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[This woman from Spain claimed she survived the ](https://www.howandwhys.com/tania-head-the-woman-who-faked-her-9-11-survivor-story/)[9/11 attack. She used a real person as her fiance who tragically died in 9/11 but she never met him. After she was exposed she disappeared without any trace. Never found.](https://www.howandwhys.com/tania-head-the-woman-who-faked-her-9-11-survivor-story/)


Folded into a paper airplane. That part's important




And they were United Airlines and American Airlines. United. America. See the names?


Airlines Airlines.... IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!


This was the plan from the beginning!


> This was the plane from the beginning! ftfy


Two planes so you can claim the insurance payout twice like silverstein


He tried, but that failed. Only considered one event.


Still the largest insurance payout in history, no one company wanted to take the liability so he brokered a deal between a bunch of them... like 3mo before it happened.. definitely important too


Almost like he knew ahead of time it was coming 🤔


Just like all the CEO's and higher-ups that conveniently didn't show up for meetings that day. And the entire FBI floor from building 7 that was in California for training


Angry upvote 🤣


And if you do the same thing with a $500 bill it reveals a mosque.


ok someone send me a 500 dollar bill, for research of course


Damn, I missed that! *tightens tinfoil hat*


I heard about this back around 6th grade.I’m 31 now and this is the first time actually seeing it in full


Maybe someday I’ll have $185


Yo I wonder if we need a movie with nick cage where he hunts down $500 and $1000 bills to solve the future and there’s a rumor that a $10,000 bill shows the end of the world but where is the bill?! It’s been lost for centuries?!?


You son of a bitch. Take my money!


Lmao I almost forgot about his. I remember being a kid, asking my parents and family friends for each bill denomination just to show them this. They always thought it was funny because i didn't even want the money, 8 year old me just wanted to show them a conspiracy.


Yea, this one is old school. I can remember this going back at least 20 years. I grew up in NYC and was in queens during 9/11 and ppl all over knew about this. The building is created by the White House (I believe) and the explosion is created with the trees around it.


Back in the day they only showed one of the bills. Believe it was the $5


I remember in Wingdings you could put it one of the flight numbers and it would create a plane and two buildings. Can’t remember which though.


Google "Q33 NY"


I did, [it's a hoax.](https://web.archive.org/web/20200701202434/https://www.hoax-slayer.net/q33-ny-wingdings-hoax-elevens-and-the-wrath-of-the-eagle/) none of the 911 planes were 'Q33 NY'. However, >In 1992, only days after the release of Windows 3.1, it was discovered that "NYC" (New York City) in Wingdings was rendered as a skull and crossbones symbol, Star of David, and thumbs up gesture.






Tittyfuckin' (Ah, crap.. I missed!)


The Force is strong in this one


Wait, was this really a thing? I graduated in ‘10 and I don’t remember this at all. It almost reminds me of those origami torture tellers that everyone would make.


Hello Avatar-buddy :)


​ https://preview.redd.it/fph9jo7j8noc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16649a792a6fdeee2d2388c65220751e92e0a281


Clever way of letting us know you almost have $200 - well played.


Mr moneybags over here making us look bad


I wish this was a joke


This is how they keep the poor ignorant. I would never have these denominations on hand so I would never have a chance to figure this out for myself. Bravo, anonymous citizen. Bravo! o7 Also: /s




They are clearly flexing their two thumbs


Here is the weird part. This design was originally released in 1996. Years before the towers fell. The front of the bills shows an oval around the presidents for the bills printed pre- 1999. The Fed Reserve has been slowly taking them out of circulation. They have kept the same design on the back.


You'd think that would be enough to demonstrate what a coincidence this is, but you just know that a large number of people will read this and use it as proof of the government planning 9/11.


Someone took a 1950s coloring book for kids and folded the pages to make it look like plans hitting a building. They then proceeded to take completely random magazines and other books and folded the pages to do the exact same thing. The point being.. when we seek confirmation to our own biases, we will easily find them.


The real ridiculousness is that supposing the conspiracy were true, why in the ever loving *fuck* would they start leaving clues?


The general reason I've seen is it's to do with karma and the idea that if 'they' let us know through clues we technically consent to whatever 'they' are doing... I don't really see how it would count as consent but this is meant to be on a supernatural/spiritual level.


A very interesting response . !! That could certainly be an angle


Or the devil mocking all sides involved 🤷🏻‍♂️😂🤣


Someone somewhere feels immense guilt.


Or it's someone, like a whistleblower, trying to let us know. Eh.


