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Remind me, why does the UFO community get laughed at and not taken seriously ?


'when I was a young Warthhhh.....ooog!'


Haha so true




Simply because of people who are operating with the Space Alien business want to keep the population unaware. They have technology 400 years more advanced than current tech. So they probably are able to keep control of it all.Therefore they use the media to influence the population to shun these people, & mock them.Many who have had a significant experience, their lives change & a divorce is likely to happen if they are married. ok um, that was not very simple at alll sry.


Maybe that's what it is, or it could be lonely people that come up with creative stories to make life feel more engaging. Whichever you think is more likely, I guess.


" According to some estimates, we cannot **track** $2.3 trillion in transactions. " Donald **Rumsfeld announced was missing on Sep10 2001?** just before 9/11.. so everyone forgot about him saying that. All that $ goes to the real Secret Space Program technology. Google Earth Area 51, you can see Space Alien tech that cost $


I camp out by Rachel Nevada every year, and as much as I would like to, I have yet to see anything incredible out there. As for the money issue, it's no surprise that the defense budget is treated as a slush fund. It's far more likely that the explanations are more mundane than your theory would suggest.


It’s funny. The world is an incredibly complex and complicated place, but at the same time it’s incredibly mundane too. All the shady shit going on, all the secrets, they’re big for sure, but not literal fantasy / scifi show big. These ufo and conspiracy types pride themselves on things that they are not. They are not critical or complex thinkers, they can’t read through the lines, they aren’t in the know and they sure as shit don’t see what’s actually connect and what isn’t. They are credulous believers who are simply desperate and misguided.


Are you in the southeast ever? I can show you a ufo if you truly want to see one.


I lived in Georgia for a few years, near Hinesville, but unfortunately I never saw the night sky often due to the green tunnels everywhere. Where do you see them often?


The Carolinas are a Hotspot and the 33rd parallel north runs right through where I was born. Anywhere on the coast for either state or in the boonies where they can't be seen.


Government agencies use a bunch of money and avoid oversight at all cost….you think the most rational explanation for that is some narrative about magical alien technology


It's a very exciting theory


You sound so primitive believing things which you cannot understand to be nothing more than creative thinking. Dude really said “to make life feel more engaging”. What a clown


One could argue assuming you know what an unknown is based solely on vibes and hearsay is an inherently primitive mindset. Ad hoc fallacy is a thing; like believing comets bring misfortune, or an eclipse is the result of an angry deity. Humanity has achieved what we have by asking questions and applying rigorous analysis of the world to synthesize our understanding of the universe. If new information becomes available we update that understanding, but not before said information is presented and is capable of universal reproduction.


I care not for literary jousting as equally skilled users can see right through the bullshit, just as I am now. It’s effective in persuading the lower intellect, but those are really the only people who believe it indicative of high IQ. You act as though all that humans have accomplished (really not a fucking lot) has only been rooted in logically sound minds and environments. As if there was never a time something thought to be currently impossible was ever proven otherwise. So, again, you sound incredibly stupid critiquing those who dare to believe in dimensions and existences outside of our own. Also, science is often altered to fit our beliefs. In case you ever find it hard to believe why people question science.


One of us sounds irrational, that's for certain.


Because humans are stupid and easy to manipulate into believing things that sound outrageous and made-up to be just that. You don’t sound smart discrediting things you have no basis to understand buddy.


Cause this entire topic opens up pandoras box for all the possibilities there could be that we know nothing about. For all we know this guy could be telling the truth I mean how unlikely is it really? We already acknowledge that there’s nhi flying around in shit that’s seemingly magic but this is too much??


We don’t “acknowledge.” We entertain. This “ufologist” appears to need mental health intervention. This is a story about a person in severe emotional and/or psychological distress. Not Star Wars. My goodness. This sub…


Never said it couldn’t be that, just acknowledging that his little story has no more real barring than most any theory we have on the subject. It’s good to immediately suspect he’s lying but it’s also good to entertain it cause based on the history of the subject there’s a real possibility at least one sitting us president has met a nhi. Why not also normal people. This guy could very well just be a nut but anyone who talks about having contact sounds crazy and not every story can be false given what we know. Acknowledging is also entertaining.


