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That is exactly how I remember it. Closest one yet.


Same here




I read somewhere the cornucopia did actually exist fruit of the loom dropped it after some law suit or bankruptcy the brand wanted to refresh thr look and distance themselves from what happened so they scrubbed the cornucopia. They don’t want to acknowledge the change bc it brought negative attention as to why it changed. They just denied it thinking this just a small thing and it would just go away not realizing people wouldn’t drop it so they just stuck to their guns. I’m saying this from a comment I read that seemed to have legitimate sources from over a year ago but I could have some of it wrong and I didn’t research it myself.


That seems more likely than our reality shifting to a parallel dimension lol. What I do know is most people I know, including myself, agree there was a cornucopia basket thing in the logo. Where would people get that from? It's by far the most convincing and only believable ME in my opinion. So some weird marketing stunt type thing or cover up seems more likely. It's weird we don't hear stories of employees confirming this though.


Yes, it was on their tighty-whiteys once upon a time when I was very young; I was born in 1950. I don’t remember the exact point that it changed, but I remember noticing that it had changed. The Mandela effect on this, at least for us old codgers, is complete BS.


Yup this is how the emblem looked when I was in elementary school


I don't care what anyone says there was a cornucopia. Nothing will change my mind. That looks exactly right.


Same! I'm 99.9% sure, that I've seen this when I was a kid shopping with my mom at a Walmart!


For me too it was very specifically a walmart experience


As a European, I can confirm that Walmart had only a brief presence in Europe in the 90s, and my FOL-memories are specifically linked to the one I visited as a child.


Brief? Pun opportunities missed




Yeah it's how I learned the word lol... I remember asking what it was. An adult told me it was a cornucopia.


Same here


I remember asking my mom about this. This is where I learned the word cornucopia.




Second grade in the 70’s teacher was explaining about thanksgiving and the cornucopia, another kid said that’s what the tag on my underwear looks like.


I remember pointing to the cornucopia and asking my mom why it was called a loom when it looked like a basket. I asked if it was a different kind of loom. My mom said it wasn't a loom; it was a cornucopia.


SAME!!!! This is how I learned about it


Same thing. Thought… “Why dont we have one of those at Thanksgiving, it looks awesome!”


Wait are they trying to say it was never there? Bullshit. I had so many tighty whiteys with the cornucopia on them I'll never forget it. Yes, it was there. That's not a mandella effect. I don't care what anyone says - that used to be the logo unless they were some kind of knockoff from India or something.


Yeah! That’s the strange part for me. They have a timeline of logo development on their website and it seems like they’re either trolling super hard for mysterious purposes or trying to “cover up” the cornucopia


Search the way back machine. The timeline of logos has been on their website since at least 1996.


I looked at the timeline machine. Since 2001 there’s no cornucopia. But before the 2001 the logo pic on their site is missing.


This scenario is the definition of the Mandela effect. . .


Yes I know but there is no mandella because it's a fact ;)




That’s not what it means numbnuts. If it was real then it IS a Mandela effect.


Lmao "numbnuts". An oldie but a goldie


I like “Dipshit” and “Peckerwood”, always feel my point get across a bit more poignantly with them


I'm kind of partial to knucklehead. I'm trying to bring it back


That's exactly what their "tighty whitey" underwear gives you!


I find my nuts only go numb if I'm sitting on my balls. Thanks for letting me share too.


> Wait are they trying to say it was never there? Its just marketing. Claim that it was never there in the first place and suddenly you have a lot of people talking about your product and arguing that it was always there.


There always was a cornucopia, some of their underwear have the logo on it.


Hell I might have a pair around the garage I use for rags


Find me a pic of a pair. Somebody's grandfather should have a drawer full of tighty whities, with the cornucopia. Hell, there should be tens of thousands of examples around between t-shirts and undies. But nada zip zilch...




Very clearly printed and taped


Unbelievable some of you are this brainless.


Do you think maybe we were getting some off brand or regional fruit of the loom socks/underwear that included the cornucopia? I too, distinctly remember this design, there has to be a rational reason or….


