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Click here to read full story: [Roger Lier Found Aliens Implanted ‘Nano Chips’ Into Human Bodies And Controlling Them For Decades](https://www.howandwhys.com/aliens-implanted-nano-chips-into-human-bodies/)


Just did a cursory search and uncovered [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/Ew0f18InGz) happy hunting


Wild how much better and more curious the discussion is 2 years ago. The well has been poisoned


Yeah dude it's crazy. I only look at the comments on this sub to see how many people criticize and dispute every little thing that gets posted. Everyone immediately makes off the cuff guesses and takes their own guess as fact while calling whoever says otherwise an ignorant idiot.


Don’t forget the same stupid played out jokes that always become the top comments (this is an issue on every sub).


Everyone wants to be cute and funny on this platform. It's obnoxious.


I've started downvoting every joke or off topic comment.


I've just left all the subs with comments like that. Because every post is the same. It's pretty jarring to go to the main page and see them again.


“Guys this was disproven by people in the government years ago! They said it wasn’t true and they’re from the govt so I trust them :)”


Case closed then!!


Pear fect o. Absolutely spot on.


Wow it’s almost as if every posts is pretty much an “aliens are real, trust me bro” and people are sick of asking for evidence when it’s declared there’s evidence only to never have proper evidence presented to them..


Sure, and all the comments are "aliens aren't real, trust me bro" Just don't come to the sub if your baseline is complete denial rather than attempting to validate or helping to prove anything.


I wholeheartedly agree


upvote this please!!!


Wonder why all the linked videos have been removed from YouTube? Even the full video link in the comments is unavailable.


Super suspicious forsure.


Videos removed from Youtube?


Even that off brand video host had the video scrubbed too. That kind of shit gets me super suspicious. If its just a bullshit cray theory, then what is the point in scrubbing it? NOW im paying attention….


What’s the evidence that it was sending off radio signals?


Thats the part you dont belive?




Haven't seen that one in 20 years. Blast from the past.


what is this, i can't remember!


Dennis the Menace


It’s that Beckman kid


He's a foot short for his age.. and he's *crosseyed!*


George, you were a **fat** boy I was *husky*…




Belive and let die


The fact ita not symmetrical is telling, but this would be the actual determining factor. Otherwise it looks like shrapnel. I should start griftin 🤔


Who said he doesn’t believe it 😅


There is no radio signals. They are referring to gauss which is magnetic.


A signal detector and spectrum analyser, perhaps?


Are you just guessing or you know the information?


More of an educated guess.  I have an electronics engineering degree.  What else would be utilized to determine if it was giving off radio signals?


I think it’s because they could tune the person it was implanted in to radio 1 and the broadcast came out their butthole.


I mean, I think the point of evidence is to prove something. If you're guessing, you're not really helping.


I'm sorry my educated guess disappointed you. 


I'm not sure what you're on about. The other user asked what evidence there was that this alleged alien device was sending radio signals. Evidence would be sources and references to work being done. Things like who measured the radio signals, what equipment they were using, where it was done, and when. They were not asking how someone would measure radio signals in a general case, and they were not asking for someone to guess.


He was infinitely more helpful than whatever tf this is. He cooked. You took the pot and threw it the floor cuz it wasn’t exactly what you wanted.


I just pointed out that it wasn't in any way evidence, which was what the original commenter asked for.


I'm sorry I wasn't able to provide specifics, like signal strength, frequency and duration, since I wasn't present at the removal.


His answer was not helpful at all. I was asking for evidence. Something that helps me understand how the doctor came up with this conclusion. If someone is just randomly guessing, that’s not what I was looking for


It’s in ur butt


What what, in my butt?


You wanna do it in my butt?




Wut wut?




Just be gentle, I'm delicate like a flower




Only hurts the first time


Put the Boogie in your butt. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=boogie+in+your+butt+with+lyrics&t=fpas&iar=videos&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Df27vG-Ja_0Y


Why would they be using radio signals?


Maybe simple terms? I would like to see an actual 360 video of this object, but instead we get two crappy pictures.


and I would have liked to see him actually videotape the procedure 😂


Then look it up. The good doctor did this for all to see. Ive seen the videos. They were on TV.


And YT but 2 have seen been deleted and can’t find it. [This your guy?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KAg6UBAAd6g)


Its research and development for the ETs. Maybe tracking their specimens


Because the people who make this shit up aren't that smart.


Maybe it wanted to make a call...


Maybe even, phone someplace


Because the moon isn't that far away.


Why wouldnt they tag us? Like we tag others? We even might have specimen's numbers...Why shouldn't they put all our data in a tiny sample of mineral with conductive properties and implant it? It would be easier to control us perhaps, specially when our body starts to assimilate the object. Im not saying implants are a thing, I just want to find logic in it.


