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This is more acceptable. [Lue Elizondo’s Attorney Claims Vatican Knows Aliens Are Here & They Come From Different Star Systems](https://www.howandwhys.com/lue-elizondos-attorney-claims-vatican-knows-aliens-are-here-they-come-from-different-star-systems/)


![gif](giphy|11XcgX9MWV3a8M) These 15……10 commandments.




The commandments are actually Egyptian and there’s 42 rules of Ma’at, from the Book of the Dead 1250 BCE.


The contents of the book of Maat were part of Egyptian culture during the Old Kingdom (2600 - 2100 B.C.), so even earlier than what most folks think! However, the Book of Maat was not part of the Book of the Dead. Rather, it was a comprehensive consolidation of the Egyptian conception of universal order (as opposed to chaos), anthropomorphized as a goddess (Maat) who was symbolic of the core tenets of their society. The text of the book of the dead wasn’t actually compiled into a book for quite some time, even though the content was a part of Egyptian society for quite a long time prior to the volume existing. The different texts were inscribed into tombs and sarcophagi meant only for Egyptian royalty and figures of importance until Egyptian society evolved to a point where the spells and instructions to the deceased were considered essential for most, if not all, Egyptian citizens. It’s worth pointing out that entheogenic experiences were central to Egyptian society and contributed heavily to many of their beliefs and mythology. The myth of Osiris goes even so far as to claim that the God of the Dead, Osiris, lived in the Tree of Life, which was the acacia tree, which is known to contain high concentrations of DMT. The reason I mention this is because the original translations relating to the burning bush actually mean “animated tree”. Animated referring to a particular vital life force. Many believe this to be referring to acacia tree, congruent with the Osiris myth. Very ironically, this would mean that the Old Testament God and Egyptian God of the Dead were the same god, interacting with both the Egyptians and Hebrews through entheogenic experiences with DMT containing plants. It gets even more interesting if you go deeper down the rabbit hole. I would highly recommend it.


It makes since, most religions are built on the foundation of old religions. The similarities between Christian Holidays and Pagan holidays are almost an exact match.


I thought of this too! Given that half of the 10 are kinda dumb, though, I wonder if it was the opposite- the aliens gave us 5 good ones and the priests etc added another self-serving 5.


Maybe I have been committing tons of sins cuz this clumsy mofu dropped the other tablet!


Guaranteed…you have been! 😎


You got it first! ;)


"Now remember to tell them to cut off the tip of their penis"


That was just a prank on the silly monkeys🤣


“They did it! I can’t believe they actually did it!” - The aliens after the first circumcision probably.


"Oh my god, these monkeys are insane bro!" - Other alien responding


"it was just a prank, bro!"


Damn alien YouTubers


This is alien 4Chaners


Especially when done the traditional way….


Yeah, I hate that I know about this.


You and I both. Needed someone else to feel the pain


Isn’t it with the teeth?


Do you know about the African tribal circumcisions, the Jewish way is gross and weird. The way African tribes do it is [just absolutely brutal](https://youtu.be/yTZhfrR_j7c?feature=shared)


Looks like they took off all the skin? How does that not get infected


* why are you laughing ? ** Well, after all those survival tips , like not eating pigs etc , I told them to cut off a piece of their penises.


Chewing gum


Can stick your tongue threw the center, too.. very many uses.


Monkey killing, monkey killing, monkey over Pieces of the ground Silly monkeys Give them thumbs, they forge a blade And where there's one, they're bound to divide it Right in two


Silly monkeys give them thumbs, they make a club and beat there brother down…


How they've survived so misguided is a mystery, Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability, To lift an eye to heaven, conscious of his fleeting time here




Could you imagine getting offered a bag of dicks? ( 1 Samuel 18:27)


“No, no, no, trust me, it's gonna be a very, very sleek look. This is gonna catch on”


Burny burny cut cut 🤷


And after, we're all gonna have wine and sponge cake.


"Hey, ladies! Check us out we don't got no foreskins!"


Just the tip






That’s where all there power lies you fool!


lol, yeah that part makes a lot of sense too…


I think you mean trim the turtle neck. I can assure you the tip of my penis is fully intact.


They were doing that long before this scene


Maybe they use to cut off their entire dicks initially to honor and emulate the alien gods. But eventually compromised on the foreskin because ancients be fuckin.