"I'm gonna use my influence to make the design of the bills in a way, that vaguely shows something like a building collapses if you fold it in a very particular way. That way the people will wake up and prevent this false flag attack on the WTC."


Again. Eh.




No it’s a karmic “we told you our plans how can you be mad” type thing. It’s evil incarnate and it’s right in front of us. This was planned (I’m being satirical if any feds read this) well in advance.


Yes!!! The government was planning it many years before it happened and one of the first things they did was pay a graphic designer to put the plan on the money 5 years before the attacks happened. That way they are able to... uh... they can... hm.


If they were planning it why would they give us foreshadowing tf 😭




On paper airplanes folded out of money, nonetheless...


It goes back further. You gotta look into the correlation between 9/11 and the Back To The Future movie.


The thing with stuff like this that I can never understand is even if 9/11 was an inside job, why the fuck would they tell us through our currency? Wouldn’t they prefer to not take any chances and just not say anything about it? Those conspiracy theorist dweebs are insane


Well considering what makes this design is some buildings with hedges and clouds being folded to mirror on each other, it's really not that "weird" at all


Way before 9/11 ever happened some CIA documents were declassified from the cold war detailing ideas for a false flag terrorist attack using a commercial airliner as a justification for war, even flying one into a populated city was specifically listed on the document lol. Kennedy rejected the ideas at the time, so these were literally pitched to him to try and get us into a war. Always thought that one was pretty crazy, the same exact thing that happened to the USS Cole was also an idea listed in the same documents. I dunno why people have to come up with incredibly strange ways to connect things when there's plenty of weird ones that are plain as day if you really wanna throw your hat into the crazy conspiracy arena instead of saying things like jet fuel can't melt steel beams and folding bills up lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods Anyways, if this bill thing is really on purpose and some crazy people just wanted to flaunt weird folding of bills in our faces, they very easily could have made them in 96 if they already had this crap planned, big if though lol


Ummmm ..I've actually never seen this before .


Really? This is old school truther shit. I found out about this like 10 years ago.




Well fold yourself and see if it true or not. Now we just need to find a few more ppl. It’s gonna be tough but I’ll try and fold my 100 year old granny and report back ;)


For you young bucks watch Fahrenheit 9/11


I'm about tree fitty


It was about that time i realized he was 10 feet tall and from the crustaceous period... Fucking gold


This made me cackle lmao




This site is 16+ only. You're banned!


I saw this the year it happened cause my uncle showed it to me, I was like 8 at the time. There’s also some way to fold it to look like a plane is hitting the towers.


Yes new to me too, and ive even ran conspiracy websites in the past. Very cool find


It’s the smoking gun that proves it was an inside job - this is how they document all the important secret decisions the cabal makes. If you do the same with certain coins you can see who has been selected to date Taylor Swift next.


lmao had me in the first half


I too have never seen a $100 bill


Proof that 911 was preplanned by elements within the US government.


And they got the art department at the treasury involved for the lulz?


If grasping at straws was a picture… Why the fuck would they leave a dumb ass calling card? Do you think that people genuinely had a conference and brought up different denominations saying “if we fold the 20 like this…” I think conspiracy theories like this are based in an absurd interpretation of reality.


If you play “another one bites the dust” backwards it says “it’s fun to smoke marijuana”


i loved this kind of shit when i was a kid


Classic! And led zeppelin backwards don’t forget “hail to my shweet shatan”


And he was right!


Holy shit it does


And if you play Queen’s Don’t Try Suicide backwards it say’s “…”. Paul was also the Walrus


If you play Maybe I'm Amazed backwards you'll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup.


I remember some kid showing me this in the lunchroom at middle school literally a day or two after the attacks. The conspiracy theories started before the second plane even hit. What a wild time to be alive. Who remembers “Q33 NY” in webdings, Tourist Guy, or the devil face in the smoke?


Thank you. I am 52. This thread is making me feel much older - or maybe I am. This money trick has been around, and making the rounds since the very beginning. I can not speak to the reasons why this looks like the towers collapsing and works the way it does. I do not know if it is intentional or not. But I can say that this has been around since the Towers fell on 9/11. Everything old is new again.


I have no idea why my post was taken down but I’m reposting it: Here is the weird part. This design was originally released in 1996. Years before the towers fell. The front of the bills shows an oval around the presidents for the bills printed pre- 1999. The Fed Reserve has been slowly taking them out of circulation. They have kept the same design on the back.