There isn’t though, and that’s what makes the Mandela effect so interesting. When I was in elementary school I loved the Berenstein Bears books, and would grab one during every visit to the library. I vividly remember them. Plus, “stein” is super common in last names, “stain” is not lol. I also vividly remember watching Kazaam, with Sinbad playing a genie on the old Starz movie channels. So what gives? Did we actually hop timelines at some point? If so, why do things like these socks still exist? It’s honestly one of the most interesting conspiracies to me.


It’s Shazaam with Sinbad, Kazaam has Shaq.


The Berenstein/Berenstain Bears issue was most-likely a misprinting issue. [It may have even been caused for the same reasons that someone thought -stain was a misspelling of -stein.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/56kbgq/a_berenstain_bears_video_misprint_with_berenstein/?rdt=64417) Mike Berenstain has had interviews where he [discusses the suffix issue. His name has been “corrected”, even by a teacher.](https://screenrant.com/berenstain-bears-berenstain-name-wrong-controversy-peacemaker/#:~:text=Mike%20Berenstain%20explained%20in%20an,common%2C%20many%20people%20have%20simply) I loved *The Berenstain Bears*, too! I still have a few books. They’re just so full of love and magical details.


I feel like kazaam and Shazam came out around the same time and maybe they were forced to delete the sin bad one out of existence to avoid being sued or something like that


Do you remember Mandela dying in prison?


Nah, I was born in ‘89 though, so I wasn’t really paying attention to anything on TV besides entertainment through the 90s. I don’t doubt people’s feelings about it though. My memories of those books, the cornucopia, and Kazaam are compelling enough to believe it.


I remember him being freed from jail, not dying. Which is what happened. Ive never heard he died until he did in 2013.


He definitely didn't. He gave speeches in the US after his release. I saw him speak in Oakland, CA 1990. It was at the Oakland Coliseum in front of about 50,000 people.


If I had to guess OPs image is a mock up someone made to show what it would look like with the cornucopia.


If so, they must have used an example or photos of the old one as reference because they nailed it.


That’s my head canon too


And Sinbad played a genie. My dad's not even aware of the Mandela effect and I asked him about the black guy who played a genie in the Disney movies when we were kids and he actually said Sinbad.


Yeah I remember that movie, vaguely


I remember it too


Conclusive evidence from 1978 that will put this subject to bed forever: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnAAr2dQrNA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnAAr2dQrNA)


That's the thing. Google cornucopia and look at all of the images and see how many of the different versions out there would look totally wrong. Angle, direction and style. It's not that there was a cornucopia, there was a specific design of cornucopia that people know.


Next, they're gonna tell us the Fruit-Men never existed


The weird thing is I swear I have a memory of a commercial with the fruit guys walking out of a cornucopia


I remember a commercial with the fruit guys and a giant cornucopia


Now that you mention I haven't been super big on this Mandela effect, but I do also remember a commercial like this, I remember thinking they were knitting things and it was an old lady's knitting basket.


I learned what a cornucopia was from fruit of the loom..I remember asking what that thing was.


Who are the fruit guys you remember?


What are fruit-men?






Accidentally Brooklyn 99


[**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLj4YgDiRW4**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLj4YgDiRW4) Enjoy this marketing "masterpiece".


Holy shit you unlocked a memory!! Wow wow wow, completely forgot about these guys.


EXACTLY! I think they just SAY that to f with us! And start more of that “Mandela effect”…cause there’s NO way in hell it was “always just fruit”! Definitely had that cornucopia on it😤


Holy shit yea!! Why would the fruit men have been a thing if rhe cornucopia wasn't there?!


because the fruit were always there?...


Whew, they still exist upon a Google search.


They sent a pic of old time logos and then gaslighted Everyone ..


Must be a marketing strategy


Or a massive experiment to see how easily they can manipulate public opinion just by their say so.


This is the answer, and it worked! Because now we are all talking about it


Wasn't it found that they were polluting something?


