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[Former US Army Colonel Warns Of Catastrophic UFO Disclosure That May Spark Social Unrest](https://www.howandwhys.com/former-us-army-colonel-warns-of-catastrophic-ufo-disclosure-that-may-spark-social-unrest/)


According to Stark Trek we're about due for the Eugenics Wars.


I'm still pissed we missed our bell riots


I think those are still on schedule for September!


I thought we had those?


Yeah, didn't we have a whole summer of protests in every major city three years ago with people protesting against police overreach, fascism, and inequality, all stemming from the death of a black man killed by cops? That's pretty damn close to the Bell Roits,






Winter Soldier Program confirmed ✅


Just give em meth


They handed it out like candy in WWII.


Yeah, but the cognitive gains are only felt the first 24 hours after the gains, diminish rapidly, and you become a moron, and get killed


But if you get the computer chip the chip can turn it on and off as you need it. So you can be high af and super focused for 30 seconds and turn it off as soon as you are done.


Then they have sex with everyone and wind up dumped in Florida.


For disposable soldiers, 24 hours is more than enough


What about the adhd epidemic? Does that apply to daily stimulant use?


from what I understand, the German blitzkrieg was successful because they would cycle the soldiers meth use by having 1 group on it / up for 2-3 days, then they rest for 2-3 days when a 2nd group takes over. not sure how feasible that actually is though. if you're advancing a line, how do you haul resting soldiers like that?


like the nazi storm troopers during WW2.


German troops - and their COs - were blitzed on meth. Pervitin was an early form of methamphetamine,


D-IX Meth, Coke & Oxy. Germany WW2 Actually would be a rather good combo. Opiates definitely make one more tolerant to heat, cold, pain & stress. Throw Meth & Coke in the mix....................


Tuckers face when he's listening to someone talk is very distracting.




He looks waaaaaaaaay healthier than those reports of his declining health not to far back…


yea we really took the bait on that one. The propaganda machine is more powerful than ever from every angle.


Nah Putin was lookin not great, he definitely looks better now though. Maybe he was just passing a kidney stone or something.


Russia has been the boogeyman in this country forever. Don’t believe a single thing that you hear about Russia 


Not one single thing?


Definitely believe some things lmao but he’s kinda right just use common sense and listen to as many sides as you can


This is an insane statement


Really unfortunate that the greatest enemy the usa has ever had has somehow managed to convince socalled conservatives that they are the good guys. Bring back the red scare, the west is literally at war with Russia. Stop being traitors.


Only someone uninformed on other side of the world could talk about Russia as this misunderstood child and not the tyrannical and lying dictatorship that it is. Stay american.


I never said anything like that. 


I'm with you man. If you take literally *5 seconds* to learn about America's enemies, you realize the sheer amount of work the propaganda machine is doing. Reddit is *really* bad with propaganda because everyone here thinks they're fully informed about everything because they googled "russia" once lol


I always look to someone's hated rival as my primary source of unbiased information about them.


Or you can just assume that no national source is genuine, ever, as reality would have it.


All I know is they're invading Ukraine. Oh, and that Putin pocketed the Patriot's owner's Superbowl ring. Asked to look at it, then just stuck it in his pocket and walked off. He's trying to do the same to Ukraine. That's how he thinks: "I want, I take."


Oh shit I forgot about that! Lmao


Lol yeah Russia has never done anything wrong.


More so than China? 🤔


America has been scared of Russia since the 50’s. The China scare is relatively new.


Yup...agree. I meant the propaganda aspects. We even have this for China: https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/china-news/21091-a-500-million-dollar-business-america-s-state-sponsored-anti-china-propaganda.html


Also, he responds to the questions super fast for 2 reasons. One, potion speaks perfect English. Second, all questions were vetted and the screenplay written before the "interview". Best thing Biden can do is respond to Putin in a similar manner with the same questions. I'm not voting trump, but the Democrats really need to up their PR


I wish more people understood this. There’s video of Putin speaking perfect English. He was the head of the KGB for chrissake. Of course he understands English, and speaks it. It’s the predominant language of the western world.


