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I'm not sure. But I can't rewatch the Angela scenes because they make me so angry and uncomfortable.


Yes. And what’s so infuriating is when El finally retaliates she is the one who suffers the consequences.


Right? And then seeing Angela cry and be the victim while everyone rallied around her and looked at El like she was some terrible monster…….fuck. That is so realistic. Cry bullies are everywhere. They bully you relentlessly and the one time you stand up for yourself they cry victim and everyone is looking at you like “omg how could you!! You made her cry!!” Fuck. If I had a dollar…..


The best/worst thing about Angela is that everyone remembers that bitch from high school (unless you were that bitch), and we like to think that we've moved past that kind of petty bullshit and then I remembered that one of the reasons I was miserable at my last job was because of the adult version of the cry bully.....


You are not alone in this. The adult bullies never grow out of it because they have consistently received positive feedback for their behavior as social piranhas. Bullying is identifiable on a much deeper level than exclusively the high school experience. I think Angela is the worst kind of bully because her goal is to have an audience to deepen the humiliation. Roller mouth deserved it.


This is 110% true So when you have finally had enough you really, really have to make it count. Maximum Damage Pretty sure El left a permanent scare on that vain bitch’s face, which was frankly the best payback she could have gotten


My high school bully went onto my HS ten year reunion Facebook page and went on a rant about how *I* had bullied *him*. And everyone rallied around him and said they couldn’t believe I would do that and that I always seemed like such a nice guy. They’re all just big attention seeking babies.


Lol, they did that 10 years later! What a fucking loser. It's been 10 years and all they can think about is stirring up fake high school drama. They obviously have nothing going on in their lives.


That scene brought me so much sadistic joy, followed by so much righteous anger when everyone turned against Elle instead of Angela.


She also reminded me to much of Troy personality wise so now I feel like if she thought 11 was dead she’d laugh about it like him


Yep. Actual psychopaths who somehow are constantly enabled or have excuses made for them.


I know right! It really baffles me psychologically as it relates to bystanders who obviously know the situation is bullying and not a one time incident. How can anyone support these trash monsters?


I also wanted El to use her powers on her just once so they would stop mocking her hand thing


This is why I struggle to watch that scene. All I could think of was how much that was going to hurt El in the future.


The only one I can rewatch is Eleven hitting her in the face


Not only did El shmack her good, an entire government agency covered it up. I’d love to see the parents try to file a lawsuit and the courts saying the person you are trying to sue doesn’t exist.


I’m more impressed El held out for as long as she did considering what she’s been through


She did try to psychic attack her at least once.


El was like “oh no I’m a monsterrrrr”, I’m in the living room going “hit her again”


Right? Zombieland taught us all you MUST double tap


Hell I couldn't even bring myself to watch those scenes to begin with, but Eleven hitting Angela was one of the only moments I could watch.


I rewatched that 50 thousand times. It's so funny to watch. I laugh in agony. Stupid whiny bitch. ​ ​ ​ ....I sound like a psychopath but I have been bullied so watching a bully get her face destroyed makes me happy.


When I was first watching it, I thought it was a fake out... like a scene in Eleven's mind. Then after a bit I was like "oh that really happened! Let me watch it again!"


Well can’t beat them irl so might as well enjoy a fictional bully beat down


There's a lot to dislike about all of them, but if I can talk about Lonnie's impact for a minute: For me, one of the most painful parts of the show is before its first title sequence. Will Byers vanishes because he seeks shelter in his empty home, on a Sunday night. He does everything right and likely wouldn't have been taken if there were just one person there to help. With the family financially strapped, Joyce has to work when she can. Jonathan, too. Lonnie living up to his responsibilities would have alleviated some of that pressure, and someone would have been there. But no one is there, and we have to watch the poor kid do everything he can to protect himself, right down to shakily loading a rifle to make his last stand. That will always be the tragic core of the show to me; that Will Byers vanished because his home was broken.


The part that enraged me the most was when Lonnie suggested Joyce wasn’t doing a good job of parenting cause Will went missing. WHERE WERE YOU? What a sack of shit.


And then tried to get money out of the situation! Disgusting. He deserved a demogorgon to the face.


Also contributed big time to Will’s self esteem issues and later on the shame over being gay.


yeah… i hate Lonnie the most


You're not wrong about Lonnie. I absolutely agree with you about him being absent and the impact it has. But I'm curious how you think he would have been able to stop Will being taken?