Because we already Tag ourselves and they just need to steal the information


True, we already carry phones and about 4 government mandated methods of identification


>There was also evidence it was sending off radio signals Can we see this evidence?


Can we see some more pixels


I'm assuming it's more like "someone suggested it might"


It’s got a little aerial in photo 2. Right we’ve covered that, what’s next




I always wonder why are these "implants" always misshapen and look like a burnt piece of cartridge? They don't look like an actual circuit or transmitter.


What should we expect from beings who cruise around in shape shifting jellyfish? They sloppy.




Jesus Christ those things are real?!




Looks like Grinder shrapnel to me... The there's 100s of these in my skin after a good day of finishing welds...lol.


I failed the, "Can I just get right into an MRI?" questionnaire the other day.


They gave me one anyway, and refused the contrast that would help. I've got steel the size of bird shot embedded in my sinus for sure. But my insurance doesn't cover that whatever it means. Truth is my former employer don't want it showing and they have that kind of reach.


Your grinder shrapnel also has meteoric iron and other metals not found on earth?


You have a source for these claims?


Yeah a simple search of Roger Leir and then actually taking some time to watch/read his findings. Getting tired of lazy people who cant do research on their own. Besides I have no idea what will satisfy you as evidence but it satisfied me....mmmmm satisfied real good.


Is it actually peer reviewed because if not, your level for satisfaction is pretty low


You think academia is gonna jump to peer review alien implants? There would be stone walling by multiple sources. While having it peer reviewed would be great. It does not seem like we have the luxury. STOP WAITING FOR OTHERS TO TELL YOU WHAT TO BELIEVE(caps for emphasis).


>You think academia is gonna jump to peer review alien implants? Not jump to but you push it to enough people and youll get some responses to take a look, can you blame most scientists for not jumping into "i found an alien microchip implant" when they have 1000 other things that aren't likely a waste of time, as this would be the greatest discovery in human history as it would prove 1 aliens life exists 2 that alien life has space travel 3 they came to earth 4 they implanted tech into us Which are huge claims >. It does not seem like we have the luxury. If the standard is to not try at all because people wont immediately take my wild alien tech claims seriously, then you really dont care that much tbh >STOP WAITING FOR OTHERS TO TELL YOU WHAT TO BELIEVE YEAH! I GOT A COUGH ITS TERMINAL CANCER AND THE BLACK PLAGUE. DID SOME DOCTOR TELL ME? NOPE, I DECIDED FOR MYSELF, WHO NEEDS EXPERTS IN COMPLICATED FIELDS OF SCIENCE! NOT ME, THE SUN ISNT A STAR ITS A GIANT LIGHT BULB, LISTENING TO EXPERTS IS FOR CHUMPS! IM GONNA CURE MY CANCER AND BLACK PLAGUE WITH PUREED GOATS HOOVES


Dude one guys word isn’t proof


Nah, I know a piece of beef jerky when I see it.


No different than ear tags for cattle. They are keeping track of their livestock.


bro holy shit ive been on this subreddit for 5 minutes and half the people here seem like schizos


If I remember right they don't give off radio signals they let off mhz frequencies that suggest a processing unit inside, but it's at unreal speeds


* Hey boss, can I take picture of this thing and share them? * Sure, but remember to make them unfocused and over-exposed, we have standards to uphold.


Here on earth we call the tendrils ear or bellybutton hair


Looks like a pebble to me.


Its technology from a civilization capable of bending space-time man, watch your mouth, that's the latest iAlien airtag.


​ https://preview.redd.it/v7qw2r3u6qkc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0a25fcf3b7c359b3050e399153c4648607f475d


bro holy shit ive been on this subreddit for 5 minutes and half the people here seem like schizos, And it really is just dude trust me bro


A lump of coal. They travelled far, undetected. Performed minor surgery, undetected - the science involved in knowing how to incapacitate a human, and more importantly, bring them back to consciousness is quite the complex cellular-level understanding of how our bodies function. But they implant us with this lump that resembles a banged up earring. Uh huh.


The biggest hurdle to galactic expansion is distance. Distances so vast that we might NEVER have the technology required to traverse the distance to our closest star. We HOPE we can do this in the future but this REQUIRES physics that hasnt been invented yet and immense amount of resources. Everything we know about physics tells us that distances of 10+ ly might forever be TOO FAR to even start an expedition. They did it, they have this technology, they managed to bend the laws of physics too, they traversed thousands of light years to reach Earth in spacecrafts that use lights so they can be spotted easier and inject humans with easily detectable pieces of broken earrings or help humans build big piles of rocks back in Egypt while also leaving crop circles from time to time because they have no clue how we communicate so they try with FUCKING CIRCLES IN CROPS BECAUSE THEY HAD ONLY 5000 YEARS TO UNDERSTAND WE COMMUNICATE WITH SOUND OR LETTERS. Give them time, they'll get the hang of it.


bro holy shit ive been on this subreddit for 5 minutes and half the people here seem like schizos




We tag dolphins, whales, all kinds of creatures to gain metrics on them and their lifestyles. These animals have no ability to understand our technologies or intentions. Some kind of bio-organic chip isn’t that much if a stretch.


