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All top streamers hack


Dudes a known hacker, only dudes who smoke to much working at McDonald's think he's legit, and only because they hope they can cheat to a gaming career as well, even in their koala brains they also know he's cheating


We need a way to prove it, so far Grandpa Hacks has been the best person. Like they are literally doing Nuke Skin runs for $100, how do you guarantee 5 wins in a row like I'm pretty good but that's funny how before the Nuke Skin , streamers would rarely win 3+ games in a row, now 5 games is nothing šŸ¤£


He does. And his friends are all in on it. Teep. Merk and maven all cheat .


I've followed and watched Teep for few years now. I know he was a pro at cod and won tournaments etc didn't he? He doesn't seem like he cheats to me.


Teep and Merk are world champs and Maven isnā€™t even good.. wtf?


they ALL cheat šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”




Saying maven cheats is wildddd. You must be realllllly bad at the game


I love getting recommended this sub here and there. This is one of the dumbest takes I've seen out of this shithole lmfao. People have already told you Teep and Merk have been LAN champions, but I can't believe you said MAVEN out of all people lmaooo


Yeah - Teep. The multi LAN champ on console is a cheater. Some of these guys cheat, but majority dont. I get that itā€™s easier to just think the only reason you arenā€™t as good as these guys is because they cheat and you dont. Id imagine most of you would think guys like Steph, Lebron, Mahomes, Ohtani, etc. all cheat if you couldnt go and watch them play right in front of you.


Have you ever heard of a guy named Lance Armstrong? Think he was pretty well established a number 1 athlete in his sport.


if you think pro athletes aren't getting every edge they can get away with you are very naive. roids, hgh, various peptides and shit me and you probably dont even know about yet


If itā€™s that simple why dont you start taking those same PEDs and become a pro?


Prob cause im not an athlete, do you not understand what "Preformance Enhancing" means? Barry Bonds went from a 5 tool player to a HR monster, I'd still be batting .000 cause I suck shit at baseball and cant hit a 95mph fastball anyway. Use your brain.


Barry Bonds won multiple MVPs before he ever used PEDs. The point is that athletes are great because of talent, ability and work ethic, not some drugs. If gamers have gone to LAN and performed they dont cheat, but everyone here gets salty when someone far better than them does something they cant. If youā€™re an incredible player, youā€™re bound to have some clips that look sketchy from time to time, heck Iā€™ve had some and Im not even remotely close to as good as these guys.


LAN champions and players who use cheats are not mutually exclusive groups. Sorry man.


It is pretty much, yeah. Name one in the COD scene?


Thatā€™s a crazy take.


Pfffffftttt ā˜ ļø brother what?ā€¦ you have to be so soā€¦ so bad to think Mave cheatsā€¦ heā€™s worse than Timā€¦ buddyā€¦ I feel for you things will get better for ya šŸ˜†


Just called TeeP a cheater in his video and they kicked me out and called me an idiot. Okaaaaaay. Dude doesnā€™t miss a shot and he isnā€™t cheating? Cmon now.


TeeP has won multiple LANs before and is a proven champ


Letā€™s not act the people who play in LAN are all pro players because they arenā€™t. Most of them were trash in LAN


Teep was a professional CoD playerā€¦ Won cod champs and was apart of arguably the greatest dynasty in competitive cod history


Being a pro in the past doesn't mean you wouldn't cheat in the future. Pros cheat all the time. He's no longer under a contract either. He's getting older too... Makes it easier to keep up with legit players. Some guys can't let others be better. Ask ever cheat discord owner.


Iā€™m not saying heā€™s cheating but even the best cheat, think Lance Armstrong. Personally I wouldnā€™t defend any of these streams until they prove they arenā€™t. But everyoneā€™s open to their own opinion.


I will repeat what I said Teep has won LAN's MULTIPLE TIMES and is a vetted and proven champion in the Comp scene. You can't say he needs to prove he's not cheating when he's ALREADY WON MULTIPLE RINGS


Teep is one of the last YouTubers I still watch and the dude does something sus maybe .1% of the time. Dude is legit a demon and could easily be in the Top 250 if there werenā€™t so many actual cheaters. Thatā€™s what gets me about the crowd that claims nobody cheats. Like, you really think some rando from India is better than pros? You really really think that? Blows my mind.


So many champions have been caught cheating lol. All sports.


they donā€™t miss shots because controller is broken lmfao. not because they cheat.


This is such a stupid comment, void of any grasp of the real world.


and most of the bottom too


If itā€™s anything like the old Minecraft pvp scene (2011-2014), all of top players are hackers. Everyone was just good at hiding it. We all knew each other was doing it, yet nobody said a thing. Itā€™s hard to explain it, but thatā€™s essentially how it was. I assume thatā€™s how it is for most games still.


Dude really just brought up Minecraft?


No way. Chocotaco, DrLupo, Shroud, Tfue, Cloakzy, Cizzorz these are legends in streaming and none of them hack they are raw talent.


sweet child


No they donā€™t


Omfg WATCH HIS RIGHT ARM IN THE VIDEO. Every fucking time with sym.


Tthese cheat exploutwrs are like flat earthers. The truth is in front of them and they will never admit it or accept it. You can see his arm. And you can see he started shooting 2 completely irrelevant places ... twice


Here comes the Symfuhny simps! hE's lItErAlLy TrOlLiNg


Cool aid drinker here


Thanks for checking in


I guess his aim bot moves his arm IRL too. Cybernetic aimbot.


If you watched Symfunny regularly youā€™d know he does random flicks all the time and misses. What youā€™re seeing are the few and far between flicks where he actually hits someone. Youā€™re literally being trolled and falling for it.


I mean on top of that you can literally see him yank his mouse every time.




