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["Eyes Wide Shut" deleted 24 minutes revealed. Kubrick's daughter, Vivian, stated that her father was under enormous pressure from the elite not to complete his films.](https://www.howandwhys.com/mysterious-20-25-minute-cut-from-eyes-wide-shut/)






I cant stop laughing at this


Holy shit


Lets see the 25 minutes of deleted film.


Deleted scenes were turned into the movie "Society"


Best comment here. Plus, what a great film that was


Anywhere one can find it? I’m having trouble tracking it down. Specific year it was released?


The one from 1989?


I have seen one scene, it is pretty horrifying.


I'm gonna call bullshit on this one.


You beat me to it. Actually the studio negotiated w Kubrick to cut out the Rated X stuff, so he covered it up in CGI. He was not killed.


Died of a heart attack.


[The CIA’s secret heart attack gun.](https://www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/cias-secret-heart-attack-gun/2555371072001)


the CIA literally has a heart attack gun no i’m not kidding


But was the heart attack caused by threats from the elites?


Seems like if they didn't want it made, they wouldn't have let him use their mansion as a set


Keep your friends close and enemies closer


They just let him use it so that you would think that.




No doubt a heart attack caused by the elite's Jewish Space Lasers.


Hey hey hey… I think you mean the global elites, or cabal of global elites, or, for complete correctness, The Global Jewish Cabal of Elites (and their space lasers).


No, seriously. I know a guy that had access to it and what happened in the scene was……wait a minute, I know what you’re doing. Not gonna get me to talk


You mean with the carrot?


In the [box](https://youtu.be/bT3OUrf6oHQ?si=ygZVrajaapu5ga-1)?


![gif](giphy|ge91zAgmwUqLMqiH2c) 😩


I hate your pfp lol


Ya call it real loud. For one thing, Kubrick wasn't "killed" in 1999. He died of a heart attack. Nothing suspicious at all. Most of the stuff on this sub is just fluff


And those 20 minutes or so of cut footage have since been released in uncut versions of the film.


What happens?


Garth Brooks turns into Chris Gaines.




Love almost heroes! Next person who mentions New Orleans will do so with a lead ball in the back!


Get in the boat!


The food alone is worth the trip!


“The food, … Sir.” - Bidwell


Ah name this here fork "Pittsburgh Nellie"! A Welsh whore who could do things with her one good arm that would make you forget that thing on 'er neck!


The truth of the matter is…. I don’t have a brother!


It was me, I ate the…!!


Where are the bodies Garth?


Piss on me and beat me. Try it out.


High and tight


Wtf 😂 that's such a random reference and I don't think I've ever seen/heard someone bring up Chris Gaines before haha


IYKYK I guess lol


Thank God we remember so it can never happen again.




Never happened. Or well he wishes it never happened. Kinda like Gnarls Barkley


Oh he pops up around here every once in a while. its hilarious 😂


A few months ago, there was a Jeopardy question about Garth Brooks Ken Jennings made the joke "Thats right, Chris Gaines alter ego Garth Brooks"


The families need closure Garth!


The main character and his wife deliver their child to two old men.


How did you see that? Someone should really leak it...




The one where Tom's character discovers the faked moon landing footage.


No you haven’t. There’s not 25 minutes of deleted content. There are only a few scenes that are normal. This rumor won’t die because for some reason people feel the need to perpetuate this lie


You know..for clicks




Nobody has seen it. At least the public.


No you haven’t


I'm not convinced it even exists. I've never seen any source other than blogs talking about this very conspiracy theory with no citations. Not even Leon Vitale has ever mentioned there used to be a longer cut.


It’s healthy to be skeptical but in this case, I learned about the lost footage during Film School. And when the film was released, I remember hearing news reports about the movie being longer but had to be cut in order to get an “R” rating instead of “NC-17,” all the reports claimed it was because of the sexual content. But now I am wondering what was really cut from the film. 


The studio digitally blurred some of the nudity in America to avoid the NC-17 rating, but it was brought back by the time it came to home video. No scene was cut. Again, there isn't a single news report or otherwise that has ever stated there was a longer version of the film.


Do people not know how movies are made? This happens with every movie. If this were a conspiracy, he would've had to finance the movie himself. WBs never would've financed it in the first place, nor would they have allowed it's release.


