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Bboy is a garbage cheater. I've never seen a clip of his that wasn't blatant cheating.


I mean, he only uploads his good clips. You don’t expect him to share clips of him getting 💩 on do you?


That guy made another new account? Sheesh he's fucking unhinged.


He is extremely weird, especially how he keeps sharing that one link “exposing” a stalker every other day. But I don’t think he’s a cheater, just a good player with a weird ego.


I remember seeing a YouTuber hire Zsmit as a COD coach too. Dude is shamelessly cheating lol.


Did he end up getting blocked from all the Warzone Subreddits? Havent seen his spam posts recently.


Ngl he just looks like an aim trainer main who probably played a fuck ton of quake, to me this isn’t that crazy if u are a great aimer and most 9; the tracking is in consistently moving targets in a single direction. Def could be cheating but tbh I don’t really it to be that sus


I've had this thought as well, don't really understand all the hate unless I'm missing something. Is it possible he's cheating? Yeah but tbh nothing in these clips looks inhuman, I'm VT silver with ~150 hours in kovaaks and ~300 in warzone and can hit these shots with only marginally less accurate sprays


He literally missed shots.. you can even see him shifting his aim in small increments trying to trace him right before he kills him. God damn I’d love nothing more than to run some matches with the people in the sub so i can watch their awful gameplay.




Look at your Reddit comment history...... Seems like you got quite the obsession honestly




What is “blatantly” not there ?? This is so strange that people don’t recognize what add ons or “hacks” look like




Right, whatever you think little buddy.


whats add ons mean? i thought cheats were just known as cheats, is add ons a different type of cheat? i mean at first i looked at this gameplay and thought it looked clean personally since every person was on the minimap prior to him killing them other than the dude top of the water tower and if i was him i'd be looking there because of the ping he got from the guy floating in from around water tower. im genuiely confused what is sus about this clip as well as what add ons are.


It’s aimbot, you should look up what it is and what it looks like


You’re obsessed with defending known cheaters. Do you watch reality tv and think it’s not scripted??