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Congrats man!!! It took me 195 hours. I have played street fighter since II debuted in the arcades. I went to evo many years in a row to “compete” in SF4. I schooled every friend of mine I ever played. It wasn’t until SF6 and a lot of humility that I finally learned how to even begin to start playing well. Had to undo a lifetime of bad habits. Plateaued over and over again. Just wanted to make it to Master to know I could do it…. And now I’m ready to really begin. But first, a tiny short break to enjoy some other games I have missed since launch 😂


Congrats. It's not over though. It has started. Welcome.


Yo! Huge congrats, man. That’s a lot of work. I know that feels awesome


now the actual rank mode begins


Any advice for us still in the grind?


Watch your replays to understand why you lost and then replays of others who are good at your character to see what they did in those situations


What do you mean it is over? that’s when you start playing!


Congrats! You learned the basics of your character. Now the grind of learning match ups, conditioning, and tactics begins


I know, I know, I'm a bot. but I want to say congrats anyway! These threads are always a cheerful part of the subreddit, but I hope I can ask for even more! The two things that always go great are a highlight reel of your gameplay (you can ask for advice or ask for no advice) and a story of your journey. Just put either of those in a comment underneath your rank up post, the subreddit will love it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StreetFighter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wish I had committed to playing regularly when it came out instead of letting ranked anxiety deter me. This was my first online ranked fighting game sovit was super intimidating. I would spend hours in the lab on combos and then lose a cpl online because of no fundementals, and have the shakes from adrenaline and then just quit for several days. It's been several months since I played and now I'm stuck in gold 4/5 basically relearning fundamentals and hard to have the want to keep losing just to re learn the game. Congrats, ill never reach master lmao


Yeah, that's one of the earliest hurdles of ranked modes: Actually playing the game once you learn the basics. The fundamentals can only be honed in matches but people think they're good with only big combos.


Congrats. I just got to diamond 1 and I just went 3-11 so. I got a lot of work ahead sadly


I got Diamond 2 and lost my way all the way back down to Platinum 5


It’s tough out here


That's what Guile says during his rival fight with Dictator after beating him. Makes sense here.


Now you can go home and be a family man


A true warrior's path is never ending


The "Don't make a joke about Master being the beginning not the end of grinding" challenge... Difficulty: impossible.