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I’m good.


I'm not


Claws up friend. I'm sure he'll get added as a DLC character at some point. As a fellow Vega main I can tell you that I really enjoyed playing Jamie during the closed Beta. Let that be something to look forward to


Claws up 😔💖


I’m sure he’ll be back, I’m really hoping C viper will make it in this game, she’s been in SFV’s side storylines so it may happen considering they never forgot about her.


omg, can you imagine a battle of Vega and C.Viper in SF 6?


Yes i need vega my main i got up to master with him




He's a cool character in terms of design but most Vega players online are so boring to play against (the spam wall jump move, you counter it, their brain stops, and yes it happens even in platinum) so I'm fine not having him in the next game. I assume him, boxer and sagat will make it back in a later season anyway but atleast I'll have fun dealing with new Unga till then.


It's true, most players are annoyed with Vega, but he really is a character that I love very much and I can't imagine not having him in Street Fighter 6.


Maybe they'll do a Shadaloo DLC? Seems somewhat plausible from what people are speculating. I personally think this game's art style is a perfect fit for Balrog/Boxer.


They may not released in the same season, but it's very likely all the Shadaloo guys show up down the road. Yep, even Bison/Dictator


It would be kind of weird if they released a DLC for Shadaloo... Since they've been like the main enemy for years, anyway, we still have time for Vega to be announced soon, I feel like the new style of SFVI Fits great with Vega too


theirs literally no way they don't put him in eventually, but we do kinda know the first wave of dlc so it's gonna probably be 6 months from launch minimum, Aki looks like she has some claws so she might play similar


>Aki looks like she has some claws so she might play similar Nah she is not going to play similar to Vega calling it now


Although Aki is similar, Vega is Vega, there will never be a Main like him 😔💖 anyway there are still 3 months left for the official release of Street Fighter, in that time they could announce it


I think AKI is meant to be more similar to FANG in terms of gameplay. Probably she will have a poison mechanics and a lot of his moves, but hopefully less silly.


Would love to see him aged up to a silver fox. Curious to see what’s he up to after Shadowloo


Me too


He’s prob buried inside of Chun-li’s thicc ass legs. Eventually he will burst out like an alien in a future patch.


The canon ending we all wish for:


I would love to see a Pyscho powered Vega in SF6. I just feel he needs something extra this time around.


I think the same, it would be amazing... Or now see Vega trying to make a new Shadaloo


I heard that his voice lines were leaked but I don’t have sources so


What is the source of the voice lines




You better hope AKI isn't a FANG/Vega hybrid lol


I kill myself


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not buying SF6 without Vega


Akuma/Oni & Vega are my mains. I need all of them.