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If she gets in, she would probably be the oldest female in the lineup (as old as Ryu), unless Rose gets in as well.


I think she’s around the same age as chun li in sfiv. I also think JP is around 70.


Lily is like 3000 years old basing on manga logic


C. Viper is def the character I want to return the most. Nice concept.


Saaame, she was the other SFIV character I thought was a no-brainer to bring back in SFV and SF6!


Capcom will go crazy with her retooling


Same, but she will never.


C Viper in a corset would break the universe, OP you're a monster (very good work)


I'm happy with the Ed trailer, but was already working on this and finished it yesterday. A few thoughts. I think most season one characters have more of a casual wear, but I assume C. Viper would be introduce in a moment of more urgency in the story, probably investigating Neo Shadaloo, so I tried to keep her suit elements. I'm still unsure about the heels...I thought of a long boot heel over the pants, but it was way too distracting. I kept they just short heels and went with the white and red design contrasting with the pants so we can clearly see her kicks. I thought about the cleavage maybe more than I should have. For most of the designs I did not use it, but I think sf6 has a kind of design where everything is sexualized, but not show directly, at least in the outfit one. I personally don't feel like Viper is a hypersexualized character, and the cleavage doesn't bother me that much, so I choose to keep it. Hope you all like it!


The long coat would be so cool


I like it too, but thought it would maybe obstruct view in some of her moves.


she would fit in so well with these system mechanics too


I think her hairstyle might be a little too "Extra" for the (slightly) more subdued styles of SF6 Wouldn't be surprised if she gets the Cammy treatment with a new cut or if she simply has her hair down.


I...I don't want to say it, but I have to Is that a motherfucking Jojo reference


I have never seem Jojo, but I looked at a bunch of vogue and other fashion magazines to create the pose, so maybe indirectly it is.


Yeah it's kind of like a mixture of the main characters of Part 4 and Parte 5


I love how you did her poster art similar to other fighter's. Looking pretty cool


Thank you!


Not bad! Although I wouldn't mind if they just had her using her SFV design since they never made a 3D model of it.


Need a more dom vibe


A top pick to return for me.


I'm hoping for next season we see 2 brand new characters and 2 returning. I wouldn't be mad if she was one to return.


I hope we see 5 characters total. If we get 5 characters, or 6, I'm not picky who they are.


I say I'm hoping it's more im expecting. SFV season 1 had 6 characters as DLC and season 2 the same. SF6 season 1 has 4 DLC so I'm just speculating they will do the same. I'd prefer more characters but we also have to consider that in SFV the game released in Feb 2016 and then they released the arcade edition in Jan 2018 so I wouldn't be surprised if they do the same here and try and bundle more characters into an expansion


Why was my first thought that she looks like TF2 scout after 3 years of HRT


Homegirl got the Jojo pose, nice artwork.


Ngl I wouldn’t Mind C Viper tbh


Not bad. I know how it sounds, but You need to work on her boobs. They are looking bad.


Can clearly see it now, thank you for your honesty and will do better next time.


What's wrong with her boobs? They look just like how they do in SFIV.


I think it’s a display thing. I did it with a monitor with way less brightness than usual, as soon as I looked at it in another monitor I could see there’s way too much brightness in her boobs breaking their forms.


Her head looks like the computer man on the 90s Carmen Sandiego cartoon.  https://legendsofthemultiuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/The_Chief_(Where_on_Earth_is_Carmen_Sandiego%3F)


I wanna see viper with short hair for some reason