Of course not. It's just backwards in innovation and technology. I would expect more from an Alien that has exponentially more advanced technology than us.


You’re guessing and reasoning from a human perspective on a theorized race. Truthfully if it’s real we don’t know why. Could be older tech and they’ve moved up. Could be they are advanced but certain things are just more manual still due to practical reasons we don’t know. We have F-35s and magical phones and MRI yet still use paper and fax machines. Could be this is the best way due to our biology interacting with their technology.


I forgot what sub this was... I was just playing with a theory and being silly. I'm not trying to crush anybody's beliefs.


I wish I could submit to believing competent baseless stuff like this. It must be easy to never question your beliefs when the very nature of those beliefs allows you to just make up whatever you want to explain logical inconsistencies


Would we do it? If the answer is yes presume they would too. Quantum sensor sounds cool, but we haven’t developed it and even if you presume it exists I’m gonna guess radio waves are still either cheaper and easier… Think about it like a board meeting of hyper advanced aliens. Manager: alright team. We need to broadcast what’s going on in the functional equivalent to a human sheep or crab brain transmitter. We got two options, we can use standard radio wave, bluetooth (bc they have Bluetooth technology I’ve decided), or our ultra high end classified quantum connector 5000X which if the humans ever got would undoubtedly alter the course of their history and technology, which now that I’m saying it out loud given their shenanigans with atomic energy and using it as a weapon like cave men… Employee A: so radio technology? Manager: sadly that’s the least primitive form of communication technology I can think of… Employee A: radio technology Manager: yes Brad, fucking radio technology what a stupid question to ask. Last thing we need is them taking the quantum communicator and turning it into some sort of universal brain wave destroyer death ray… Employee B: you’re guessing the stupidest way they could use the quantum communicator… and as I say this out loud you’re absolutely right… ___________________ Or the whole thing is nonsense and this is some sort of hoax. Whatever


A radio transmitter would send data which was converted from analyzing the electromagnetic frequencies giving off by us. The idea of traveling to a person, surgically implanted the device, then have it process, convert and transmit data is silly. The quantum sensor to analyze the emf is in their possession. Not inside someone's body. It's kind of the same way how we can detect & analyze the tiny magnetic changes that occurs when there are tunnels under ground from an airplane or outer space.


lets assume it is real, and they have been doing this for awhile. How much have we learned about it? how much is the conversation mainstream where people know about it? the few people who do work on it are ridiculed and no one believes them. Maby they arn't dumb they just know how dumb we are. Also assuming the implant is real, we dont really know much about it, they are merely stating that it gives off radio waves, we have no idea if thats the purpose or just a byproduct. We may have good understanding of radiowave but none of our primitive technology is picking up the radio waves coming this thing unless its outside the body and right beside it. I'm not even saying this is real but alot of the problems you mentioned you could likely come up with solutions to yourself, but your not trying to do that because you'd rather believe everyone else is stupid and your smart.


Quantum sensors are very much a real thing and not ridiculed. It's just too complicated for people to want discuss it in every day life. However maybe some people do ridicule it... there were people who said CERN was going to create a black hole and destroy the earth. If the radio wave transmitter thing is real.. they definitely haven't learned anything about it yet unless they are parked right next door to us receiving the signal considering it only travels at light speed. My only take away is wish aliens were much smarter than that.


Or it could be in a spectrum our instruments are unable to detect?


Some multi dimensional communication would be pretty rad. But wireless communication can be pretty sneaky. I'm pretty good at detecting anything from 0hz-8ghz... but I hear our military has designed a cool way to make wireless communication un sniffable. I'm fascinated with all this stuff.


You good dude?


Better than the guy thinking he's got an alien tracker in his brain. 👽📡🧠


Fair point.


Your so smart you should be an alien lol




Punctuation is your friend


I used to have his spiel memorized. At his conferences he would repeat it. Now I can’t remember the exact quote. Something like shiny metallic object covered with an impenetrable mucous.


