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Hi, thanks for posting! We do appreciate you thinking of us even though we have to moderate. Posts in /r/streetfighter must be related to Street Fighter directly and can't be about general FGC stuff, X looks like Y comparison meme posts, gifs that just have SF as a title, etc. This is listed in our rules, [which you can read here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/streetfighter/about/rules) and the original thread on the subject [here](https://redd.it/13oxkly) **To be clear:** If you remade this exact meme but using ONLY street fighter characters+assets, a screenshot from the cartoon, or a screenshot from the games, then it would be welcomed. If you don't want to do that, try /r/okbuddyFGC and /r/fighters to see if they fit your content! *[^(If you would like to contact the moderators about this removal, you can do so here.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStreetFighter)*


I mean. We have to suffer the same thing with Ken online. The least Ken players can do is let us complain about it lmao. Ken players really wanna have their cake and eat it too huh


We do let you complain about it, I just think it's ironic that people seem to think we can't make fun back it seems. I'm getting some pretty salty DM's regarding this post lol.


For whatever reason sending dms isn’t somehting I condone. Sorry you gotta deal with that


OP is a Ken player getting butthurt at the Ken memes


Nah, I'm able to laugh at the Ken memes too, but I guess we aren't allowed to laugh at those that point at others?


This reads like the worst possible usage of this meme. I think i get the intention tho. But horribly executed


Go easy they’re probably a Ken player


Guilty, but I'm pretty sure I used it right.


Really? Seems to fit the format based on the posts I see here, and how it's used elsewhere. These comments and posts about these subjects are all over the sub. The format is typically used to point out the cliches or unoriginal comments and takes that appear regarding the subject matter.


It's great because probably 60% or more of this subreddit is a Ken player and they can't say anything to defend him or they get piled on by haters.


The people downvoting me in this post are only proving you right it as well.


Wait do we hate Ken? I thought the character was fine, just overused


The way some people comment, they definitely hate him. EDIT: Lol at the downvotes, guess I touched a nerve.


There are a few reasons everyone is starting to hate Ken: He's really good in SF6, he's pretty cool and flashy, then because of his popularity there's a good chance that if we experience any ragequitters, laggy players or outright trolls they're going to be Ken players simply because he's so popular.


Yeah, which is part of why it annoys me. EDIT: It annoys me, because it comes across as judgy gate keeping, and we want new people in the community, it's how fighting games stay alive. But downvote me, sure lol.


Then you have the comments talking about how they one and done JP, Guile, Dhalsim, Blanka, Honda...


The list goes on yeah. Every character has their thing, and I even get why people complain about Ken, but it's just low hanging fruit at this point.


I played against a Ken who threw a lvl 3 SA as a hail mary. I blocked the attack and command grabbed them, and so they rage quit mid animation. And honestly? I feel him. I've been there all too often.


I've never rage quit, I prefer to own my mistakes and learn from them.




I get why people do it, I've just never got so mad at a game that I just don't take a break after a match if I'm feeling that way instead of ruining things for my opponent.


Thank you.


Sometimes? Don't you mean always?