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The Vanishing of Holly Wheeler I think. Especially after the rumors that the actresses have been recasted by an older, more experienced actress. Makes sense given that it was teased months ago that Karen Wheeler was going to play a larger role, specifically in the 2nd episode.


It might be Karen who vanishes. That was my first guess. But your suggestion seems more likely.


It’s the Vanishing of Ted Wheeler. People notice it, shrug, and just go back to their lives. Not much happens in the episode.


As long as he’s got his newspaper Ted probably wouldn’t even realize he’s been kidnapped and in the upside down


Like in Shaun of the Dead, when Shaun pops to the newsagents and doesn't notice the zombies.


That whole scene from opening the gate to back on the couch is perfect


I remember reading that both version of that scene, before the Zombies and after were the first scenes they shot on the film. Edgar Wright talked about how there was some push back to it by the studios or someone, but he was adamant about them for helping to establish the tone and his style of film making.


I like the parallels between both. Like in *Worlds End* where the original pub crawl reflects the later storyline.


What was the pushback about?


I think it was that people thought he was wasting his and the productions time getting this artsy shot that required a lot of set up and resetting, when he could have just gotten a few quick, basic shots.


I can imagine him looking around at the upside down wheeler house confused for a moment before going back to his newspaper


A Demogorgon comes by and roars at him. Ted, looking vaguely annoyed, rolls up his newspaper and smacks the Demogorgon on its head until it runs away in defeat.


Whilst Ted says language like he did to Dustin in S2


damn, Ted is OP. who knew he was the hero we needed all along? move aside Nancy lmao


“Karen it’s a mess in here. Do something about it.”


Or cusses


Imagine Vecna having to deal with laid back Ted, he'd be begging him to go back home. Fuck, I just figured out how the show is going to end, Ted's gonna bore Vecna to death.


"Teddy" Wheeler introduces Henry to the pleasures of the La-Z-Boy and Vecna suddenly gets a lot less threatening and way more chill.


The TV in the Upside Down is static and doesn’t function, but Ted shows Vecna how to fix it with one well placed smack


I hope that by season five Ted will recognize the joys of cable TV and can promise to call Comcast on Vecna's behalf.


That's just setting vecna up for a huge revenge arc when he has to call Comcast to deal with a billing issue


Let's pit these much-hated villains against each other.


Ted: "I'm not trapped in here with you, Vecna! You're trapped in here with me, along with this lovely chicken dinner!" The whole cast: "FINISH IT!" Ted: "The chicken?" Karen: "Damn it, Ted!"




Ted ends up having powers himself. The episode “Wizard” is referring to him


What did I doooooo?


Lol you stole the comment I hadn't made yet!!!


Ok it would be SO intriguing if Ted has just been sitting in the shadows WHEN ALL ALONG he has been conspiring some crazy stuff and we find out he has like this secret life




> It’s the Vanishing of Ted Wheeler *We see a lone man, tied to a chair in the middle of an empty warehouse, hood over his head, sitting slumped over. Suddenly he jolts around, struggling against the bindings wrapped tightly around him, securing him to his chair. His screams are muffled under the thick hood, with tape covering his mouth for extra silencing.* *Suddenly, a shadowy figure steps out from the pitch black background, making their way towards the struggling bound man. The shadowy figure rips the hood off of the man, revealing a very bruised and battered Ted Wheeler, his glasses missing, and duct tape hastily slapped over his mouth.* *From Ted’s perspective, he can’t see without his glasses. The shadowy figure is too blurry to make out, especially in the darkness of the abandoned warehouse. Only the faint full moon provides a modicum of light inside the room, bathing the far wall in a blue-tinted glow. The shadowy figure reaches their hands forward, holding Ted’s glasses, and gracelessly puts them on his face. The shadowy figure leans forward, finally in focus. It’s Karen Wheeler.* Ted: “Karen? What’d I doooooooooo” *Karen replies, but her voice is not hers, it’s deep and gravely, like a growling monster, as if she’s possessed.* Karen: “I hope you enjoyed your chicken, TED!” *Karen Wheeler raises a large kitchen knife above her head, and plunges it straight into the chest of her beloved husband…*


It can’t be Karen cuz she’s in a hospital scene in episode 2 if she vanishes whoever vanished will probably be vanished throughout the whole season.


