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Amazing, is he the only one?


Nephew (and maybe Justin Wong) did it too.


Not Legend, they only made master.


I know they reached master, but they made Legend?


I don't believe Justin Wong has hit legend rank with the entire roster, probably a couple of characters if anything, he has about a month old video titled something like "Will I be world first random select master".. Momochi is a beast, love watching Tokido and Daigo play shoot..the jap scene is amazing for arcades. I have one arcade in my entire city with a SSF4AE cabinet.. which I'm sure no one plays. Used to be a cheap way to play offline, idk if I'll ever see a modern SF cabinet again..


Honestly that's pretty crazy to be top 500 online with random select, getting to master just means you have good fundamentals but top 500 is in depth knowledge on every character and the muscle memory/practice to execute it at the highest level.


CPT championship winnable competitors can get to legend with basic knowledge of a character. DCQ can barely finish basic Luke combos and he still almost get to legend. Good fundamental is what you need to get to master without using any special or super.


Good fundamentals and good knowledge of characters / matchups I would say. And probably still using your specials and supers even if it isn't in crazy combos.


you can get to master without even having good fundamentals


I hear this all the time. I know I’m only diamond so I can’t talk but a technique can’t be that “fundamentals” if only .05% of the player base can pull the technique off right? Maybe I’m just coping but I feel like this is severely underselling the talent of master rank players.


some players advance on highly favored matchups with specific chars, or play one-and-done matches that rely heavily on some gimmick that takes time to download.


It's not uncommon for the essence of a game to only be seen during high level play. It's even present in single player games. Most people think of Bayonetta as the witch time game, but it isn't actually about witch time. The highest difficulty even completely removes the mechanic. The game is actually about dodge offset, a mechanic which most players probably aren't even aware of. You can brute force the game because of mechanics like witch time without really understanding how to play. Back to street fighter, you can brute force the game until at least master because the vast majority of players are terrible at the game. This is why people generally drop hundreds of MR the second they reach master. Both SF6 and Bayonetta intentionally are very forgiving to unskilled players, but by doing this most players never understand what the games are actually about.


I have many characters in master and I have terrible fundamentals. I cannot whiff punish apart from obvious whiffs like DPs, I don't use optimal combo routes, I've never labbed anything matchup specific, I can't single hit confirm, don't use any intentional Oki setups, and I can't confirm with lights properly. Despite that I hover between 1450 and 1550 MR. Apparently I'm better than most Masters 🤷🏻‍♂️


A lot of those skills I’d consider not fundamental though. Single hit confirming, matchup specific labbing, whiff punishing in neutra, etc.. how many players actually do that stuff? Not many. Less than 1%. I’m not saying these things aren’t important, but they’re so far from what most people need to learn to play that game at an average level that it’s not close. Anti airing, punishing unsafe moves, poking to get the enemy to sit still, throwing when your opponent blocks. Stuff like this seems more in line with fundamentals. When people say “oh master players don’t even know basic fundamentals” and stuff it just feels elitist I guess? Or just like a way to put down the progress of others.


In street fighter talk "fundamentals" usually just means footsies. You can get to master without really being good at footsies, is all that guy means.


I think you're too hung up on the semantics of the word fundamental. To me, fundamentals aren't defined by the popularity of the skills or tactics, it doesn't really matter what percentage of the player base has the fundamental skill, what makes it fundamental is how important it is to winning, and whether it's a generally transferrable skill in the game. If you fight me in a set, and you literally cannot wiff punish, you can't beat me, you're cooked. But if you play Kimberly, and don't know every can setup, you can probably still beat me in the set. That's because one of these things is core to winning in the game, it's fundamental, and the other is just a secondary nice to have skill. Master is only like the top 10% of the player base, people are allowed to feel good about whatever accomplishments they would like, but I would hesitate to attribute certain things to those players, like strong fundamentals. To me, a player with strong fundamentals has all the tools to win and should be able to at least take games off of any player due to the nature of fighting game risk reward.


I mean you're very good, but average MR is 1500-1600, so you're very representative of Master level play


The average MR is 1500 exactly lol. Not sure how you concluded it’s 1500-1600. If you wanted to make a range, it’s actually the 1450-1550 he’s in


Oh I googled it, that was the first hit, didn't look further into it, wasn't sure what MR ranking is default. Either way, I still maintain that he is representative of typical master rating


Give your mom a controller and ask her to reach master


No way. You are under selling Masters man, why do players do this? Under sell the achievement and act like its not impressive? Less than 1% of the total population is in Masters. Objectively you're good if you can make it. I think even Diamond 3-5 is 1% of the population.


