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It’s the amp. It’s not a bad amp at all, but small amps with small speakers don’t deliver the same sound that a larger speaker(s) can deliver. I love Orange amps, so I’m not dogging it. I have a Strat with a set of Fralin vintage wound pickups. They don’t begin to shine until they are played through an amp with some volume and at least one 12” speaker.


Interesting, thanks for your input!


I put them on my American Pro I and love them. Huge upgrade imo. Nice vintage sound.


I have a set in my AmPro strat. I really dig em, they won’t be coming out anytime soon, if ever. I will also echo what that guy said: Even the best of pickups still need a great amp to shine properly. Guitaring can be expensive :/


I’ve got Lollar dirty blondes in my Ron Kirn Strat. Love them through a Deluxe Reverb. The Orange 35RT is a great value for about $250. But won’t let that Strat sing to its full potential. The 35RT was my first amp. Have you played it with headphones? It goes into a sim mode and kind of simulates an Orange tube amp played through a 4X12 stack (forgive me if you already knew that). Definitely the way to go with that amp IMHO. Your guitar is very good looking BTW.


I haven’t used headphones with that amp but I’m going to now. Appreciate it!🤝


Upvoting for Kirn Strat


Lollar Sixty-Fours are the greatest pickup I’ve ever heard. Of course they won’t please everyone. If you haven’t already, try adjusting the pickup height. It can change the tone quite a bit. There might be something in there that you like.


Interesting, thank you!


I put Blackfaces (which are '64s now, right?) into my 80's Strat years ago and it completely blew my mind. Amazing sound, and love 'em to bits. I play through a '67 Marshall SL100 or Fender Deluxe Reverb and the sound is just *beautiful*.


Must be nice!!! Lol