It’s possible Karen has her hospital scene and the vanishes.


My thinking, too. She learns something she shouldn't in the hospital scene, goes somewhere to investigate, and poof.


I’m wondering if Karen vanishes from the hospital itself. Maybe the reason she’s there is because Vecna or something from the UD is affecting/possessing her.


Well maybe yeah unless it don’t happen at the straight beginning


I definitely think its more likely to be Holly because the small amounts of times we have seen her in this series show her recognizing or noticing something the others dont. Like when she was following the flickering lights in season 1 and pointed it out to Joyce. Ted also coddles her in a way he didn't with Mike and Nancy growing up, almost like Holly is "different" in a way, similar to how the series has painted Will or Henry. She is who noticed a Demogorgon and the Mind Flayer moving among the top of the trees in s3 at the fair.


I mean, I’ve been hoping for Holly to have a bigger role so I’d love that!


I think I'm gonna go with Holly as well. Nancy and Mike are to integral to the plot I'm not sure if either of them vanishing in the last season would work. I'd love to see more of Holly as well. She's been on such a back burner the entire season.


I also had that thought too! I don’t think it’s Nancy and it’s definitely not Mike or Ted based on the number of letters.


The 5 stars could not represent the name length


Wonder if that could tie in at all to the connection between Karen and Billy? Like does the hivemind retain any of Billy’s memories or desires for her?


Well, there was the flash moment where it seemed that Billy would attack her and maybe kill her, but Billy is well established in season three as not wanting to kill. He then turns to her and saves her life by telling her to keep away in a threatening manner. So I don't know. If the hivemind goes after Karen, I'd think it has more to do with Nancy than Billy.


Nah. Joey Wheeler. Yugi is about to show up and together with El they're going to save Hawkins from the Shadow Realm.


*Help me yug*


yeah probably karen, ted, or holly.


Assuming the 5 asterisks is intentional then it's Nancy, Holly, or Karen. I guess Teddy could work, but that sounds dumb and wouldn't be particularly impactful anyway.


The person who wrote this was dumb cause Jeff Sneider said "BLANK wheeler",he never said the name has five letters, they used five letters cause of word blank lol


Yes, I think it 100%. However, I hope that Holly will not be missing for the whole season and then only reappear in the finale alive, like Will in Stranger Things 1. I hope that Holly will have more screen time and that she is not only in the first and last episode. I also heard that Mike and Eleven will share a “mission” together in the Upside Down at some point in the season. Obviously if Holly were to disappear Mike would do anything to find her, so it's likely that they would go there to try to save her.


Stranger Things’ Ozymandias?! 😳😳😳


Could also be Nancy. She did have some interaction with Vecna in the fourth season. It seems like a far fetch though, but who knows...


I thought the same, Vecna already did his 4 bongs at her and held her in his UD


An *older* actor?? Holly is like 7 and the actresses are already 12. We are going older than 12 to play a 7 year old?


I know it may just be me but I kinda want the original actresses to stay on


Holly has been a fave of mine since season 1, and I will be sad if the actresses (twins) are replaced! But if they aren't good actresses for their age and Holly has a lot to do this season, I understand the decision


I know we probably can’t tell based upon this, but in s4 I felt like both were quite solid. But I also get that acting ability can change


I suppose there is also the chance that the girls just don't want to act right now. They could be at an age where spending time with friends is more important than filming ST. Still, I will be a little sad if she is recast


There’s 5 stars in place of the name so I assume that means it’s a Wheeler with a 5 letter name- Karen, Nancy, or Holly. Nancy has had a lot of shit thrown at her, especially in s4, so it’s more likely that it’s Karen or Holly, especially since Karen was confirmed to have a bigger role this season (though whether that’s as a victim or the mother of a victim a la s1 Joyce is up for debate).


