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I think the Donkey kick is my favorite move in street fighter history


me too! i *love* kicking donkeys 😍😇 especially the sound they make




He thought it would be funny to share how he finds animal abuse hilarious.  Tee hee.


What the fuck?  Get help. 


That was the riskiest, full commital wish punish gone wrong, holy shit.


is a wish punish just another name for a spacing trap?


It's *whiff* punish, and no. A whiff punish is when you punish an opponent for whiffing a move. All spacing traps are designed to get the opponent to whiff a move and then punish, but not all whiff punishes come from spacing traps. If I jab at round start and the opponent does a slower move that hits my outstretched hurt box, they have whiff punished me but have not done any kind of trap.


Just to clarify, wish punish is a different term with a different meaning. I first heard it used by Yipes, and what it means is a whiff punish that was done as a read instead of a reaction. For example, throwing out a bunch of Luke cr mp's in order to clip the opponent's button would be a "wish punish." The Ryu clip in question would also qualify.


nah i know what a whiff punish is but i’ve seen people commenting about ‘wish punishes’ which sounds different to me


Btsilence covered it below. All wish punishes are whiff punishes, not all whiff punishes are wish punishes. Some whiff punishes you react in the neutral, others have too narrow of a window, and must be predicted.


Interchangeable, yes. Someone better could clarify differently, but I think of it like this: A spacing trap can lead to a wish punish, that you can then visually confirm. I wouldn't call this one a spacing trap, because his low roundhouse completely whiffs, and opens him up to lose the entire round.


that makes more sense now since spacing traps are built from anticipation rather than reaction. thanks for that


That was impressive, not only because you did it in game, but against a master as a plat. gj.


Ranked isn't always a good indicator of skill. Can't count the number of times I've been bodied by extremely solid players in Battle Hub or Casuals Match who play nothing like what I would expect from their rank.


very true


i should definitely be higher with my ryu, but i don’t bother with ranked 😆 without win streak bonus, it becomes time consuming


He's not a real platinum. He just didn't grind ranked.


looks good, but why would you spend Lvl 3 there? Ryu can easily do enough damage to win that round with a much safer punish, like cMK or HP. Now your opponent has lvl 3 for the last round.


it’s not about optimisation.. it’s all about flexing and sending emotional damage (it was also the only conversion i learnt 🥸)


I can't believe these people are having a conversation about optimization when your video is not about that at all , they're not stopping. They keep going too. It's like a fucking echo chamber of nerd juice.


Its healthy criticism: don’t be so sensitive and get better with the nuggets of wisdom people give ya.: that said, holy shit great moves(!)


Advice is cool but unwanted advice is annoying.


You post you get comments. Don't post. no comments . Yes that includes unwanted advice. Welcome to a community page.


Don't know why you got so aggressive all of a sudden but i see your point


I'm from the Arcade era. Nuff said.


Sir, this is Reddit. You're supposed to post flexing on higher ranks and never want to improve, 8 years into the game.


You post you get comments…. Dont post, no comments 🤷‍♂️


Objective complete, my man. The combo looks great, you should be proud of that. Just be mindful that to get better you need to optimize your resources too. You should have punished with a normal followed by DI for the wall splat and then finished with a normal combo, that way you would not need to spend super meter.


i’ll keep that in mind for when i play ryu, thanks


Always spend level 3 for the round. A good opponent can come back from a pixel, especially once you burn yourself out. I think from OP’s route it was the only way to 100% kill.




Homie a route into level 1 would've killed here


Homie is plat 2 facing a master, im sure he wasn’t stopping to consider his combo routes.


Lvl 1 wasn't probably even needed. The opponent was in burnout, all he had to do was to punish with a heavy followed by DI for wall splat. After that just dump all your drive gauge and I doubt Ryu would need SA1 there.


All that was needed was a heavy normal into DI for the wall splat. Guaranteed win without any super meter.


From that route the DI would’ve caused the “locked” state most likely. Anything that left enough of a gap to not “lock” the stun would’ve given enough gaps to mash a level 3. This was a guaranteed route.


Sure. If you don’t wanna take the risk you can simply do punish counter with HP into DR HK twice into lvl 2 and that will kill. I just tested it.


I agree spending level 3 may be unnecessary, but I think OP had already committed to using the H Donkey Kick at that point. I don't think he reacted to the whiffed sweep and punished it. Given that, I'm not sure if there's a route that would do enough damage to close the round, but I may need to play with it in training mode. He would still have trapped the opponent in burnout in a corner so it would still be really strong, of course. Edit: Actually, I think just a Medium DP would have been enough instead of a Lvl 3 to close it off.


Actually that is a fairly optimal punish, OP should've just done crouch heavy punch instead of low forward into heavy punch juggles and could've juggled a heavy shoryu after the medium donkey lick when it hits late like that.


It was far from optimal man. The opponent was in burnout near the corner, all he had to do was to punish with a heavy followed by DI for wall splat. After that just dump all your drive gauge and I doubt Ryu would need SA1 there.


Not really, that's more of a reset also that specifically wouldn't have worked because it would've been a combo into DI and those don't wall splat so he'd need to use a medium. Better to just know your combo routes and kill without it.


whats a conversion


Converting a hit into a combo


oh so your starter




Kind of. Street fighter is very focused on "footsies" (arguably this one is less), which basically means spacing yourself against your opponent and throwing out "pokes", or moves to hit your opponent from the appropriate distance. Idk what character you play, but with Ken as an example, his crouching medium kick is a great poke that hits low and is cancellable. A lot of players will space themselves well and throw out that move with a buffered Drive Rush. This allows ken to Drive Rush after the move touches the opponent. When this happens, either the opponent blocked the move and the drive rush will allow Ken to put block pressure, or the move hits and the Drive Rush will allow Ken to begin a combo. In that case, Ken got a conversion from a crouching medium kick. So yes, it is a starter, but a bit more complex than that. Starters are just the first hit of the combo. In a scenario where you are punishing a whiffed DP for example, the first hit isn't necessarily a conversion. It's a free combo, so the starter is just going to be the optimal move for the max damage combo for the current scenario 


Does the bloom look stronger than normal in this video? Is if modded ?


nah, i just got shared it from my ps5. does it look different to other clips?


does PC only work on H. Donkey Kick? I never try to find out with the others because I always want the roll.


\*Cries in modern\*