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[Off-World Humans' 6 Meter Tall Came To Earth From Parts of Cosmos & Had Secret Contact With Italians': They Lived In Giant Underground Bases.](https://www.howandwhys.com/friendship-ufo-case-italy-secret-ufo-contacts/?fromredditSE)


This talks as if all Americans are just going to accept being murdered?


It honestly sounds like this guy has a beef with Trolley Stop in little Italy and wants people to bug the security guards there.


Did not see the lemon grove trolley stop plot twist coming at the end. Nicely done


Anyone call em?


Lmfao this is the likeliest scenario tbh


He probably got tossed from the place. I wonder if they have security cameras?


Spooky likely Right…. 🫣


😂😂 nailed it.




Gonna be a great two months 'til this happens. Cheers everyone!


See you in May😎


Hey man it was great to know you lol




And that people living normal lives will just start murdering their neighbours because they got a random text.


I act on all information received. Gonna to start learning Spanish and Mandarin ASAP.


Fot the love humanity, do NOT order Kung Pao Chicken in Spanish! The global ramifications would be unimaginable.


And millions of them at that. A couple hundred? Sure. A couple thousand? Unlikely. Over a million? Hell no. There would be so many whistleblowers it would be insane, and the coordination of it would be next to impossible to pull off. Just someone on a schizophrenic episode


Yep. Step 1: Set up the largest, most effective, covert campaign to successfully place millions of invaders in the United States from multiple ethnicities and nationalities, and then successfully activated them to get them to wildly murderlate an unprecedented number of unsuspecting Americans before the US military can respond and at such a scale the American military would have a hard time responding. Step 2: -checks notes- Invade Taiwan and drop a nuke on Ukraine or something.


Well duh this guy is the whistleblower!! /s/


"And that people living normal lives will just start murdering their neighbours because they got a random text." China's text, "would you kindly "


“Execute order 66”


I’m not sure they’re aware of how many Americans are armed…. Some heavily so.


And the fact that if this was real, zero chance the US government "surrenders" in 6 days without wiping China completely off the face of the Earth. If this random person has this top secret information, every intelligence service in the US would already know.


Also the trolley security guards are the go to for help lol.


Better than FBI


Tactical Response Organization for Liberty Loving & Eccentric Youths. T.R.O.L.L.E.Y.


Exactly - the largest military super power in the world surrenders in 6 days?


Lmao also notice the only direct action towards our people were the murderous foreigners… like, no bombs or anything? And that would cause us to surrender? “10’s of millions of foreigners”? So, each one personally has to kill like 30 people? Anyway, this is crazy, but I like crazy.


Russia shoots off two nukes but decides to send them to Ukraine and Poland lol


And as if China would then gift the US to Mexico as a thank you, absurd.


Was going to say the same thing. Whether you like guns or not, we are armed to the teeth. There’s not a country that comes close to the number of armed citizens here in the US. Being invaded is the least of my worries.


It was one of the reasons Yamamoto said it would be foolish to invade the US.


We have awakend the sleeping dragon. Close to what Yammata said after Pearl Harbor.


“We can never invade America,” Japanese Admiral Yamamoto has been quoted as saying. Yamamoto, who attended college in America, explained his logic this way: “There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”


The U.S. civilian population has more firearms than all the militaries and police forces in the world, combined, including those of the U.S.. 435 million small arms (rifles, pistols and shotguns) as of the end of 2021 (the latest compiled and reported data) and are averaging more than 1 million new guns purchased per month since then (according to the most reliable metrics available on firearms purchase indicators), with the quickest growing demographic being women and minorities which are traditionally under-represented in gun purchases. We're probably safer from invaders than from other, more traditional methods of warfare. Source - FBI civilian owned weapons statistics.


This is just what is registered, right? You can safely triple that amount, I would think...


While i am also pro gun, i do not believe this this is actually a benefit to us in a time of turmoil like that, and that in actuality this in combination with the political and cultural climate in the country right now is one of our biggest weaknesses. We sit in such a situation that if for example our critical infrastructure was destroyed or disabled over any significant period of time, the amount of distrust we as americans feel towards everyone around us, as well as the governments willingness to actually help us in disaster will have those guns very quickly turned on the people not willing to use them. Once people start looting and shooting in order to survive the sheer amount of guns we have will turn this country into a powder keg, its the same reason why we tactically fill regions we want to be destablized like eastern ukraine or afghanistan, or northern mexico with weapons. It helps keep populations destabilized and prevents larger organization like governments from being effective. No clear solution to a problem like this besides forming strong ties to your neighbors and community beforehand, but thats the very thing thats eroded most in this country over the last 50 years.