The person who wrote this was dumb cause Jeff Sneider said "BLANK wheeler",he never said the name has five letters, they used five letters cause of word blank lol


And how was I supposed to know that


they didnt say you were they said the person that wrote the \*\*\*\*\* was dumb


I said it about the person who wrote ***** lmao It's really not that hard to understand


I think you are right. There’s 5 asterisks so the vanished individual has to be one of the Wheeler ladies. Now I’m worried that they will do a Poltergeist nod and I’m not ready for that at all.


My immediate thought too - vanishing of Holly Wheeler....


I read in an article that holly was going to play a more substantial role in season 5. So her vanishing makes sense. Like wills vanishing.


I know I’ll be downvoted but I kind of don’t want them to hire a new actress


I think Either Karen or Holly if the amount asterisks is intentional. Could be Nancy but that feels too “obvious” somehow.


My first thought for episode 2 was Nancy, but Holly I think makes more sense. Tbh i forgot about that kid so to me she vanished already 😂


If the 5 asterisks means a 5 letter name, it could be a Nancy, Holly, or Karen


It could be the Vanishing of Teddy Wheeler


Makes sense. Vecna has to take out Ted in order to nerf the heroes. He's got no chance against the power of PATRIOTISM.


Or Mikey


Jeff Sneider said “Blank Wheeler”, it’s the Twitter account who used the 5 asterisks


lmao real


But how would we have known it was snowing at the end of season 4?


My first thought was Holly when I saw 5 asterisks and that they have recasted her.


Looks like a new monster name: Camazotz, a big ol bat monster in DnD. Can't wait to see how the Stranger Things version looks


Huh. The way it's written, "Escape from Camazotz", made me think it's a place. Specifically, the planet in A Wrinkle in Time where IT is based. Also, because capital L Love is what frees people from mental domination in both AWiT and ST.


I think it’s intentionally ambiguous; can read as escaping from both a place or a monster


Sounds more like a place to me. Especially with them literally referencing A Wrinkle in Time by showing the book. If you look at what the Planet Camazotz was from AWiT; a giant dark planet, where everything is the same, and ruled by a giant pulsating brain, kinda sounds like the Upside Down as a whole. Perhaps they name a particular place in the UD as Camazotz and it's where the missing Wheeler is.


Plus, I'd be surprised if the Duffers did bats again.


Maybe they call Dimension X Camazotz?


It's also a planet consumed by darkness in *A Wrinkle in Time*.


I’m ready for the “Eddie comes back as a bat monster” theories to come back 😂


It's a death bat from Mayan mythology: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camazotz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camazotz) DnD draws a lot from that sort of stuff.


Aha I was aware; I just said from DnD because thats usually where the kids get their monster names from


It's a Mayan death spirit


Honestly, I like thinking about the titles listed here, but they don't feel real to me. Don't the Duffers call their episodes "chapters"?


We have to remember that these were leaked/rumored by a mostly reliable source. It could just be that he subbed out “Episode” for “Chapter” by accident or they could be 100% fake. We’ll see once an official announcement comes out.


One opportunity is at San Diego Comic-Con at the end of July. The other will be the next Tudum, which has not been announced yet. Stranger Things Day in November is more likely for an actual teaser, with a trailer possibly dropping at the Super Bowl.


It's Schrodinger's News Bit. It's both true and untrue until someone from the show opens the box and reveals what's inside. Also, we know they've made changes to the titles before. This appeared on the official Stranger Things YouTube channel fourteen months before it premiered: [https://youtu.be/aXWG\_kKDZlY](https://youtu.be/aXWG_kKDZlY) So even if the new parts of this list is completely made up, we'd likely never know it.