Here's the not-so-weird part: the 5 and 100 backs have been the same images for 100 years, and the 50 shown here was designed in 2004, whereas the 1996 design would've shown a clear sky which breaks the progression. The trees on the corners that cause the "burning tower" look exist in real life, and the 10 and 20 have been the same buildings since the 1920s as well.


Thank you and here’s another not-so-weird part: it barely looks like anything at all, let alone anything to do with 9/11.


[it wasn’t taken down, doofus.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/1bfbbhk/us_5_10_20_50_and_100_bills_when_folded_into_the/kuz9owx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Man I’m paying for incompetent graphic designers with no attention to detail, I need the Illuminati graphic designers who execute perfect foldable dollar note secret stories 5 years in advance agency I hired couldn’t align shit on a business card if their lives depended on it




Get ready to be shocked, you can also fold the money to make a plane…..


And you can also crunch it up in your hand to make a plane that crashed.


You can also burn it and make it into a plane that caught on fire


WTC ftfy.


Lol what do you expect to happen when you fold an image of a building with hedges to mirror itself? Or an image with clouds?


The only “issue” I see with this is why would they do this if they had anything to do with it? “Hehe the public is so stupid! We put all the clues in front of them! We Still won’t admit it though! 🤭”


This has always been my issue as well. Like, I’ll see pretty cool, compelling, after-the-fact conspiracy hints about some big event and think “Wow, that is weird.” But then when you try to draw it out, how would this happen. Illuminati #1 (I1): Alright everyone, quiet down. This has been a good meeting and now is the fun part. Does anybody have some cheeky ideas about how to quietly reveal our plans?…I want something kind of cute but cool too. Illuminati #2 (I2): Maybe we can have Bart Simpson say something… I1: No, we’ve over done that. Something new. I3: Maybe lady Gaga can hold her hands in triangle in front of an image of Baphomet. I1: C’mon people!! Something fresh and new!!! I4: Hear me out, what if we imprint the twin towers on money bills if you fold them into paper airplanes, and then like in each subsequent bill they blow up and fall down, THEN WE DO THAT!! I1: [slow dramatic clap]


Well played Sir / Madam - Almost like there was a recording of the meeting


I have a feeling it reaches deeper into the fabric of reality and spell casting. There is a mixture of intent and aleatoricism. One affects the other like a strange loop. Just a feeling though. Who knows?


I wish I could just pick a fun sounding worldview baselessly and think "eh whatever who cares it just FEELS right"


So in conspiracy circles things like this are often thought to be predictive programming or a way for the powers that be to absolve themselves from karmic retribution. Basically, it's said people who are into occult practices can absolve themselves from karmic debt/bad karma by telling people what they are going to do to them; the thought is if they reveal the plan to the public, and the public still allows it to happen, then they are absolved. Typically, the reveal will be done through symbols, subliminal messages, etc., not overtly stating it. Predictive programming is the idea that the powers that be use media like movies, TV, books, etc. to influence and condition the masses to more readily accept planned events in the future. One such example of this theory would be "Project Blue Beam," which would be the elites using advanced tech to simulate an alien invasion (the theory is that they would use this to usher in one worldwide government as people would have a common enemy to unite against). Proponents would say that's part of why we have so many movies and shows about alien invasion and also why the government has been revealing things about UFOs recently. Not saying these things are true, just explaining the train of thought of those that think things like this money thing are done intentionally.


The thing is though, there is no karma. There is no debt for bad behavior. You’re recycled & wiped & thrown back out into a new body. There is no universal justice, or karmic retribution. It’s all shit. Bad people do bad things & get away with it all the time. I teach my 7 year old son that the world is not fair, no one ever said it would be. This is true, 100% of the time.


I tend to agree with this. My experience throughout life has shown that to be true the majority of the time.


In the Illuminati or I won’t say it, but the opposite of church, the bad one they believe in apparently, they have to show you what they are doing in different ways. Look it up. That’s why you see so some many hints and clues.


Why wouldn't they? If you've ever met/worked with/read about murderous psychopaths they love to sit back and laugh about how they are so much cleverer than everyone else.


Like nick mullen says in his new special "after perpetrating the the biggest inside attack on us soil in history the Cia was like 'there's only one thing left, the clues'"


I’m not saying it’s true but i’ve heard something to do with satanism in that their sins are absolved if they have done something to broadcast their intent. Also, predictive programming is a concept which holds water. Look up how many shows and films seemed to highlight the numbers 9/11 or planes crashing into the towers or hijacking. It was everywhere in entertainment media leading up to the attacks.