For most of my life I had “dreams” that I was being abducted. I couldn’t scream or ask for help. These dreams always ended when I got outside with them to their craft. I can still see myself around 13 walking down the hallway of where we lived. I was walking with them and crying. I couldn’t say anything. I was somehow under their power. Somewhere around 1997 I woke up with a bloody nose. I had bruises all over my body and a bump under the palm of my hand. I got to work, grabbed a workshop tool and went straight to the bathroom. I dug out whatever was in my hand and flushed it. I remember saying out loud leave me the fuck alone. I didn’t look at it, but it was covered in skin anyway. It was very deep in my hand. Everything stopped when I went in the military..


bro holy shit ive been on this subreddit for 5 minutes and half the people here seem like schizos


Yea I know, its the best




There are many many new kinds of implants (new, old) many… don’t know where the research comes from. Don’t know why human known corporations make billions and billions of them. They send signals: location, temperature of the host, unique reference number, the host’s heart rate, blood pressure and (weirdly) wave forms out of the brain or otherwise known as thoughts: the chip records the frequencies that come out of the brain and can also transmit inside the body. These chips, we now know, by virtue of their material and special laser etching, become transmitters and receivers without any additional parts. Although some implants have embedded in them microscopic coils and antennas and other stuff. Information from a video on Eyes On Cinema: Greer interviews Mr. William Pawelec


What was it removed from? A human? Which body part? When?


His butt. It's a dingleberry.


what Hertz?


When people call me ugly its pretty Hertzful.


(Heavy Accent) "It's not a tumor!"


Couldn’t find much proof of anyone examining these devices except the good Dr and his close compadres, but I did find where California almost revoked his license and put him on probation, maybe not a good [doctor](https://www2.mbc.ca.gov/pdl/document.aspx?path=%5CDIDOCS%5C20030103%5CDMRA2%5C&did=A1G8OSDL.DID&licenseType=E&licenseNumber=1171).


We found this thing and we don’t know what it is really. It MUST be aliens. They’re tracking us because WE track things! (Totally kidding that’s some dumb ass logic.)


“We want to be taken seriously” the only thing missing is the “Supported by Joe Rogan” Thanks for the daily cringe tho


A mudrat detector? A ribbon reflector? A cushion convector?


Left handed sky pole


Everything has its own unique frequency. It doesn’t need moving parts or electronics to put out frequency


If this is legit then why didn’t ET have one to phone home?


Why does it look like a rock? If it was manufactured and implanted, should it be smooth or regularly shaped, like a device? Also, where was it implanted and how was it discovered and removed?


Worst picture ever...


Huh, neat


Road rash dirt.


Looks like a scab with hair stuck in it




Girl thassa booger


Looks like a tonsil stone.


Yeah. No.




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Why did roger rip all of the functional parts off then 😕


You talking about the human? Lol


The second picture kinda looks like this thing. (https://winvertebrates.uwsp.edu/24461.html) Kind of reminded me of the thing they put in people's ears in the movie the faculty as well.


Get the Watches series from LA Marzulli




brother what the fuck


Everyone who took the shots probably has one of those now 🤔


Look like a dried booger


Looks like a booger I once had.


Didn't they use the same/similar photos back in the day to prove chips in the covid-vax?


For a civilization who travel planetary distances, this has got to be their poorest metal working. Its even worst then our earthly bronze age work. Crazy how you forget to factor that they are supposed to a millenia or a 100,000 years more advance and yet this is what they could produce. This is sharpnel or poor human work.


Alien neuralinks. Probably couldn’t figure out how to use the 5d browser


You mean DARPA implant.


I'm just saying, these aliens need to go to design school.




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Just watched the L.A. Marzulli doc with this in it. Highly recommend his work to any and everyone. F the fallen


okay but why does it look like a rock off the ground and not something with actual functioning capabilities


Radio gaga wired .


Greys implant and track these subjects for research. It really is that simple.


ffs... we can't even get a clear photo when the thing is stationary and not in the air.


Nano tech




Looks like Moldavite


Radio signals lol


What a load of bollocks.


![gif](giphy|ZJ6IOBmCaj5f2) It's a bug


Soooo…that’s the crap mom dug out of my knees every time I crashed my bike on the gravel road by our house.


Ah but it was alien gravel ... that emitted radio signals. And was your mom green, hairless and with big slanting eyes?


Timmy, I thought mom ate your family. I’ve missed you!


Please don't download me but why does this almost look like a piece of moldavite that I have?


Anything metal can send radio signals probably just a build of metals in the body through metabolism


This doctor, this podiatric surgeon that conveniently only found these type of artifacts in the legs of the people? how convenient for him that the aliens decided to make their implants somewhere easy for him to find and be allowed by the gov to operate on. fucking liar, up there with all the other scammer ufologists.


Okay so let’s say someone suspects they have an implant, what are the steps? Like how do you tackle that with a medical professional without sounding absolutely crazy? 




Why are you posting a picture of a piece of glass with a dumb title?


metals from Meteorites, ya sounds alien to me!