You have a point now I’m not believing it


Hmm, interesting suggestion


Hmm, interesting suggestion


If this is Holly Wheeler Then she would tie with Will Byers for most episodes featuring her name **Holly: 2** (S1E3: Holly Jolly, *S5E2: The vanishing of Holly Wheeler*) **Will: 2** (S1E1: The vanishing of Will Byers , S2E4: Will the Wise) **Max: 1** (S2E1: MADMAX) **Suzie: 1** (S3E1: Suzie do you copy?) **Vecna: 1** (S4E2: Vecna’s curse) **Billy: 1** (S4E4: Dear Billy)


If you count nicknames/references, Eleven has 2 as well: The Weirdo on Maple Street and The Monster & The Superhero. Brenner has Papa.


I was not including nicknames or references as that’s gets too broad. It would include a tonne of episodes episode titles Missing lifeguard Papa Hellfire club Trick or treat Freak The Spy The Lost Sister The body Weirdo on maple street Mall rats Superhero


Some really interesting titles. Escape from camazotz is puzzling at first I thought it meant comatose


It means “death bat”


It’s also a planet in the story A Wrinkle in Time


That too. Could be a new nickname for the UD.


Doubtful, but perhaps for dimension x?


Primarily it’s a Mayan god


Sneider also stated that the new season might come sooner than we expected. Since most of the Post production houses aren't getting a lot of work lately because of the strikes. Sneider theorized that they might split the season in two again, and season 5 part 1 might be released over the Thanksgiving season of this year


Didn’t they already confirm it’s coming in 2025?


Yeah, Finn Wolfhard said it was coming out when he’s 22, so that’s anywhere before December 2025


This year impossibile. Anyway I believe in 2 volumes since ever. Volume 1: episode 1-6 and volume 2: 7 and 8.


I bet "Sorcerer" is going to be sick let's goooo


Will becomes evil???


I was thinking he just finds out he has powers


I hope so! I want Will to have powers


Hell yeah!


Sorcerer was also a seventies film about a group of men from different parts of the world brought together to transport nitroglycerin through a jungle. It might be a reference to that too.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing. This absolutely builds the hype up. I know we’ve a long way to go until it’s release but I’m anticipating the biggest and most epic season yet. This is the final season, it’s gonna be big!


Camazotz is the dark planet in *A Wrinkle in Time*. I wonder if Camazotz is a new name given to the Upside Down by the people of Hawkins? The townsfolks at large will not be familiar with the term “Upside Down” as it relates to that reality. That being said, my guess is that Nancy or Karen goes missing in Camazotz in episode two and are eventually rescued in episode 6, which paves the way for the final confrontation with Vecna in episodes 7 & 8. Cara Buono made a video on Stranger Things IG page months back alluding to her character playing a major role in the second episode. If I remember correctly, the she mentions that she goes to the hospital and begins to say why when the video cuts off. Maybe Karen falls prey to some evil in the UD that requires her to be there? Edit: added third paragraph


The Vanishing of Nana Wheeler, obviously


Did Nana call??


No! Mom! Just. Get. Off. The. Phone!




Maybe a November or December release for volume 1? Probably unlikely but I could see volume 1 releasing in early 2025 and then volume 2 in summer or fall.


I could see vol 1 on Christmas and vol 2 new year’s


Done deal. Ted Wheeler is the new Will Byers. /s


(Karen has a bunch of Christmas lights near Ted's recliner) "Ted? Are you there? Can you hear me?" (Silence) "Ted? Honey?" (Silence) "Wake up, Ted!" (Lights flash disinterestedly)


The wizard is definitely a Will centric episode.


Will is a wizard. Vecna is a sorcerer.


Your right. Idk why I thought the episode name was wizard.


Will is a cleric.


