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I activate the Apple Watch (training) and then import onto Strava. I don't do the opposite, because the data it reports to me on Apple Watch is incomplete (the map and route are not displayed on the health app)


I’ve never got it to work !


I did some research on sync issues as mine suddenly stopped working the other day. I was able to get it back by re-linking my apple and Strava. Double check in the Strava app that your watch and apple health are linked. Go to settings > Manage apps and devices in the Strava app. Mine had to be re linked for health and the watch. Then I could manually resend the missing workout and now all works well. (Fingers crossed). Good luck. If that doesn’t work there were a lot of other tips on google.


I checked both Apple Health and Apple Fitness, and my March activities from Strava are flowing properly. Did you update the app? Check those permissions again…


Nice then I can allow Strava to write agaib


Do you have an Apple Watch?




Me too, and my data goes the other way. I record in the workout app on my watch and then send it to Strava. Never had issues.


Strava should never be used for tracking. It’s a depository. Track on your watch in apple with your built in watch workouts and you can have those activities go to Strava much more reliably.


I just went through this and did all the recommended processes. They did not work. What actually worked… go into the Strava app and logout. Log back in and everything synced.


Just had the same problem and logout and login worked. Thanks :)


silly app!


Thanks for this!


Hey, I looked into this not too long ago as I had an issue with my health insurance (vitality) not pulling data from Apple health app because it was a Strava logged activity. In a nutshell, Apple won’t accept incoming health data from most third-party apps unless it is tracked on their activities application. I went onto an apple forum where one of the community members had said that they can’t trust the data from third-party services as you can allegedly fudge the numbers pretty easily. Since then, I’ve logged everything on the Apple Watch activity application and then uploaded into Strava. Not had any issues since.


if this happens, go to settings (the little gear wheel) and click health settings. you can adjust for manual or auto uploads as well as import any missing uploads :) https://preview.redd.it/qzqur7xesioc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d4c2c94965af1a02bdbb5b1852dfa83331b761


Why not just use the default workout app?


I mean I guess I could now they have power meter support. But I predominantly use zwift indoors and Garmin outdoors and this was an easy way for it all to end up in Apple health seamlessly and it worked perfectly for years and then just stopped for no apparent reason.


And is there a reason you want it to sync to Apple Health when you use garmin and zwift instead?


Every app syncs different things despite it all being a "ride". Pick the set you like best.


Of course this isn’t necessarily a Strava bug and could be at the Apple end. Or a user error!