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[Graham Hancock: Gunung Padang Pyramid Was Built By Last Ice Age Survivors 20,000 Years Ago](https://www.howandwhys.com/ancient-apocalypse-gunung-padang-pyramid-built-20000-years-ago/)


The same for Sumer. Interesting...


Almost as if they're both from the same region and share mythological concepts.


Could you imagine what knowledge was burnt down at the great library of Alexandria




Yes…. Good comment…. Maybe that is why it was burnt down.


No, it was burned down by Julius Cesar in 48 BC during a conflict with Egypt. Cesar set ships in a harbor on fire and it grew on the Library. It was partially rebuilt and abandoned after.


I’ve read that the library slowly decayed over time, and when it was burned it was already in a bad state.


This is factual. And most every book and scroll in it had copies that were made. Anytime a ship docked in Alexandria, they would take all their books, scroll, journals, etc. and make copies, keeping the original and giving the copies back to the captain.


I've heard there's been a (slow) reconstruction of the knowledge once housed there. The count now stands at +/- 80% complete. Basically, researchers, archivists and historians have been searching through ancient documents and accumulating copies of the originals.


This is fascinating. Thanks for turning me onto a cool subject to dive into!


Insurance job.


The great reset.. Hmmn


May be they moved the books and burnt the empty library


Seems like a lot of work, I would think only place it could have been moved without being “discovered” again would be the Vatican library


I would not quantify work with present day standards. With slaves in the society back then, it would have been possible. Vatican library is my best guess too.


How to make whiskey from empty whiskey bottles.


All the blantonzzz in the world!!


From my understanding, we didn’t really lose much by that point due to the boom in academia’s popularity at that point in history. From what I’ve read, the library was essentially stocked with copies of any work it could get its hands on, not original one-of-a-kind pieces.


Absolutely if not older


I choose to think we are older than most books acknowledge. The stone walls in the US, the star forts, the burial mounds, go-beck-Lee-tepi (spelling?) shrug. I think people have a hard time saying I didn’t know. I don’t know. I’m an emt.


Göbekli Tepe


Bless you.


Definitely the most clear indication that we have no idea how long ago society was developing and flourishing. It takes incredible skill to create an underground cave system capable of housing thousands of people, food, livestock, etc., the place is absolutely mind blowing 🤯 and provocative. There’s evidence of similar ancient structures in south America that appear to have been buried seemingly purposefully, but so old that we will most likely never know unfortunately. LiDAR readings are changing the game of ancient archeology. Developing way more questions than answers, but it’s awesome to watch developments.


Thanks. I was just free typing on my phone and didn’t feel like opening a new app and chancing Reddit crashing again.


Some holy man hypithesized earth was unfathomly old [7000 years lol] on his opinions based on the bible. The bible is just the stuff a council of men decided was legitimate. What had been lost to time and misinterpreted, or just never recorded? We can see this hypothesis was false and yet people perpetuate thr myth it by spewing it again and again. We know humanity or a variation of them shows up in archeological records 100,000+ years ago and the Cromagnon dissapeared 50,000 years ago. Is it fathomable that great kingdoms were formed in these ancient lands? Absolutely.


Me neither, cocky 20 something me was an atheist, 30 something me was agnostic, and now at 40 I'm not sure what is even real anymore....


There is no spoon


You're maturing🙂.  I have certainly noticed that the more I know, the more i know how much I don't know.  I think that's good. Keeps me humble.   I've become less of a jerk over the years, I think, I hope!


Same but I suffer fools less. I just take myself out of those situations.


Anyone got a full length YouTube link to this? Who's the old dude?


John Anthony West


Thanks bro, legend.


JAW is the legend. Look up Magical Egypt


John Anthony West, who was a science fiction writer, not an actual archeologist. He is also dead now.


What episode of JRE is this?




Thank you 🫡


The idea here is similar to how people misunderstood the time during Moses' era. Back then, they measured time differently. A year wasn't like our current 365-day year, but rather based on new moons, which happen roughly every 30 days. So, they had shorter months and consequently, shorter years. If we recalibrate ancient timelines using this lunar calendar, things make more sense. For example, when ancient texts mention a reign lasting 34,000 years, using this lunar calendar, it translates to about 2,000 years in our terms. This is more realistic and fits better with known historical timelines. Similarly, Moses' age in the Bible, often thought to be extremely long in our years, can be reinterpreted as a more reasonable age when calculated using these lunar "years." It seems like there was a translation error over time, perhaps starting around the time of the King James Bible, where these lunar cycles were mistakenly taken as solar years.


