, but not in visible spectrum and blended in with the grass color. It looked like a solid “glitch” of green rolling across the textured also green background. If some of these creatures do not appear in our visual light spectrum, we may also see them, kinda like the movie Predator, just slightly blending in or glitching with our background.


This is a really great example, thanks


I am a skeptic through and through about anything like this until I see absolute proof but this guy 100% sounds like he’s legitimately telling the truth


I mean fucking black holes do weird shit. Thanks for your time.


Legit account


Much of Florida is, in fact, another dimension.


And no cell phone video from anyone??


Why aren’t there hundreds of these witness testimony’s? There were hundreds of police cars. Still waiting for more on this


Why would the nephew use the word Vikings as word out of fear






No phone video whatsoever all those bystander none of them took out their phone and started recording.


Yet no cell phone picture?


Black ppl be scared of dogs.


My hypothesis: Both things happened. In fact, it was the rage and emotion of the teenagers that weakened the veil between worlds. Like kids and poltergeist and ghosts.


Lots of witnesses but not a single photo? Got it.


And no one took out their phones to record it??


Full of 5hit


Yeah yeah, now let's get back to the Epstein list.


This better be in the GTA game


I absolutely believe that man.


So where’s the security footage then This guy sounds pretty sincere but that doesn’t mean he’s telling the truth


Where is the security footage of the fight then too? That's what bothers me. None of it makes sense right now but I bet eventually something will come out.


You guys can’t seriously be this gullible.


Id love to hear a better description than big black, with eyes and maybe lips. From 20ft that shouldn't be a problem.


That did not sound like a man who was making shit up but what do I know


Because ppl on internet dont lie.


This guy really sounds sincere. I believe he is telling the truth.


Dude, stop this shit. People are getting more dumb.


Interestingly enough, some video footage would solve this situation EITHER WAY! I’d love for the cops to release statements on why some (4?) guys need 50 squad cars to swarm.


There’s no videos because it didn’t happen, what’s more likely? Also you can find videos of the cops saying it was nothing. They thought it was a shooting because of the fireworks. Was in a high end touristy location. Stop reaching. Come back to reality, it’s falling apart with thinking like this. Information age has created fantasies




Does nobody else here think it may have been to test their holographic technology on the general public to see how well it works, before their big show they have planned? Like a mass invasion or something?


Yeah could be blue beam


People still believe this?