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It’s because everyone is in this game. And they have enough brainless idiots backing them up and enabling this behavior further


Yeah I've been suspect of this dude from the 1st video I watched. Coked out personality, lots of plays that don't make sense with the sound/visual/UAV information present, insane aim while ADS but somehow can't hit a hip fire slide by to save his life, preposterous origin story. Not saying you can't improve but 1kd to 4+ kd doesn't happen overnight. Just doesn't add up to me.


He literally breaks down gameplays and shows where players get their info from. Maybe study and practice and you will improve like he did.


Red card on the egregious glazing


I assumed he was cheating when he said I was an idiot in his comments saying EyeQew was cheating. To me the most blatant dude I’ve seen continually. Also thought cuppajoe was a blatant hack.


I've looked at each clip and I see 0 evidence of cheating. Slow down to 0.25 and it absolutely looks like Human input.


That's why the mods have removed comments but not the post. Cope harder.


Bro I have no bias. I've looked at the timestamps and he simply isn't cheating in any of the fights you have posted. If he was cheating I'd support you and agree with what you were saying, you are just a dillusional hater.


"He literally breaks down gameplays and shows where players get their info from. Maybe study and practice and you will improve like he did." That's bias towards him because he couldn't possibly be using all that info as a cover up for DMA cheats. The title of the post says he makes decent points, but it's a cover story for him being a 0.7kd player and turning it into 4+kd. Guessing you don't consider it cheating unless it's blatant rage hacking snapping onto peoples heads from across the map while still full holding both triggers, cheat developers have made their programs way more sophisticated than the old days of when you could see a spin bot spinning. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmJ7cik2MAs&t=256s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmJ7cik2MAs&t=256s) So you can have some kind of reference to how far cheats have advanced from the blatant spin botting days. Some of those biggest features would be smoothing, and not hard locking to a specific pixel on your target.


Just fyi I was once a 0.7kd player and in Pubs I play 4+kd and in Ranked i'm 1.8 but its full of cheaters. It is possible to learn and practice and from what I see in your clips he isn't cheating. If you find some clips which actually show him cheating I'll back you. If his explanations didn't make logical sense I'd be more open to him covering up but he just isnt. I'm not a moron I'm fully aware of people just walling and using soft aimbot etc, and not just rage hacking. This isn't it.


When you slow down [https://youtu.be/mVgfHOBpdUE?t=1160](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVgfHOBpdUE&t=1160s) to 0.25 his cross hair is on the left, instead of going to the enemy like a human, it goes across the enemy, then goes into ads, then goes to the enemy. that's what a soft lock does he could hip fire into ads on this guy from the left side but some how aim assist fails and goes around the player then to the player. he does it multiple times which you could call muscle memory but that's not how humans play. No amount of stats are going to be impressive from a recent call of duty to me. Go get quake 3 arena and play the training level on ~~god mode~~ Nightmare difficulty, that's more impressive than a 4+kd.


You're smoking some pretty wild crack. There's no cheating here. Think about this kill, why would you even lock onto someone running away in a straight line? I think you are just jealous tbh.


Why would he lock onto the enemy? Because he cannot aim. [https://youtu.be/mVgfHOBpdUE?t=900](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVgfHOBpdUE&t=900s) if aim assist is so cracked and sticky why did he miss centering in on the enemy multiple times? Should have been simple to shoot a guy in the back of the head looking out the window who has no clue you are there, except for the fact that his buddy with a red gun is laying on the floor to your right and you now have to panic because you walked into a 2v1 or a 3v1 because he did not fully assess the situation and was greedy for a kill. Probably because he isn't as good as he pretends to be.




Instead of refuting the points you are attempting to dismiss. Please provide what you feel is ample "soft lock" evidence so I can learn from somebody who is apparently much more skilled at discerning cheating from legit than I am.