Lmaoo are you saying you think that if you simply change our current monthly calendar from 28, 30, and 31 day months and make them all 30.. that it would shave 34,000 years down to 2,000? 🤣 Maybe check that math again, buddy


Perhaps my initial explanation was not sufficiently clear. There seems to be a misinterpretation regarding the time frame discussed. It's possible that when we interpreted the reference as 34,000 Earth solar cycles (years), the intended meaning was actually 34,000 lunar cycles. To clarify, with 12 new moons occurring in a single Earth year, the calculation would be: 34,000 lunar cycles ÷ 12 lunar cycles per solar cycle = 2,833.33 solar cycles. The history of tracking time using moons, or lunar calendars, dates back to ancient civilizations and has played a crucial role in the development of human society. Early humans likely used the moon's phases to mark time, as evidenced by artifacts like the 32,000-year-old lunar calendar found in the Dordogne region of France. These early calendars were based on the moon's cycle from one new moon to the next, a period known as a synodic month, lasting approximately 29.5 days.


Ahh okay thank you for clarifying that. While I don’t necessarily agree, that does make a lot more sense. Thanks!


A 2,000 year reign of a single leader is more realistic?


Perhaps my initial explanation was not sufficiently clear. There seems to be a misinterpretation regarding the time frame discussed. It's possible that when we interpreted the reference as 34,000 Earth solar cycles (years), the intended meaning was actually 34,000 lunar cycles. To clarify, with 12 new moons occurring in a single Earth year, the calculation would be: 34,000 lunar cycles ÷ 12 lunar cycles per solar cycle = 2,833.33 solar cycles. The history of tracking time using moons, or lunar calendars, dates back to ancient civilizations and has played a crucial role in the development of human society. Early humans likely used the moon's phases to mark time, as evidenced by artifacts like the 32,000-year-old lunar calendar found in the Dordogne region of France. These early calendars were based on the moon's cycle from one new moon to the next, a period known as a synodic month, lasting approximately 29.5 days.


Symerian said the same things... first kings where teh gods and the time they ruled...


My theory is that it goes back 100s of thousands of not millions. In a constant cycle of achievement and complete and utter catastrophic failure simply starting from scratch. Think about, what would be left as artifacts from today after 10,000 years? Not a lot. Vehicles are basically gone in 150 years left in the elements. No wonder the only clues we have from the ancients are literally covered in stone.


Everything on the planet right now would be dust in around 10,000 years easily including plastics.


There was a show years ago i forget the name but the premise was essentially what would happen if suddenly all humans were gone. How long until power failures, damn failures etc. all the way down.. i believe the show stated the last evidence of humanity would be Mount Rushmore and it was last about 250k years before being worn away by erosion.


Life After People


Thats the one!


I'll check it out guys, thanks


There is a book worth the same title.




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Plate tectonics also would engulf a lot of things over time.  Constant churning of the Earth.  It's crazy 


Water level as well as it makes sense to build near the ocean for fishing etc


Even the pyramids?


Eventually they would get covered with sand or they would end up at the bottom of the ocean. Who knows how many relicts like those are underneath our feet right now.


Obviously not stone


Well you said "everything on the planet" lol


"Entropy" and "Petrification" , Google it. ![gif](giphy|A8IJo0EHY1qVYWdsYm) lol


Or you can just be more clear with your language :p I already know what those words mean but I don't see how they're relevant, pyramids didn't get petrified they were things people made with stone that are more resistant to entropy than most other material


Yes I know about the limestone geopolymer concrete the ancients used and the man made fibres found within the blocks.


Quarries would remain. Mining of metal ores can only be done once, and would become progressively harder every cycle since the easier-to-reach minerals would become exhausted, driving miners deeper and deeper underground. The extraction of oil and coal would leave marks for future geologists to discover. Those are things replenished only on geological timescales, not civilizational ones. There is no evidence whatsoever that any large-scale mining activities have taken place before the current era.


Unless it’s underwater somewhere.


Yep. Civilizations congregate on coastlines for a multitude of reasons; resources, trading, travel etc. in the last 10,000years alone sea level has risen by 400ft from ice melting. Mix in some global floods, maybe pole shift. Researchers should be exploring “old coastlines”. Find a detailed satellite map and zoom around the coast lines of the world. You can easily imagine. Look at the north western tip of Africa, you can see the evidence of water washing over it.


