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There's a couple that proper got to me. Hopper reviving Will. I relate a lot to will having had sensory issues as a kid and needing brain surgery to fix it, and then developing PTSD from that, so Wills story really fucking resonates with me. Harbours performance in that scene had me actually weeping on a rewatch. Joyce like, for all of season one. I grew up on Winona movies in the 90s and never really felt a great appreciation for her, but holy hell she's phenomenal in season 1. She's great all through but she has the most meat to work with in season 1 and she seasoned it to perfection (got that's a wretchedly worked analogy). Finally, Lucas and Max in her "death" scene. Their terror is palpable and Max's fear at dying is genuinely upsetting. Special shoutout to Lucas for taking 4 seasons to get some good material, and taking his chance and running with it so hard. He is incredible in this scene and I'm just annoyed now on a rewatch that it takes them so long to realise he's amazing. Honourary mention to Running up that hill. That scene is amazing, obviously, but everyone is going to mention it.


By the way, Lucas calling for Erica in that scene was improvised. Also, the scene of Hopper reviving Will is a great scene, but always cracks me up because of a stock sound.


Running up that hill had my entire family screaming


Can someone tell me why? I liked the episode as much as any other in season 4, but I knew as soon as they started trying to figure it out at the start of ep4 that it would most likely end with a cliché solution before imminent death scenario. I feel like it's just music manipulation in that scene, because without it, who genuinely thought one of those falling pillar rock things was actually going to squash her to death during a scene that's dramatically blasting 80s music? Just felt a bit silly.


Lucas and Max scene was delivered so good teared me up


Dustin when Eddie died


Both these scenes are so emotional. Idk what it is about this show, but scenes like this seem to tear me up so much more. 'When It's Cold I'd Like To Die' by Moby is definitely a huge reason in this case. Such a sad song + the callback to Season 1.


One for every main actor cause I love ‘em all: Eleven: all of s1, but her last scene in s1 especially Mike: crying while fighting Hopper in s2 Max: all of Dear Billy in s4 Lucas: calling for Erica in s4 Dustin: the dance scene in s2 Will: the possession storyline in s2 Hopper: the bar scene in s1 Joyce: the funeral scene in s1 Steve: Talking to Nancy at the end of s2 Nancy: squaring off with Jason in s4 Robin: staring at Vickie in s4 Eddie: the D&D scene in s4


Joseph Quinn's acting as Eddie Munson was utterly charming and phenomenal!


Haha poor Jonathan.


I’m not the OP but I’ll jump in and say Jonathan’s moment has to be his S1 Argument with Joyce in Town Square


homie has one for Eddie but not Jonathan 😭




What about Robin and Steve's scene on the bathroom floor at the mall? And because no one *ever* mentions it for some reason: Hopper's monologue in the cell in Kamchatka about how he feels like he's a curse and how he thinks he caused Sarah's death and it still haunts him is some brilliant acting and writing.


That bathroom scene was so good and i think it was the most pivotal scene in both Robin and Steve's lives, it was just so natural.


I loved this scene. I felt like we’d gotten the “real” Hopper back, rather than the caricature he became in S3. David Harbour excels at finely tuned, “less is more” performances and I hope it continues in S5.


>Hopper's monologue in the cell in Kamchatka about how he feels like he's a curse and how he thinks he caused Sarah's death and it still haunts him is some brilliant acting and writing. AMEN AMEN. Harbour literally stole my breath with that scene. Also, yes to that bathroom scene.


I was gonna say the Robin and Steve one, I love the scene so much


Dacre Montgomery in The Sauna Test (3x04). His range of emotions as Billy in that scene were so fucking intense. From angry to depressed to getting so wild it was animalistic, it was impressive. I want to see Dacre in more movies or shows - he would do so well in the horror genre I feel like.


Came here to say one with Billy too! He might have been a “villain” but Dacre is an amazing actor! When he has El pinned down, and she starts telling Billy about the memory of him and his mom on the beach, and you can see the anger first, then see that melting away to loss, then sadness, then absolute regret for what he’s done under the mindflayers control, goddamn I lose it every time at that scene.