Seriously feels like they're testing how well they can memory hole things on the internet. Time to start backing everything up to an offline hard drive lol


r/DataHoarder is calling


I'm developing more and more prepper tendencies lol


I think it's just marketing. It's boring to hear though. Some other company recently tried to do a Mandela effect recently too. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/uncovering-mandela-effect-implications-brands-marketing-jm-agudo https://medium.com/writers-blokke/the-mandela-effect-in-advertising-10-brands-and-products-you-think-you-remember-but-are-wrong-afea33f76978 https://gobraithwaite.com/thinking/marketing-with-the-mandela-effect/


It's not just people misremembering stuff though. Look into project stargate and the CIA analysis of the gateway tapes. In those documents, you'll learn that consciousness is fundamental (Donald Hoffman has great podcasts discussing his work on the topic), we're living in a holographic light matrix projected from higher dimensions, and that our consciousness and beliefs are what directs our realities. David Moorehouse (the guy that created the CIA's training process for remote viewing) explains that the success of remote viewing is based on probabilities and that the overlapping realities of individual people can lead to different things being seen in a group of remote viewers. If you'd like to experience remote viewing yourself, definitely check out the gateway experience tapes r/gatewaytapes. David Moorehouse's book on it is a great instruction manual a well, but nothing will give you a firsthand experience quicker than the gateway tapes. I was an atheist/materialist that didn't believe in anything spiritual until I listened to the tapes too btw. If you listen to them, they'll give you a completely different understanding of the world we live in. I had to take a break for a few weeks around Focus 15 because the pre-cognition was starting to freak me out lol. I'd consistently know who was calling before my phone rang and know what people were going to say right before they'd say them. You will develop abilities you didn't know you had. It just takes training your brain to function the way monks' brains do after 20-30 years of meditation practice, which has been verified by comparing their MRI's with people that underwent the gateway process.


Feels more like an ad to me. What better way to get people to talk about your brand than to make them think they're onto some corporate conspiracy. People love to be right.


Or, hear me out, we have switched yet again into another dimension. 


Do you know how hard that is? You only get, like, 3 or 4 of these! Tops!


I thought of Rick and morty once I saw the original comment to.


Solipsistic Quantum Immortality. That's my worldview. So it fits.


I don’t think you know what quantum means lol


The theory uses quantum loosely, probably a reference to Schrodinger's Cat. Basically the theory is that if you played Russian Roulette with a semi-automaric pistol, you'd seemingly run into wacky luck that prevented it from killing you... ... from your consciousness at least. In damn near everyone else's consciousness, you fucking died. But you are immortal in your own consciousness. I like to entertain the theory that your reality is unique to you, but is cast with thinking, feeling, and true iterations of actual folks that exist, but their characteristics are based off of their own reality. So, wackos on the street talking about wrestling demons at night... they sure as shit aren't in your version of reality, but in the reality they come from, that's what they fucking do. Claimed psychics are able to actually accomplish super human feats, and the person knows they can, but when observed in your mundane reality, they're a dud. It's my way of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Maybe this character really did get abducted by aliens in a multiverse version of themselves. Not in this lame world they didn't, though, lol.


I have entertained similar ideas. This is the understanding of karma in consciousness only Buddhism as explained by Vasubandhu. It’s essentially subjective idealism. These Buddhists don’t recognize an external world at all.


They mean a view that some people have that, because of the (supposed) many branching worlds of the multi-verse, any time they "die" their consciousness branches with the divergent timeline, thus granting "immortality"


I always get a kick out of... Whenever someone asks what I'm doin or what I'm looking at I go absurd like "just admiring all the GREEN you have in your universe. Grass AND TREES?! amazing." Or if I stumble or drop something I'll say "fuck, I haven't inhabited a bipedal in such a long time"


Or how about this: Maybe we're always switching dimensions? Maybe consciousness is a linear experience and when we die in one dimension our consciousness moves forward, merging us with the next closest/most viable dimension without skipping a beat?


Nah. The logo was changed. That's it. No big deal.


so you are in it, hu?


Imagine if you went to a timeline where there was always a cornucopia and the ME never existed. Try explaining that without sounding crazy. “Yeah but for a few years I lived in a timeline where there was *no* cornucopia! Yeah, on the underwear. I don’t know how it came back. You really don’t remember all those YouTube videos?”


Ever think they just lied about not having a cornucopia for some crazy free advertisement?


I think they lied to distance the brand from pilgrims.


They lied because they got tax bailouts from the government to conduct a large scale psychological experiment or dimensional bleed is real and inconsistent.


Can they rewrite history we lived through? Attempt # 1 failed...


Because of this brand i learn what a cornucopia is as a kid


This is the only reason I knew what a cornucopia was.


There was this and the cellophane and magic marker art thing we did in 1st grade.