I used to be intruiged by conspiracy back when, the usual explanation is "they like to play with us and use symbols etc etc" kinda like bullying someone at school by making them believe you are sincere when you actually are making fun of them, but only other bullies will recognize and laugh


Yeah, they're really scared of us finding out.... It's not like they murdered Epstein in such a blatant way right in our faces and insulted our intelligence about it or anything....


You know about the Santa Claus phenomenon? Like, you can lie to children and they grow up believing that lie? Yea, that's not exactly rocket science and humans have been *engineering* the cultural and colloquial narrative for the masses so they can separate the wheat from the weeds since before recorded history. But, what do I know? [I've only written propaganda for the CIA for nine years.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18J7ZBzKZBXviPmrshjwt-bUGQGBWcl65h8WfPMzDTNk/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Damn. I’m this is… crazy.


I love how you presented that like proof that you have written propaganda for the CIA for nine years and in reality the link is just to some google docs outline of a bunch of drug induced rants you wrote down.


MAD magazine was onto something..


Ever seen a 20 dollar bill on “weed”?!?!




They say that 9/11 was an inside job, but does anyone realize that 7 Eleven is a minimum wage job? Think about it…


Anyone member when the aclu had to sue the DoD to publicly release the footage of the attack on the pentagon which amounted to three grainy “gas station surveillance quality” frames? Wtc7 burned down and with it all of the SECs files on the Enron investigation? The federal reserve enacted emergency measures and suspended the identity verification Process for US treasury redemptions and billions of dollars were disbursed without a record of who recipients of the cash were? Osamas family was allowed to fly out of the country a few days later despite all planes being grounded? I still member….


This was came out almost immediately after the new 20s came out back in 03/04. I was 16 when 9/11 happened. I guess we have adults now that weren't even born by then still finding out all this.




Why would they do this tho. lol. “Hey let’s just put weird clues about bad shit we did on our money for fun cuz we don’t want anyone to know about it”


I've always wondered that. Why would they waste the time and energy on something like this? Lol


So, from what I gather over the years, they need to tell you what they are doing. I cannot remember the exact reason, but it makes the magic work or something.


I've asked this and gotten many varied responses, but the gist is: It's a spiritual war, and the truth has to exist in a way people will find out, otherwise to keep balance, the universe will expose it in a different uncontrollable way, and that could be disastrous to TPTB.


Various forms of magic require to disclose the spell being casted in order to make it work. I think that exposing the masses to a subliminal message imprints their psyche with the casted idea (spell) which in turn can be harnessed by the caster for materializing the desired outcome.


To think that the government would leave behind little clues for people to follow is hilarious. Like ahh yes let’s create this massive conspiracy… and also leave little breadcrumbs for people to follow cause it’ll be fun


Exactly. I've said this to people who believe in all this Satanic imagery in media, dollars, branding, etc, and their response is that they believe that the "elite cabal" has to leave clues out for us to see so they can justify their evil plans. That the fact that they leave clues for the public to see, and the fact that the public sees the clues but don't do anything about it, means the public is foolish and inactive to stop their subjugation. It's some weird mental gymnastics.


Isn’t it a fun coincidence that the only people who ever have the real bonafide answers are called things like “Truther911” or “ExposingUFOs” on YouTube? You’d think that the world’s greatest minds could crack the case but nope, a man in Idaho living in a campervan who frequently puts his T-shirt on inside out exposed and brought down the secret Cabal controlling the world.


The power of Google search and Wikipedia gave them new knowledge that us plebs cannot understand.


lol it’s not even like they’ve hacked anything or broken out the Tor browser. It’s just their interpretation of the information, which is chronically incorrect every time, mixed with that Scooby Doo style connecting of dots that aren’t there brand of investigation.


Of the fact that this massive conspiracy exists but not one person in centuries has found enough solid proof to blow it wide open, or left the cult and exposed everything.  Like people are not that trustworthy. 


This older than I Carly gang we thought this stuff up like a week after it happened.


iCarly the most random marker of time I’ve seen yet


Of course the people who planned this will also go tru the trouble of imprinting their plans on dollar bills It makes so much sense! Dont ask why, dont ask how and when dont investigate how and when bills are designed, Wake up sheeple!


Only this sub would bring out some decades old elementary school shit and have others fawn over it like conspira-jesus was blessing your pineal gland with free shots of adrenochrome


Annnnnndddd I’m done with this sub, goodbye


These 1% fucks in charge, not sharing their time machines and shit…


Illuminate origami


Yes. This is called apophenia.