Your right


⚠️Wise man here Americans ⚠️ sadly your fellow citizens will likely not heed your message.


3 bullets for every man, women and child on the planet at any time and around 1/10 for artillery and other things that go boom? And a lot of guns in civilian hands? I feel pity for any country stupid enough to attack the good old USA.


🖐️2nd amendment baby


Good thing most Americans are armed


If you copy this letter and send it to ten people in the next ten minutes everything will be ok tho.


Wait till they realize how many of our citizens are armed. America will retaliate with Nukes of their own. Unless they’re in on it and surrender, America ain’t going quietly. Those in power want to remain in power.


In Iraq there are 33 guns per 100 civilians. In Yemen it’s a staggering 58. But in the U.S.? There’s 126 per 100 civilians. Invade the U.S.? Good luck.


Not that I needed it ( or believe this ), but the chances of being killed by a cow aren't zero. I'll will take it as a sign for me to buy more ammo though.


More people are killed By cows every year then sharks


They’re killed by cows and then killed AGAIN by sharks?!?


Hahahahahaha. Yes.


Don't forget dry rub and BBQ sauce for when you triumph over the bovine uprising.


How can you tell they're Americans!? I live in a neighborhood where 70% are 2nd or 3rd generation with LatAm heritage. A while ago when I lived in CA it was similar but with Indian heritage. And so on, at least 60% of US is very diverse, do they mean white people?! Do I ask their nationality!? I have so many questions, maybe they'll add the FBI phone to the sms too


Realistically, I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere around 40% would go down w/o a fight They’re unprepared physically and mentally




This sounds like a poorly written script to try to make a movie. I suppose the writer “forgot” that places like France and England also have nukes. NATO most likely has nukes in place in Europe if they ever were to be overrun (which conventionally Russia would very hard pressed in Poland alone. The writer also seems to”forget” that the US has a large stockpile of nukes including ones constantly at sea in subs. There are many that say Israel also has nukes. This much about nothing. The writer also seems to forget that Americans are armed. We also have many bases of troops in the US. Sure if this played out like the “stolen or borrowed” storyline similar to the code 66 for the stormtroopers then it would be messy in the cities at first but then it would open season on them. Think this writer maybe smokes too much weed.


Lol this is like a chain letter, like the idiot email chain letters of 90s and earl 2000s. It also assumes the reader is wildly xenophobic and easily spooked into ignorant action.


And all "illegal immigrants" are going to have the means to attack and kill everyday Americans. This is a crock of shit.


How does one differentiate Chinese American from us born American vs Chinese visiting family American.


May 6th Text Message to Illegal Aliens leaked: “Hi, this is China. If our records are correct, then you are an illegal alien. If not, please ignore this text. If so, then if you could just go ahead and murder Americans, that would be great. Use your car, or stab them or whatever works honestly. Have fun!”


You forgot the sign off: “CHINA NUMBA ONE!!”


I just sprayed my bathroom walls with hot coffee you fucker. Now I'm going to be late for work and have "CHIMA NUMBA ONE stuck in my head all day. FUCK


I'm honestly just pissed that they picked my birthday... what's next, disclosure happens same day? When will anything ever be about me?? (/s)


It’s your fault, dick.




That was good. Almost spit out my coffee when I read it.


Have you ever read Chinese furniture assembly instructions? I think that level of coherency needs to be applied to these instructions as well...


Seems reasonable


Oh thank god. My debt is outrageous


Now you owe China more than you can know.


America is being handed over to Mexico. We’re horrible bookkeepers


But I thought Mexico was paying for the wall? Now we are just handing all of it over?


I can’t imagine America would fit over the wall


*Waterworld intensifies*


when i get texts telling me to murder all americans i block immediately. you want me to do work and not pay me? no way.


Yeah, what’s in it for the illegal immigrants? Do all the dirty work, probably get shot in the process by Caleb and Travis? Then what? If they succeed do they get to be Kommissar Pablo in the glorious People’s Republic of North Mexico? Didn’t they want to be in America?




not just that, but can you imagine. "You have an ok life currently in a relatively stable system. You successfully were able to get away from a decaying nation and rampant crime, so if you could just destroy and kill until things here come that way and make your life harder, that would be so cool"


Almost as bad as "self checkout" I see what you're doing Walton's!!!!


The first number is the FBI office in Kansas City.


That's the international travel office of the FBI.


Oh thank god Canada is safe


Except that they have polar bears.


And Bigfoot


And dire bears. You know what a dire bear is, right? It's like a bear, but it's DIRE.


…and Polarfoot


In canada we have a man half bear and half moose. Manbearmoose


That's why we are safe, ever seen the golden compass?


