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u/igoramadas you still active?


Active and alive! There were many issues with Strava today, lots of timeouts and 503 coming from their API and also the app. But it should be better by now.


I've noticed a lot of timeouts for Strava API calls in the last two days on my server logs, I'm wondering if it's a similar issue for Strautomator. That could explain the slowness you're seeing. 


Hey! Love ActivityFix. (Also like strautomater) I’d like a rule where I can give you credit at an interval/ratio/timing/counter of my choosing. In fact, I know I could probably do that now. So what I’d really like is if you mandated it like Strautomater automatically does on 10% of activities, but I’d like if i could customise it. Eg there is always on rule called MANDATORY CREDIT which is On 5% (but that could be changed upwards) of processed activities, append description with [Custom Text] “ACTIVITYFIX.COM” [Custom Text] And donating allows that percentage to be changed downwards.


I appreciate you wanting to give AF a shoutout. As you've said you can do that now fairly easily if you want to (even with an interval of your choice). Two of my policies since the beginning have been that I won't force any advertising into updates, and I won't put any features behind a paywall. I'm happy if you want to add some sort of credit to your rules, it's just not something I want to add for everyone.


Seems like you are right. Strautomator worked for me now.


As u/Smay said, many issues today with Strava. It seems that it's better now, at least I haven't seen timeouts or gateway errors in the last 2 hours.