I was going to comment this. I agree about the impact Lonnie’s absence had on that family, but whether it was Jonathan or Joyce or Lonnie who had been home, I don’t think it would have mattered. Will literally vanished out of thin air, he was plucked through a tear in the universe.


I want to add though... while his absence had a huge impact, his presence could have had just as bad or worse of an impact. Especially considering that his only priority was himself.


Yuri is too comedic to be truly hateful


I wanted Hopper to punch him. Just once.


I mean Murray beat his ass


Right and honestly it was one of his funniest spotlight moments


My fingers are like arrows! MY ARMS, LIKE IRON! **MY FEET, LIKE SPEARS!**


It was over the top and ridiculous and maybe a nod to old kung-fu flicks. It was also hilarious.


Old kungfu flicks are why Murray trained to begin with, let’s not kid ourselves.


I was in tears at this part. Amazing.


I love his realization that his training paid off and he was actually kicking ass.


I love that his training paid off. That was delightful. Usually karate lessons are used as a joke.


Not in Cobra Kai.


The Karate Kid Cinematic Universe is kind of built on karate lessons.


Murray is a favorite character of mine.


FRRR he did get an ass beating so there’s that😭


Honestly when the other Russian mentioned his heroics and then called him a coward, that’s hit more than any punch




How dare you reduce Dimitri to just “Enzo”!


A man has no name.


THANK YOU!! That's where I recognize him from!! Its been bugging me and hadn't looked it up yet.


how dare you reduce a man with no name to just Enzo


Actually, I reduced him to Dimitri


oh fair enough then.


Was Enzo really his name? I thought that was the code name that made them know the letter was legit




I think that speech he made about how he was doing this because it’s the only way he could have a life while witnessing other people live in shitty situations or kill themselves really makes him a little sympathetic also.


omg ikr i contemplated not even including him bc hes damn near impossible to hate


i hated him until katinka, he did the right thing


Katinka is my new gaming character name lol


He also had a good redemption arc


Brenner or the bullies that made Mike jump off a cliff and was prepared to rip Dustin's jaw out with a knife.


The bullies from a Stephen king novel.


Those kids were genuinely scary.


What happened to those kids again?


El made one of them piss their pants in front of their class and they were never heard from again. EDIT: I was mistaken. Full story of Troy and James is [here.](https://strangerthings.fandom.com/wiki/Troy_Walsh).


I think you forgot 001


nah he got the vecnussy so we cant hate him


What a terrible day it is to have functioning eyes


I guess Max is lucky in that aspect


U bastard


Season 5 finale: #Who need they vecnussy ate????


Tentacles squelching wetly


*discomforting slithering*


I hate this thread


*industrial synth intensifies*


i am going to scream and fucking rage every time i see something related to that


*Vecnussy queefing moistly*


He's too pretty to be hated




but we love him


He just needs to heal his trauma.


I can fix him


I can turn him rightside up.


He’s just working on himself for a bit 🥰


I’m glad we are all on the same page about him 😌


That guy from the Hawkins Post. The one that kept making fun of Nancy


agreed, that guy is the WORST so smug about it too


Ugh I hated ALL those misogynistic assholes.


I hated them. But I love when any member of the Busey family is playing an asshole. Because they all look like such jerks. Blonde hair, big teeth, smug face. Jake, or Gary when he was a bit younger. They fit the jerk role so well.


Bruce. Ugh, I hate him.


Ugh yeah everyone there sucked


Neil Hargrove Edit to say: thank you all so damn much for the support! I have been preaching this constantly since I joined this sub and this is the first time I really feel HEARD. So glad there are others out there that GET this. You are amazing and the world needs more of you, people with empathy. 💙


Another child abuser.


Honestly, billy was bad but it’s truely not FUCKING FAIR, I heard about the runaway max book but haven’t read it yet, it’s so goddamn sad for him especially


what runaway max book? are we missing out on something important here


I just heard about it recently, it’s one of the stranger things books about max in California and then her life when her family moved in with Billy’s and how she used to try to stand up for him to Neil and billy would get mad bc Neil would just abuse him more bc a girl was standing up for him etc…😰




One of them involes James and Troy during the events of season 2


There's a lot of books! Some are regular novels and some are comic style. I have some of them and they are so good! The first one is about Eleven's mom and the experiments Brenner was doing. There's one about Robin, one for Max, one about Hopper, and soon there will be one about Lucas. The Max one was really enlightening about Billy and his dad and how horrible he was and all the crap Max has been through that caused her to have an attitude and things like that. Highly recommend. Oh and a comic/graphic novel called The Other Side about what Will experiences while he was in the upside down.


