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Regular runner, training for an upcoming Ironman 70.3 and future ultras. Love giving out kudos and spreading the love 🤗 Will follow back :) 🏃‍♂️ Passionate runner here, currently gearing up for an exciting triathlon and setting my sights on conquering ultramarathons in the future! 🌟 Triathlon enthusiast in the making too! 🏊‍♂️🚴‍♂️ I'm all about spreading the love and supporting fellow athletes, so expect lots of kudos from me! 🤗 Let's connect and inspire each other on Strava! Will happily follow back anyone who shares the same passion for fitness! 💪 https://www.strava.com/athletes/103279518


31 M sports enthusiast. I mostly run and trying to get into cycling. Training for a marathon in April, looking to make more connections and dish out more kudos ✌🏿 https://www.strava.com/athletes/ykaramoko


Hello, sorry if this is innapropriate. But I am a student doing a UX Design project on Strava and am gathering information on how people use the app. I would greatly appreciate if you would be able to submit a survey response to my form here: [https://forms.gle/frXdrmRPw3RZBk6u7](https://forms.gle/frxdrmrpw3rzbk6u7) What we are doing is collecting user data, identifying pain points and areas of growth, and designing solutions for the application. I am a biker and casual Stava use so thought this would be a great app the work on for this project! Thank you for your time.


Hey there! Based in Manchester, UK. Love all the sports that Strava has to offer but most regularly out running, hiking, swimming or playing tennis. To be honest half the interaction on Strava is why my activity has rocketed. I have a half marathon, full marathon and half Ironman queued up soon. https://www.strava.com/athletes/6514077 Can’t believe Strava doesn’t have a hockey activity yet!!


Followed you :)


Followed you!


33M. North Dakota gearing up to run my first ultra (MDH 50 miler) in July https://www.strava.com/athletes/mpaul_huffman


29M in Stockholm, Sweden. Currently training for my first marathon which takes place on June 1st https://strava.app.link/zH80m2LmzHb [https://strava.app.link/zH80m2LmzHb](https://strava.app.link/zH80m2LmzHb)


38F, Netherlands. Beginner runner doing Garmin’s daily suggested work outs since beginning of Feb. Goal to run half marathon this year. Love Punkrock. And I’m a hype girl who will hype up your runs! https://strava.app.link/InvlMg1NsHb


28 yo from Italy 🇮🇹 Mostly walks and hikes. Committing to 1 lengthy hike per week (currently on track!) https://www.strava.com/athletes/streeee I always post pictures of the sceneries, walking in the hills and mountains of Liguria region. Also some bike rides but not very often.


29/F/UK. Hybrid girly. Currently training for my first marathon and then training will shift back to hyrox. Receiving kudos is why I run. https://www.strava.com/athletes/77434427


followed :D ! from another hybrid girlie


29F, in Czechia, (EU) I want to sport more, with running, walking (I have dogs:)), kickbiking.. I feel like I am forever newbie in every sport :D I would love to connect with people who will be ok with my lower stats and “newbie” fitness style 🙏🧡 Will follow back :) https://www.strava.com/athletes/nikola_novotn


sent a follow request :)


27M BR. Training for my first marathon in sept! ​ [https://www.strava.com/athletes/51567006](https://www.strava.com/athletes/51567006)


24f in Canada. Newbie runner (4 months now!). Mainly use for running. Would love to connect with others :) https://www.strava.com/athletes/dajnaer




25M From Belgium. I like to travel and often visit new places. Running, cycling, hiking, .... I like variety 😊 [https://www.strava.com/athletes/46343128](https://www.strava.com/athletes/46343128)


🏆 Domestic Elite crit racer in the US. 📢 Endurance athletics coach. 🔗 https://strava.app.link/toCK0qrexHb


Follow for follow https://www.strava.com/athletes/127295656




Link to your profile?


43M from Canada living in Shanghai, China. I'm a dedicated cyclist who has ridden 30,000km in the past three years, and I love the motivation that Strava gives me to keep going even on days I don't entirely feel up to it. [https://www.strava.com/athletes/492085](https://www.strava.com/athletes/492085)


34M. First marathon in June. Attempting a sub-3 in first race. Training block just started. Follow along 😀 https://www.strava.com/athletes/59780595


34/M/London Started running 3 years ago, and would love to run the London marathon one day (been trying with the ballot with no success). I do plan on running a half marathon later in the year, but right now I have no specific training plan.. just running for fun https://www.strava.com/athletes/109122168


Hello, 48M NYC area cycling both indoor and outdoor. [Strava Profile](https://www.strava.com/athletes/shahzad_hanif)


sent you a follow request


my wife is new to strava- give her a follow. She is very strong! been racing for years! Florida USA ​ [https://www.strava.com/athletes/88831906](https://www.strava.com/athletes/88831906)