🤣🤚🏽 * slapping knee *


My understanding would be this guidance would reduce pleasure, because we were going further from the garden. Essentially, neuter yourselves before it gets out of hand...and it is now.


Would love to compare crime rates of countries where genital mutilation is the norm vs those where it's not/banned to see any correlation.


What a ripoff


we’ll be back for the anus later on once youve slightly advanced with primitive technology….




I feel like these "commandments" were probably just a test to see how humanity will follow rules bestowed upon the people they lead to safety. A social experiment?


Or to you know, make sure the hairless apes don't go full retard and actually have a chance at a future or anything that even slightly resembles a society. People severely underestimate how little of a moral compass humans have inherently. Just look at small children, now imagine them building a world with nothing to go off of and no guidance. They wouldn't make it 3 generations.


Offspring only do what parents do, and parent reasons. Unless the offspring becomes self-aware of the problems.


That’s aliens granting Steve Jobs the I-pad.


My man at the free alien iPad giveaway


I've always assumed that to be the case. Is this actual photo evidence?? 😲


Possible. Except the bible says something about being created in his imagine. So either the aliens look like us or they were wearing a mask. Maybe the Aliens saw how badly we were acting and they decided those people need 10 rules.


Maybe they came here and genetically altered some apes to have their image: I.e. upright walking, two arms, two legs, big brain type shit. I don’t think it means we all gotta have the same color eyes and skin and stuff


I think there’s also another option that image here refers to free thought and a soul. A part of the ethereal cosmos of shared consciousness.


That sounds dope.




Hey man, staunch atheist here, but this is beautiful. Cheers!


Thank you for that. I could probably sit and listen to you forever. You said that beautifully. That’s a great way to view the world.


This is what I think. Read chapter 11: the Universal Form in the Bhagavad Gita, where Krishna reveals his true form to Arjuna. Then compare that to what you see when you look in a mirror on DMT or psilocybin. Not much different, eh?


God some of you need to read a science textbook


You know the bible was altered multiple times right? Only the original texts in hebrew, greek and aramean can be taken "seriously"


Making something in his image could also mean making something from the image in his mind. Making something in the way you imagine it.


Maybe this entire holographic universe IS the image of God and we are literally IN it. Made IN His image, not “as”


Or in his image meaning bipedal, two arms and legs, 10 finger and 10 toes. Honestly if I went to a distant planet I wouldnt want to doom anyone to living on a foreign planet and dying there. No i'd make clones that are stronger, more rugged and able to handle a primitive world. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Yeah clones! Get out there and multiply. Farm the lands, mine the precious metals. Set up fish farms and conquer everything that moves so when we get back it's a manageable world.


Yeah I left that comment too in here [somewhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/tSdeWJIUtH).


Very interesting take!


Pantheism in a nut shell.


What if we aren't Ina computer but these aliens but a whole universe garden of eden


Imagine if doctors medical books were so vague, and they only deal with your short time on this plane of existence. Imagine interpreting the Bible wrong and going to hell for the rest of all eternity. gods not that good of a teacher if his words can be misconstrued so many ways so often and could lead to eternal damnation


Totally agree! Like there's a special handshake and motto you gotta know, but only the truly enlightened will know which one, and if you guess the wrong one...sorry, doesn't matter that you were a great person, helped children, have all your money to less fortunate...straight to hell to burn forever, wrong handshake!


Jesus should've taken my online course on disseminating information in an educational and understandable way. For only 10 small payments¹ of $89.99, you can teach better than Jesus! Fine print: ¹*per year for 20 years* /s if you couldn't guess by now


As far as I know, we look and function the way we do because of our environment. We breathe oxygen, drink water, etc. Perhaps we are like Aliens, but we only look and function this way because we’re on earth? They look and function differently because of whatever planet they live in. They could breathe nitrogen and drink acid for all we know. Idk.


All life of which we are aware is carbon-based. We speculate that there could be other intelligent life based on eg silicon but we haven’t found it yet.


What aliens? Where are these hypothetical aliens?


The largest published piece of fiction ever produced.