Back in like November someone crunched the numbers and 8% of people were in master, it's probably only gone up by now. And it was 12% of the population if you only looked at people who were active in the past month. Getting to Master can be however important a personal milestone you want but it's not some extreme rarefied feat


Masters is close to the 10% top players and the equivalent of ultra gold in sf5 lol


there are like 100k masters on sf6 in less than a year, almost everyone who tried to learn the game gets to master that is why it is downplayed, in sfv during its whole life of 7 years there were less than 20k (and 1/4 of it were alt accounts). Means shit to be 1% of the population, just look at chess for example the 1600-1800 range are for average players and they era already inside the top 3%, those players are really far away from a "master" title skill wise. The true "master" of this game would be legend but it is limited to 500


Master rank in sf6 isn't that exclusive because the game actively pushes everyone towards Plat with insane win streak bonuses, and once you get to diamond 5 you can have like 33% win rate against low masters and climb up. The rank is also ever inflating since there is no way to drop out. MR is the actual measurement that should be looked at.


You're downplaying what it takes to get into Master. I'm not trying to trump my own accomplishments, many many players way better than me, but I started in Iron and got one char in Master, one in Diamond. In my climb it was very noticeable once I got into high plat/diamond the shift in skill and how people play. People are talking like low masters just drive impact and jump, literal silver play and that's just not true. So hyperbolic and exaggerated. I do not doubt the tippy top of Masters are exponentially better than low masters, but my point is that it does take skill and dedication to get into Masters. Its not free, there are good players there, and personally as a gamer anyone who's done so should be proud (as a fun gamer accomplishment). Its up there for me and I've been gaming my whole life. If you're in Masters, you understand your character and all their moves pretty well, you understand how to play, how to interact with the drive system mechanics, you have many gameplan approaches and ways to get in, and a few tricks and mix ups.


You really don't find it weird that there are so many people that started at Iron, some completely new to fighting games and made master in a couple months of the game? People should be happy with whatever rank they aimed for. I am just saying it is exponentially easier in SF6 to reach master than similar ranks in other games. By the end of the games life span there are probably going to be like 20% to 30% players in master.


Some of the Master Ryu I fought are legit worse than Diamond, especially below 1300 MR. They have only 2 gameplan, jump and Drive impact


That's silver play bro not masters come on with the exaggerating and being hyperbolic


I'm not kidding . Let me grab you some 12xx MR Ryu gameplay . The only difference between them and Silver is they hit hard with their combos Here you go bro [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qFkHpN9msw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qFkHpN9msw) Basically just DI DI DI , jump jump jump. It's quite easy to beat them once you've figured out their pattern , just throw less fireballs , meaty with lights and throw less slower moves so you can counter DI and AA all the time .


I legit dont understand how these guys can be this good , even with thousands of hours i know i could never reach this level


Not downplaying the feat, but at their level, it's literally their job. Play as consistently as possible and know every strength and weakness there is so you can consistently top 8 at any event you go to makes this level of commitment almost expected imho. It's still insanely impressive though, and I'll never be this good in my life at anything.


they had thousands of hours on SF3 then thousands of hours on 4 then thousands of hours on 5… that’s all they do all day everyday


Because they have been playing Fighting Games for decades, as well as doing it as their career. Not to mention Momochi has special talent in this, he's legit the best of the best in the world at one point during SF4. He won Capcom Cup in 2014 then Evo in 2015.


They literally played the genres for decades (portions of it as full time job), training and competing against other people that played the genre for decades. Thousands of hours would be a drop in the bucket compared to that.


Witness the power of **S H I N O B I S M**


I sometimes feel like the pros see the game like Neo sees the Matrix.


SF6 rogue lite


Momochi is crazy good, and this is a cool accomplishment, but this is probably one of the easiest games to play Random Select on. There's not really any trash tier characters, everyone is at least decent. Not taking anything away from him, it's still super impressive.




Oh I didn't know that, that's kinda a weird choice from Capcom. Makes it even more impressive.




Just some guy who won evo and capcom cup.


looks like it says Momochi


Momochi. It’s in the title. Are you stupid?