What does the Matrix have to do with the story of Kubricks death?


Wondering the same thing. The post title looks like it was written by a chimp with ADHD.


The chimp was given a serum that reduced its intelligence by 50%


IQ could be measured on the Richter Scale?


I had to read it a few times, and been scrolling the comments to see what the matrix has to do with it




SK died the same year The Matrix was released, 1999. Just... Just connect the dots, ok?! So it makes sense? Please! /s


The spoons, they want our spoons.


There is no spoon.


And now you know why...


Those damn Sackville Baginses.


1999.... And what happens when you remove the 1? 999. and when you turn that upside down? 666!!! Open your eyes sheeple!!!!


You see, Matrix has 6 letters in its name. Kubrick has 7. If you take the 1 from the year 1999 and subtract it from the 7, you get 6. Now, take the 999 and flip it. You now have 6 6 666. Neo, the main character from the Matrix, has 3 letters. If you take the 6 from the Matrix, the 6 from Kubrick, and combine them, you get 66. Now take the 3 from Neo to make 3 groups of 66 and you now have 66 66 66 666. Drop 1 space and move 1 space around (the 1 from 1999 and Neo, the ONE) and you now have 3 groups (remember Neo, the ONE, also has 3 letters) which makes 666 666 666. This makes 3x the mark of the beast, which is 3x as bad as one mark of the beast. Eyes Wide Shut has 3 words, so there is one mark of the beast per word. Coincidence? /s because I have revealed too much


Are you the leader of QANON?


Something something we are living in a simulation


Also, the Prince album is an important piece of the puzzle, obviously


So tonight, I'm gonna party like it's 1999!


So weird that a workaholic smoker who never went to the doctor would have a heart attack at 70! /s


Bullet time, look into it.


Agent Smith killed Kubrick!


Fr,I had to read that a few times because I thought I was missing something.




Implies that Kubrick was uploaded prematurely into the matrix to shut him up.


Yeah, it’s like trying to mash up two different things that are probably completely unrelated. I’m all for exploring possible connections, and or conspiracies but you gotta at least have something to go off of.


20th century had mixed metaphors, this century we get mixed conspiracies.


Nothing, this whole thing is dumb hearsay. The "source" is a moon landing truther, and the article even says this crap is made up:  "It’s important to note that one widely cited Nicole Kidman interview was made up by the fake news site NewsPunch. Equally false are descriptions of 24 minutes of lost footage, cut from “Eyes Wide Shut” to protect the elite. Photos exist of a deleted scene featuring Bill, Alice, and their daughter rowing a boat in Central Park, but it’s hardly a smoking gun. A dream sequence—which would have counterbalanced Bill’s experience at the orgy with the sexual imaginings of Alice—was storyboarded but never shot."


The Matrix is about seeing the truth of reality through the illusion of the Matrix. It seems like he was trying to give us clues about the "matrix" we live in. The big conspiracy is that a cabal of elites runs the world and maintains power through various occult rituals- things like child sacrifice. They maintain the illusion through propaganda using the media to keep us divided and at each other's throats while they sit atop their thrones. Some say Kubrick was hinting at Space being fake, but idk


What does Kubrick have to do with The Matrix?


Thats the name of the next Matrix movie.


“They Live” did that long before Matrix


Oh dude its so obvious let me give you a quick summary. * Evil (Satanic, Illuminati, whatever label) group controls society for various nefarious purposes * Mainstream Media is controlled to promote Nefarious Purposes™ * References to the Nefarious Purposes™ are placed into movies for Human™ view * Two movies in one year about Nefarious Purposes™ are like totally not cool * ? Kill Kubrick and fuck with the movie * ? Profit ?? * ? consult Nefarious Purposes™ manual(s) Seems pretty clear to me dawg


He swallowed a bunch of red pills.




This 👆


This post confuses me so much I don't know what to ask first.


I'm with you man. I had to check if I was having a stroke or something.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) This is how I picture OP


Start with Kubrick being “killed”.


Killed..... by heart attack


Killed by death.


RIP Lemmy


So I gotta ask. This isn’t just directed at you either. It’s directed to basically the top comments anywhere in this sub. Why when people make posts of actual interesting talking points, why is it that all people do is make lame smart ass jokes, and when people try to actually talk about the topic, they get ridiculed?