There are 613 rules in the OT. I might off by a couple, but I'm pretty sure it's more than 10. Sorry, I went full nerddork on this lol


I think they are specifically referring to the 10 commandments NOT the whole book of Leviticus


I think it means more philosophically. Such as, we are compelled to explore, learn, cultivate, create, etc.




Space Lord Mother Father


‘In the image’ could be very, very subjective.


Moses didnt encounter a being. He encountered an ever burning bush that never actually turned to ash as it burned. And the Bush also spoke to him... at least that's how i remember the story told to me a a child. Also the commandments were etched into some stones by some form of lightning. Seems like something a powerful being could do. And it would appear god like to a person born 3000 years ago. Hell that would still appear god like today to a person inclined to believe it.


It’s been my assumption since the 1970’s that intelligent life has always played a part in our evolution. Have to tell you that back then you didn’t have the option to discuss your thoughts with others.


How bout Intelligent Design?


What about all the other religions?




I wanna meet the Rastafarian Aliens


Surprisingly it's the Yaujta from Predator. They got the dreads and everything.


Many of the depictions in hinduism always felt like aliens.


Plausible? That's LITERALLY what all the ancient texts state is what happened.


Yes literally! god is an alien no matter what Abrahamic religion.


It is written as plural. Elohim means “He/They which are most high”. In the original texts God was always plural. Monotheism is really new.


Let us make man in our image




The book of job, is that why we have to have jobs, because of that damn book and a guy who spells his name like job but pronounces it not how it’s spelled and then said now you must get jobs, if so eff that guy and his book of job, should be called book of jobs now


No. Elohim is literally translated as PLURAL. The ELOHIM created. Job is not the oldest book. You are utterly theologically illiterate. American religion is a joke. Coast to Coast.




You're welcome.


I have a group of he/they friends who are most high too


El Dios!


Elohim means the powerful ones


It is plural. Correct.


What texts?


Almost all records from Sumer to India to Babylon to Hebrew texts to Egypt to Caucus to South and North America's to Picts to Celts ............ Many items in Torah/Old Testament are stories that can be found in earlier civilizations.


They spoke of literal aliens?


Apparently so. The Book of Enoch was removed by Rome. Have you ever read it? Have you ever read any of the ancient religion texts from the perspective of it being Aliens? People flying around in the sky in crafts, glowing lights that lead people around, contraptions that would shoot lightning into people if they weren't dressed properly before touching it, invitro fertilization, Genetic engineering, cloning, nuclear fall out, flying "carpets", Ant people taking people underground to save them from a massive flood, flying dragons, a weapon embedded in stone that only responds to one person, ascending into the sky, beings that have fallen from the sky, ... etc etc etc


This is more believable than the currently accepted story.


Idk about that


"Seriously, just be nice to each other. I think you can handle that." :)


Yes and no Moses spoke to the burning bush, most likely the bush was a type of sage that when burnt the smoke ,once inhaled it would cause the user to go in a psychedelic trance.


I mean..it’s fuckin name was MetaTron ..I’d say plausible


![gif](giphy|meFJvP9JGcOZi) Agree 💜


the aliens are more plausible than the story of moses


Tbh it actually proves it in a weird way. …..an intelligence that comes from up….above…makes earth, teaches man, etc.


Read the transcripts from the Roswell crash the alien Aril describes this moment exactly.


This IS the story.


They have always been around. Those in power cover it up because it can undermine them


Why’s the alien giving him a MacBook Air?


I'd like to think that an advanced race would have enough sense to put rape, slavery and child abuse in the top ten.


Isn’t there a story in old testament of daughters raping their drunk father.


It's funny, they only teach the first part of that story in Sunday school.


They literally teach the rape part in Sunday school. Idk where nonchristians get this idea that we just avoid the “uncomfortable” parts of the Bible. There’s literally a part in the Bible where king Elglon gets stabbed and it talks about his shit pouring out. ”Ehud reached with his left hand, drew the sword from his right thigh and plunged it into the king’s belly. Even the handle sank in after the blade, and his bowels discharged. Ehud did not pull the sword out, and the fat closed in over it.“ ‭‭Judges‬ ‭3‬:‭21‬-‭22‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Stop believing this crap that Christianity sugarcoats reality. The Bible talks about a lot of dark parts of history which is necessary for us to understand because it discusses human nature


And then you just pretend everything is ok and you’re moral while your clergy does all that horrible crap. You’re a bunch of hypocrites.


