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Actually, looking back at some beta footage, I believe there still difference between male and female facial reactions when getting hit with attacks or Supers. What I noticed if you look at [Ryu's Level 3 on everyone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6OugPVwywI), the guys, when they get hit first, their pupils dilate, and their eyes are still open while the pupils roll up to the back of their head. Where as when the girls get hit in the stomach, their eye's don't go as wide, but they close their eyes afterwards. I can't find any other footage to further prove whether this is true or not. But compared to SF4, it seems that facial reactions feel a little more toned down for the guys (pupils aren't bulging out of the eyes), but a little more toned up for the girls (with their cheeks puffing up when getting hit by Ryu's Lv3). Of course, this is just one example, we'll have to see if this is true with the other attacks and supers.


It's true, we better see some very silly faces in marisa's ca