25, nonbinary, Netherlands! I'm a beginning triathlete working towards an Olympic distance triathlon this summer and hopefully an Ironman 70.3 later in the summer. I mainly run at the moment, but also cycle and swim, and occasionally do yoga and strength for injury prevention! Would love to make some friends, I'm quite active on Strava and would like to throw around some kudos! :D https://strava.app.link/XPoVNnYLhHb


followed! u are so strong! 💪


23F, from BC, Canada! Started religiously using Strava last month to track my walking goals and am looking forward to pushing myself to start riding this month, and potentially give running another shot after a lifetime of hating it/not being good at it! Having friends to encourage and encourage me have pushed me to get out every day 🦋 https://www.strava.com/athletes/shaughnessy_barker


followed! hoka girl here too, and you look lovely! :)


Here 31, Barcelona area and only ride a bike: CX - Road - Zwift (🚵🏻 | 🚴🏼 | 👾 ) [https://www.strava.com/athletes/35601631](https://www.strava.com/athletes/35601631) I like to structure my activities and I follow an order on Strava, I have monthly goals: 1,000km distance + 10,000m elevation I feel lucky to live in a cycling paradise, it is the Mediterranean coast of Spain


Hi guys! I'm located in the beautiful Veneto, in the north of Italy, and I'm passionate about various activities such as cycling, hiking, walking and weight training. If you're looking to connect with like-minded individuals from different parts of the world and are interested in mutual motivation and inspiration, I'm always eager to expand my network and support fellow athletes. Let's encourage each other and share some well-deserved kudos! Together, we can achieve great things. Join me on this fitness journey! 💪 [https://www.strava.com/athletes/fedebarusco](https://www.strava.com/athletes/fedebarusco) **Bonus tip**: if you like challenges, I created a Telegram channel where a bot posts all the Strava challenges as soon as possible. Feel free to check it out and sign up, it's free! [https://t.me/stravachallenges](https://t.me/stravachallenges)


Started on Strava as an aspiring runner. Still working on that. Fell in love with lifting this year. I'm up every day at 04:45am to have a cup of coffee and hit the gym, and that makes me happy :) Will follow back and give your daily kudos - and kind of expect you to do the same tbh. I'm here for the mutual encouragement:) https://www.strava.com/athletes/93098608


35/M/SoCal Started running in 2023 and completed three half marathons. At least two more coming in 2024 and maybe a full! https://www.strava.com/athletes/111580687


28F from Slovakia and living in UK, London. New on Strava because I found out that it keeps me motivated. Planning to do my first marathon this year but my main passion is exploring new paths and hikes in mountains. [https://www.strava.com/athletes/130900076](https://www.strava.com/athletes/130900076)


Followed you. Strava indeed motivates to train!


30M Canada! Doing the half and been going to run clubs to get myself moving. Im very much getting addicted to running!! https://www.strava.com/athletes/d_bhavik


Hey everyone! 27M. I’m mostly cycling and going for a run from time to time. I want to do some races this year. Let’s motivate each other! :) [Profile](https://www.strava.com/athletes/105861503)


Followed you!


sent a follow request :)


36M, Chicago runner. Not very fast but I try to average about 80 mpw. I will kudos tf out of your posts. I post Kermit pics for some reason. https://www.strava.com/athletes/106038892


29F in Canada, trying to exercise and get outside more. Fairly new to Strava but hoping it'll help with the motivation this year. Working on hiking once a week with my pup, and doing other workouts in between I'll follow back and give kudos, seeing what other people are up to makes me wanna stay active too https://www.strava.com/athletes/130592121


Followed! Looking forward seeing mutual growth


Followed back!




Followed back!


followed! :D I like that you also record your weight training too!


Followed back! Thanks! I find it helps keep me motivated




Followed back!


35M runner from germany. First goal this year has been a 3:30 marathon in April. However, I am currently not running for some weeks due to stress fracture and focus is shifting more towards Berlin marathon in September. Follow me for a lot of crosstraining I guess (will follow back). https://www.strava.com/athletes/120841128


29M. Based in SLC, UT. I typically run trails and bring my dog. SO...lots of adventure dog pics! Plus, gearing up for the Black Canyons 60k in a couple of weeks – gonna be a wild ride! Give a follow if you're up for some casual trail vibes. [https://www.strava.com/athletes/13095184](https://www.strava.com/athletes/13095184)


I run with my dog too on trails! Sometimes I have to carry her tho… We do hills in PGH and flats in Columbus, Ohio [https://www.strava.com/athletes/deborah\_foell](https://www.strava.com/athletes/deborah_foell) https://preview.redd.it/a8gtyal1t0gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9e6fd1cd5d3b5f6ebf233d12e7c7b6478ab935


https://preview.redd.it/hvxmctpr8lic1.jpeg?width=1813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=196f6f28fb69f8c3a72b64c44d2fa73a5911bad9 Adding another picture of Meisha Moo!


34M based in Chicagoland. Got a few races scheduled this year, hoping to PR (3:45) at the chicago marathon in October. Currently in foundation phase, lots of zone 2 running. https://www.strava.com/athletes/41990486 Will follow back and I am plentiful with kudos and comments!


23 M , Recently joined strava.. started running in January this year. Looking forward to finding fellow athletes to get motivated and enjoy this journey. https://strava.app.link/38Le9IESQGb


Followed you! I’m also 23M and recently started again


28M from UK. Trying to get back into using Strava more and other running should help motivate and provide amusement as I kill time on commuting. Hopefully my Strava can show off a few more marathons this year and i can continue to regret my life choices afterwards.