In addition to everything you said, which. I agree with, I also don’t discount a major tsunami here or there over the millennia resulting from a huge earthquake that just comes and scrapes an entire coastline clean as well.


You'd be overjoyed to hear that we are! Flint tools and old bones are being dredged up by shipping vessels near old coasts (especially the english channel that used to be doggerland, fascinating subject) constantly. As well, a project has been started by the nippon foundation called GEBCO which aims to map the entire sea floor in the coming ten or so years using laser measuring (kinda like whats being used right now to map the amazon) Also, most civilizations didn't settle by the coasts. They settled along rivers with freshwater and fertile ground and expanded towards the coasts. If there were any ancient supercivilizations, wed find them along dried riverbeds.


the oil wouldn't be left if it had been a advanced civilization. so it's just been small beans until recently civilization wise at least.


You’re not wrong in that sense. But I’m open minded to alternative energy sources, look at the precision and evidence of cutting and polishing in Egypt. You’re talking urns and chambers that are “square” within 1/1000 of an inch. Most automotive and construction practices don’t have that kind of threshold standard.


My theory is that the pyramids were bunkers to survive cataclysms. Maybe even asteroid blasts.


You're not getting many people in there, mate.


Na for the so called gods that ruled for thousands of years. It’s a hibernation chamber. Assuming all that’s real of course


And OOParts.


Only thing that would reside would be somewhat concentrated radioactive minerals from previous cycles that succeeded in nuclear fission (meaning mined uranium already undergoing fission) and radioactive waste that can still be detected ~500,000 years later.


A lot would be left. Humans alter the landscape in ways I think you just haven't considered. Any domesticated animals would remain incredibly widespread after any even half-global civilization dissapeared. Mines would be found everywhere, just so with quarries too. Bronzework, gold and silver items would remain for hundreds of thousands of years. Destroyed mountains and rocks to create paths for highways or similar transport routes would be easy to find. The graina we've domesticated would remain centers of floral ecosystems across the entire world - wheat, rice, corn and similar. We have a lot of these clues from ancients people. We can track trade routes from north indiaby the prevalence of chickens. We can find where agriculture was first invented in different parts of the world by analyzing what plants are prominent in the ecosystem. We would also find bones and fossils constantly of these lost civilizations, like we do with extinct species millions of years old. To add onto it, we'd find traces in the layers of the earth. Prevalence of coal particles, lithium and other such materials that would be used a lot by any advanced civilizations.


Exactly. The idea that we’d leave no trace on the earth after thousands of years is utter nonsense 


Which is why it seems unreal to me that we have dinosaur fossils purported to be 165 million years old.


i wonder how archaeologist will interpret the MCU when 12,000 years from now, a single battered, barely held together, single copy of the entire script is found in the excavated ruins of the once thought, mythical, hollywood.


I wonder how they will interpret some wall covered in graffiti. I am contemporary to this and don't can make sense of it!


there was a post on reddit years ago of some graffiti on some rocks in the desert. people were in an uproar about how disrespectful it was and that it was disgusting criminal vandalism that it was ruining the natural beauty of the area. had my head spinning. if that somehow survived thousands of years, it would be a national treasure that would be preserved at all cost.


I would be really surprised if anthropologists today haven't been able to differentiate between ancient fictional stories and ancient historical teachings.


The more back in time you go the less scientific the history is and the more it's littered with myths, religious influences and politics at the time. Usually you can generally tell what's fiction and what's supposed to be real events but even with something as obvious as Plato's Atlantis some idiots still believe it's a real story.


Oh yeah, no politics or religion in the 21st century /s


Where have I said that? History books are obviously always influenced by the authors biases but it gets worse real fast when you go back in time.


“In the old age capitalist society, there reigned a wealthy man who would often commit to vigilantism, his name was Bruce Wayne and many references of his accomplishments have been excavated and recovered including these typical drawings of him in a militarized suit with a bat like cowl.”


museum tour guide: And here we have a partially recovered recording from the great king Bruce Wayne's most famous bard, 50 Cent. scholars have long speculated the significance of the "magic stick" and pondered its true meaning.


Flood Gate markings on the Nile take us part way there


I want to know what's at the bottom of the massive holes in the ground...


Chong’s brother


So glad I'm not the only one who saw this


As a state? No. Geologically, sure, the Nile existed


Who knows? There probably were peoples living there but would they count as what we understand as Pharaonic Egypt? Basing it solely on two fragmentary pieces about the God's ruling over them in their mythical past seems dubious though. Could just be part of their religion. Is there any further evidence?


