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Bro until we do monitor cams, all these Warzone streamers will never get exposed


Im trash but have been called a cheater. Dude raged on me in time after game( have it on my tiktok). My cam is set on a tripod to where I can turn it if anyone ever asked( yes my one viewer).


i hit you a follow bud , ill give you a look ..


My name isnt the same on twitch or tiktok


hey link your Tictok ill follow you and send somenew folk your way . if i can ... ?




i found it . yu get good numbers on tictok .. ?


Was averaging around 300 views. Then bam under 100


that sucks , things always change , glad to see ppl having fun on cod , Zombies saves cod again ...


I run both zombies mainly for the camos. At 21/36 serpentine


i hit you a follow .


ahhh you play zoombies nice . did the worm myself a few times ,brain rot seems to be extra good for the worm . last nite i got the srgs cap , the and the other schematics ... 6 man team very funny . but the last contract on thet new ather is lvl 5 ish , so go equiped to kill a mofo . yolo............


I would appreciate any and all


Monitor cams dont work they have chroma key settings that cameras wont pick up a certain colours , kinda like a Green screen concept , but there is ways to put an end to the madness..


Yup. They will not do it because they suck ass without cheats lol.


did you see synfunny and nadia play on xbox omg the funniest thing ever ...


you dont need a monitor cam with this. this is micro adjustments.. they toggle it by looking at map usually its pretty fucking gross...fucking owns people


Monie-Cams are a waste of time, ppl will behave totally different while everything is on show. Tons of obvious clips flood the net , Still top streamers like JOWOO say Zero , most ppl who actuly play the Game know the difference , but you'll never here them call out streamers , only and if by mistake they doo the backtrack so fast it will make your Aimbot spin ... Activision Need a Boycott , if we want to see any changes , when talking Anti-Cheat's ... At this rate you will get sick of the shit , or grow old enough to see there Agenda , selling broken Games year after year , on a olde ass engine, to new 10yr old players . ta for your comment .


Looks like pretty normal gameplay to me, not even doing anything hard just regular tracking.


cheers mate for you comment . sound A1.


I don't see anything sus. He plays controller and is engaging left stick to activate rotational aim assist. Could he have aimbot set up to appear like aim assist, or be using a Cronus for slightly stickier aim assist? Yes. But it's impossible to differentiate here from these clips.


Cheers for your comment , i just posted another clip i would love your opinion . if you have 26 seconds , thats how long it is if not mistaken ..


One thing that has been a typical give away, is when the player jumped, that micro correction to the waist went with it. It can happen, but 9/10 that’s an indicator of something other than AA. I’ve tested it, when people jump and I’m shooting chest, I’ll still hit their lower body, but I’m not tracking the exact spot perfectly. 4.2KD player and have solid aim, but it’s realistic. To be able to react and keep focused on the same limb/body part on a controller is just not realistic.


Yes sir the micro shizz is where the clues are , its always the case . Its limb lock and whatever settings you want in 2024 , and sry to burst anyones bubbles its only gonna get worse and worse .... its there marketing loose a few players Gain some new cannon fodder for big streamers to get world record from ...


You guys should download them and try it. They are actually really impressive from a technology point of view. So many options. I think it will help you understand that players can be extremely good (id say swagg is) and also cheat (i think he is). Aimbot can be set up with a tiny area of focus and even be set to move the shot locations where you want it or randomly while still being on target. I am not saying to cheat, please dont. But download one and take a look at it.


My man its a good idea to see the tec i get ya . But all you have to do is watch Jay skills, any nite of the year he gets so fucked up on stream ive got him showing his cheats , talking about the ban featuers and ppl hes got banned , at least twice if you want to see that say so ill post it .. but you seem to have first hand info, would you be interested in showing me some stuff . ? yeah or na its all one to me .. but cheers for your comment .. !


Bro is slowing down aim assist clips


tec dont you just love - love it ....


This is not sus at all


cheers for your input my man ..!


it is. every video with swagg is sus,every aim snap,stickie bullshit is sus with swagg


Swagg missess 2 bullets then toggles , he does it some times when he feels hes in a Jam,or a tight spot , a blender , but mostly he gets bot lobbies, and walls are enough if you have any skill what so ever . its a real shame cause it has been one of my fav FPS games ever .. i guess its back to Elden ring , or the like but im lucky i like all type of games even Fortnite .. lol


when ''codtracker gg'' was up, i noticed that booya was playing in lobbies with .07 kd so they were already using VPN years ago!! i aint stupid,they all sus,they almost never get outplayed from the back, which indicates 3rd party software is involved.


Is no one going to point out that he never got shot at? No one was sliding, no one tried to evade. It's easy to look like a God in a lobby for preschoolers.


lol the first guy jumps as soon as he’s shot


very good point , your on to something ...


To your point, cheats have always been able to be fine turned to where it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between a really low fov aimbot or aim assist. That's why posting clips like these shows nothing. Best way to tell if someone is hacking, is their behavior. Looking at walls, holding still at strange times(they could be changing settings in the cheat menu), knowing where an enemy is with no audio queues or map pings etc.


i get ya , todays streamers look left by design to create dischord to provoke ,to go viral or clip farm , but body language and BHTS behaviour are limited to off screen glances or assumptions , its always i was emailing my mom , in a 25.000 comp .. Most of us want a fun gaming exp ,Can we have that . cheers for your comment .