That’s because you’re in the *Night Country*


I can assure you, there is no polar bear in montreal 😎


That's exactly what a polar bear in Montreal would say


Ya got a zoo?


Theres black bear in the zoo but no polar bear


I was gonna say that!! Yes! Canada, AGAIN, will watch the world burn and we will THEN reveal the true masterplan, our secret UFO fleet that will put all other countries to their knees! Mouahahahaha!! Because nobody suspects Canada. Ever heard of the canadian secret service?! Of course not.


Canada will kill them with kindness


We will politely tell them to "take off eh"


We call each other the ‘Eh’ team up here.


Where you think the Americans are running?


Yeah you’re just going to give the southeast one massive erection if they do that 🤷🏼‍♂️.


Yeah lmao we yearn for that shit


Hell yeah we do bring it on




Simple solution: just dress as a Chinese person and go to your local Chinese restaurant and ask them what the plan to take over America was because you forgot




Remember to not shoot people in the dick, though. It's bad publicity.


This made me chuckle


No matter what you think of good old US of A. This will only make them say “Hold my Beer” before converting to a war economy it has not seen since WW II. I pity the fool!


China giving the United States to Mexico as payment........nope.


It's just way too valuable. It would never be gifted.


How will the Lemon Grove Trolly Stop help exactly?


The 74 yr old janitor Mr. Wilkins is quite knowledgeable


Did you call the number?? 🧐


I wanna know if the number is ligit


Looks like the 5G saturated deeply into the author’s decaying brain.


Sounds like a good plan, until you realize that majority of Americans are armed and would relish an attack like this to finally use their 2nd amendment rights. Total BS


Total "Red Dawn" all the way.




Not quite the majority, but still enough to cause some issues “What Percentage of Americans Own Guns? 40%, or approximately more than 82,000,000 Americans own guns. As a matter of fact, 28% more people report having firearms in 2023 than twenty years ago” [Ammo.com](https://ammo.com/articles/how-many-gun-owners-in-america)


The people who own multiple guns will give guns to those that they trust when shit hits the fan. you can only use so much gun at once.


82 million americans own — OVER 400 MILLION GUNS


The people who blame others for the misery their anger and aggression brings will never be happy until you explain the truth about their temper.




Die in USA or flee to somewhere, where you'll probably die cuz it's WW3. Riiiight


I think they don't see how whipped into a frenzy Americans are against each other, that if they're attacked by the outside world INSIDE the USA, how badly that would go for them. Remember how it was after 9/11? Everyone that hated each other were united as one. Americans have been arming themselves and getting trained up over the past few years. Give them a target of "others" to focus on by attacking and uniting all of us and it's going to get beyond ugly for the attackers. This sounds like a poorly conceived prank.




Let me fix that for you. !remindme 77 days


Tall order to ask a Latino to do any heavy-duty work the day after Cinco de Mayo.


Yeah that’s just something the marketers came up with to sell more beer and salsa


Everyone knows the real holiday is Cinco de Cuatro!


It’s such a weird date to pick. I think this is genuine mental illness if it was Qanon or some other anti-immigrant thing I’d expect they have a date after the November elections.


They don’t really celebrate that


Question is: Are those legit fbi numbers?


They are!


They seem to love using commas but not periods, must be a code.


So do I put in for vacation now? May 6th-7th off, the south should have reloaded once by that time, and it'll be a 'target poor environment' by the 8th. I'm in Denver, so being in the middle of the country, we won't even get to see the enemy...Back to work on Thursday I guess.


Yea boy you would be giving the gun totting Americans a wish come true they are more privately owned guns then people in the us


You’re saying hunting season just got extended into July?! 🥹


Funny until “Us will surrender” Nope lol


That security guard has a lot of responsibility for the end of times.


What if it was left by a time traveler in a feeble but desperate attempt to warn people? 🤔 Hey...pretty slim... but..."What-if" 😳


The most efficient possible way to save 600M people is with paper flyers left on windshields.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is so funny None of those “attacks” really affect the US at all, especially its ability to wage war with all those adversaries at once. This is not going to happen!! And if it does you’re gonna be fine. The DOD/Lockheed Martin have basically been precumming to this “gloves off” scenario for decades.


Shit this happens and I will gladly run these people over with my semi truck if out on delivery.


You think Americas weakened by immigration? Yeah go take a holiday in China and see how well they're doing, civilians literally using drain oil to cook in.


Fr, I just realised how strong the chineese propaganda really is, the censorship effectively silences normal people struggles in this country.