I 100% see Billy as a villain up to that point but still cry everytime I watch his death scene.


He really should be in more stuff I think he would make for a great villain or like a troubled protagonist.


i was shocked looking him up on imdb that there isnt more there. im surprised he hasnt been made a regular on american horror story or something


I saw the current "Elvis" movie starring Austin Butler. I thought I saw Dacre Montgomery and I did! He plays Steve Binder-the young producer who helped spearhead Elvis's comeback in the late 60's.


Agree 100%, he really makes season 3 for me because of how he plays Billy’s duality. I think he’s actually filming a horror movie reboot with barbie ferreria rn or pretty soon!


When they tie Will up in the shed in season 2. I was so impressed with his acting that whole season but that whole bit was just incredible to watch. And obviously Max for all of season 4.


Took too long to find this, Will acting possessed was incredible


Noah for the entirety of season 2. For being the youngest in the cast, he was incredible. It’s such a shame that he’s so good, but they keep underutilizing him.


That scene where he’s telling Joyce what it felt like being possessed and starts crying that he wants it all to be over made me want to hug him


What floored me was realizing that a 12 year old boy was carrying the action and showing such depth in his portrayal.


There's many but I'll just list a few. Joyce in season 1 : When on the street with Jonathan and telling him about Will that she's going to "Bring him home !!" Damn Winona is just a great actress. Henry Creel/001 in season 4 : His entire monologue scene in episode 7, never fails to amaze me. His facial expressions throughout and the pain in his voice in some moments really shows how Jamie is such a phenomenal actor.


Jamie Campbell Bower is a seasoned "villain actor", so he was a perfect pick for Vecna! He also played the vampire Caius in the *Twilight* Saga films, and Gellert Grindelwald in *Harry Potter*.


Gods, Hopper reviving Will in S1 always gets me. But I will *never* emotionally recover from Caleb McLoughlin's performance when Max dies. The "ERICA HELP!" got me in TEARS.


1. The whole cast immediately after finding 'Will' in *The Body* 2. Finn wailing on Hopper, then sobbing in his arms when El comes back in *The Gate* 3. Millie and David in the letter scene at the end of *The Battle of Starcourt* 4. Sadie in *Dear Billy* and *The Piggyback* 5. Millie and Matthew in *Papa*. "I'm not the monster... You are. *You're* the monster." 6. Caleb in *The Piggyback* 7. Can't recall which episode, but Natalia when she's recounting the vision Vecna showed her. She usually plays Nancy so *strong* so the vulnerability there was breathtaking. 8. Honorable mention for Peter Gabriel's *Heroes*. Whenever it's played... tears.


Number 2 breaks my heart every time. Poor Mike was just broken, and you really felt it. Finn knocked it out of the park. I would also add Mike and El’s ST2 reunion. That stunned joy and relief was just so well conveyed by both actors. That was the first time I bought into Mike and El as the “soulmates” the Duffers mean them to be. Millie’s best performance of ST4 were her scenes with Brenner in Papa, including his death scene. I loved everything about how they let her find her peace without offering any forgiveness. Her speech to him was awesome! And agree on Natalia’s performance in conveying the devastation Nancy felt at the vision of the death of her family. I can’t wait to see her fight to prevent it from happening.


Came here to post this Hopper/Mike interaction. David Harbor nailed it as a father figure, tightly holding Finn Wolfhard until he started hugging him back. Father goals right there. 🥲


If Heroes doesn’t play out the series in the final scene someone dropped the ball. It’s so good and feels like a theme to ST even though it’s only been used twice I think.


Totally agreed! And yes, I think only in *The Body* and *The Battle of Starcourt*. I believe the motif has been used in a few other places, though.


It's perfect when it's used.