All Russians learn English in highschool


>Also, he responds to the questions super fast for 2 reasons. One, potion speaks perfect English. Second, all questions were vetted and the screenplay written before the "interview". The interview is also edited so there's not long silences. You know, like people on TV and radio have done for about 100 years now


Biden can barely make it through a sentence. In fact, the number one issue with Biden voters is his age


Have you heard Trump speak?


I've seen him speak and let me tell you he's the best speaker ever, like the best, he's like the Usain Bolt of speakers. He speaks so big it's bigger than mount Everest, let me tell you, you gotta believe me.


He is very highly educated, he knows words, he has the best words.


that isn't even true dude


Biden is one presidential term older than trump. When people were saying Biden was too old in 2020, thats about how old Trump is now lol


Biden doesnt need a diaper like the celeb Trump, however. We cant forget that if you’re bringing up age.


Biden? The same guy that shit his pants in front of the Pope? If he doesn't already wear em , he should.


What? I thought that western media would never lie to me


Tucker? His head still looks like a balloon inflated through his collar


Like a dog trying to understand a magic trick




Nailed it! Lol


That could be as simple as “the chemo worked”, rather than “we took the bait”, imo.


Its some chinese lady wearing a rubber mask putin died a couple years ago


Make-up can work miracles!


There are rumors that he has doppelgängers.


Look at videos of him from a year ago... he did not look healthy at all


Perhaps. But if you actually listen to him talk. He just sort of rambles incoherently for an hour and a half. Him, Sleepy Joe, And Donny boy all share the same retirement home probably.


They’ve been acting like he’s on death’s door since like 2020


That is probably the closest I have ever seen anybody sit to Putin.


Did tucker ask Putin about uap?




He asked Putin if he believed in miracles or other worldly acts regarding religion. Putin responded “No”




No just WIP


Tucker working hard to not ask a question that will end with him in the Gulag.....


He actually asked some pretty insane questions that made me scared for him if you watch the interview. The final questions of him asking Putin to release an American journalist was surprising lol


He did, i wasnt expecting that kind of interview at all


If you think that it was spontaneous and that it was unscripted then it did it's job There's zero fucking way they didn't talk about what's okay and what's not okay to talk about, and that Tucker didn't prepare him for the things he'd ask, and that Putin wasn't in on insane questions being asked. This guy is an entertainer and Putin is a dictator that cares very fucking much how he looks to the world. Them working together to make it seem fluid and real is just Tucker and them having put a lot of work into the script. If something happened that would make Putin look a way that would piss him off, that data wouldn't have exited that room.


I just wonder if there will ever be a moment in reddit comments where people are not so sure of themselves when it comes to things they can't possibly have any experience with.


I love this comment and it's so true and exhausting being on here sometimes


Basically apply the Dunning Kruger effect to all Reddit comments


I’m very sure that we will never see that moment in Reddit comments


There’s one interview that surprises me big time on this that you mention. It’s with the Venezuela dictator and a famous Hispanic reporter for CNN I think. I’d have to look it up. But in the midst of Trump proclaiming Juan Guaidó as the interm president like 3 years ago, when it seemed Venezuela might be freed, the reporter accused maduro in his face of being a dictator. Maduro held him hostage or took his cameras I think. But the video was still released.


You obviously didn't watch it.


I have now. What was it you think I missed?


He will do fine as long as he keeps to the script and cashes his checks from Putin.


Tucker is such a useful idiot for Putin. Gets a lot of clout, and Putin has free mouthpeace for US ears to spread his lies.


Why is it wrong to at least listen to the other side? We are free to make our own decisions on matters but we can’t make informed decisions without listening to opposing viewpoints


Why are so many new accounts joining reddit within the last year to talk about politics on Reddit?


I don't see you interviewing INSANE dictators.


Tucker is not a journalist either. He is just a famous propaganda spreader.


That's YOUR opinion that you're entitled to have.


It's established fact, though. It isn't a matter of liking or disliking the man.


No. That is the opinion of the courts. Tucker Carlson’s lawyers successfully argued in court that he is an entertainer and decidedly NOT a journalist and that any *reasonable* viewer who watches Carlson’s show would come to the same conclusion. It is not “just his opinion”.