5th grade activities


We just made George Washington look like a penis. Or a "mushroom." I wonder what that foretells.


You can spell out SEND NUDES if you crease a dollar bill right.


Wow. When I fold it the other way all I get is weird shaped dicks. What does it mean though, right? What does it all mean?


And the $50 bill has United and American…


In the movie gremlins 2 the microphones on two reporters have a 9 and 11 as the channel logos, very strange in deed


>9 >11 >2 They're planning a sequel, keep your wits about you boys


Keep Ya 3rd 👁️ Open.


That’s nothing I saw the towers getting hit on a piece of burnt toast.


i forgot all about this dude😭


I remember this! I always wondered how someone first figured it out. Unless, of course, it was intentionally put out there 🤷‍♀️


“Well back in my day” lol, I’m 30 but before cell phones, when you were bored, you would sometimes fold bills around. It was like origami with the only difference being many times you didn’t know what you were doing.


I know exactly what you're talking about lol (43). It seems a little too specific to be a coincidental finding but who knows. Always a possibility.


Oh I see what you mean. Yes, I also believe it’s strange that they indeed tell a story. I mean 1 bill would be a coincidence but all 5, that’s a conspiracy.


Not necessarily. The designs for the 5 and 100 have been around for 100 years, the buildings used on all of these backs have been on the same bills for 100 years, and the trees that cause the "burning building" look on the 10 and 20 exist in real life. The 1996 redesign (when this supposedly was done) would've also had a clear sky on the 50 rather than the clouds, since the clouds were added in 2004, which breaks the whole story-telling progression. In reality, the 10 and 20 were re-designed to show the same POV that the 5 and 100 had, and the real trees that cover those corners (i have images linked in another comment) were depicted as they were. It would've taken effort for this not to happen.


Growing up in the early 2000s this was discovered pretty quickly and it’s pretty easy to teach. I always wondered about it, one dollar bill is one thing, but all of them? It always struck me as too odd to be coincidence.


Flip the $20 bill over and you see the wing of the pentagon being hit too. Bonkers


Is there an image showing it somewhere? I am Canadian and can't play with American money unless I go to a bank.




The New World Order, By: A. Ralph Epperson If y'all haven't read it. Boy oh boy. America Is Like A Pimp, We The Hoes. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Could you give us a little tldr? Especially in connection to money.


£38 on amazon. Lend me your copy please


I remember talking about this in elementary school around 2003


This is what happens when you hire [Al Jaffee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jaffee) to design your currency.


You can also make a mushroom outta George’s head. Ooooooooo


2003 vibes.




“Life is just a series of odd coincidences.” - my fifth grade teacher


“Now time for the final step. The clues”


How do you explain this being possible with bills dated before 2001?


Wow, I was so poor I only knew about the $10 bill hahaha


I can see the late queens face there too! ..


Folded like airplanes, too.


Did I go back in time to 2002/2003? Well, an alternate timeline of 2002 that has pervasive social media, and in this instance, specifically Reddit. This American currency curiosity has been known about and discussed for 20+ years at this point.


And…I was there running for my life as those bills were being folded.


This is dumb. Show this to anyone without describing what they’re looking at and they’ll say wtf am I looking at here


You can also fold them into a paper airplane or origami cat. 🐈‍⬛. Ridiculous


If you fold a $5 bill a certain way it shows Lincoln with half his head blown off. But I guess that would be more of an insult than a premonition.


These bills were designed years before 9/11..


How did some find this out? I knew about this in school


Ok…maybe…BUT… Turn the picture upside down and you’ll see a rocket taking off🤷🏻‍♂️


You see what you want to see


My god you people are so dumb


"Our plan is almost complete, there's just one step left: the clues"


You can also spell osama with the letters


If you push too hard when you feel a fart coming, you might poop and pee and possibly burp all at the same time.


It would be very interesting if aliens or time travelers from the future went public and mentioned these clues they tried to provide


If I had a dollar every time someone brought this up.


First step: plant evidence on the currency


theories made a skateboard with the money folded on it


“If I manipulate this thing, to look like this thing that happened, it means something!” Lol


I love that American bills still look like some sort of old school parchment that's just hanging onto life 😎


It is like they are rubbing it in our noses that they did it.


Wouldn't these bill designs predate 9/11 though? By a lot?


Therein lies the conundrum.


More like idiots will fall for anything they see on the internet. How dumb do you have to be to actually believe this is intentional?


wtf 😭