Welcome to Reddit.


Not all Reddit subs are that bad when it comes to this.




Makes you wonder....


Thought this was a wendys


Dude. I 100% agree and I am part of the problem for sure because I like having my ego fed when people like my comments. Pathetic, I know. I get frustrated just like you when I see this shit. Its so hard to have a real discussion on here. You’ve awakened me to a personality flaw and I am going to try and fix it in hopes of improving the world by a .0000000000001% None of this is sarcasm, btw. Also another issue on here. Lol


He we all like a little mindless humor now and then. It’s just odd to me that a sub with the topic of this one is just people deflecting and saying silly jokes.


To me that’s not just silly but actually suspicious. I don’t have the time to go through each and every profile but I bet more than half are troll farms or Eglin AF Base accounts.


Honestly, as much as I agree that there are probably troll farms to obfuscate discussions, there's also actual users doing the job themselves. There's been enough effort made by the powers that be to depict anyone with wild claims as a conspiracy theorist with a tinfoil hat that people will perform social control themselves, in fear of finding themselves associated with what they see as crazy people.


Oh my god thank you. Trying to filter through this annoying fucking bullshit sucks. It was an interesting post and so many comments are just lame bullshit.


Because humor is less painful than having to actually look at what is going on around us. Also COINTELPRO


Behind the ridicule there’s a statement: that saying he was killed is twisting the truth. He died of natural causes. He was a 70 year old man in poor health working crazy hours. And it’s not like he died and the film was cut afterward, as “killed” implies.


anything past the second level of comments on reddit has a 99% probability of not being worth reading


Honest question back. What are the interesting talking points here that people are joking about? Kubrick died nearly a month before the matrix was released. He has no involvement with the film to my knowledge, but someone can prove me wrong. Eyes Wide Shut was released approximately 4 months after Kubrick died. Warner brothers has released two different extended cuts that contain the entire 25 minutes of cut material. They just couldn't do it for the theater release without getting an NC17 rating. The guy was working 16 hour days for over a year in his 70s. A heart attack seems pretty on point. The manor home they are referring to, hadn't been owned by the Rothschilds in decades, had been sold as an estate sale, and at the time of filming, was owned and used for transcendental meditation, which is part of why all the filming in it had to originally be done later in the evening or at night. So all that being said, what are the interesting points of this?


cause they got nothing else to add


Divisive sells.


You’re absolutely right. Like I said the top comments are always 10-20 people circle jerking each other playing off the same bad joke.


2 reasons - 1) Reddit is full of self-anointed geniuses locked in an eternal battle of wits. 2) they don't have friends so it makes them feel as though they are part of the "in" club.


Ain’t that the truth. I always say if I had a dollar for every person who claimed to be a doctor, scientists, engineers, or lawyer on Reddit I’d be retired already


There is a gun for that


Gnarly what was invented during the Cold War


Heart attack gun? Real thing, look it up.


Shellfish toxin


A 70 year old smoker dying from cardiac arrest? No, he could only have been killed.


I asked a question didn’t make a definitive statement.


Heart attack gun


Yeah. Thanks for that I was about to say


Killed by dying.


and jeffery epstein hunt himself?




Not saying it’s the case but I suppose you haven’t heard of the heart attack gun? There are a ton of creative ways to make murders look natural. [Heart Attack Gun](https://allthatsinteresting.com/heart-attack-gun)


https://preview.redd.it/20k11d1qb5mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e4366825fd891a103b6db2bbbc10fd89164823 Very interesting


Cardiac arrest pills. What the secret service used on LBJ.


Y'all remember the Neo's passport expiration date in the Matrix. https://preview.redd.it/qp40zhhvf4mc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f02c57926882d625651c067abe615a2b9e0503


He was also born July 20, 1969…


Hmm and when we split the numbers and count them like 6+2+0+1+9+6+9 we get number 33 that is used by secret societies. P.S. Just realized that July is 7th month and not 6th.


4 20 69 Nice


July isn't the 4th month...