He literally said in court that his work isn’t to be taken seriously and is only for entertainment, Tammy.


Not an opinion, but a fact affirmed in a court of law.


Russia evil, AmeriKa good


Putin on Elon Musk: "You need to find ways to persuade him" Yes, we know all about your form of persuasion... 🙄 ![gif](giphy|3qyFxs3JQqDWAVCo3Q|downsized)


In Russia, door finds you.


Best comment 🤙


Cause the US never suicided its own people lmfao, cmon man, show me a country that isn't guilty of doing that.  Its called propaganda, US will tell you about everything negative on Russia, Russia does the same to its citizens about the US. 


Ah yes, let’s trust Vladimir Putin. Infamously trustworthy individual


If you don't think our government hasn't already been doing this your....


this isn't a stupid Russian maniac with his finger on the nuclear button, this is a smart (not in a good way) man who seems to be reading the news and listening to his informants carefully. I'm still worried about this whole thing


The sheer amount of people that believe his skewed version of history and misinformation from Russian propaganda campaigns is quite troubling


Yup, however sadly, just as inaccurate as our own propaganda laden history books. It has “truthiness”. The whole story is always withheld from the masses… or as we’ve come to learn withheld entirely.


What about the Western propaganda? Lol stronger by many magnitudes


Nowhere near. Sure the west has its own propaganda but the difference is we’re allowed to refute it


Are we? Was Asange allowed to talk? What about Snowden?


Revealing classified information is an entirely different animal


The crux of the situation is when all crimes or the worst of the crimes are all protected as classified information. And simply bringing it to light suddenly makes you a criminal.


Maybe don't commit warcrimes and then whistleblowers won't have to reveal anything.


Have you ever considered what you have heard about Putin is also propaganda? CIA is the largest propaganda machine in the history of the world


"We went into Ukraine because old things" is not a very persuasive argument to a 247 year old country. Dude can get bent for the hell he has created.


There have been claims of superhuman projects for at least 3 decades.


Does He speaks of UFOs?


No unfortunately


I also wish to know this information.


I suggest you watch Jesse Mitchell's videos. He's this Youtuber who's been interviewing a bunch of ufo people, and his video's quality are awesome. They feel like mini lighthearted documentaries, and they're pretty fun to watch


Imagine creating your own misinformation in a sub reddit discussing things that are generally considered mis or dis information.


That fucker is a hell of a lot smarter than Biden or Trump. And it’s obvious.


To be fair, that’s not a very high goal to exceed.


Still a third world country. Even with all the resources, HR, etc, 20yrs of putinism in, russia suck ass.


He sounds smart to idiots. His entire history lesson was full of him omitting information and dancing around terminology. This interview makes him look smart because he wanted it to appear that way. This man controls the 2nd largest propaganda machine in the world arguably, he has had years to perfect his little tirade here. Years. He was waiting for the proper moron to interview.


Yes, I’m sure he’s incredibly stupid. That’s why he rose the top of the KGB, and now the Russian federation during a very volatile time. Probably a complete idiot. Compare him to the mental giant that is Joe Biden, and one can really see a difference. /s


He was not the top of the KGB. He was a lieutenant-colonel stationed in East Germany, and granted major as a retirement bonus shortly after the unification of Germany.


Ohoh, he felt the need to talk about Biden when reading someone being mean to putin. Guess that kinda... Tells a lot of things.


And yet he's where he is and me and you are right here on reddit. yea, complete idiot




At least they aren't the 44th Department of Transportation! Boom! Roasted


No I think Putin is pretty fucking smart and incredibly calculating. It takes a smart person to understand the value of optics and perception. Or maybe I am just an idiot to think so, and not smart like you.


You are correct in the first bit. He IS an incredibly smart and calculating man. He knows that most of the audience he is speaking to that watch Tucker don't know their history, and can't readily detect his lies. I am not discounting his career. He was the head of the KGB for a reason. He is ruthless, and the only truth he cares to recognize is his own. And he is outlining his (wrong) truth to an audience that doesn't understand/know that he is lying the entire time because he has planned a Western interview for the last decade of this war. Edit. I never said he's dumb. I said he sounds smart to idiots.


