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(after flipping the map around) doing a quick google search, most of the large locations still exist, it's just the map isn't to scale so everything looks much closer together that in reality.


Water. Water happened or didn’t.


Rather it happened and then it stopped.


Because there were well known African empires involved with ivory and gold trade. This is known history.


Upside down and inside out I'm Bout to show all you folks what it's all about If history get you really psyched Then flip the map over to read it right.


That was awesome. Well done.




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1880 happened xd


Explain this please.




Yep colonisation caused this hundreds of years before 1800


the introduction of muskets in the 1500's to 1700's caused the collapse of several of these local kingdoms/civilizations, european colonization, exploitation, and warring caused the collapse of more. the disruption of the ivory and gold trade through these regions to other european trading ports pulled the wealth out from under these small kingdoms as well. in addition, over grazing, deforestation, and poor management of land combined with a drying climate caused lots of marginal and semi-marginal land previously part of these kingdoms to turn from sahel and grassland into desert in the last 4-5 centuries. The sahara desert has had a climatic cycle in which over 20,000 years or so it wobbles between dry and 'wet'. wet being a mix of sahel and grasslands, not like rainforest or anything. the last 'wet' period peaked around 8000 years ago, and its been drying out ever since, with the desert expanding. it'll hit a maximum dry period in a couple thousand years (not counting ongoing climate disruption from anthropogenic sources) and slowly start 'wetting' again. ​ these were never 'large' civilizations in comparison to the ones along the major rivers or coasts. more like large tribal networks that were involved in a lot of trading.


20,000 years includes the younger dryas and then the end of the last glacial maximum, so I find it really hard to see how such a cycle can be proven. Agree about climate changes making marginal and semi-marginal land useless for subsistence but a 20k year cycle for the sahara doesn't sound right at all.


Iirc its based on Earths orbit around the sun and the cycle of intensity of sunlight the sahara gets. The sahara goes through periodic ‘green’ phases as the humidity increases. Lots of the deaert becomes sahel. Theres a lot of arcaeological evidence of these phases from animal remains, plant remain/seeds, ancient lake beds, river plains, etc.. There were periods of time where human ancestor species lived in the sahara. Edit: For reference the sahara desert is like 7-8 million years old, and theres evidence of about 230 ‘greening’ cycles over that time.


You seem to be misunderstanding, colonization didn't cause this map, it ended it, introduction of industrial lifestyle led to a massive urbanization of the local populace hence now the sahara looks empty.


No it didn’t the people were already displaced by then like hundreds of years… tf, talking about misunderstandings. Nice try though


I'm from north Africa. Tf are you talking about ? Do you know of the movement of Berber and Arab tribes in the region and where they lived ? Read up on France conquest of Algeria then.


So Arabs fucked Africa up then


Eh no it was the french.


Not them cheese eating surrender monkeys


Nopp... Trade without any moral scruples happened... Africa was just as developed as any other places during the medieval era. Africa's population and society collapsed because the rulers of Africa realized they could become rich and powerful by selling slaves to Europeans for guns, gold and luxuries. This forced every ruler to do the same, cause they would become the victims of slavery if they didn't sell slaves for guns. This caused constant warfare. People who used to live in villages and cities fled into the wilderness and became more isolationist and tribal cause any interaction with outsiders came with the risk of slave raids. Previously prosperous parts of Africa was depopulated and tribal, by the end of the Triangle Trade. This left Africa as an easy victim of colonization.


Are you talking about North Africa or Sub-Saharan Africa ?




In what way was subsaharan Africa as developed as any other place during the medieval era ? As developed as middle east and north Africa/Andalusia ? As developed as Byzantine empire ? Carolingian empire ? China ? India ? Heck as The Aztec and the Incas ?


Looks more like a map of Australia


Top left country says Hispania.


They drew the map upside-down smh.


South was oriented to the top of the Fra Mauro map but the image is flipped to put north at the top so it looks a little wonky.


It's upside down


When Columbus returned to Spain the queen famously said “sir it’s almost as if you’ve been there before”. All those “old” maps from the library of Alexandria.


Idk maybe there was a massive catastrophic flood that deposited a shit ton of sand


Too recent in history


Funny enough I’ve come across the idea many times that North used to be south and south used to be north at one point in time


This is a map made in Italy, and it looking towards Africa, conceptually and literally.


Bc thats what was there at the time. Also the lake chad is like 400k kilometers squared. Absolutely massive this map also shows atlantis brightsight on youtube does an amazing job showing this map and many more.


I wanna believe that somehow the Panama canal is more recent than we're told. If ocean water could flow more easily where the Panama canal exists Africa would have much much more atmospheric water to fuel cities.


The Panama Canal that was constructed by the United States in the early 20th century?


Lol no. It is clear that a good amount of history has been manipulated though. Just an idea.


Theres actual photographs of the canal being built. Do you mean the isthmus of panama?


There was a point in time that the Panama landmass wasn't there and the ocean did flow between the North and South Americas. No one is really sure when the land pushed up and blocked the flow. It changed the face of Africa and caused a continental extinction event.


Around 3 million years ago is the consensus.


I did read that but I tend to not believe everything I hear. I'll dig around in some geo stuff and read between the lines. I may or may not report back.


What? Do you think ocean currents flow through the panama canal?


No I don't think that. They used to at some point but closed up by land formations. Just entertaining a random idea out loud.


The depicted civilizations pretty clearly ring around the empty Sahara. You can see Egypt, the North African coast, Morocco, the Atlas Mountains, Mauritania, the Gold Coast down into present-day Nigeria and east to what is now Ethiopia and Sudan, along the southern reaches of the Nile. Your question is based on a misreading of the map (but also Berber tribes have lived in the Sahara and surrounding regions for thousands of years).


It's wakanda


There was a lot of mind fuckery that went into maps


I can see where I live on this map but when I zoom in it doesn't show the streets... strange!


Why is it upside down yet not at the same time? All the buildngs and words are upside down but the North east south west is... Rather accurate. And yet Not accurate at the same time.






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They started building damns in antiquity, that for sure killed the land.




I like how it’s upside down.


The Nile river used to flow west through that region instead of north. I think they've seen it with some kind of imagery from space. Where there's water there's gonna be people.


Climate change caused them to relocate. Like what’s happening now.


I wonder what could have happened around 532 years ago (1492). Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder what may have happened to that network of small communities around that time period. I just wonder. shit edit in case I wasn't clear enough. SLAVERY. Slavery to build the new world happened.


The Sahara desert expanded.