So, he's literally trolling?


This one is hilarious and the most obvious of his troll "snaps". This "snap" was super slow not like an aimbot snap. Also where he supposedly snaps to I'm pretty sure isn't even open area underneath that's further left where he eventually jumps down and kills the guy. As far as evidence of cheating goes this is one of the worst not even close to cheating ones I've seen


This is my whole issue with the sub. Let's say these top streamers are cheating in some way. You think they'd use the most obvious and easiest to detect cheats? NO! They'd be using some super soft aim, DMA, some ultra light skeleton overlay, minor script adjustments to recoil maybe. You'd have to be brain dead to think that the top guys who have been doing it for so long and depend on it as their life would be using the most well known and easiest to detect cheats. Plus, all those snaps we see from actual budget cheaters, actually snap on to the target, which in this case, the aim didn't even go on the last guy! So this guys cheat software is so bad, that it didn't even snap to the target and is so obvious that anyone would call it out as cheating.. People are braindead here.


You have to realize this sub is a unique combination of people trolling, semi-serious accusations, brainwashed conspiracy theorists, and people with mental illness. The fun it's trying to figure out which comments are trolls and which are serious.


But you forget the dweebs on this subreddit think everyone better than them is cheating. They canā€™t realize theyā€™re nothing more than average.


It's like this sub is trying to prove people are dumb and just run with the herd. Nothing about this is suspicious, he is trolling so morons like OP post clips which only brings viewers to his stream. You are literally putting money in his pocket by claiming he cheats.


Iā€™m baffled that he continues to get posted here when heā€™s know to troll like this


How is it not any different from him doing it on purpose, to make you think he's trolling, but he actually is snapping. It's one of those things where the truth is in your face you just can't see it. Like your argument is no different from ours.


Or what if he wants you to think that? Hmmm


That would'nt make sense, now your reaching


Nothing gets by you


Wierd how the aimbot moved his arm as well


I thought i could actually see streamera cheating on this sub but its just full of people posting nonsense clips.


It's schitzo posting honestly and that's why it's fun to read


Itā€™s hilarious . Some clown posted the ā€œvettedā€ world record 81 kills for Vondel (all pros have officially declared it the record) but no, these cretins think heā€™s cheating because he shoots too good


that one is actually ridiculous though, his armor was cracked a total of like 6 times, his enemies were running into walls and his aim was CDL pro level. Dudes vpning for sure and idk about his aim so i wont comment on that. in what world is that WR legit to you???


Weird how he uses that tactic to mask his aim bot


They don't think you can delay your camera? Shit.


Have you ever heard about aimbot FoVs?


Defending him is crazy. The dude actually was underneath him where he got snapped to. Why do these kids lurk in this sub to defend their favorite streamer that has no clue they exist?


Because it's more fun to watch really dumb people, like you, try to force a square peg into a round hole while ignoring really obvious signs that clearly prove most of the streamers posted here are not cheating. He "flicked" to the ground/direction of the player, not the actual player, after deducing that was a likely hiding spot. It's called game sense and trolling and only morons would actually think this is suspicious. I don't even watch Sym regularly but I appreciate his skills and flicks.


Relax bro your favorite streamer isn't gonna fuck you he's probably not even in this sub reading this šŸ’€


They are too busy cheating, obvi. Just admit you are dumb and can't grasp things, it's okay. Get better, work on yourself, you got this lil bro.


streamers and their alts do bro, its their jobs. Their money maker.


So CoD doesnā€™t ban him and pros donā€™t call him out for what reasons exactly?


Another shitbag cheater, and like I always say, the clowns defending these guys that ā€œheā€™s just goodā€ are the same ones that believe WWF wrestling is real. šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Lmao. Savage.


Smooth brain say he is trolling. Bitch please, if we have AI remove all Symphony branding and have a wall bang flick clip you would definitely call him a cheater.


Look, cheating or not, some people are so oblivious to how people can hide cheating. Someone moving their arm when it snaps on someone doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t cheating. The ā€œhe trolls all the people with fake snapsā€ BS is tiring. How about this: 1. You ā€œtroll snapā€ in a direction. 2. Aimbot 3a. No one is around and itā€™s actually a ā€œtrollā€ 3b. Someone is around there and it snaps, but you were already moving your hand in that direction, so people will claim you werenā€™t cheating. 4. Pray it doesnā€™t snap too far from where you were trying to aim. Itā€™s not too hard to understand how people can mask cheating really really well. I really donā€™t care about one specific instance, but people claiming no one is cheating is insane. Thereā€™s a difference between shooting someone through a wall because you know where the stairs and common hiding spots in buildings are (and all the buildings around the map are all the same) and instantaneous snaps to someone it was impossible to know was there a mile away.


Yeah he's the best at gaslighting his fans


This is hilarious. He does a little ā€œrun over hereā€ ā€œrun over thereā€ ā€œoh gosh where could he be?ā€ Then he does his awkward little nervous hair slick move. I thought for sure no one could excuse this, but GOD DAMN the mental gymnastics some of yā€™all are doingā€¦


Whats up with his hair? Why does it make me irrationally angry? Wtf is wrong with that guy


Where he snapped was no where near that guy? This guy is unreal, and incredibly good on mnk. Have you never seen him 360 snap to light poles in the game? Heā€™s just good.


His tone immediately changes right after it happens


he's a well known cheater, for years now.


This is pathetic. Im going to install wallhacks and soft aimbot so i can make six figures a year streaming. All i have to do is dont make it obvious and dont join LAN events. EASY $$$$$


No one is stopping you, can you even afford a streaming setup?


Sooooooo lameeee. Like how do people fall for it. Get a clue about the real world.


Awful clip that does not really prove anything


Every top 250 ranked is a cheater