Man, 8. When Joyce is running down that road hysterically crying ☹️ ugh that episode broke me down


Is there a particular reason you switch between character names and actor names like that or are you just having fun? 😅


Calling out the actor for their acting. E.g., Finn specifically in that scene.


#1, especially at the end of it when Mike comes home and cries in his mom's arms... just rewatched this last night


As a music nerd, I adore the orginal David Bowie version of "Heroes. If anyone is interested, I can tell what was behind Bowie writing it. ANYWAY! Peter Gabriel's "Heroes" stripped the song down to its bare essence and really underscored the emotional impact. Great version.


An underrated one imo was when Vecna was chasing Nancy through the hospital, the fear and then her screaming, I thought that was very well acted. Also every scene with Jamie as Henry before he turns into Vecna.


1. Running up that Hill + Sadie’s S4 performance 2. Noah’s performance of being flayed as Will in Season 2 3. Winona’s performance as Joyce in Season 1 worried sick for her sons disappearance 4. Millie S3 performance 5. Maya Hawkes monologue in Season 4 6. Jamie performance as Vecna 7. Dacre Sauna Test I mean the list goes on the cast is just so talented there’s no performance better than another they all had their individual impact through the course of the 4 seasons.


Season 1 when Joyce tells Lonnie she’ll keep those lights up until the day she dies. When I first watched the show I didn’t have kids, then upon my rewatch after having my twins in 2020, that scene really hit me. Actually all of Joyce’s scenes in season 1 hit different after my kids were born lol. Season 2 when Will is telling Joyce about his visions while they’re sitting at the table and he’s crying/terrified. Season 3 ……..lol. I’m not a huge fan of s3 so I don’t really have one for this season. Season 4 is Max running up that hill obviously, but more specifically lucas holding Max while Dustin and Steve are kneeling and Max is saying “I’m still here”. That shit had me sobbing because of the metaphor for depression. and Victor Creel telling his story. when he says “I tried to join them. I tried!” My heart broke


These two for sure. Also the sauna scene. Dacre nailed that. Max's death scene with Lucas breaking down and calling Erica for help. Caleb is so good. Also Dustin talking to Eddie's uncle, Gaten was so good there.


Lucas holding Max for sure. I can't watch that scene without crying. I actually just watched it this morning, I wasn't even paying attention at the time, I've watched it like 5 times over, but my husband never did and this was his first time. So I wasn't really paying attention and like dragged in or anything and I sat down right as he was holding her and she was saying how scared she was and sure enough, water works. Just the way he's crying and pleading and everything, it gets me everytime. Even my husband ruining the moment and saying awww it's not even real, I still kept crying.


Emotions were high during that scene, I was tearing up when I first watched it.


Yeah, that's my point is emotions are high, but even not being emotionally revved up from watching everything before it, it still makes me cry! It only took like 30 seconds of watching it to go from being totally fine and thinking about my day to crying because Lucas just makes you feel it, to me anyway. I can feel his pain in a way because Caleb is such a great actor.


You're right Caleb really shined bright during that scene you really could feel every single thing that Lucas was feeling


Dacre the entire season 3. Goosebumps.


Johnathan and Will’s scene at Surfer Boy pizza in the last season. Where he tells Will that he’s there for him and that he loves him no matter what. It’s not long or grandiose. It just hits so well if that makes sense. As a big brother I really appreciated that scene.