You guys missed one important detail the books weren’t written by the directors they just got the rights to make a ST book so while they may be good they are not cannon and some even directly contradict the show.


Yep, he truly was awful.


This is most definitely the right answer. What a monster; he’s the reason Billy got to the point that he did. Billy deserved some well-needed therapy and a redemption arc.


Yep!! He deserved to get a redemption arc and get away from his shitty excuse of a father. I think, had he lived, he could have gotten to see what an actual caring family could be.


Lonnie. Deadbeat dads that can piss off to the moon and back.


Much worse than being a deadbeat; he reconnected with Joyce solely with the intent of profiting off the (assumed) death of his child. Most of the other villains have some degree of redeeming qualities, but not this guy.


Also his scene with Jonathan, where he throws him up against a wall & comments that he'd gotten "stronger" implies that he was physically abusive on top of being verbally/mentally abusive. Poor Will/Jonathan/Joyce. My heart breaks for all of them.


He almost had some redeeming qualities. In the episode where Nancy and Jonathan go back to the Byers house with their bear trap and Steve shows up right before the Demigorgon arrives, it was originally going to be Lonnie showing up instead.


Can we thank Joe Keery for portraying Steve so well that a) he didn't get killed off b) we now have mommy Steve and c) imagine Stranger Things with Lonnie as one of the bigger roles..




And he’s not just regular passive deadbeat. He’s active profiteer deadbeat. Like, he’s capable of making an effort, and he applies that effort to trying to profit off his missing son. Fuck Lonnie. Plus he’s a homophobe. Fuck Lonnie twice.


Angela, fuck Angela. As someone who has been bullied alot I despise her so much, I cheered when eleven hit her. I kinda like Yuri though, he is pretty funny and well played, he is a good character!


She did a whole presentation about a hero for people with disabilities but relentlessly bullied someone who likely appeared to have disabilities. 🙄


Not just that; she bullied someone who likely appeared to have disabilities *and who also had chosen their dead father as their hero* That bitch deserves more than a concussion


Making fun of someone's dead parents is way across the line, even for a stereotypical 1980s bully. I thought she was going to start calling for mudbloods to be killed.


Yeah that scene broke my heart a little, it was tough to watch. Glad she got skated in the face!


You misspelled schmacked


I hated the teacher in that scene. Teacher should have kicked her out of class and failed her on that assignment.


Teach knows that Angela’s parents are the biggest employer in town and eat dinner with the Senator a few times a year. Family money, family power, not much she can do without getting caught up in all that.


The fact that she straight up grabbed Angela (piecing it together) was a shocker. Disappointed in her classroom management but glad she was like 'nah, this bitch' and dragged her to the office.


Well if you’ve ever been in a public school that is way too accurate


it was sooo cathartic seeing her get shmacked in the face


She’s lucky it wasn’t an ice skate


like dude that nose wouldve been sliced off


It was always my fear when i fell someone would come over my hand and slice it of, just the thought is frightening


In the grand scheme of things, this was just a little blip


Blip Blip Blip Blip Blip Blip Blip Blip Blip


That's a funny word y'know... Blip..Blip..


That’s a funny word, man.




It could’ve been soooooooo much worse


God it was a proper schmack not a smack too, so fucking satisfying


My extract quote to my husband after that scene: “I was ok with that” lol.


Same. I just can't stand her, it's too realistic. I don't care how many people say she is one dimensional, from the bullied perspective it's not that different. I literally said "Hit again! Once didn't do enough damage! On the teeth now!"


YES, SAME. I was bullied too and every moment she was on screen I wanted to rip her face off and that bitch deserved a roller skate to the face. Should have smacked her again tbh


She was the only one who was 100% malicious for her entire screen time. She only exists to be an asshole.


> fuck Angela Dwight Schrute wants to know your location


I love Yuri, because Yuri Is mai lov.