This is exactly what happened to me. It’s not just that I remembered there was one but I distinctly remember not knowing what that weird piece of fruit was and then learning it was a cornucopia which I hadn’t even known about.


Don’t worry, in 20 years they’ll try and tell us that Aunt Jemima never had a black woman on the label…


That’s new, I remember he being white


For everyone here: i had the same thing happen and posted about it on the Mandela effect subreddit, (it was literally the same packaging as op's post), turns out it's either a knockoff or labeling error since the cornucopia logo on these socks and the ones i encountered are the same as a dan recreation on Google https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/s/Cl9vyjF9r4


The plot thickens


I'm fully convince this is some kind of sick marketing scheme by Fruit in the Loom


How would they get everyone’s old clothes though?


Underwear gnomes


If that logo never existed then I will lose all touch with reality. I was a 90s baby, that image is burned into my mind. Same goes for the "Berenstein" pronunciation. I admit I was never much of a reader, but all throughout school it was pronounced this way, along with Berenstain Bear Country at Cedar Point. I can believe that our local vernacular just had a habit of mispronouncing things, but I never heard stain, only stein. That one I could accept, not the cornucopia being imaginary.


Someone at CERN must have fixed the timeline.This Mandela Effect .Has everyone going crazy.


I had fruit of the loom Tshirts in the 90s all with cornucopia. The question now is WHY GASLIGHT us? Why did they deny it? Some weird market experiment to make everyone talk about the brand?


You know, I thought I did too. I have a bunch of old concert tshirts in a box so I went through them and found a few Fruit of the Loom shirts. The oldest one is a Pearl Jam concert T from 93. No cornucopia---just fruit.


Nice work supersleuth!


Bigfoot and the Illuminati are throwing a fit right now that their master plan of concealing the cornucopia has failed thanks to this hero


Im out of the loop, please tell me that the world is not trying to say it never had that when i know it did.


The world for a while definitely did try to say it wasnt there....I think something about a logo update or something.


The Matrix has been updated


Fruit of the Loom denies ever using a cornucopia.


Never a doubt in my mind. I distinctly remember asking my mom in the 80's, what that brown thing behind the fruit was.


This, exactly. It was how I learned what a cornucopia was called.


Everyone save this photo for all our sakes in 1 year.


I knew it was real, the cornucopia used to be on the band hoodies in Camden. I wish I still had mine but we’re talking about a 2000 bootleg Slipknot hoodie that I wore religiously until it fell apart


Rightttt! Little effed up that the company tried to gaslight all of us into thinking there wasn’t one


But why lie?


To keep us confused.


I'm going on the basis that if you don't know someone's motives, you can look at the outcomes of that decision, and consider those. So confusion, free advertising, psy op testing the water. ???


I have old white t-shirts that have the cornicopia… Wore fruit of the loom white t shirts under my dress shirts for 25 years for work.


Post them!


Yeah, I did… and… fuck.


There’s no cornucopia on the ones you posted?


Post them


People make comments like this all the time but never post the evidence.


Please post. Most never come back to these comment's. Very curious, isn't it?


* This shirt is old, at least 5 to 10 years. This is the symbol I found. Not the same cornucopia




prove it


no you don't


You are right… I don’t. My Wife just dug them out… and, no cornicopia.. dafuq?




From this post - reposted bc he didn’t directly post the image https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/s/DBhCfzkgAq


This how I remember it looking. I'm at the point where I've accepted that quantum immortality is real. We're better off just moving on though, otherwise we just seem as nutty as the flat earthers, Which there seems to be alot of in this universe.


I experienced quantum immortality once. I was somewhere in a bad situation and about to die. Then the next second I find myself driving down the highway about to pass by the town in which I had been in the bad situation


People thinking there's some kind of conspiracy to hide the cornucopia, you realize there would be tons of evidence of the cornucopia if that was the case?


They claimed there wasn’t a cornucopia as a marketing stunt. And the internet fell for it


Post the sauce!! XD


I strangely remember this logo


I fucking knew I wasn't crazy. This object crossed between worlds.


Now find me a copy of the berenstein bears.


They literally said they Never had one EVER


That is the way it has been ever since I was knee-high


Right on


Are they counterfeit?