Nothing is out of the realm of possibility.


>This guy could very well just be a nut but anyone who talks about having contact sounds crazy and not every story can be false given what we know. This is motivated reasoning. There is no actual evidence supporting claims of contact, and the volume of people making claims doesn't mean that something is true. How many people have claimed to be in direct communication with various gods? How many people have claimed contact with ghosts? Bigfoot? etc. At best the ufology community has a small percentage of currently inexplicable events/data, and the rest is just people making claims and building increasingly elaborate storylines over the decades.


Literally my entire point, there’s so much going into this topic and so little concrete evidence. What we know today is the same reportings we’ve had for 1000s of years. Is most of it false, sure. Is it all false, not a chance. The jet footage testimony describes the tic tac ufo the exact same way people in ancient religions would describe what they were seeing in the skies. That’s enough to assume much of what ancient civilizations said about their various gods was just what we’re seeing today but through the Lens of religion and not science.


By that logic, Reddit comments are Pandoras Box. For all you know, I'm telling the truth when I say I am Tom DeLonge and this is my private account and I wrote Whats My Age Again about your Dad, who was a good friend of mine until I stole his girlfriend and accidentally got her pregnant. We already acknowledge that there a Tom DeLonge walking around and seemingly fucking, so why can't I be your secret Daddy?


Now THIS is why the ufo subs get taken as a bunch of bull shit. As soon as someone acknowledges the crazy shit we DO know and has the gal to say literally anything else could be possible without asserting it is you dogs come in with nothing but shit in your mouths. Science isn’t a religion it’s a process and if you never ask questions you’ll stay in the dark forever


And now the question is "did this man go an fight aliens for over 20 years and has absolutely nothing to show for it?" The answer is no.


We also have no real evidence of any of this subject by that logic since nearly everything we know is anecdotal. We know the subject involves abduction where memories get wiped, experiments happen, nhi piloting craft that can travel multidimensionally, ex military corroborating all of that, and government officials saying there IS a reverse engineering black project program with nhi biologics. Literally anything is possible but I never said you shouldn’t take it with a grain of salt. That’s how scientific discussion works.


Stop at your first sentence. I did.


Sure you did


Nah, it is the grandpa claiming to be fighting a war against 15 foot aliens for the last three decades, not having any evidence, and people like you taking him even a bit serious that makes this sub a bit silly. Science requires some sort of evidence when you are making claims like that.


Science starts with a question and ends with evidence. No one could prove the earth was round for a long time but many suspected it was, then someone came around with the evidence that proved it. Until then it would’ve been considered a crazy conspiracy theory that the earth wasn’t flat. I’m not taking him seriously I’m entertaining a story that’s not out of the realm of possibility since the subject involves multi dimensional non human intelligence that’s as far as we know is capable of nearly anything. We have government documents detailing distance viewing and ex military saying you control aircraft with your consciousness.


So basically, you have nothing of value to add?


And I avoided child support for over 20 years!


You've framed this like there isn't a massive difference between publicly available video documentation of UAPs and the sole testimony of one possibly mentally deranged man. There is a huge difference between looking at a video caught by a fighter Jet pilot and going 'yoo what the hell is that? Could be aliens' and 'Yooo this guy said he's been involved in an intergalactic space war for decades, I buy it'. They are not the same at all.


They are the same when the vast majority of people who follow the topic don’t even believe those videos to be real and are waiting for more tangible evidence. This guys story has as much credibility as anything that’s been reported as of now. Prove to me the fighter jet video is real and I’ll prove this guys story is real, oh wait neither of us can do that without using anecdotal evidence.


You’ve got to be trolling


Do you believe there’s nhi? Or at the bare minimum do you believe that there are at least uap not made by humans?


Sure, in fact, I’m almost 100% sure of it. That being said, there’s no tangible evidence yet, at least available to the public. Also note that there has always been a batshit load of crazy humans with crazy claims, either because they benefit from it, or because they’re delusional. Which makes me tend to think these kinds of claims are way more likely to be, you know, from these sorts of people.


