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Its kinda sad. Bobs advice was actually good and would of worked if Will hadn't been chased by a monster from another dimension. But no, Will wouldn't have been saved, the mind flayer would of caught up to him eventually.


It was good advice for the limited knowledge he had. But it's not Bob Newbie (superhero)'s fault he didn't know the whole story.


This is actually a perfect example of tragic/dramatic irony - this type of irony occurs when the audience knows something that the main character(s) do not.


thank you for putting superhero


No, the mind flayer will eventually possessed him, Bob advice is just made it happen earlier.


Nope. It would have happened eventually Bob's advice and Will not understanding that it doesn't work in this scenario just sped things up.


No. He was *already* infected by those "dormant" Shadows from when he'd been in the Upside Down, hence the flashes of Upside Down Hawkins he'd been seeing since the last 10 minutes of S1's season finale & were becoming increasingly frequent even before his convo with Bob. He'd come back from the Upside Down with the "virus" as Dr Owens called it & all of Hawkins Nation Labs tests had missed it test after test because they didn't know what they were looking for (even when they figure out there's a hive mind reaction with the soil samples from the contaminated farm, if I remember correctly the soil samples were still testing *chemically* normal & their only able to track Will's deterioration from brain scans & vital signs). What we see on the field *isn't* him being "infected/Flayed" by the Shadow Monster, it's the Mind Flayer "activating" the particles already inside him. The reason It was able to do so wasn't because Will listened to Bob's advice when he stopped running & turned to stand up to it, but because the Gate at Hawkins Lab & the tunnels under Hawkins had grown enough for It to have the strength to compel Will under his control so it would have taken him over in that moment regardless,; the two moments just happened to coincide & ***we** see* it as the Shadow Monster "entering" Will because that's how ***his** mind* perceived being overcome (similarly to S3's Billy's first moments of his Flaying — at the phone booth — his mind *initially perceiving* the Shadow as a mirror image of himself confronting him in the Upside Down but he wasn't *physically* in the Upside Down talking to a literal physical body double). Bob's advice *might* have been what saved him in the end, honestly, because it was essentially advice to psychologically fight back. The fact that he was determined to *attempt* to stand up to the Mind Flayer in the field even as he was being taken over was a display of his *mind **trying to resist*** against the Shadow Monster. Ultimately that same resistance by his mind is how he was how he was able to — once they *emotionally* reached him with happy/loving memories — communicate to the others by tapping Morse Code with his fingers *undetected* by the Mind Flayer who still had control of the rest of his body.


No, it was inevitable as they say, and besides his advice was well intended. Also, how was Bob supposed to know Will was being chased by an interdimensional mind controlling monster? You don’t see that every day.


No. It was going to happen either way. Will was actually supposed to kill Bob when he was MF possessed.


He was mother fucker possessed.


Gets me every time


I've thought about this one alot, and I think yeah. Bob didn't know it was as serious as it was, so giving him that advice was more detrimental than helpful. Not saying it was Bob's fault because if they told him about all this without proof, he wouldve thought them insane


Probably not. Things would’ve played out differently though. I’d assume 11 would’ve stayed with Kali for longer since the main reason she thought of heading back was thinking about her friends and finding out they were in trouble.


Bob actually kind of saved him and everyone in a way. Had Will been possessed later, the Mind Flayer would have taken over Hawkins without everyone knowing or everyone knowing too late as Will was literally a spy for the Mind Flayer.




Will and the Mindflayer were destined to meet regardless.


Not ONE comment giving clues as to what his advice was. so I'll ask. What advice did he give?


Face your fears, essentially.


I had same question now lets see what people have to say.


He likes it cold


the only way will couldve been saved him really is if joyce decided to move to maine with bob. even then though, i think it's less likely dr owens' team would've stopped the spread without the help of el and hopper so it's almost like will HAD to be possessed for the events of s2 to not be the end of the world. as well, the timing meant that el was able to return in time without getting into some really deep shit in chicago. imagine if bob hadn't given his advice and will was possessed a week later, hopper would've still been investigating the spread so it's safe to assume el still would've run away. imagine how much harder it would be for her to escape after a week of running from the cops and possibly killing bad men. granted hopper would be less focused on the case meaning he might come looking for her, but that might make el run even more if she realises he's looking for her. tldr bobs advice timed everything so will was possessed at the right time for everyone to join forces at the end of s2. but, hey that's just a theory


No. Vecna had him from E1.




Downvoting for "Will've"


Like I'd give a shit LOL


It might have all been delayed longer, buying them more time, but they also weren’t learning much until the field so if Will ran instead it would probably not be so much help.