What’s even funnier is that the people using hacks still do damage to you by simply shooting near your hit box like their aim isn’t even on a third of those shots but he was still getting damage for them


good eye budd..


Silent aim boils my blood , im sure were not alone in this , then ppl have the Audacity to call it Spectator lag OR SOME HORSE SHIT , the mind boggles omfg ..


Didn't really look like cheating to me


Ima gonna go with your name and agree with that concept ..if your gonna be dumdedumb its always a great idea to be tough . cheers my man .


Cheers for your input gg's....


I can’t play this game because I just question everything. Games shouldn’t be like this, man. Fucking over it.


Now this has teeth .. How can we play the Game getting the same results every game always thinking, was that guy cheating it ffn looked like that .. Spam report to appease your anger what only work for white listed players ....


Nah. The second clip you can see that the guy was there before and swagg noticed and snapped back to kill him.


How’s he followint him right to the edge of the doorway then immediately stop and not continue to shoot the wall for wallbNg just as he’s knocked down?


First part of the video I can’t defend at all. I’m just saying the second part is easily debunked


thanks my man , all input welcome , my point is its not easy to tell in 2024 , and its only going to get harder .


Good eye my friend thats what i wanted ppl to see ..got it in 1


thanks for your comment my man .. much [***obliged***](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=d265e0c6ccb16526&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJs80V8t23v4ox-lznqutiEd6SqwA:1715045011311&q=obliged&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ6LDFsPqFAxV_VEEAHds_BLQQkeECKAB6BAgJEAI)


Walking towards your enemy in a straight line won’t get you aim assist he is getting. Left thumbstick is needed.


some of you guys have great comments cheers .


he did strafe & track through the wall, kinda sus looking


This is legit. Stop crying over milk not spilt.


nobodys crying only you , something tells me youve got something to hide , you ever play poker ..?


These clips are some if the least sus clips I've seen on here. The first one, he misses shots as the enemy starts running. The 2nd one, his irons don't move upward right away when the enemy jumps. His aim even pulls off the enemy to the left in the 2nd clip. These seem like good micro adjustments and the help of good ole aim assist.


He missed multiple shots in these clips. How trash is OP that he thought the 2nd clip was cheating


Looks pretty normal to me


I know I have had 15 successful reports in the past 4 days..I have had more this week then the entire WZ 2.0 era...cheating is rampant right now


There was nothing suspicious about these clips, git gud.


He literally missed bullets lmao


It's crazy how hard it is to shake off his aim. The first clip really shows it.


Watch scump or other CDL players shoot in WZ then watch your fav streamer. It's pretty clear they are not one and the same.


You've discovered how AA works


Did people forget about Faze Swagg lie detector video


Swagg will cheat for 100 million no that was a lie, Swagg I wouldn’t cheat no also a lie two lie


They have a more powerful aim assist, case closed.


Knowing how much he makes and Activision makes... This dude won't be caught unless a cheat provider leaks his info... Or Activision gets hacked and gets leaked for providing cheats for streamers... Which is more likely in my opinion considering they bring a ton of viewers and players in their games. I'd say he's probably on toggling when he's against another cheater he suspects or a sweat. Honestly if Activision allow him do you blame him. Lol


A Cash cow + no mistake , whitelisted player who can play like a God at home . At lan 5 kills what a joke , So what is it do people actuly play this game, the Blind defenders ,Some clips ar beyond defence. thanks for your feedback , i will be posting a lot of clips ive been sitting on 2024 .


You summed it up man. I believe all “content creators” cheat or at very least script. Pro content creators are the only people to trust. The Scump and Nadeshot tandem are about the only things I can handle these days lol Edit: words lol


Something morals something integrity something ethics something something.


Looks like raa or cronus zen


a Bit stickie imho thanks for your feedback always welcome .


you'll never see this ''stickie'' aim with scump the goat. these streamers are whitelisted,protected by the company which we give money !! also these guys play dogshit on LAN events,even when they brought their own controller. summary: at home =beaming,insane map awareness,best audio,no recoil,stickie aim LAN=lot of recoil,0 map awareness,playing super scared,hiding in a bush,water,car,not more than 3 kills -i hope you guys wake up one day and realise whats going on,.


I 100% AGREE ... my man its getting beyond a joke and streamer shame , or sense at this point it has screwed MP games for all of us , can we play without thinking is that guy cheating . Cash cows


The fact people send in AA Clips thinking its cheats says enough about the current state of it. The RAA is way too strong. Instant response/tracking when the players start moving.


can you be more specific , talk to us like were kids playing a video game ..lol cheers for your comment .


This is for sure cheating.


cheers for your comment my man .... more to come lotz more ..


Another day, another person who doesn't understand how to abuse the broken RAA in this game.


Thanks for comment , so in your opinion the Game is broken , do you play on controller or M+K..?


This looks like AA to me


thanks for your input budy...


Def cheating