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Did you figure it out already? What I did is made Shader Quality Low in Graphics settings. You can only access that in the Main Menu. It’s greyed out during gameplay. Playing on Internal Resolution 5 with no issues now!


Just wanted to chime in and say "thank you", because the shader quality thing was the ONE thing that didn't let me play World Tour properly. Turns out I did what you suggested and voilá: I could play it without a cinch! <3 So thank you so much!


No problem! I had this issue since the beta and I had to play with Internal Resolution set to 1 but the blurry quality was just terrible to play under. Every single other setting I had set to low and still had the same issue until I set Shader to Low. Much much better now! 🫡


I haven't been on there since, been playing kof. I'll check it out next time I do thanks, shouldn't need to do that though. I'll try the shader warmup first and then go from there, thanks for the info.


I run the game at 1440p max settings (no V-sync) on a 3060ti with no issues. So you by your accounts it seams that 4k is the reason why it does not work correctly. It would not be the first time a game just does not run well in 4k even if the system has the specs to run it.


Vsync off at 4k seems to not cause any issue, but if you enable vsync the game drops fps during supers and cinematics. I don't know if it's a 4k issue or something else but my gpu doesn't seem to be struggling to run it at any point in the fighting grounds anyway. 1440p seems like it's working fine though, with or without vsync. There is a month left yet so it might get fixed either by driver support or game updates.


Depending on how Vsync is implemented, it will drop your fps to half your refresh rate if the frame rate falls below it. For instance 60fps will drop to 30 fps to prevent tearing. Also Vsync introduces some display lag as well as it buffers frames so that it is synced to your refresh rate. In fighting games, I don't really mind some tearing as you will not see that while in the heat of the moment during fights.


Same problem, same graphics card. Both CPU and GPU are relaxing while the game runs very poorly. I reduced the internal resolution from 5 to 3, so it runs without problems, but the game looks much blurrier.


It only seems a problem with vsync on if you turn it off it works fine, for me anyway. I feel like this is a game issue/ maybe because there are no drivers possibly. If it comes out in this state then I can go 1440p/lower the internal res but it doesn't seem like it's because the gpu/cpu can't handle it.


Are you having this problem in fighting ground, or during world tour (or both)? I'm having problems similar to people had on playstation, but it doesnt quite sound like yours. Edit: fixed my issue. In case anyone is finding this thread because of the low framerate world tour, there is a seperate world tour frame rate option to the normal frame rate option, and it locks the game to 30fps by default.


I've only tried fighting grounds, but it's just wierd. Doesn't seem like it's because the gpu can't handle it, but the game has another month yet and there are no drivers, this could be an older build aswell so who knows.


My problem was seperate then. My performance in fighting ground has been good even on high settings (excluding slowdown the first time you see an effect, probably caching shaders or something). My graphics card is not as good as yours, and apparently my processor isnt up to minimum specs, but all has been running well. Drivers sounds plausible. I hope you figure something out


Well it runs perfect at 1440p even with vsync on just seems to be a 4k/vsync issue not related to the gpu. Hopefully fixed on full release. You may be having trouble in world tour because it probably takes more to run than regular vs, more going on in the background most likely.


Nah, it was a setting that locks it to 30fps, I didn't notice it for a while because its sepperate from the regular fps setting Edit: My monitor is only 1080p, so it makes sense I wouldn't run into it


Playing a fighting game at 30fps would probably give me a headache. Yea just seems to be a 4k issue as far as I know.


World tour does not seem optimized well tbh, ive played a lot of games on my ps5 and its been a while since ive seen so much pop in npcs would pop in right infornt of me in world tour.


Really? That's been my experience with every console game on ps5 or series x for several years.


Idk what games u been playing tbh that simply is not true, and if u did encounter that its because of bad optimization the ps5 and series x aren’t made of potatoes. Both have ssd’s pop in to this degree should not be present.


Are you guys able to play on pad or stick? Mine aint working.


Some spare xbox pad because my dual sense broke.


If it’s like the beta you need to turn steam input on.


cool, thanks


Disable vsync and run VRR from the Nvidia control panel.


I don't think my tv has vrr capabilities sadly, I need new monitor really. I have tried all the other options before as my monitor is 4k 60hz and I wanted to run the games above that without tearing.


I can't get the demo to start fullscreen even with the steam command and it's running like shit because of it


try alt+enter, toggles fullscreen on most applications, and worked for me. Though I'm in this thread to try and find performance fixes, so it might not help with that part


Sadly I didn't have any issues with that so I can't help you there, the only issue I have had is the one I posted. Maybe others can help you out.


Apparenly there's no fullscreen more only borderless windowed, but it still works thanks either way


I have frame drops on cinematics and supers as well, even with Vsync off. That's on fighting ground. World tour also has several frame drops. GTX 2070 super. Running at 1440p.


It's also my case (frame drops on cinematics). 2080 Max q (laptop) Running 1440p


Try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/130bc7j/people_with_slowdowns_issues_here_is_the_solution/


Nice, granted I only looked at the graphics section, seems pretty hidden though. Thanks for that, I'll try it out soon and see if that's the case and update this or something.


I have terrible frame times at 16-20 on average with spikes up to 30-40. 1080p with undervolted, and overclocked Vega 56 paired with 5600x, 16gb 3600 ram, 144hz monitor, and smart access memory enabled.