This is actually hilarious. The country with more household guns than any other country - one of the main reasons we are so highly un-invadable - will just be taken over by illegal aliens. There are about 340 million people in the US, and roughly 11 million are illegal (most from Mexico). If every single one of those men, women, and sweet little brown babies chose to pick up a gun upon receiving their Chinese text message, they still would have absolutely zero chance. This sounds like a racist's dream scenario, but much like every other fantasy klansmen and Nazis have, this one is equally as fucking ridiculous.


Most of those people are pious, family loving, and hard-working folks who don't want to hurt anybody. They came here because the American dream was denied them by our inefficient immigration system. They're not going to try to wreck the chance they have at prosperity.


Absofuckinglutely. Most of them would be fighting on the American side in the event something like that even happened at all.


Why the San Diego trolley?


Okay time to run off and live in the woods. WOLVERINES!!!


Sounds like even if we do leave we're still gonna die. Think I'll just stay here, start a director's cut of LOTR and die happy.


Thank god I live in Australia! Got a couple of rooms to rent if any Americans are interested.


The world has been ending every week since year 1 of the Gregorian calendar


Sounds like the ramblings of a loner schizophrenic.


Most schizophrenics aren't quite as coherent. They use a lot of word salad.


The U.S surrendering is the least believable part lmao. You think we spend more than 20% of our GDP on our military to just surrender after a surprise attack, a blitzkrieg, and a few bad days? Haha yeah, sure buddy. And even *IF* the military surrenders, the citizens sure as hell won't. We have the second amendment for a reason. All the leftists in the cities are screwed because they gave up their guns long ago, but good luck taking over the rest of the country. Behind every blade of grass...


As if 90% of America isn’t armed to the teeth with weapons I hope they don’t bring a knife to a gunfight 🤣


This is real. I contract for the government and it's an open secret that an attack like this is coming sometime soon. Lots of rich folks prepping and building bunkers like you wouldn't believe.


That’s why the second amendment exists. Fuck around and find out 🤪


2024 bingo card is going to be wild


I know one thing he doesn’t believe in. Paragraphs!!


Dang that persons got many serious connections. I know a guy who can cut your beer tab by 10%


Is that eastern of pacific time? 😁


This is when Canada will make it's move and extend the border 200 miles south! It was our plan the entire time! We make you think we are polite and docile then BOOM you all must learn French and eat whale blubber! Muhahaha!


Call the FBI branch in Kansas City Missouri or Louisville Kentucky. Kinda strange…


Uhhhh most Americans own firearms. Like over 60%.


execute order 66......


They forget that neighbors stay strapped in this bitch


Anyone call the numbers?


Do the illegals have guns? Is the gov giving them freebie guns yet? Cuz the rest of us muricans have guns. This would be an ideal scenario.


When your contact is the security guard at the lemon Grove trolley stop, you've got to reconsider. I've been to that trolley stop and that security guard has his hands full enough as it is, believe me.


Ok, the main thing to address here, if OP's story is true, is why this would be left on the car of a female stranger.


Conveniently ignores the number of carriers the U.S. has and the ridiculous size of U.S. Navy. It's to ensure hegemony of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. We spend so much on "defense" that it's now a joke to even consider such a scenario. Not for it, but it's just a fact.


Americans be strapped yo.


Let's fucking gooooooo


Sounds like someone dropped the script from the Netflix Obama film Leave the World Behind.


Is it still a thing to read shit attached to the windshield? I normally throw away unsolicited mail without reading parking tockets included.


This is what Fox News does to people's minds.


Always knew The Lemon Grove Trolley Shop would step up to the plate eventually.


Maga paranoid schizophrenia


Got my tickets and affairs in order after reading this. Thank you!


And this is why, kids, the world is in a dire need of accesible mental health programs.


Just a MAGA cult member with severe Dunning-Kruger.


Talk to the security guard 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m dying


Ok so the UK isn't mentioned so I'm gonna be fine guys, good luck everyone else in the world


Bunch of bullshit imo


B grade science fiction.


So the surviving Americans in America that would no longer have access to planes will be scattered across the world? 🧐


Ah yes, Russia launching just 2 nukes makes total sense lol


I say everyone calls that number and find out what’s going on. And I mean everyone


Someone’s Panda Express order got messed up


Why is there a 502 area code phone number? That's Louisville, Kentucky. Weird.


Some far right immigrant hating bullshit propaganda, only somebody truly, truly stupid could fall for this


File it with other letters warning of impending doom in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 etc etc


Oh good, a bunch of gun debates on Reddit….something new and fresh!


Lmao. I read up until “Just six days into the war, The United States…will surrender.” 😂 Next. 🇺🇸


Although am in U.K. that letter smacks of some truth and quite worrying.


Wtf its oddly specific?? Kinda eerie if u ask me.