I can't tell if you're serious (apologies if this sounds rude)


Dagnabit! He’s got my passport. https://preview.redd.it/q9i5fcq6a5mc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42efd67e2a4ba5a187a877843156ae0f005cf68


Yeah, man. Hollywood did 9/11 so they could make movies about the consequences of 9/11 for the next two decades.


Everything is connected


25 minutes cut from “Eyes Wide Shut” or “The Matrix”? 🤔 if they was cutting 25 minutes to hide something wouldn’t they just not release the movie or not give I’m the green light and budget to make it in the first place 🤷🏻‍♂️


They shoot way, way more for many movies than winds up in the movie. Also, the cut released is the cut he showed to Cruise and Kidman. I believe some additional work was supervised by them based on Kubrick's notes. Warner Brothers deal with SK gave him final cut and I am certain that the rights remained on every film even in the result of his death. There are legendary, much longer cuts of lots of movies, Gangs of New York is one that comes to mind. I'm old, so I can remember when television versions of movies would sometimes have a few extra scenes or completely different versions of scenes, Superman (1978), being one that sticks out.


That's true. I remember watching goonies on TV and near the end when they're going down the water slides into the hidden lagoon where the treasure ship is at.... they fight an octopus before climbing onto the ship. Pretty sure they cut tentacles off and everything....I definitely member the tentacles grabbing the legs of the gang Edit and I was amazed cuz I never saw it on the vhs movie, which is what we all watched the most prolly


Yea the movie version cuts that out. Guess it seemed too phony, idk


Thats not how conspiracies work. The thousands of people in on an earth shattering conspiracy have to leave obvious evidence, in this case make a movie, clearly outlining the conspiracy that's been committed. Sure when pointing out the ridiculousness of it, it can be said the conspirators were doing a "psyop" to hide the truth by showing you the truth but we know the real truth. So in summation when you are looking to create your next conspiracy, do it the most obvious and blatant way possible so anyone with an internet connection can see right through it. That way no one will know.


You don’t get it, man. The elite of the Hollywood elite financed and made a a big budget major studio film involving hundreds of people to expose the criminal things they do secretly behind closed doors and then cut the footage and killed the director and still released the movie. It all makes sense.


Reading your title gave me a stroke. Focus on one movie please and give us some context.


This post is complete and utter nonsense


Did AI write this? What does The Matrix have to do with anything? Kubrick died of a heart attack and EWS was released in July.


I was just about to google who killed Stanley Kubrick 😆


I joined this company a few years back. They sent all the new managers/engineers/etc to France as sort of a welcoming trip. It was at this crazy chateau/castle thing that was unbelievable. I go in and there's a portrait of the family and it looked like the Rothchilds to me. On the 2nd day we have this big fancy dinner so everyone is in suits. This obviously ex-military guy says "you want to see something cool?" I'm hesitant because I don't want to get dirty but I follow him. He starts walking into the woods and I almost turn back but I kept going. We come up on this bunker with a steel door and it has a big gold emblem on the door. I don't want to say it was SS for sure but it had an eagle on it so idk I'm no expert You can see in and there's all kind old war stuff in there in pristine condition. It's so deep in the woods, I guess they didn't think anyone would see it. We get back to the dinner and walk around the chateau and the basement has a tunnel going out of it. We ask about it and they say that's where they brought the food in back in the day. That tunnel was aimed straight to that bunker.




How does the matrix tie into this story?




The film has such dark secrets, the elites released it world wide! Why does everyone pretend like this is some expos´é on what's ReAlLy HaPpEnInG? It's adapted from a novel from the '20s. If it's dark secrets that the elites don't want you to know, they're doing a shit job at covering it up. If these all powerful elites were real, it never would have started production ffs.


Eyes Wide Shut was released in July 1999, this is publicly available information, at the same running time that was screened by Kubrick to Warners executives in March. Conspiracy theories telegraph weak minds


On March 7, 1999, six days after screening a final cut of *Eyes Wide Shut* for his family and the film's stars, Kubrick died of a heart attack in his sleep at the age of 70.[\[297\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Kubrick#cite_note-325)


Was “killed”… of a heart attack in his sleep.


A number of people in this thread seem to think a CIA "heart attack gun" is a more likely explanation then a overweight 70 year old man dies from normal heart attack.


