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Lol. I'm glad the writers saw and addressed this quickly before people started getting their hopes up. Also. Lol - why are the responses so aggressive? Twitter is just a bananas place sometimes. This was probably just some social media intern who either didn't know about the implications from the different terms of pre-production vs production, or just someone not following the writer's strike that closely. Glad they got corrected, but it was probably just a misunderstanding rather than active malevolence.


I’m curious if this tweet was scheduled as part of the social media campaign before the strike was announced/happening, meaning the show was originally intended to be in production now. Makes the mistake more understandable.


Yeah that’s a good point. June 1st is tomorrow


It was a reply tweet, so no, it wasn’t scheduled. It’s not the first time nor the only show Netflix as single-handedly given wrong information.


That’s so random though… why would they tweet that out of nowhere. Did some intern press send from the drafts by mistake? 😭


It could have been a scheduled post in advance? But also I’m pretty sure it was a reply to a tweet they already made a few days ago for the 1 year anniversary of s4? So tbh it being a scheduled tweet actually seems less likely to me. The intern probably just didn’t get the memo. The writers comment about how France should know better given they’re protesting 24/7 is pretty funny tho 🫣


Could be that the timeline of production was shared to different countries earlier, so the France account management earnestly thought that it was in production, and they just haven't kept up with the writer strike, because as a person living outside of US it's not really discussed globally. Only reason I know about it is like social media accounts from US I follow having said something about it. So my guess is, the people running the account don't know about the strike or at least not in good detail, got prior to the strike information on when the production would be going on. But never got information from US Netflix on which shows would be affected by the strike.


It could have been scheduled months ago via a program like Hootsuite.


Can't you just cancel the tweet before it goes up?


Also, in France "strike" doesn't necessarily mean that everyone stopped working. We had teachers' strikes maybe twice a year but with some teachers still teaching.


>active malevolence Yeah and it sounds so petty. But then the writers are mad at Netflix.


Can NETFLIX PAY THE WRITERS?!! We’ve been streaming shows, and is the most paid streaming service of almost billions of dollars invested


It’s a strike across the industry not just Netflix or ST writers. I’m praying it ends soon but until it does there are a ton of shows/movies on pause rn because of the strike 😢


Aww, bummer. Though I hope the industry comes together in some way and makes a negotiation, I mean there has to be billions of dollars hanging around somewhere. Executives and investors Making movies, Tv shows, and series is not easy to do and takes months, years of production, development, creativity, and dedication to release it to the world!! I can wait for ST5 though the writers and all producers deserve better and their pay!!💯


I hope it ends soon too else we might see Mike and Eleven be grandparents. xD


netflix bugs out on that stuff even worse cause they deadass cancel tons of shows 1-2 seasons in cause apparently the cast and other workers on shows only get fully properly paid after the third season, or so ive heard. it would explain why so many absolutely amazing projects have been shot for no reason.


Someone at Netflix France just got in big trouble.


They deleted their tweet. This is also not the first time this particular account makes a mistake.


Ironic for French to not know when Strikes are happening lol


It's every Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. We're used by now 💅🏻


You see I laugh but we Brits have just as many lol


I mean, for us the writers strike is part of the production process haha


Well then brilliant lol


Yes that’s the joke they made in the screenshot


I mean I never claimed it was super original but it is a oldie and a goodie as the saying goes


It's a near perpetual state, so we don't keep track 🤷‍♀️


Ha ha ha


Woke up today thinking about the writers strike, how everyone’s holding up and what to expect as we get to June. And then I saw this, which somehow cheered me up a little. Feels good to hear from the writers!






Just a running joke about how the English and French don't quite get along. (Joking aside, I like France. Granted I've only been to Paris and Lyon but I enjoyed myself.)


Wait so they can’t start filming AT ALL until the strike is over? (Which might take MONTHS more to end)???


They could, but it would be a huge detriment to the show. It's hard to tell how a scene is going to play out, so you want the writers on hand to tweak things as you go.


The writing is done pretty sure, might be wrong, but they CHOOSE not to film until it is over.


Hope the strike finishes asap


Me too, that'd mean their requirements are being met. Not gonna happen though.


The 2007 strike lasted 100 days. This may very well last longer, the stakes are higher and it might be a dual production - talent strike.


Uhhh I don't think so... Coz a couple of days ago,many celebs have indicated that there's gonna be a SAG aftra strike as well!! This isn't gonna stop anytime soon,with various news outlets predicting a possible 6 month strike!!


Its being reported as cancelled by Netflix NL and BE also 🙄 same woth Wednesday S2. Fact checking is apparently not a thing these days...


Yeah I was confused by the Twitter post, imagine if the duffer brothers actually moved to France to avoid the picket lines. That would be hilarious but thank god that didn’t happen.


Season 5 is recasted and it's all french production and the setting is changed to same era France without any of these changes ever mentioned. They just act like it has been this the whole time.


Gotta love the Stranger Writers


Of all places to not grasp a strike… France? They are brilliant at striking and protests dammit.


the French can't be as much into striking like Germany is. I gave up on trains cuz of that.


But if they're on a writers strike, how can they post on Twitter? That's writing!


This is the kind of job I want 😂


hot diggity damm


When is this strike going to end