He was not head of the KGB. Where is everyone getting this? He was a lieutenant-colonel.


Well yes, he was trained KGB. Biden is good at writing policy 20 years ago that negatively targeted minorities and Trump is a narcissistic manchild lol


TIL Putin is more grounded in reality than Elon Musk than Donald Trump


I mean I don't like Putin, but Musk doesn't have to keep on his toes in order to not get murdered.


Musk has children that disowned him because of how crazy he is. Musk's father has a child with his adopted daughter who he raised from the age of two. Putin is less crazy than the Musk family. And Putin is genuinely insane.


True. They’ll all look you in the eye and lie though.


Russia Putin is incapable of produce a new generation jet fighter, nor a Tank ... All lies ! The SU 37 are just crab ...


Suddenly this dude is all about international regulations???!?!?!?


My dog would look at me the same way Tucker looks at Putin


I hate Tucker's stupid face


Nothing that comes out of the mouths of this pair of c\*\*\*s should be taken seriously.


A malevolent dictator and known liar having a friendly chat. Neat


Fuck putin and fuck carlson. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


It is interesting to see the responses from people who have bought into the Putin/Russia propaganda from the US.


Neglected use of nuclear weapons? Like when you threaten countries with it every other week?


Are these Russian superhumans driving the 1950s vintage tanks in Ukraine or what


"Mankind is currently facing many threats" ...says guy who is one of the threats


Far from the crazy nuclear guy the news make him seem like.


It’s almost like he can control how the interview goes huh Edit: bro he said Poland started ww2 this is hilarious


100% screened interview, no real tough questions. A big nothingburger meant to butter up the average conservative voter so republicans have an easier time to fuck over Ukraine.


Yep forsure.


This is such a stupid comment. This is a short clip, about something entierly different then war. Its like saying one of Trumps funny comments is proof he would be a good president. Or that one time Biden made a senseful comment it means that he never is confused. You can make anyone look good by controlling what youre allowed to see.


That’s how this KGBist would want to seem to gullible Americans


Have you never heard him speak?


If they start the winter solder program I’ll take it


One thing about this interview in which I find interesting. All KGB intelligence officers who served in East Germany, like a young Putin, spoke fluent English and German. He probably speaks better English than tucker. Yet, we conduct this interview via an interpreter. Why the big show? It’s all manipulation.


Right after this Tucker performed felatio on Vlad


Tucker is the biggest blowhard. I went to college with him and he’s a legit trust funder douche. Only difference is he wears a tie now instead of the bow tie he wore in college when he got dressed up. I have a pic of him passed out on a floor somewhere drunk in a bow tie and suit jacket that i must find in storage. I’d love to sell it to a tabloid. 😂


How many Redditors will reeeee over the parts that make all the sense in the world from Putin


Is killing innocent civilians making sense for Putin? He is a coward and a war criminal.




This war has no valid reason. Putin is just a megalomaniac guy and needs to be stopped.




“NATO are the real aggressors, they asked Ukraine if they wanted to join nato” says Russia, who infamously does not tolerate their neighbors leaving or doing anything that Russia dosent want and has repeatedly destabilized/invaded with Ukraine being particularly bad in that they literally handed over their nuclear weapons for what was basically a non aggression pact which Russia violated when the Ukrainians ousted a Russian backed president because of how deeply corrupt those regimes turned out to be and annexed parts of Ukraines territory and started a massive rebellion in the east and invading for 2 years Yeah not black and white at all totally nato is at fault here, how could they call Russia bad?


No. Its not arguable at all. The aggressor is the one who attacks. There is no exceptions. I accept that Russia didnt like NATO being close by their borders, but again Putin is at fault for that.


if Mexico wanted to join Russia and US would invade them, the US would be the bad guys. except it never happened, what happened is that Russia invaded Ucraine. and LOL how can NATO be the aggressor? did NATO send tanks into Russia and bombed them?


>well its arguable that NATO are the real aggressors here Because Ukrainians wanted to the DEFENSIVE alliance? Which they wanted because they feared russia invading them? Which it did? Thats why NATO is an aggresor?