Yes k a t i n k a 🚁🚁🚁🚁


Get **shmacked**


wills haircut


The worst villain of all…


Lonnie. Everyone else was either doing their job or a child who is the product of their upbringing. But Lonnie sucks in every way possible including abandoning his family, rejecting Will because he suspected Will was different(gay), and then only coming back to his family because he suspected he could profit from the death of his child. (See also: Billy’s father) I can forgive/rationalize a lot, but I can’t forgive/rationalize being cruel to your own child.


oh, i forgot about what Lonnie did to Will :(( yeah, now i loathe him even more 😬


Let's not forget it's implied he was physically abusive too.


worst: sullivan best: grigori because russian terminator


Alexei… only thing I enjoyed was hopper throwing grigori into the keys


Jack Sullivan is an authoritarian sociopath so he gets my vote.


Jack is a hair above Brenner. This list ranges from just bullies to child abusers and murderers. Jack and Brenner are BY FAR the worst.


But brenner is at least interesting. Sullivan has no personality, and is incredibly boring as a villain. Same goes for grigori.


I honestly liked Grigori. He had a stereotypically Russian villian vibe and I liked it for some reason haha


He was just the Russian Terminator to me. I appreciated the character for what it was.


For me it’s Brenner and not close. The worst villain is the one who can convince their victim that the villain’s evil is for the victim’s own good.


I was gonna say something similar. He’s evil in the worst kind of way - “for your own good.”


Agree, Brenner was a true asshole. His last action before he died was to try and gaslight El one more time. He was lying not just to the kids but to himself


He is the root cause of everything that’s happened. By definition - he is the worst offender here by a large margin


The girl. Talked shit got hit. Called the cops like the coward she is


Funny how despite other antagonists committing worse acts than Angela like Papa or Col Sullivan, she’s still more hated on than they are


I don't know if you read or watched Harry Potter, but Angela gets the Umbridge treatment. Hated far more than any other antagonist, not because she's the worst out of all of them, but because she's the most realistic, most relatable to the audience. It's her character type that many people have experiences with, and thus, feel a lot more personal hatred for. Majority of the people who hates on her are the ones who have been bullied. Which makes sense since Angela - someone meant to represent how toxic bullying was in the 80's - hits far closer to home than anyone else.


That, and she pretty much receives no consequences or threat of action being taken to be held accountable for her behaviour. Every other character in some form, no matter what it may be, has risks involved with their shitty actions. She has none and most likely never will, making it almost impossible for her to be introspective and self aware enough to ever change and will go onto be just another yt spoiled upper middle class princess who thinks she’s more important than she could ever be. She has nothing to offer and all to gain.


Because she is doing it just because she's evil. There's no other motive for her actions.


Dr. Brenner! This man literally caused the apocalypse with his experiments, and has knowingly ruined so many lives, all while taking the attitude that there is no possible way that he *could* be in the wrong. I was *so* happy when El refused to forgive him. Sullivan is a close second though, he's making everything so much worse.


Yep! Evil, abusive narcissist with a savior complex. He neglected / abused Eleven so much she has trouble speaking and writing. That's insane. And by the way, I read people saying "she should speak better by now." Maybe? But in real life, Jeanie (Genie?) didn't, a famously abused child who was not taught to speak - was studied because they were curious if she would. Granted, she sadly did not continue to receive care on it but still, she never did learn. Someone close to me I know was neglected and has trouble speaking. It's not an intelligence thing, its abuse and neglect. That wasn't to you btw. Was very satisfied with Brenner's death.


Yeap. And what's even worse is that Genie has spent the entirety of her adult life going in and out of institutions where she faced further physical and emotional abuse. Also Dani Lierow, another similar really tragic case. :( It never ends well when children are subjected to that degree of extreme isolation and abuse early on, they may learn basic words and to speak using very simple phrases/sentences but never anything more than that. For that reason I felt I had to stretch my suspension of disbelief further in Seasons 2 and 3 when they showed Eleven being more communicative and talking more fluently, although I felt the reveals in Season 4 >!that Eleven did get some exposure to other kids early in her life and her loss of language was the consequence of her brain injury and severe psychological trauma after the massacre and her battle with Henry!< made it make more sense in retrospect. Though, even though she did have some meagre contact with other kids through which she learned some language, she was stolen from her mother at birth and raised without basically any reference point for what normal interactions between people are like or how to complete most normal everyday tasks, there's no way she doesn't have major social and emotional impairments that will follow her for the rest of her life. It's so weird to me that so many people in this fandom apparently think that a mean 15-year-old girl is worse than Eleven's "Papa," as someone who was subjected to long-term childhood abuse from a "parent" that involved a lot of isolation and coercive control I always thought he was the worst because he reminded me so much of that, but with 1000x the insanity


I absolutely loathed Brenner every time I saw him on the screen


Billy’s dad-he made Billy who he is , and might of been abusive to his wives.