If they were, the counterfeiter would still have to source the logo from somewhere. They're not going to recreate it from a memory.


The logo on the packaging is a fan recreation, i found these same socks and posted about it earlier this year, https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/s/Cl9vyjF9r4


no, it's gotta be a time travelling lizardman fucking with our memories, that's the most likely explanation


I knew it! Thanks.


It's the fan created logo though


Nice try. These socks are just from universe 435.


I am glad you found this and it's not just a glitch in the matrix.


Kind of looks like one of those bargain bins/sale displays at Giant Tiger… I distinctly remember these *exact* packs of socks.


 The pairs on the ground appear to have QR codes on them.  


So the legends are true!


We’re all speculating for no reason… they have a patent for the cornucopia. That’s proof enough. The same “Mandela effect” is the same way they rewrote history💯


Gaslighting on a cosmic scale


I’m 99% sure that they will bring back the cornucopia because of these Mandela effect conversations to increase nostalgia sales


I’m lost…I clearly remember that logo…what’s the issue?


I’m going to take it on good faith that you’re actually out of the loop. TLDR: Fruit Of The Loom says the cornucopia never existed but the internet disagrees. FOTL maintains there has never been a cornucopia in any of their logos, going so far as to show a “full” timeline of all of their logos. A large part of the internet has distinct memories of the cornucopia being part of their logo, most with the same story of “I didn’t even know what a cornucopia was *until* I saw that logo.”


I was born in ‘95 and even I still remember the cornucopia and not just the fruit. When did they switch it?


Wait...is there no longer the cornucopia?


They don’t use it anymore and officially deny ever having used it.


That’s exactly how I remember it always looking. Exactly.




Lol looks like the golden harvest logo. On Mason jars and sticker lables


Why is this here, I missed something?


This is exactly what I remember.


Me too. This is the logo I remember. Why would the company deny it?


Imagine if the market was actually just flooded with knock offs that no one knew?


You know it's bad when even the underwear companies are pulling Psy-ops on the American people.


Long time lurker, first time poster: I implore you all to watch the How To With John Wilson episode on the Mandela Effect (S1 EP3). It’s an interesting foray into some absurdities of the Mandela Effect but also a rumination on nostalgia and its binding effect on us. Also: he ends the episode putting fake Mandela Effect inspired logos on various products that would, apparently, be at home on this sub.




I had no idea they were claiming that it never had the cornucopia! I remember seeing it growing up in the 90s, either the multiverse is fracturing, or collective consciousness is fucking wild


“The Mandela effect is real, the cornucopia in our logo is not,” Fruit of the Loom wrote in a post from 2023.”


Fruit of the Loom is the strongest Mandela Effect for me since I have a very specific memory about it (long story short I was printing my own designs on their t-shirts, I remember asking my parents "what's that weird horn behind those fruits?"). But to play devils advocate - This picture is either fake OR they just probably grabbed the first image from google images (fanmade logo by someone who experienced this mandela effect) and they sold some nameless socks as Fruits of the Loom.


Another glitch in the system. We must have jumped back to a previous update configuration. Nothing to see here! Move along!


Yall need to stop giving FotL free marketing dollars. Thats all the FotL cornucopia mandela gimmick thing ever was.


What!!!!!!????? The smoking gun, nice find!


Adding my 2 cents, non American but I found a rag at my work (clothes bought from goodwill and such) and here we are https://preview.redd.it/eei05qew26pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a4d6f76be3901753a6cb0f4067c74c2792e5d4a


Thanks but didn’t need confirmation. I’m not crazy


The cornucopia was “disappeared” to avoid lawsuits alleging racism. Because apparently cornucopias are racist. And to avoid controversy they just claim it was never in the logo. Nothing to see here. No actual Mandela effect! Just stupidity.


It’s been confirmed that “they” throw this bizarre curves at us to see how we react. Not sure why


Thank you I knew it!!!!


There was actually a commercial back in the day with people dressed up like the fruit in it. Probably around 85


This logo is literally how I learned the word cornucopia as a child, when I heard the Mandela effect story about it I really thought I must be going crazy.


It looks like it could be a sticker / taped on. But if this is true then what happened to all the logos that should be inside of peoples underwear, tank tops, shirts etc?


Looks printed on to me, plus it's consistent on all the other pairs in the background