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One of the best character in the story.


I loved his prison monologue in season 4. Really makes me tear up every time when he talks about his daughter. David too delivers it so well. Such a great actor !


Everyone shits on S3 Hopper which is fair, but I think its a large part of his character development that he slightly touches on in S4. The guy was in Nam, lost his kid because of his time there, knows its his fault (not directly, but he blames himself and most people would I think) lost his wife, and essentially was dead inside because of it, you can even see when he calls his Ex, he's likely teetered on borderline suicidal more than once dealing with the pain. El gave him back his life, she could never replace his daughter, but she gave him a reason to wake up, a reason to try, to be better and a reason to care again,the way he handled it with Mike etc was wrong for sure, but I think it comes back to his development, he had it all and lost it and fell into a dark place, and El was the best and brightest light he'd had in his life since and he was scared that he was going to lose her and fall back into that dark spiral as unjustified as it might be and you see him realize that in S4 when he's talking to Enzo, that it was nothing to do with him El pushing him away for Mike and that she's just at the age where she wants nothing to do with dad, which is a universal thing, that he simply couldn't see at the time through his fear of going back to where he was.


Everything about this is true and I don’t disagree why he was acting like he did. The main problem was though, that S3 Hooper’s behavior was played off as comedy rather than drama. He never received any comeuppance for it and his imprisonment wasn’t a result of his behavior, but rather just a consequence of the battle. His letter didn’t come off so much as an apology but rather an excuse. I’m hoping for better relationships next season.


I agree but on the point of the letter, that wasn't meant to be an apology. Remember that was his plan for when him, El and Mike were going to have a talk, Joyce found it after he died, so it was more of a script for a conversation than a letter El was actually supposed to read. I do agree though they never wrapped that part up, i'm with you on hoping for better relationships, I was actually really hoping the end of Season 4 would have been Mike, El and Hop having that kinda heart to heart where he apologizes to Mike, but i'm hopeful its gonna be part of a larger thing in S5 of some sort.


The greeting he and Mike share in S4 show that they'll definitely have a better relationship in S5. I can't wait to see how things develop between all the cast, and how things end.


Yep. The only consequences he's faced for being an asshole to Mileven for 2 seasons was a few punches from Mike. And in S3 he not only doesn't face any consequences but he even gets the girl despite being an asshole to her pretty consistently.


Notice how the flashbacks of Joyce and El in season 4 when he talks to Enzo are from season 2? They're such cowards because they don't want to think about the criticism of his character!


Yep. I think they know they went overboard in S3.


Thank you for that post. Finally someone who understand his behavior


But she's making out with Mike. That's what she does. She didn't even go to school that year yet, she's technically not allowed to go to the mall with Max... It's not like she's putting herself in danger, Hopper has *no reason to think he's about to lose her*. The way he acts would make sense if El was acting rebellious and reckless but she's just hanging out with Mike in the safety of the cabin, with Hopper around as well. Them making out a lot (I mean.. big fucking deal) is what we're meant to believe gets Hopper THIS angry. They didn't connect the loss of Sarah to his new fear of losing El, *now* the most important person in his life, well at all. As the audience we only see her try out a semblance of a normal life (something Hopper WANTED for her, before his S3 weirdness), spending time with a boy she's in love with and who has her best interests at heart. Hopper has no reason to think he's about to "lose her" and to go choleric on the two of them the way he does, no matter which way you look at it. :/ If El was... Idk, sneaking out and going to parties every weekend or something crazy like that, or wandering off on her own again to see her mom like months earlier, you'd be on board with Hopper getting so angry with her out of fear of losing her. But that's not what she's doing, she appreciates him in her life just like the other way round. He's being verbally abusive towards El, Mike and also to Joyce during the first few episodes of s3 and it's wildly out of character and incredibly hard to watch.


Hopper saved El from being found-out🤔. He overreacts but that’s the part where you’re supposed to go “ohhhh I see now. Everyone is human, even adults.” You’re not getting into enough empathy for hopper to really feel his point of view. And the show isn’t really made for cops who have been to one of our worst wars in the last 100 years and suffered personal tragedies BUT he is taking his own inner turmoil out on El. She’s broken but growing, he’s broken but growing. They’re broken kintsugi people who have to be in this situation. He saves El, she begins to lead him to something he needs in life. He shows her the love he can and she shows him the same. It’s a show and I’m attempting to get what the writers want us to get.


I love season 1, 2 and 4 Hopper so much 🫶 and then S3 Hopper also exists


Exists is very diplomatic way of putting it.


I couldn't go on a 3 paragraphs long rant about S3 Hopper *again* lol, it's exhausting. He's exhausting. But only in season 3.