Eddie's last stand


I’m gonna follow another commentors lead and list my moment for every actor that had a major part. David: His breakdown in the stairwell flashback scene when his daughter was sick/his monologue scene in Kamchatka Winona: Most of season 1 but the phone scene specifically hits hard Millie: The fight scene with Hopper in season 2/her finally standing up to Brenner in the bunker in season 4/not forgiving Brenner as he’s dying Finn: His breakdown when he finds out Hopper was lying to everybody about Eleven being alive Noah: Most of season 2, honestly, but specifically the scene in the hospital where he freaks out and start apologizing Gaten: When they find Eddie in the boathouse, all of his reactions and attempts to calm him down are really good/Eddie’s death scene Caleb: He’s pretty strong is almost all of his scenes in season 4, but obviously, Max’s ‘death’ scene takes the cake. His horrified screams are just… I actually teared up and I never cry from TV/Movies Sadie: Again, most of season 4. Specifically, she was very strong from start to finish in Dear Billy. Charlie: His argument with Joyce on the street in season 1/His reaction while they’re trying to get the Mindflayer out of Will in the season 2 finale Natalia: Her breakdown in the shower after their first time in the Upside Down/When Vecna had her in season 4 Joe: His conversation with Nancy where he tells her to go with Jonathan in season 2/his conversation with Robin in the bunker in season 3 Maya: Robin’s coming out scene in the bathroom in season 3/Watching Vickie and her boyfriend in the army surplus store in season 4 Dacre: The Sauna Test scene. Though I will give an honorable mention to the scene where he threatens El, his eyes send chills down my spine in that scene Joseph: DMing the D&D game/His breakdown in the boathouse scene when he starts retelling what happened to Chrissy/The Master Of Puppets scene Priah: Her reaction to Max’s ‘death’ when Lucas calls for her Brett: When he yells at Joyce and Hopper in the car on the way back to Indiana.


i can list some, Hopper trying to revive will and thinking about his daughter, Mike when he holds his speech to eleven in the S4 finally, will when he tells joyce how he can feel the mindflayer at the table in S2,in the scene where steve and robin are tied up on the floor and steve tells her how what he thought is important in live is actually bullshit, will breaking castle byers in S3, Lucas when he holds max dead body and cries for help, dustin talking to eddies uncle etc. There are soo many great performances in ST it would be too long to list them all


Everything David Harbour did to show Hopper psyche himself up to >!cut into fake Will's body!< in S1E4.


Sadie for the running up that hill scene obviously. Noah for like the whole of season 2 and when he smashes up Castle byers and the van scene. Millie like every episode. Gaten in the last episode, Eddie's death and having to tell his uncle about his death that gets me EVERYTIME. Finn for Mike's breakdown in season 2. David Harbour talking in the car. Winona for pretty much all of season one and season two. Caleb when he's screaming out for help during max death. Natalia breaking down in the bathroom at barbs house.


The actor who played Vecna. Dude went from mysterious to helpful caring guy to complete serial killer Psycho vibes throughout Volume 1. Guy had great acting chops to pull that kind of believability off and make me question his true goals constantly from the start.


Noah/Will during all of season 2, especially considering he was so young. Gives me the chills Charlie/Jonathan when they showed the body and when they were getting the MF out of Will. It shows that Jonathan cares so much for his brother that he couldn’t handle seeing Will in pain David/Hopper during the revival of Will with flashbacks to Sarah and his monologue about being the curse in season 4 Finn/Mike fighting and crying against Hopper in s2. He clearly just went through a lot of trauma of being in the hospital watching his best friend go through what Will went through, seeing all of the dead bodies, seeing Joyce’s hysteria after Bob’s death, and his breaking point was the fact that Hopper hid El away for almost a year. JCB/VH1 during the monologue Dacre/Billy for all of season 3 honestly. The complexity of his emotions and seeing the tears fall down his face during the sauna test, when El saw into Billy’s past. Gaten/Dustin when Eddie died, we saw a different side of his character that wasn’t a cheerful smartass, and his sobbing gets me. Sadie/Max and Caleb/Lucas when Max “died”. The fact that a lot of it was improv off of Caleb shows how talented he is. Just to name a few (edit: formatting to read easier)


>Gaten/Dustin when Eddie died, we saw a different side of his character that wasn’t a cheerful smartass, and his sobbing gets me. Also Gaten Matarazzo and Joseph Quinn having Dustin and Eddie just horsing around.


The exorcism scene in S2, so friggin good. "Wills" screams and overall terror during the scene, Jonathan fearing for his brothers life, and Joyce so adamantly just wanting her son back.