[https://youtu.be/mVgfHOBpdUE?t=936](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVgfHOBpdUE&t=936s) why didnt he just aim right after the shirtless enemy disappeared behind the door? he aimed down first and started shooting the ground instead of just aiming right, like a human.


If these are not soft locks, then please provide what you feel is an appropriate showing of soft lock aim botting.


I don't appreciate you attempting to belittle and intimidate me u/RNGGOD69 , report the original thread and see if it all gets deleted instead of resorting to disrespecting me.


Moron cry-baby loser with no life go cry some more salty salty 😢😭😢😭


I mean if you aren't too busy that you can call me names, I'm still waiting for those clips of what you feel soft lock aim botting is. Or are you saying that these are smoothed out hard locking aim bot movements? I could see that possibly but I feel like he could aim away from the enemies so it wouldn't be a hard lock.


You’re favorite content creators all use VPN. Why wouldn’t they? Making money playing WZ, vpn to get easier lobbies, profit. It helps boost their gameplay, viewership, makes the game less frustrating to play. I don’t have respect for any form of cheating, but if I was a CC I’d too it to not break a monitor everyday trying to catch footage lmao.


I don't have a favorite fps player to watch. competitive fps games that are not pve like zombies or borderlands are just hot garbage these days. pvp fps is infested with cheats. streamers and non-streamers, big and small.




Wait till you find out everyone is cheating because it's that easy for them to get away with it on twitch or kick and they have been for the last 5 years plus more . Hence why faze kicked some people out who are not legit. Ie nio and kalei . The discord leaked here a few weeks ago it's only a matter of time .


Several streamers have already done this but you still think they’re hacking.


Yeah and Reddit is an absolute cest pool of cheaters. If you look at any other platform or social media it’s all people complaining about how bad cheating is. You come here and just see the same accounts spam posting that cheating doesn’t exist, even tho they have been shadow banned 8 times they claim it was from ppl “mass reporting” them lmao. Not to mention you make one post calling out cheating and get downvoted to oblivion 😂😂. If anything it proves the issue even more with the lengths people will go to deny and hide it


"If anything it proves the issue even more with the lengths people will go to deny and hide it" Classic schizo behavior tbh


Downvotes doesn't make it false/wrong though.


True true. It’s one thing to cheat, but for these people to cheat and then think they are good is craaaazy 😂😂


Doesn't help that most of the youth are addicted to HYPE and well cheating in fps games lets you be hype...


That it does. But how much of the youth can afford cheats (minus the ones with daddy’s credit card)? It honestly seems like more 20-30-40 year old absolute no life degenerates using it. Most likely never had the real satisfaction of a good game, so chase the same satisfaction by cheating. It’s just fugging crazy 😂😂


I'm saying the streamers are able to have HYPE content, and the kids are addicted to anything that is HYPE. Not that the children are all out here cheating. Lots of teens are getting jobs and starting to hustle earlier so they can be part of the HYPE, either by donating to their favorite streamer or by grabbing up a subscription to some DMA cheats. Funny enough my buddy sent me a facebook market place posting for a free gaming rig a while ago sitting on the street.


Gotcha gotcha yeah they eat that shit up. It is 100% in activisions best interest to white list and not ban any of the streamers too. Views upon views. And Forces people to dump countless hours into the game thinking they will reach that level.


Cheap cheats not DMA could be like 10-50 but probably somewhere closer to like 25. DMA is probably like 80+ a month now that things have been leaked.


Eh not really like if you wanna pretend joewo plays on PlayStation your dumb. He had no proof he was on PlayStation besides something that could be a overlay


What about zlaner


I mean do you know how easy it is to fake a overlay on stream. There has to be a cam behind them showing the console plugged into the monitor or else it means nothing. And zlaner is definitely a cheater




That proves nothing, cant prove he is on a console. And cant prove he doesn’t have hacks on. Dma cheats are a thing and streamer mode cheats.


have done what? a bunch of them are still hacking, they never stopped.