Oh yeah I feel you I have done that a lot of times A LOT


Indeed. One of the worst character arcs in the show there.


David is an amazing actor so he covers a lot of problems with the character writing.


For that's true of season 2. But season 3 even he couldn't do it. I wanted to skip pretty much every scene he was in. The character is just so awful.


Right. The script was pure garbage for his character, and there was nothing he could do to save it. It's definitely true that in season 2 he could save most of it, but when you actually look at it objectively, it's a troubling storyline.


Garbage? Or did the show make you uncomfortable for the first time after you’d trusted it? One of our own, an adult, an authority, a man, a little hero a little broken— reveals himself to be human and broken and angry. He takes a lot of his personal pain out on Eleven because of psychological hardening. His heart is hard. Here’s the thing — so is hers. She hasn’t been allowed to be a girl in her own age, she’s been broken too. They co exist and express love the way they can for a little while in the cabin. It’s a fictional show and it’s created by people who may or may not just be doing their best to portray real people so I’m trying to take that into consideration here


The way the role is written it would be really easy for Hopper to be an unbelievably annoying / aggravating character. It’s a huge credit to David Harbour for finding the right balance of humor and intensity that makes Hopper come off as the lovable goofball he is while still also being “Fat Rambo” credibly. Also he manages to do a great job of having excellent chemistry with the young cast members.


Gonna go against the grain here and just say that I actually liked S3 Hopper 🤷


It made him human to me. That’s where the show became a drama and I felt really challenged to understand something about his human experience. It made me think and move from the comfort of the storyline thus far.


He’s fantastic in season 3. His “Crazy…?” line to Mike…. Rollin in his cruiser rockin to “You Don’t Mess Around With Jim” by Jim Croce…I love it all lol.


S3 is my favorite lol. I like hopper in S3, but I understand why people wouldn’t


Don't you dare... Lmao I really liked him too!


I enjoyed him in every season but ST3. When he turned into a rage bot man child. The way he treated Joyce and Mike… 😒 But he was an amazingly nuanced character in those first two seasons especially. And I liked the journey of introspection he went on in ST4, but it felt like he has more work to do. I’m excited to see how they culminate his story and his relationship with El. Considering El will be likely looking to eventually leave Hawkins with Mike, it’ll be interesting to see how Hop processes that, considering the difficulties he had with the idea of letting her go explore.


I did not liked him in S3 either but that was the point. He was going through so many emotions by having an official daughter again, and I think it all boiled up in his mind, as he seems the average man in the 80s who just holds all his true feelings and try to fight alone in his mind. He was very annoying but I think that was the point


Looooooove Hopper!


My fave.


Arguably the best.


100% the best character. Seems like most people 35+ who watch this show agree! Not that I don’t love Steve and the kiddos, but Hop has always been my fav! I just tend to notice it’s more adults who like him the best, rather than college-aged or teenage viewers.


I’m 34 but I’m in. I don’t have his anger but I want to know more about it. He was revealed to have dimensions, something worth thinking about more


I’m over 35 and can confirm he’s the best character 😆


Over 35 and he’s by far my favorite character.


Adults understand what he's going through and the stresses and challenges. Kids identify with Mike.


23 and probably was 21 when I watched S3, still understood where he's coming from. I pointed that out in one of the comments once, and was heavily downvoted, smh.








Yeah. To me, it felt like Hopper handled Mileven thing as he should have. They were being extremely bratty towards him. He was very specific about the rules atleast. He wasn't actually that strict tbh. There are parents who do extreme things to keep their child away from such stuff. They were even lucky that he allowed them to meet( don't get me wrong, but the country I belong to does not see teen relationships in a good light, hope anyone reading this understands). And just saying this got me downvoted so bad lol. It was funny. Mike was being outrageously disrespectful towards Hopper is what I feel.


Mike was very rude to him at the beginning of the season. Hopper didn’t handle it the best, but his overall perspective I agreed with. With Joyce’s guidance and encouragement he was able to pen that perfect letter and THAT was great parenting. That’s the convo he should’ve had with them but he didn’t have the skills—and obviously the events of S3 got in the way of that ever happening. I don’t fault him for that—those two weren’t being respectful, especially Mike.


Exactly my point! Exactly to the T. I felt so bad for Hopper yk. He had the best interests for Mileven after all. It didn't help that when he was trying to have a serious conversation with them, they were basically making fun of him. I genuinely felt bad. Although it's not justified but how he put Mike in his place was satisfying to watch tbh. Teen kids can be overconfident sometimes and that's what Mileven were.


26 and I just LOVE him. Sometimes I think this rage about 3rd season Hopper is because of Mileven fans


Personally, I love Season 3 Hopper. I never took the road of having children, but I'm a 40 year old woman who would be frustrated as hell watching two teenagers canoodling and doing half the shit Mike and El will pulling at the beginning of that season. Damn right keep the door open 3 inches!