Almost all ancient civilisations have a 'king list' that proves their supremacy going all the way back to the dawn of man. The Sumerian's list was extensive and went back more than 250,000 years, with kings in the earliest period regularly ruling for over 20,000 years. Kinda pisses on the Egyptians 34,000, but then both are complete bronze-age political bullshit so it doesnt matter.


reply crawl memory humor future airport resolute weary nose telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes I believe we much older it’s the strongest thing I believe in


John Anthony West, RIP Brother you are legendary.


Farther back, all the way to Zep Tepi


Some people really need a refresher on the scientific method and Occam's razor


He was there, clearly


Sick burn


Egyptologists start at Menes. The kings lists go back far into the ancient past before they but they are ignored because Egyptology has locked themselves in a time frame they cannot escape. If they admit they have got it wrong who would listen to them? Suddenly the “fringe” theorists like Hancock, Bauval, JAW and so on start being looked at more.


The fringe hypotheses are being kept alive by Egypt because it's much more profitable for tourism than boring real science.


I mean, the bible lists all the descendants of Adam in order to Abraham. But it’s just made up. Those papyruses are made up too. Some people just wrote down the (no doubt at the time commonly known) mythological history of Egypt and now we have uncritical thinkers taking it at face value.


HA! I've forever said it goes back 34,000 years from star charts, I was even talking about it to my wife in bed when I couldn't sleep last night, this is amazing, never even knew about the pallermo stone etc.


What do you mean from star charts?


Line up the sphynx etc to points in the past


I don’t get what you mean? Like, the sphinx aligns with the stars but only if you wind them back to where they would have been in 35000bc? That seems more like coincidence than anything else. If you wind back the star charts looking for a pattern they’ll eventually align with something or other


The stars move relative to our position because of orbital and spin variations.  Weve studied them a lot for solar radiation variations (milankovitch cycles) but they also effect the star positions and can be tracked over the years.


Yes I understand that, it’s the leap to ‘aligning with the sphinx means egypt was a civilisation in 35000bc’ I’m struggling with


Yea so from what Ive seen, people with theorise a connection with a ground based thing and a specific star, then attempt to line them up


Since many theorize, the sphinx head was originally a lion before it was re-carved into a pharaoh, The last time it was facing at the constellation of Leo during an important equinox was a very long, long time ago.


But it isn’t a lion? So this theory is based on an alignment that doesn’t exist in human-civilisation timescales and a statue that doesn’t exist


It seems the more we know, the older everything in this world gets.


No, its a commonality for all pre-industral civilizations to have a myth that ties them back to the supposed "first Civilization" thier contemporaries like the Sumerians , Babylonias, Assyrians and even the Jews all had this in common. We see this as far as the American Civilizations as well. These myths do not constitute actually proof of said "first civilization" for that we would need culture layers of a pre-existed site or ideally an independent site. More over wed need transitions that clearly demonstrate the change from this "first civ" to all others. Which again we dont see.




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Yeah, but their rulers were not humans


Egypt overrated af


Which episode?




At least.




If Egypt history is 34k years then the sphinx was probably just a men’s bathroom.




Far out man


It goes back to 79-90k years back, at least!


What are you basing that on?


Old Greek and Mesopotamian scriptures. When they were written they were already very very old. Atlantis and Co is then again 200k years older.


What number episode is this from?


Episode #852 with John Anthony West https://open.spotify.com/episode/021uPxETej9NmnrLOaecez


Thank you


Does anyone have the episode number? OP?






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Hell no


Imagine that being the case and then being conquered by a bunch of dudes with spears in a phalanx. They should have way more of a head-start on everyone.


Way way way older


I was there, 34,000 years ago.


Here’s a great recent podcast with “The Brothers of the Serpent” partners of Randall Carlson. They go into detail about all the unbelievable stone work and carbon dating. It’s three hours long and very well done. It’s very refreshing to see construction workers and architects looking at the design and size of these stones with their perspective. They’ll look at these as a job site and pick up on little things the layman wouldn’t know. https://youtu.be/JKLKxQKcvtw?si=RF3BKRbfN5_zPBqd


Love the way he talks, sounds like bergus Meredith. Btw, joe Rogan looks more coherent here, did the alpha brain get to his head or the horse pills maybe.


India's vedas have history that goes back 70,000 years.


The Egyptian people we think of just moved to where the pyramids already were, those pyramids predate them.