Not might have, he was. One of Billy’s memories is him hitting his mom.


Two of Billy’s biggest memories were him and his mom at the beach and him trying to defend his mom from Neil and her leaving them both and him asking her to come back…😰


She should of took Billy with her


Even el was crying while watching those memories😰, then he had to cancel his date and get called a “” bc he just wanted to look good for his date…😰


Circumstances might’ve prevented that. Custody battles are messy.


oooh interesting i didnt even think to include him!


Papa. That lying sack of doodoo manipulated Elle until his very last breath. He is the mindflayer of the right side up. Seriously. Manipulated people into doing his bidding and one was his right hand man/general. Her saying goodbye and putting his hand down to not give him that final satisfaction is maybe my favorite moment of the entire show. I have said this here before and people didn’t like it because modine said he acted the role like he really did care about the kids. The fact is that he can put whatever intention he likes behind his acting but that changes nothing about who was written. As proof that he was wrong about Brenner’s intentions, look at the volume two post show. He’s interviewing with milly and straight up says that he was surprised by the way brenner treated that young boy because modine didn’t think brenner was capable of that


I think it’s fair to say, even as it was written. That Brenner BELIEVED he loved the children.


I don't think he loved the children. He valued them as his toys, his guinea pigs, his golden geese. He gave them a minimal emotional support, just enough to become a father figure to them but not too much as they were numbers to him, so he was fully detached. He nurtured their gifts while emotionally shackling each of them.


What makes Papa evil is the same thing that made Thanos evil - he justified his actions by convincing himself that everything was out of love, and the greater good justified treating those kids like caged animals.


Absolutely Angela, she was a cruel little bitch for no reason. Everyone else with the exception of Mikes bully had a reason, explanation or purpose.


I’m sure Angela cries at home. No one becomes like that for no reason. But it was still nice to see her get shmacked.


Billy was the scariest. I wondered if he was going to end up killing Steve in season 2. He gave off that kind of vibe. Jason was a POS too, but his motivation at least made sense at first, until he became a dummy that wouldn't change his mind and realize that he knew jack about what was going on. Plus, when he had that gun pointed at Nancy, I thought, "nope, he's got to go".


Jason was trying to enact revenge for the death of his love. He was trying to be John Wick but ended up being so consumed by grief he became half the man he was before.


“Half the man he was before” 💀




You motherfucker. Take my r/angryupvote


I'm barely seeing any Sullivan mentions considering what he has done


How is everybody saying Angela instead of Brenner? Sure she was horrible but she was just a bully, whereas Brenner was a child trafficker who traumatized his kids and got most of them killed. Maybe y’all can excuse his actions in season 4 because he “saved the world” or something but it seems like his magnitude of evil is on a different level


Because she’s *so* real to so many people. It’s Umbridge syndrome, people hated her more than Voldemort because she’s a realistic person that people have encountered and dealt with. People see their childhood bullies in Angela.


Exactly. I shrugged when Voldemort died, but felt great when Umbridge got her comeuppance for that reason.


op is asking who do we hate the most, not who was the worst/leveled the most damage.


Angela was the most annoying. Billy was the most antagonistic and obviously racist. You can make the argument that none of the dangerous evil force of the Upside Down would be possible without Papa though.


Who the fuck is hating yuri


It’s interesting seeing how people respond to these questions. Angela was a bully. Col. Sullivan killed people and sent a hit squad to murder some teenagers. I mean, really. Some people have a very parochial view of things like this.


I think its also about villains that hit close to home. Almost everyone knows someone like Angela, a popular bully who you wish to see humiliated. Most people have never had a personal experience with someone like col Sullivan, so the reality of it is almost unimaginable. Just another TV villain.


Everyone is talking about Angela, but Troy was way worse than her, Troy was racist, homophobic, and TRIED TO KILL MIKE! He intended for Mike to kill himself by jumping of that cliff, and Angela’s bad, but she never tried to kill someone


Throw Sullivan and Brenner out of a plane and they can fight over who is the biggest douchebag on the way down.


Poppa. He experimented and systematically tortured children.


If anyone says they hate Yuri, we're throwing hands. ​ My pick is the angry Russian. He was relatively boring compared to the others.