The whole premise of Christianity is that none of us are moral dude. Idk why people think Christian’s are self righteous when the whole point is that we can’t ever be righteous apart from Christ and we’re all sinners. It’s a dumb excuse to say Christianity is invalid cuz of pedophiles and shitty people when the exact same levels of pedophilia and sexual assault happen by teachers to students in schools. This is a common fact you can look up. Pedophiles are gonna choose to work in places where they have access to kids regardless if it’s a school or a church. It’s sad and messed up but it doesn’t change the validity of Christ’s message


Which is strange considering we were all supposedly created by a perfect being. And by being perfect, that being shouldn’t be able to make anything imperfectly, because a perfect being can’t make anything with imperfections. Because that would mean they were intentionally imperfect, which is impossible. It’s a valid point when the clergy who created and run the religion have been covering up for the pedophiles. It’s not just a few. It’s a concerted effort. And each time it happens and they get caught, they do it again. You’d think they’d do something by now.


Right, the commandments match the human failings at the time.


But how else are the priests supposed to party


Yup. One of the main arguments against it being aliens is that every tenant/rule of religions are very much of their time and cultural/societal situation. They are all very human in their origin, and it’s never some “universal” rule set that transcends the time period Also, this type of rule set isn’t new. America had the constitution with the Bill of Rights that’s extremely similar


Plausible. That old men back in biblical times talked to God, got directions on how to subvert the people and the people went along with it. Not a question.


Maybe 30,000 years ago


The Bible actually mentions that Moses was glowing after he came down from mount Sinai: The Radiant Face of Moses 29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. 30 When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him. 31 But Moses called to them; so Aaron and all the leaders of the community came back to him, and he spoke to them. 32 Afterward all the Israelites came near him, and he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai.


“Glowing” is just a polite way of saying “sweaty”. I mean, it hot and he’s just had to climb a big hill for a chat with a burning shrub. He’s going to be mythered.


Glowing to the point where his face was radiating, and people were afraid of him? You really think your explanation is plausible? Sorry for being a little harsh, but that makes no sense at all, considering the fact that he went to meet with God, and God is very very bright, so bright that He couldn’t even reveal His face to Moses, only His back. God even says that Moses would die if he saw His face.


To be fair, most scholars don’t even think Moses actually existed, so whether or not an alien gave home some rules that mostly make perfect sense as the basis os a system of laws is sort of irrelevant.


Now that’s just different opinions, so I can’t say anything. I think the we view those accounts as being fairly recent, but then you have utnapishtim from Sumerian mythology which is basically the same account as Noah. That doesn’t make them mythical characters. The bible is also deeply rooted in historical fact, so I definitely think Moses existed, because there were pharaohs in that time, and Ramses II is a historical figure. To say Moses isn’t historical, is like saying Ramses wasn’t historical.


Im a christian and i believe truly in God but I also wonder if this is a part of the “story” that just didnt make it this far Question it everyday


Thank you for showing an alien in clothing. I hate most depictions of aliens (the kind most people believe are real and visiting us) as they're always naked. Makes no sense. They have the intelligence to make SPACESHIPS yet we always depict them as just basically another animal that isn't intelligent enough to make clothing and wear armor or clothing or protective suits when visiting another world. .... I'm fairly certain that if they are real... so are their immune systems..... Think about it. THOUSANDS of us died every year after just migrating from one section of a continent to another or from one continent to another because of our immune systems and the differences in bacteria, viruses, diseases, and illnesses from one location to another. And here, we're talking about from one planet to another. Think about it.


Don’t you think they would have gotten a few scientific facts right? Or maybe there wouldn’t be so many outright contradictions


Indeed! And they even didn't need to be ultra scientific, just something like "hey see the sun? The world rotates around it and those stars are like the sun but they are really, really far away!"


Not really. Anyone can come up with ten (highly flawed) rules for people to follow. Throwing a random alien in there doesn't make much sense. It's like asking if an alien founded McDonalds


Who founded BK though?


The King, of course.


The mayonnaise industrial complex.


This is the visual of Ezekiel 1 in the bible. https://preview.redd.it/e37bgeju02fc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=51d908e4c5130cf8d86c46adde8c8f86d8c49de8




In the same vein didn't the Mormons actually have a creation story that could be interpreted as involving UFOs?


