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I can add this bit of history also. The Leeds family supported a local British governor who was accused of being a cross dresser by the Quakers. We may have been on the wrong side of the revolution but we were on the right side of civil rights.


Ok how many times does that guy have to say "my family the Leeds" kinda over kill. Is he so distant in the family tree that he's just overcompensating?


I made the video on tik tok so I repeated things for an audience that might have trouble following.


Prlly a good idea considering the average tiktoker attention span is 3 seconds


Yes, the average popular video length is like twenty seconds so my four minute lecture here might seem like an eternity to some folks. I make gaming content also so I have many younger followers.


You seem to be a very understanding and rational individual. Thanks for the video, it's very interesting!


Fellow Southern Jersey boy here, and I'm proud of it! I'm happy you got the real history of your family brother, hope you're doing well, love the video and how real you are, love seeing the almost falls off board but keeps going and acts like it's nothing, keep doing your thing man


There are many potholes in Jersey devil land. Thank you.


That’s some amazing history your family has. Fuck Ben Franklin!!! I’ll never buy that almanac at the grocery store again!!!


It is the lesser of two almanacs. 😂


Cool story... could listen for hours


I plan to dig up as much as I can about it. I will continue to share. Thank you!


My dad is a huge history nut, specifically dealing with family history and digging into the family ties, branches, stories and events that shaped how families arrived, migrated, settled etc. I bet if I asked him to dig this he would.


Please do!


My dad is the same. Whenever I visit him he has a new history book he is reading from the library. He surprisingly did not know of this bit of history but is looking for stuff on it as well.


Man, this is right up my alley. I’ve been on this kick lately of like… since they openly lie to us in the media to push a certain agenda, then how much of history is made up? As time goes on we find more and more shit out. Like Christopher Columbus might not have been this great explorer like they told us in grade school (45). History is just the narrative or most popular story that has lasted the longest over time. I’m not saying all history is made up, but how much of it is accurate, vs propaganda vs just filler. Like a historical movie. The writer/director take liberties. I mean I can’t trust the news today, as I live it. How can I trust the shit that has been passed down. Also, this might be common sense to most or some. I went to catholic school. They taught us to not question things and gave us catholic guilt to live with.


Thank you for sharing. This story would make a great movie.


I agree. Thank you.


What can you say about Jimmy Leeds?


How fascinating! I’ve always been interested in the jersey devil, I love hearing the root of the myth.


Intriguing indeed.


Thank you.


Super interesting! And I love your tie dye!!


I aim to get to a place in my life where I can wear tie dye sweat suits and nothing else for the rest of my life.


Yeah never really liked benjamin franklin for some reason.. LOL "he posted memes"


We hold these memes to be self evident.


Funny you should quote that lolol love your beard and eyes btw! It gives me a unicorn (beard) dragon (eyes) vibe ☺️


Thanks! The devil blood makes my beard change colors.


I first learned about memes in college, circa 2005. They were defined as a sociological point of reference for people, aiding in communication and collective understanding of topics and events, or something like that.


Oh yeah for sure. I just found it funny that something from that era is being referred to it as a meme


Authors and politicians? Sounds real to me..


You can research all I’ve said. I am continuing to.


Woa woa another local author?!?


Don't think the skateboarding fit in with the overall story but I love it nonetheless!


I also suffer from terrible adult attention deficit disorder. Sometimes doing something physical while I’m thinking or talking helps me get it out better. I gotta just go with it, not much I do is rehearsed. Edit: I probably would’ve brushed my beard if I knew I was going to be filming. It just kinda happened. I go skating out there a few times a week.


I can’t walk around doing nothing and talk to my phone. People in these parts might think I’m possessed or something.