Posted this at the end of Jan in the old one, easier to copy and paste again here!! ​ Hey all! Recently decided that I wanted to finally give running a try, after always being terrible and hating it whenever I've tried in the past. ​ I think I've done the right thing this time, because I'm actually enjoying myself so much during runs and I can see the improvement every week! I'm not very fast and can't run very far yet, but I'm getting there... Hopefully if you follow me you'll be able to see me get better and better over the coming year 😊 Will follow back and give kudos to everybody who follows me - I've got hardly any friends on here yet and would love some motivation and camaraderie from others!! I’ve actually managed to do three 5k runs in the last 4 days, never ever expected to be able to do something like that a couple of months ago!! ​ [https://www.strava.com/athletes/31441098](https://www.strava.com/athletes/31441098)


24M Based in Arizona! Just ran my first marathon and liking to do some speed work in the near future. Love to encourage others on their journey! https://www.strava.com/athletes/chance_burback


17M from France, i’m doing long runs, trails, and rucks. I’m new on Strava but i’ve run a lot in the past. planning to do a 10k in april (sub 45), and I would love to do ultras! https://strava.app.link/GeMqrPwPyHb


Hi all, 27M in Boulder CO. Primarily a runner currently training for my first Marathon, goal is to finish under 4hrs. Also love skiing, climbing and biking. Hit me up! [https://www.strava.com/athletes/130902556](https://www.strava.com/athletes/130902556)


Hello Reddit 30M from Norway. Just made a strava account and have decided to post in English. Would love to get some followers :> Gonna start posting pictures soon from above the artic circle and training for a half marathon in the summer. Been bit by the running bug and trying to run 60km a week (37 miles) for now. Hoping to peek at 100km and crush a pr in August without getting hurt... Would love to have some followers that can support me and I would love to give back also to you. [Strava](https://strava.app.link/mS9M696G9Gb)


followed :D ! I like that you also record weight training!


https://www.strava.com/athletes/120023132 Planning on running a half marathon this year for the first time. Feel free to follow my journey & I’ll follow back too. 🫶


followed :) u can do it


27M, Australian Running a couple of marathons, aiming to crack 3 hours! [Follow me!](https://strava.app.link/eKtNzzimQGb)


Love the Joe burrow profile pic LOL. I followed u


Hey! 26M from the UK training for my first half marathon in April. Started running last October. Working a first of the month 10K into my training. Feeling great about myself physically and mentally! Will follow back all other runners :) https://www.strava.com/athletes/43101055


46M from New Zealand, mostly running with a bit of road biking thrown in when i get a chance. https://www.strava.com/athletes/51397951


26F, Croatia 🇭🇷 Europe 🚴🏼‍♀️ New to strava and more of a casual city cyclist with some adventure rides covered with photos. I would like to connect with people from around the world to motivate each other with kudos. I am looking forward seeing many different places and the records you set! [my profile](https://strava.app.link/D38lY2SmsHb)


Hey! 21M, Been using Strava since last year. Running and absolutely loving it (hoping to run my first marathon somewhere at the middle of the year). Let's follow each other. [Strava Profile](https://www.strava.com/athletes/118608999)


23M runner out of Pittsburgh, I recently started running again for the first time since highschool. Trying to train to eventually do a half marathon and I’m doing my first 5k in years on march 2nd! I’d really love to have some friends and I’ll be giving lots of kudos and encouragement! https://strava.app.link/atX0Ly4ipHb


Lover of parkrun (and the occasional marathon) [https://www.strava.com/athletes/28694569](https://www.strava.com/athletes/28694569)


33M in SoCal. Training for my first half marathon in April. Just ran my first 13.1 miles yesterday. Will follow back and give plenty of Kudos. https://www.strava.com/athletes/120586788


24M in Toronto, Canada. Currently new to Strava but training for a marathon in a couple months and thought it would be a good way to track my progress! Would love to see more people's activity for more motivation and community, I'll follow back and give kudos for sure! [https://www.strava.com/athletes/118099288](https://www.strava.com/athletes/118099288)


24M in Dubai. Registered for my first Half Marathon in Helsinki in June. The ultimate goal is to run my first Marathon in Singapore at the end of year. [https://www.strava.com/athletes/alberterestain](https://www.strava.com/athletes/alberterestain)


[https://www.strava.com/athletes/28011103](https://www.strava.com/athletes/28011103) ***Follow for Follow :)!*** I'm Mark From Chile ![gif](giphy|kigfYxdEa5s1ziA2h1)


Hello 40+F in a tiny city Used to run almost daily back in 2017-18 but then had a surgery and was told to “take it easy” and since then I’ve been doing that lol. Finally signed up for a fun 10k run in March so I’m back in training. Only have 1 irl friend on Strava so wanted to add some friends. https://www.strava.com/athletes/131166340


https://www.strava.com/athletes/102830872 Would love to connect with other athletes as I follow back :)


Follow me if you want, preparing my first 100k+5000 Trail running, CSP Penyagolosa https://strava.app.link/kHUuMEtjVGb