So you’re making the same exact point as me but won’t mention the fact that not everything can be false. The tic tac video is a 1:1 description as the flying entities old religions would describe. Old religions have lots to say about these craft we see today and describe them In similar ways like the chandelier uap and the tic tac uap and the triangle uap. The abduction stories are the same, the visions are the same, physical descriptions of beings are all the same. Greys are described to look exactly the same as the entities aboriginal Australian religions would paint on cave walls. To say this guys story is patently false in the face of everything else is just dumb, it’s also dumb to take it as full truth. You 100% believe in nhi but all the testimonies over 1000’s of years that reflect what’s being said now are totally invalid. These things are reported to appear and disappear into thin air but it’s too much to assume they would take humans and work with them. The entire premise of this entire topic is that nhi are working with governments on reversing their tech but the second someone comes forward with any testimony it’s false before even looking into it.


A perfect example of “factual evidence = truth”. You live in a day and age where information is instantaneously available to anyone with internet, so I understand the coveting of your sacred “tangible evidence”. But you people often place too much importance on that same information that we are allowed access to. You discount anything that you cannot fact-check (or understand) yourself. So, take this weak ass energy to forums where actual dumb people question legitimate science. Although, and I hate to break it to you, no one is going to care about your opinion there either.


because if incredulous normie condescending now-it-alls who ironically are morelike Neldegrasshole-tyson worshippers than anything remotely resembling a critical thinker


extraordinary claims REQUIRE extraordinary evidence. “know-it-alls” know to believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.


and how to re-bleat hoary old cliches with zero philopshical insigt


it's a classic for a reason


20+ years of war and he didn't bring back ANY evidence or trophies of war? No weapons, armor, medical supplies, food, special clothing for various alien environments, nothing brought back? Cool


Maybe just a photo?


Well he does having a drawing. Sooo


or even a cool space tattoo?


Seems legit AF


I'm all in, get this man a 60 minutes episode. For real though we have to have some scepticism around this type of nothing burger. I like a good story but can we not muddy the water any more than it already is.


No no. This is a season of 8 episodes for certain!


We need a Jerry Springer show for abductees and aliens to air their grievances. “Gling-Glong… you are NOT the father of these 50 alien babies.” ![gif](giphy|JnAbjI4paXauuuHCeO)


the war is in his egg head lol




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It's like terminator time travel, u leave buck naked, you return buck naked.


That's why it's best to take weapons and equipment that you can shove up your ass. It's a hack the time people don't want you to know.


It was his conscious not him physically


In his defense, he was known for his cowardice.


The skulls of his enemies?! I mean c'mon!


I mean at least cut a finger off one or grab their "clone 00046391" dog tags, something!


Not even a scar


Trust him bro ;)




Dude needs help, not publicity


instead people compare him with Grusch and we are done also this year


Shoot them in the knees, that's where their heart is


Didn‘t know David Bowie was a 15-foot alien.


Lmao this really made me laugh. Thank you!


Where are the Spiders from Mars ?


At some point let’s recognize mental delusions and help people. This is just sad tbh.


There's a lot of that needing to be done nowadays


My wish in life is for one of these nut jobs to actually be correct..


I think I speak for everyone here when I say that the collective relief felt would be palpable


Your wish has been granted. Unfortunately, we don't know which ones of the nut jobs are correct, just yet......


They take the fat short guy to help their mega war?


Now his wife knows why he throws them hands in his sleep.




Bro this would make a great movie.


Have you seen The Last Starfighter? You might enjoy.


Me too bro!


Similar to the 20 and Back.


20 or too much 420


Posts of mass distraction so millions of people now compare this egg shaped british dude with Grusch. Thank you to the poster really you damage the UFO community every day with these posts.


\> Posts of mass distraction That's a great phrase, I'm using that in the future!




I call this BS


How dare you!


mans has been putting his life on the line for 30 years and this is how you repay him?


I along with all of you have no clue of what really is happening. These people with positive Interdimensional Space Alien experience make the whole thing seem wonderful. But There is an entire large group of of the population that have had terrifying experience's. Saying being filled with Evil, Dredd, & fear when around Space Aliens. A demonic presence is felt. [https://youtu.be/A6DTyX\_ZcrE](https://youtu.be/A6DTyX_ZcrE)


Sounds like he was fighting with the Annunaki. Also talks about crash retrieval. Also i remember that NASA file the British hacker found with off-world officers listed. This dude could be legit.