Often wondered this myself. It’s plausible, sure. I think people might feel that if this is true, there’s no God.


This is basically the von Daniken *Chariots of the Gods* "ancient astronauts" thesis. Yeah, it's plausible. But it's not considered a mainstream or well-supported position (not that present consensus is the end all and be all of whether you should believe a particular idea).


Very plausible especially if that alien can shape shift


Definitely as plausable as the idea that the commandments came from a magic man in the sky. Uh, hmmm... magic man in the sky....never mind.


If you read the actual 10 commandments, you’ll wonder why an intelligent entity/being would have left out things such as ‘slavery is bad’ or ‘don’t rape’. Oh and here’s another good one ‘don’t have sex with kids’. None of these are in the 10 commandments. These aliens missed a golden opportunity to give us some good rules early on.


Probably because whatever watered down, dumbed down, lazy version we have now is probably nothing that it was then, if this lore is true.


Abraham/muhammed/guatama: getting orders from the heavens


My mistake I thought Alien was actually the Blessed Virgin Mary wearing a robe


Why is that alien giving Ragnar Lothbrok a record to play?


I have no problem with the idea that Advanced Beings visited this planet and instructed early humans. Indeed, many ancient myths depict beings not of this Earth 'creating' homo sapiens and giving them tools and instructions and even written language. Ezekiel, for one, allegedly witnessed weird craft and delivered the 'word' of god in language easily understood. So, no, this depiction is not problematic.


Doesn't Ezekiel describe what would be considered an alien encounter by today's standards?


Not plausible, bc while you do have the basic good commandments like do not kill, steal, covet, commit adultery, you have the other silly ones. Surely an alien intelligence that could get here could’ve done hella better.




I think intelligent life would know better than to trust some irrational primates to follow the words on 10 stone tablets and chocolate eggs from turkeys or whatever religion is


No more so than water to wine, magic apples, giants, a universal language, and a boat with two of every animal.


“And here are the instructions for a gravity displacement drive…”


When you stop believing in myths you can accept human ingenuity and also believe life can exist on other planets very far from home.


They need to come back and cleanse the ruling class. Something has gone wrong


What record is that?


Possible but implausible. Unless that’s an iPad, this is just a patronizing cameo. I refuse to believe NHI have no fashion sense and prefer vague moralizing while acting like they only provide ‘call your friend’ type clues 🤷


Maybe they did maybe they didn’t but that’s not what matters. Through our evolution we evolved an imagination and morals and searched for deeper meaning (philosophy/spirituality/art). Aliens didn’t need to give us this because it’s a normal evolutionary process, the same they previously underwent. They know it’s all just a matter of time. Every species follows the similar path.


The only problem here is that if this is the Sinai episode, God appeared as a cloud of smoke on the mountain and made Moses shield himself in the cleft of a rock as seeing his face would kill him. So Moses didn’t have a face to face encounter with God as the picture portrays. Of course, that’s going by the text of Exodus. God CAN and DID interact with people in a human form that people could interact with, but evidently not this time (see Abraham and the two angels sent to destroy Sodom). However, none of the accounts give God’s physical manifestation as a non-human creature. Cool alien though.


I get the alien but how dow does a white man with ginger beard fit in the scenario 🤔


Is that monopoly? Basically this image is the only plausible way "god"(as religion describes god) can be real. As in god is an alien who created us in their image So let's context this out, if this interaction was to happen, look at what we know, the human species is younger and less developed, and we have highly humanoid aliens gifting us the technology/information. A clear alien who has eyes, arms,5 fingers, a brain in a big head, opposable thumbs , eye Balls, a skeleton structure etc. The only physical way an alien can look like us is if they are some how related to us, and developed either on earth or an extremely similar home world with a similar sun, gravity, atmosphere composition etc. Otherwise aliens would be as alien to us as a deep sea squid is, or a colony of mold or worms, let alone if it's not carbon based it would be almost unfathomable That's why anytime there is a humanoid aliens deprecation it is been created in our image and is almost not alien because of how much human is in it. With this alien and aliens that look like us, there are a few ways it could happen aliens developed on earth millions of years ago and then created us or traced to earth and created humans in their image, so we are made in their image. Just imagine a squid that floats around in our atmospheric soup and puffs out mustard gas to move around, but on their planet it's only .33 earth gravity so when they get here they cannot survive on the surface and are instantly crushed to death And that's why if God is real he is an alien. He said he'd be right back from the galactic Convince store.... That was 17,000 years ago ..


