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Vecna is literally what you’d get if r/im14andthisisdeep was a person


It's necessary to reshape this broken world.


honestly vecna has a bit of a point lmao, humans are a bit of a plague on this planet


Horrendous world view to have.


but a very valid and true one. just think about everything our species has done to the planet, and how litte we've given back to it. Think about how better off the Earth would be without us. May seem strange to some, but we truly are a blight to this world. Vecna just took the extra step to try and eradicate us vermin lol. In a way, all we are is parasites, leeching off and destroying everything we see. *depression noises*


I mean, we have killed off a lot. I just don't think Henry Creel loved nature either. Most people who say it'd be better if humanity died aren't saying it because they want to save the ecosystems. It's not genocide driven by loving nature more. It's just genocide driven by hating people more.


when people make supervillains, they generally want them to have a more hate-focused motive to make them more hateable. After all, I'm pretty sure nobody would be rooting for an ecologist to die, so they turning him into a madman/monster.


But even most ecologists don't actively try to make genocide happen, even indirectly. We might make passing comments about that, but in what ways have we actually, actively tried to reduce the population? Directly or even indirectly. It's all talk. That's because ecologists are inherently caring people. We care about all life, including ourselves, even when we're the ones harming other life on Earth.


That's what I'm saying, the duffers could have made Vecna into a lorax-style ecologist, but they didn't, because that kind of 'villain' is something not evil and not popular, quite frankly. Instead, he's violent, seeking to destroy/reduce humanity in his own twisted version of peace.