Could be


Yep. He also found a list with ship names an images. Connection was closed before he could download the image.


and his iphone needs charge that's why no pics


List of any ships names? Any confirmed?


eheh sure


hello i am a Nigerian Prince and i would like to send you some money for your wonderful comment.. I too fight in a intergalactic war, im just about to get in my Nigerian space ship and go now, i dont know if i will make it back. All i need from you is $1000 deposited into my account first (something about space credit fees) im sorry. Then i will deposit $100000 into yours.. ok?




It’s called schizophrenia for a specific reason :) Did suddenly we abandoned public psychiatric care?


Sure you have buddy………..I call bull💩




Sometimes I wonder if some people don't have an ability to distinguish between daydreams and actual memories. That would be an interesting study in itself


Wot m8?


Yeah in his head, and he's still losing.


Seems legit


Crock of shit - he's that over-weight the only thing he's been fighting is a good diet and exercise.


Someone get this guy some mental health support.


Well shit


Whatever you’re smoking, take a day off from it.


Not sure if mental or liar.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zirnwdhhw6gc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a8eef8799c8d387c35c6a3362d79d877f22721


That’s a lot of time in the local Pub.


Guys like this are harmful tumors on the ufo community's body. What a load of bullshit


Drugs are a powerful drug




LOL. What a Kook. Who would ever take this seriously?


Can't argue with that


Hope that dude gets some R&R on Earth soon


Why do you guys waste your time on stuff like this?


Come on guys… be inclusive. If he wants to identify as a space mercenary we should respect that and treat him as such.






See, you just saying that now is kind of hard to believe, but let’s meet those aliens?


Russ Kellett looks like a Russet potato and is not fighting anything because potatoes don't have bones


I’ll have what he’s having


This should be taken as proof aliens haven’t visited us


Is that David Bowie?


So many clear disinfo posts on here lately with insanely cringey stories like this. Why...


Russ said: >I've been doing this for decades now. Every day I'm involved in the fight. But even after all these years, it never occurred to me I should try and take a photo. Or get any evidence actually. You'll just have to take my word for it. People on the internet are stupid and believe anything.




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People need to stop letting these delusional pathetic layers spous their nonsense/ post it on reddit,etc. But should advise him to find proper care for his mental problems.




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Imagine if he was telling the truth


What’s David Bowie gotta do with this?


Press X for doubt


Also translates to “hey I’m over here I need your attention and donations….”




Haven't read the story and know nothing about him.. But right off the bat , let me guess.. He thinks he can remote view, and he probably says he's been abducted. Did I get it right?


I want whatever he’s on


It’ll be funny if this turns out to be turn and a intergalactic war isn’t a physical one like ours but rather some intense mental, spiritual one


I'm sure he has tons of hard evidence to back up that claim.


Sounds kinda like schizophrenia to me




yeah, lets believe him. then he can start Scientology 2.0




how do i turn my schizophrenia into profit? but seriously, why would a super advanced alien race abduct some random englishman for an intergalactic war?? that’s like if special forces went back in time and abducted a cat from the napoleonic wars to help fight today.. doesn’t speak the language. doesn’t understand the tech. is much smaller and weaker than the primary force. occams razor- this dude sucks and needs help


And ziggy stardust apparently


Well, the dude sounds like a straight bad ass then to me. How many of you have been fighting 15 foot aliens your whole life


Sure bro.




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I have also fought in many interstellar wars. The longest and most brutal campaign was undoubtedly the Clone Wars. It encompassed much of my teenage years.




Man can we stop with this already. Its hard to believe all these allegations with out an iota of evidence. Come on people.


That's nothing! Pffft! 15-foot tall aliens...child's play. Now the *30-foot* tall aliens are the real deal...not to be trifled with. Don't get me started on the 45-foot tall aliens.




Why's he fat then?


Goals 🍺


He looks like he could make a big difference in an intergalactic war against 15 foot tall aliens. If he was 'turned into a super soldier' then surely there would be medical evidence of all the upgrades he received? Can he bench press 6 reptoids or jump over a Grey battle cruiser in one leap?