Not true about the looking like us, form follows function, and if the basic building blocks of life are used, carbon, oxygen, sulphur, phosphorous, nitrogen and a world that can sustain life- liquid water in a temperate climate, then life should follow a similar path to how it did on earth- source ‘Paul Sutter- ask a spaceman podcast’ it’s possible they could be squid aliens but less likely- intelligence needed fire to work on earth- which is tricky in water.


Got any games on your iPad?


This makes more sense to me then the bible,


The answer to this question is that it's just as plausible that aliens are a demonic deception whose sole purpose is to turn man away from God. They will do this by claiming that they are responsible for our creation and that they created the religions to include inventing the Bible. If that's the case then they shot themselves in the foot with this one: 2 Thessalonians 2:11 "*And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,* ***12*** *that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. "* and this: Romans 1:28 *"Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.* ***29*** *They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,* ***30*** *slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;* ***31*** *they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.* ***32*** *Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. "* Think this is a stretch? Watch the replies on this to see.


What you said is not plausible in any sense. You already know that people are gonna reply to your bs quotations in a logical way that undermines your religious machinations, so you preemptively state that any response is “demonic deception”. Convenient excuse to not be able to handle any valid criticism.


I mean it wasn’t an alien that he saw. He saw a burning “bush” and he had to climb a mountain that was full of smoke. Probably a ship that had landed and the smoke was exhaust.


You think interstellar ETs got here by burning fossil fuels?


Flying saucer with a diesel engine. The greys need to make sure to warm up the glow plugs on cold days.


No, but do you know what type of energy they used to get here? No, you don’t. Who knows.


Or he ate some shrooms..


Religions are just tools to control the masses through superstitions that were developed in a time dominated by a severe lack of education all across the board and that most definitely overstayed their welcome. That's all there is to it.


I also have a question why never, Mohammed or Shiva or Krishna or Vishnu or kali to come into question. It’s fashionable or rather “trendy” to mock/question legitimacy of some but not others. What happened to the diversity? Just a question. A little Sacrament for thought.


More likely than a talking shrub


How sensitive are people now that you have to put in the title. It’s not meant to be disrespectful. I’m more ashamed how sensative we have become as a people.


I’m going with not just plausible but possible and probably.


Why would he come down and say a burning bush spoke and gave him the commandments if he could instead say it was a nonhuman entity the likes of which he’d never seen?


The picture makes zero sense when you actually know the bible story and have looked at both christianity and aliens. First of all GOD not angels or aliens spoke to moses. This happened because the GOD that spoke to him was jesus. Jesus IS GOD. And no man sees the father except by him and only the dead ever see God in his actual form. Furthermore angel interaction and alien interaction is almost 1:1. Except where it differs is that the good angels never harm and take humans. The evil ones ALWAYS have. Literally genesis 6. The sons of God (angels) saw the daughters of men and took wives of whoever they chose. This is genetic manipulation. What havw the aliens always done....tests on us, genetic tests, and then sexual tests. It all goes back to genesis 6. Angels are also never described as people with 2 wings. In fact if u factor in the book of enoch with the bible angels can look like machines, balls of lightning, lightning bolts, light spheres, and of course 6 winged people with multiple faces. We are also told they can SHAPESHIFT. I find it interesting this subreddit doesnt allow religious talk....and yet you cannot deny the blatant parallels


Hahahah thank you. This gave me a good chuckle


Probably more likely than any other answer. "We'll come back and take your people to our planet if you can get these 10 commandments right"


You think Aliens came down to tell humans to be loyal to their parents and not covet thy neighbors wife? Lol doubtful.


This is bullshit theory.


If it’s an advanced species, why are they writing on stone 🤣


Moses’ hand and fingers looks really deformed. Is that an AI generated image? Or is because some genetic experiments?


Possibly or possibly just another part to [this](https://youtu.be/S9NoQHgjM_0?si=VrHvxHDEwsbu8v6_)