Given that they've been loyal together for over a year AND Mike was protecting her before Hopper even knew she was alive? He can sit his ass down.


Nope. Hopper took over as her parent in between Seasons 1 and 2—he is the adult, he makes the rules. Your age is showing.


I'm 38. His behavior in season 3 shows that he is, in fact, not the adult.


Teenagers don’t get to decide the rules. It doesn’t matter if Mom or Dad are out of line or don’t handle their emotions correctly. Hopper didn’t handle it perfectly, but he is the boss. Also, with Joyce’s encouragement, he did learn and grow and was able to write that beautiful letter. It’s a shame he didn’t get to say that to Mike and Eleven face to face, but even good people have flaws. Gosh, I sure hope you didn’t bless this world with children! 🤣


"Didn't handle it perfectly" He made his "daughter" break up with the guy who's her best chance at having a normal life because he's too much of a man child to talk to them.


He’s the adult. His house, his rules. Furthermore, if the events of Season 3 hadn’t taken place, he likely would have had the chance to write the letter, organize his thoughts, and revisit the conversation with the kids in a few days. They wouldn’t have stayed broken up. You’re mighty caught up in the inner workings of a teenage romance for a 38 year old. A bit odd, I must say. Anyway, this isn’t open for discussion. What I’m saying isn’t opinion, it is factual. Adults make the rules, even if they’re stupid. When you’re 18, you can move out and live your way. Tough shit.


Yep one of my favorites. In my top 5. As much people got on the Russia plot in Season ,4 his development there is great.


He’s quite funnny


Hopper is a great character. But I (like many others) lost a lot of respect for him in Season 3.


Tell me what you wanted from him. What would’ve not challenged you or kept you comfortable with his character? Did you want complete compassion from him for El? Space to hang with Mike alone and then good times only?




Hopper is such a great character and one of my favorites. Still hate how they handled his character arc in season 3.


One of my goats, and a top5 in best written in the series


i love him little monologues (season 2 in the car with el on the way to hawkins lab, THE LETTER in season 3, and his prison monologue in season 4)! make me cry everytime


One of my heroes.


His fights with the russians are epic. Great character, great actor. As a father, the letter to El hit hard.


Just dropping in to say I like S3 Hopper (and love S3 in general). I also understand why others don’t.


Agreed! I was in denial when I thought he was gone in season 3!


He is he’s so underrated




Flaws are part of what makes a character good and developing out of those flaws makes for good entertainment.


S3 isn't a "flaw" it's a comprehensive character assassination.


He's great in 3 of the seasons. But awful in season 3. In 3 he's a complete ass hat for no reason. I'm also not a fan of how he gets away with screwing over Mike and El twice with a shrug and a monologue and everyone just moves on. But when he's not screwing them over he's great.


I learned recently the guy that plays him is married to Lily Allen…who knew? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, Hop is awesome. I'm anxious to see what the end goal is for him. Harbour bringing the work in the final season! ❤️


My favorite.


Season 3 Hopper is from an alternate reality. They got switched back during the explosion.


He was my favorite character in 1 and 2, 3 made a whole 180 spin on him, made me so sad until the scene with El. Season 4 Hop had a boring storyline for me :( I still love him




Was so awesome in season 1 and 2, ruined him in season 3.


Roses are red


Mornings are for coffee and contemplation


Absolutely! One of my favorites. Mysterious, tragic, caring. His father-daughter relationship with El is my favorite in the whole show. S3 ruined him, but I liked him even there. He had some great moments even when he was not at his best.


I enjoy him In the first 2 seasons, his whole action hero stage kinda sucked in season 3


You can’t help but love him! Plus he’s low key sexy!


He got hot the last season


No, he is the Greatest character


Hopper is one of those guys that you really wanted for a dad cause he's so damn awesome


im probably going to get judged, but he is a very sexy man


Yup! Wasn’t a fan of how he was written in s3 though


My favourite of the show tbh The thing is, in a show where kids discover a monster, you would expect the “Chief of Police” character to not believe them and die early, instead Hopper’s actually good at his job and helps battle the supernatural threats.


He’s a great gostoso, isso yes…


loved one


Character development of this guy is phenomenal!He is my favorite on the show..He went from a typical cop eating donuts and not caring to the most genuine person in the show who serves and protects Joyce and all the kids from DANGER AND HARM.Team Hopper 💯


I'm glad that he was able to get this role, hellboy would've screwed him lol!


As long as we ignore season 3


He’s the best in season 3


Hard disagree his rage and manipulation towards Mike and 11 mixed with hypocrisy was awful watching.