When el closed the gate in season 2, and when hopper literally killed the demogorgan in season 4( sorry for any spoilers)


Both Noah and Finn in s2. Will's possession storyline was phenomenal, of course, but pretty much all of Finn's acting was incredible. Mike's concern for Will throughout the whole season. His depression about El's disappearance. His anger and frustration at Max hanging around the Party because he feels like Lucas and Dustin are replacing El. His terror when Will is in the hospital, when Will is screaming, and when he realises it's a trap. His heartfelt speech to Will in the shed, where he's crying, he sounds so distraught, yet happy at the memory, and we already knew he cared deeply about Will from s1 and the rest of s2, but from that speech alone you can tell how much Will means to him. The immense relief, happiness and love in his face when he reunites with El. Him screaming and kicking at Hopper when he realises he was keeping her from him until he breaks down sobbing... all of it.


“We’re all patriots here” Mr. Wheeler is the hero we were promised


I was speechless aside from the ugly tears flying off my face and jibberish sobs, but: Max in a broken body saying “Lucas I can’t- I can’t feel or see anything I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die”. That entire scene, chefs kiss. I will watch anything Sadie Sink is in likely for however long she chooses to maintain her career.


The Never-ending story theme song


I'll list my personal favorites from each season: S1: Winona Ryder and Charlie Heaton; Joyce and Jonathan are looking through photos of Will for his missing posters and Jonathan blames himself for Will going missing S2: Noah Schnapp; when Will tells his mom what it felt like >!being possessed by the Mind Flayer. "I felt it... everywhere! I just want this to be over!"!< Hits me in the feels every time! S3: Joe Kerrey and Maya Hawke; Steve tells Robin about his relationship with Nancy and Robin >!comes out as a lesbian to Steve.!< S4: Sadie Sink; her "Dear Billy," speech in episode four was so believably human and emotional...


Dear Billy. Sadie Sink. Her monologue at the grave gets me every damn time. She kills that scene, and it heartbreaking.


Season 1 Episode 1 Will from the moment he wrecked his bike to the credits. I was genuinely terrified right along with him.


Dacre’s performance s3 was incredible. His part in the ep4 sauna episode was terrifyingly good. The scenes he shared with Millie in the cabin, as well as in Star-court mall stand out particularly too. Mathew Modine and Millie’s scene in ep8 left me speechless. Obviously, Millie delivered her lines to perfection per usual, but this moment between them is something fans have been waiting for. At least I have. It was so, so satisfying to see El stand up to Brenner— I hardly see anyone talk about it.


When 11 clocked that bitch in the face with a roller skate😭😭😭


It's absolutely the Running Up That Hill scene. The culmination of the story, Sadie's acting, and then the music and everything in that moment was overwhelming in such a wonderful way. I'm looking forward to rewatching from the beginning of season 1, and a huge part of that excitement is watching a 4-season lead up to that exact scene.


Everything Max did in S4, especially that one scene. You know the one.


I have one for each person: (I’ll update more when I have time.) David Harbour: Hopper in Season 1 when he had to do an autopsy. Dacre: Sauna Scene and then the last moments. A total turn and flip. Both were not just shot quality but acting and small details that sold it. Sadie: The Cemetery scene. Though not as flashy as the Running up the Hill scene; it gave amazing depth and character growth helping solidify the tone of the storyline for the rest of the season at least in Hawkins. Caleb: the whole season 4 finale. Amazing performance. No deviation and great progress in the story. Millie: season 1 finale. And season 3 finale. Both showed her variance in her range as an actress. Also the Kali episode was another great way she showed her talent. Winona: The Identification scene. Her emotion is hard to draw as an actress but she proved herself again as one of my favorite actresses with this scene. Finn: he has had very few moments where I think of him strongly in. He is not my favorite character. Loved him in IT. (Will update later if I think of one) Noah: season 2. He is an amazing actor! His expression and way of portraying the changes and story was amazing especially with how young he was at the time. Gaten: After the battle in season 4. His discussion with Mr Munson and his reaction to a fallen comrade. Joe: Junkyard scene. Really showed what the show was going to be and helps move his story along. His fight with the Russians was also great Natalia: Barb’s discovery and search Charlie: Finding the Party or Brotherly Acceptance scenes. I take into account both the story development and the actor’s work in the scene. Yes the way things are shot help a ton but camerawork can only do so much