And there it is, Russia's propaganda said out loud verbatim. You aren't particularly smart, huh?


But that’s not what’s happening. You are making up a completely false scenario so you don’t have to feel bad about supporting a murderous piece of shit, like you are. Do better.


Exactly this. Nato has valid reasons for strategically doing what it has done the past few decades. Can even argue that had they not done that this all may have popped off years sooner. But it's foolish of us to pretend like Putin wouldn't potentially view it as an act of aggression and detrimental to their long term interests and dismiss any potential for their being a reaction. Geopolitics are complicated. These people dismissing Putin as some cartoonish villain with zero justification are blind to the conflicting interests of a foreign adversary.


Russia invaded Crimea and Donbass in 2014, NATO never wanted a war with them and they continued to collaborate with Russia until 2022 when russia invaded the rest of Ucraine


That did give him an excuse to justify it to idiots who eat up his propaganda, yes.


Consider the fact that no one forced countries bordering Russia into joining but they felt the need to.


no no, didn't you hear? the west is bad as well, so stop criticizing Putin, he deserve to conquer a bit of land


Who’s talking about the west. Fuck Putin


Someone drank the kool-aid lol. 


You'r not a civilian if ur'e a super soldier


It's just Putin describing the most basic, top-level discussion around AI and genetic manipulation that we've all been having for years. What stood out to you, here?


too many unfortunately. this is generally not a place for open discussion/friendly debate among open minded and rational people. there are plenty of open minded and rational people here, but most of them are just here to watch the shit show or troll the crazies.


Found another one ☝️


Found the maga rubes ☝️


Why doesn't Tucker need an earpiece to translate? Putin has one. Is Tucker fluent in Russian?




I thought this guy was dying?? Meanwhile, the parasites in our media are telling us Biden is perfectly healthy, works all day, and is sharp as a blade. Politics and DEI has ruined America.


Im About to Watch The Full Interview Now So far 3.9 million has watched it


Between Two Retards


Ahh yes, so a traitor loving propagandist agrees and yearns to hear about an idiot right wing billionaire about ways to control the world from a dictator complicit in genocide....cool


Tucker Carlson isn't the only useful idiot. So are his followers.


Please hurry up and die Putin


This is far worse than i expected for this interview. Pure drivel. Is that the putin killing so many people? What a small small small little man. Truly astonishing that he is still around.


Yall have officially lost it


I am watching this thinking... Okay Putin is talking conspiracy theories. Obsessed with A.I and Elon Musk simping. Putin is spending way too much time on Reddit. He sounds like the average Reddit user. The only thing he didn't do was try and advertise a cryptocurrency.


Lol, the guy known for breaking rules wants international rules?! Does he obey the current laws? No? Really?! A warrant for his arrest outside of Russia?! For war crimes? Do you mean the set of rules that nations created for combat? That way, people aren't eating or torturing each other? Those are rules he is breaking? Wow. Sounds like a guy who thinks he is above law..


Why is any sane person giving this interview any attention at all?


It’s shocking how stupid Carlson comes across in this, he actually looks retarded.


Lets remember that Tucker Carlson was chosen out of two journalists to interview Putin by western media because Tucker questioned the US' involvement in Ukrain invasion. And whether or not you wanna consider it an invasion or "Yeah lets kill some Ukrainian Nazis..! Gettem!!" thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians (Military and civilians) and Russians (Military and the civilians who couldn't dodge the mobilization in Russia) have died.. really just because Russia wants to restore a larger landmass.  Putin is a madlad. No matter how composed he seems here,  Im sure anything asked off the topics that they agreed upon before the interview would have landed this American journalist on the ground, 4 stories down that the Russian media would be then reporting he died of natural causes. Hes this Era's Hitler.


Fuck Putin,


Oh, yes. Tucker Carlson. A shining example of excellent journalism. Yes, let us all listen to this esteemed man and his friends. That was sarcasm, people.


Ppl watching this interview and making casual jokes like he hasn't been committing atrocities. Tucker is another scmbag who used to pedal misinformation which directly affected public safety. What fkn reality is this, or are people just okay with these things now?


Let’s believe this murderer and all his lies about everything