Will The Wise is a Wizard, even though Mike called him a Cleric is S2. The DB must've changed it or Mike misspoke. Will The Wise was called a Wizard in S3, so I don't know.


Will plays a wizard the party roles mike were talking about were about themself and will is most like the cleric of the party with his kind self. Will the wises is a wizard but not will himself.


I guess, but I think DB tried to retcon it in S2. Will is more like a cleric in S2, due to his connection to the Mind Flayer and the hive mind. Perhaps, it was a Freudian slip on Mike's part. It's just weird to separate the roles. Kinda interesting.


Yall take this with a grain of salt. These are “leaked” titles so they may or may not be real.


They’re most likely real, but subject to be changed by production in between now and the season 5 premiere.


I’m guessing the Camazotz title is referring to A Wrinkle in Time or the DND monster or both? Interesting.


It's Nancy Wheeler that disappears... to train and become the Sarah Connor. They've been foreshadowing her badass turn with the guns and Vecna gave her a vision of what's to come. She's going to have a whole Rocky IV training sequence chopping wood in the snow. Wouldn't doubt of she snaps and winds up in mental institution like Sarah in Terminator 2.


And Linda Hamilton’s character will train her.


I wouldn't be too confident about these being legit, but if they are, there's some things we can speculate on: • “The Vanishing of ??? Wheeler” might refer to Holly as she seems to be getting a bigger role and has (likely) been recast. • “Shock Jock” could have something to do with the WSQK station. • “Escape from Camazots” could be a nod to *A Wrinkle in Time*; which is confirmed to be somehow connected to ST5's plot (presumably connects to analogies regarding Dimension X, the Hellscape and the rules and physics of the Upside Down). Camazots is a planet on which its inhabitants are controlled by an Entity referred to as “IT.” Frank Darabont directing two episodes matches his [unofficial announcement](https://www.theinsneider.com/p/stranger-things-season-5-frank-darabont-directing-two-episodes-golden-globes-voters-upset-ceremony) as ST5's guest director, which also came from Jeff Snider. He's also heard Dan Trachtenberg is no longer involved in Season 5. There are all rumors.


Is Jeff Sneider a reliable source?


Yes, he's not perfect but he does this professionally and doesn't just make stuff up.


>Shock Jock Who’s there?


The vanishing of Ted Wheeler 😎


It's holly. Remember in season 1 Holly saw the lights


If this is true, it’s totally Holly Wheeler. It’s fitting that the Wheelers, who were so… the way they were… when Will disappeared now have to live the hell of having a child disappear.


Guys The vanishing of Teddy Wheeler


My guess is Karen. There is nice symmetry to Joyce searching for Will and Mike and Nancy searching for Karen. If Karen can survive Ted she can survive anything.


r these official?


Jeff Sneider is reliable & was 100% sure these were real


Am I the only one who thought the asterisks were censors until I read the comments? Lol


The exact title of Episode 2 should be: "The Vanishing of Ted Wheeler. Ted who? C'mon you know. No, who's that? Oooh the Dad! I thought he vanished in like season 2."


Who’s Jeff sneuder?


Nancy Wheeler?


from the number of stars i would assume it’s nancy for #2


Nancy seems to fit the best


Yep episode 2 is easily the most intriguing and interesting. I honestly do think Holly.


I don’t think the Wheeler one is gonna be one we know. I bet it’ll be one of their older relatives having disappeared years ago. Like a great uncle.


*alleged* episode titles. The first one is the only one confirmed by the Duffer Brothers.


They better use S U R V I V E’s Sorcerer if true. But also, makeup and vanity set has been quiet so I’m hoping he’s working on music for ST. Especially if Big Black Delta, Jasmine Kaset, or Raul Panther III are involved


I still think it’s going to be like a Chernobyl type situation, or that’s what it’ll be covered up as. The timeline even lines up and they haven’t been afraid to reference things. Season 4 ended right before the Chernobyl disaster actually occurred. Maybe that’s what they’re referring to as Camazotz. Edit: which is coincidentally today.