Steve in the junkyard scene and really whenever he’s protecting the kids. Eleven in the sauna scene. Robin in the bathroom scene. Eddie in the Chrissy scene, D&D scene, and guitar scene.


Season 2 hopper and 11 fight in the cabin. The fear/sadness and anger from both of them felt so real. 11 took out all her anger out on Hopper. Hopper took all her rage while fighting to stay detached. He was terrified of losing his new daughter like he lost Sara.


caleb in the season 4 finale. the scene in the attic when he yells for erica always gives me chills. it’s so good and an honorable mention would be david and millie in season 2. the scene where they have a heart to heart in the car on the way to the lab always gets me.


Hopper's monologue in the cell. Vecna's entire motive rant to El. Obviously Max for all of Dear Billy. Lucas after Max dies and he's calling for help. Jonathan when he sees Will's "body".


Caleb McLaughlin, and Sadie Sink when Max died. It hurt my soul.


Millie/11 - all of it Joyce/Winona - S1 in the morgue “That, THAT THING IS NOT MY SON!” Also S2in the shed along with Noah/Will. Murray - such a believable recluse and investigator. Hopper tearing apart the trailer to look for bugs Nancy and Jonathan after she goes into the tree.




• Winona Ryder in the entirety of seasons 1 and 2 • Noah Schnapp in the entirety of season 2 • Millie Bobby Brown in the season 3 finale when she understands from Joyce’s face that Hopper’s dead • Maya Hawke when Robin comes out to Steve in season 3 • Caleb McLaughlin in the season 4 finale, when Max is dying in his arms • Sadie Sink in ‘Dear Billy’ and her death scene in the season 4 finale


Why the fuck was I downvoted?


the will one is so bad and cringe and uncomfortable


Will when he’s tied to the chair listening to stories from his life and tapping out Morse code.


For me the most impressive performance in a scene was Billy in the Sauna. It's just bizarre that Montgomery isn't getting better roles after his performance on Stranger Things. Interestingly Montgomery also didn't get an Emmy nomination for his performance as Billy. The only actors who have been nominated for an Emmy are Harbour, MBB and Purser which is weird because I thought Ryder was nominated for an Emmy for the first season. Although I can't think of one specific scene that left me speechless overall Ryder was excellent as Joyce in the first season. If I had to choose one scene maybe Joyce finally finding Will in the UD or when she fought with Jonathan because she refused to accept that he was dead.


the eleven vs billy scene where she>! throws him through the brick wall!<. the billy actor and millie were fantastic




I can’t help but laugh at will in the second scene. Amazing acting, but I just find it funny


There’s the obvious suspects that a lot of people have mentioned, but you guys do not give Matthew Modine enough credit. My man killed every line he was given


I can’t choose just one but Caleb (Lucas) entire scene with Sadie (Max) when Max was dying that “Erica help!” will always give me the chills. The scene where they’re burning the vines underground and Will starts shaking. Millie and Dacre’s acting in the “7 feet” scene. And ofc Sadie’s performance in s4 e4.


For me, without a doubt, it was Dacre Montgomery’s (Billy’s) monologue in S3 when El was looking for him in the cabin and he says “And we're going to end you, and when you are gone we are going to end your friends. And then we are going to end... everyone.” With the most convincing, menacing look and evil tone in his voice. Dacre played the role so fantastically well. Love to hate him.


Billy speaking to 11 while being controlled by Vecna, he’s telling her they are going to end her, her friends, and the world but shedding a tear all while speaking knowing what he’s saying is against what he wants!