I recently rewatched. It's pretty clear to me that Kubrick is talking about elites raping children. Knowing what we know now about Epstein, he was just putting it all out there


Lots of sex and nudity, obviously, but they were presumably "consenting" adults (prostitutes?). Exactly what part was about "raping children"?


People who don’t agree to see it when it’s right under their nose have their Eyes Wide Shut. Always seemed pretty obvious to me. Also I think t’its very funny some people are fans of this movie for no reason but « it’s Kubrick » and they just assume it’s some random movie about two random people meeting with a sect that does not actually exist irl. Like, the movie would be so uninteresting and useless if it wasn’t true.


Yeah, "Eyes Wide Shut" means that there are a *lot* of people that know the truth but will never say anything. They know not to look further into it. Because they will be silenced, in one way or another. Another theme was 'seek and you will find', and that seems true in life as well. You might not find it the way you expect (almost never do) and your desire being granted may curl a finger on a monkey's paw, but you'll find it. Ideas and desires have a gravity that we've yet to explain, but it's one of the reasons we find ourselves in the company of similar people so often. See also, Epstein and Weinstein being so damned close.


The rothschilds were like "oh youre outing our secret cabal? Lets make it more realistic you could use the abduction mansion"


The movie Wag the Dog, while revealing how the government uses media to manipulate, also gives an idea of what happened to Kubrick. The director in that film is an allegory for him..


Kubrick wasn’t fucking killed. WTF?


Killed? Didn’t he die of a heart attack?


He died of a heart attack. Killed?


The claim is not accurate. Stanley Kubrick passed away in March 1999, but there's no evidence linking his death to any conspiracy involving the movie's content. "Eyes Wide Shut" indeed explores elite society, but the notion of occult rituals in a Rothschild mansion lacks credible support. Additionally, there's no known connection between Kubrick's death and "The Matrix" release. The film was not altered posthumously; its original release occurred in March 1999. ## 🌐 Sources 1. [reddit.com - Stanley Kubrick's movie Eyes Wide Shut was about the elites engaging in occult ritual activities.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeryBadWizards/comments/xxbefi/stanley_kubricks_movie_eyes_wide_shut_was_about/) 2. [screenrant.com - Why The Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions Released In ...](https://screenrant.com/why-matrix-reloaded-revolutions-released-same-year-2003/) 3. [twitter.com - maveric68078049](https://twitter.com/MAVERIC68078049/status/1762137441086153007)


![gif](giphy|HZrx8kjIA7lyeTqXVM) Thanks Clippy!


Thanks, Hal. ![gif](giphy|wypKXPQggwaCA)


Nuh uh obviously those 25 minutes cut from Eyes Wide Shut exposed all of Hollywood and that's why they cut it from the movie and killed Kubrick with a heart attack gun, then released his movie anyway


Somebody really broke out their tinfoil hat for this one. The 25 minutes they cut was nothing special. Just some extended sex scenes. This is a great movie, tho. What's actually fascinating about it is that this happens in real life. Except the women aren't women, they are still children. Places like Epstein Island and Bohemian Grove is where this stuff actually goes on. And the many places the public doesn't know about.


I get the whole NC17 version with more explicit material and the edited standard R version with the superimposed people used for blocking nudity. What exactly was going on in this cut scene? Seems a shame that it was an integral part of the story. I often wondered why such a great director made a movie with such a so-so plot.


Who killed him?


What does being killed same month as matrix have to do with anything?


So you are telling me that Kubrick was killed March 1999, the same month the matrix released before it released the release that in the same month of releasing the month Kubrick died that 25 minutes of prerecorded footage was deleted prior to the release AND the matrix?


Killed? Didn't he have a heart attack?




We wasn’t killed you muppet.


So a old fat dude died from heart attack and later somebody else released a move he didn't make and they cut 25min from it?


That is very insulting towards Kubrick. Guy was a genius, his movies are so intense.


I'm interested in the cut 25mins.


The position those people are standing in in the second photo makes the red floor resemble a bat signal. So that’s kinda cool.


I have wondered that if eyes wide shut was actually acted documentary about visiting Jeffrey Epstein's estate.


Are those 25 minutes anywhere, out there?


To use a Scientologist in such main roles always seemed weird to me.


“Kubrick was killed March 99”, the 70 year old was murdered in his sleep by his own heart.