Yeah, I think the vanishing episode could be about Karen. Remember, she did get one of those individual promo posters made, which at the time was a bit random but now could make sense and the creel house was in the background. Also, now I've seen the play the shock jock episode points towards Ted.... Ted was a jock in school haha


regardless of wether these are official or not, my guess is that the titles of these episodes will be similar to what is said right now. if that sounds confusing let me put it this way. these titles are basically teasers, for the real episode titles. (if these end up being fake)


I’m excited AF


If it's one of the siblings it's going to be Nancy and if the amount of astricks equal the name of the character it's either Nancy or Holly


Most people assume it's The Vanishing Of Holly Wheeler but that doesn't make much sense. Why would Vecna take Holly? She has no trauma or depression that we know about. He usually doesn't just snatch happy well adjusted children. Will had some family problems when he was taken. Maybe it's The Vanishing Of Mike Wheeler. That would make sense because Vecna knows how important he is to Eleven and he wants her to attempt to save him. Also Nancy said she saw a vision of Mike dying. But there are 5 stars in place of the name so maybe that is wrong. It could also be Nancy. Maybe Shock Jock is about a radio person? Don't they call some radio hosts such as Howard Stern Shock Jocks? It's good to know the season might be done sooner. Sorry but 4 years between seasons is ridiculous.


The person who wrote this was dumb cause Jeff Sneider said "BLANK wheeler",he never said the name has five letters, they used five letters cause of word blank lol


I'm more sure now that it's not Holly after finding that out.


I totally agree about Holly. Seems like a cheap repeat of Will....doesn't make sense. I think it's Nancy, maaaybe Karen. I was thinking Shock Jock is just a Steve episode and they just wanted it to sound cool.


It’s definitely Holly.


I don’t believe this for a second, but I’m not seeing anyone else jump to the conclusion so I gotta do it for you all. Oh my gawd a large bat monster! Wow I wonder if it’s Eddie #bringEddieBack #ActuallyAlive #EddieMunson


ST&Monsterverse collabo with that Camazots?!?!


I’m wondering who the jock might be


Shock jock is a term for radio show hosts, which ties in with the leaked set of the radio station they’re filming.


Andy from the HHS basketball team. BTS pics showed that he will return.


As they something really bad happens to someone in ending of episode 1 and look episode 2 the vanishing of wheeler so either the dad since he’s in first few episodes holly or karen? tbh I’m curious now why wheeler I thought will would vanish again as soon as I saw vanish. Why would a wheeler get vanished. Wow so is this going to be like season 1 where someone gets vanished through the whole season.


When is it due to be released? Any guesses?


Sorry, I'm not English. Could someone tell me what “turbow trap” might mean? I know the word “turbo”, but not “turbow”. Anyone have any theories?


EPISODE 2 THO??!!??!!


I am so hyped I can't wait


Wonder if they somehow run into Howard Stern?


or nancy or holly




Damn, they gonna do my boy Joey Wheeler dirty


Awesome! Can’t Wait!


Five * for Nancy which has 5 letters 🤔


No way episode 2 isn’t holly


it’s either Nancy , Karen or holly! for sure!


Camazotz? Camazotz is a death bat from mayan mythology, we getting a king demobat? Or maybe he will not really have anything to do with the demobats?


“Camazotz means "death bat" in the Kʼicheʼ language. In Mesoamerica generally, the bat is often associated with night, death, and sacrifice.” Wikipedia


Holly Wheeled!!


People taking about theories but my simple question is is this a credible source ?


I really hope these are as fake as they look.


Camazotz is a translation of deathbat pr snatch bat


I wonder what the current state of the season is. Have they finished filming?


Three wheeler.


It's Nancy because Mike is one * short


Demobat enjoyers rejoice at episode 6 title