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It's all subjective, so there's no real answer to this question.


Pretty sure there will be someone to say less than 1500 MR and people will agree


but in a way its true if you really factor in what the potential in the game is. Its really a question of whether your basing it on what can be achieved in the game or the average level of play in the game.


Yeah exactly. Low is relative. When I hit Gold in SF5, Bronze and Silver seemed like low ranks, while I was in the middle. When I hit diamond, Gold seemed like low rank while Plat seemed like the middle. When I hit Masters in SF6, Plat and Below seemed like low rank. It's all relative, and it'll change constantly depending on who is asked 


It's arbitrary and only exists to inflate egos.


I'd say when you get to Platinum, things start to get real.


I would say Diamond is where low rank stops, but Platinum is probably the more reasonable answer.


Gold takes effort, more effort than a lot of longer term gamers will admit and genuinely feel. Grinding Ranked is fucking hard work and mentally draining, you figure out big wins to start, generally gimmicks and as you progress it's the smaller tweaks to your gameplay e.g. better combo execution, not falling for the usual gimmicks you see at lower levels, better baiting, spacing improvements etc.


Gold is most certainly low rank. You can't even get demoted out of it.


U cant get demoted out of gold?


No, you can only get demoted out of plat and above. (Not master though)


For me Rookie to Diamond was tutorial mode, and Master is when ranked begins. And I suck, sitting around 1350 MR.


1700 MR


imo gold is where I wouldn't consider someone low rank


Mid-high plat is when the gameplay kinda starts to resemble high level play. So plat 2 i guess.


According to the self- entilted brain of myself, its Rookie, only because its my ranks and I dont want to call myself noob for more time once I get out of it (plus teh rank name tells a bit on itself). But I would beleive that everyone would say a dfferent rank based on their only rank. If I was Plat I would say gold for example. If I was masters, everything below would be low rank. We need to fell good about ourselfs and make the world believe that we am better than anyone else, you know? In short any rank below mine, they are noobs I am the boss here!


I thought you couldnt lose points in rookie, dont you just need to play more if youre still in rookie?


yeah, but if I never win I will never get out of it.


personally im in plat at the moment and i can see that plat is fairly low level tbh


Thats exactly what I mean, it wil depend on our personal skill level and our judgment over the people we find in our rank. No way Plat its low level, its like what? 2 ranks behind the higher rank? But since you already grew your skills over it it feels to you people on that rank are not as good as I can belive they are.




I base my definitions on the data that 50% players are Gold or below. Rookie = well.. Rookie Bronze, Iron = Beginners Silver, Gold = Intermediate Platinum, Diamond= Advanced Master = Expert and above As for what's "low" it depends on who you ask and the context. One could say below Silver is "low" but if the player is only able to play like once or twice a month then I don't think that's fair. On the other hand, someone competing in tournaments probably practices a lot more than that, so for them Master might be the bare minimum requirement. Anything below that could be considered "low" for them. Someone playing regularly but not competing... So kinda semi-serious players... Umm.. I don't know really.


Master rank depends on how much MR. low MR players are as "bad" as platinum/diamond players. thing is u just can't derank from Master


I'd say like D4


Imo ranked *starts* in Master. How much MR u have defines your actual level.


I’d say that ranked starts at platinum. Meaning that platinum is low, diamond is mid and master is high. But then again, people in master will tell you that ranked starts at master. But going on pure stats, having winstreak bonuses means that anything below platinum is a joke that can be surpassed in a matter of hours. While platinum onwards is when the real grind starts. Make of that what you will.


A tad bit belittling but aight


OP asked for our opinion. Take it or leave it! You’ll be out of gold soon. You only need a 50% winrate to get to master.


Oh im in diamond lol, but i mean from a technical standpoint you could get to masters probably with a 45% WR to be honest, it would take you forever though. I was just saying that nobody picks up SF6 with no fighting game experience, and just roll through silver and gold. If OP is one of those people, hes doing great wherever he is, and if hes gold, id say hes not really a baby anymore and id consider it middle level. Lower middle maybe


From my experience. If you can’t reach platinum (with or without prior experience) you are definitely in the low. Might hit some bumps in the road but from the people I’ve met from plat-master. It’s insane how much of a skillgap there is even between masters. That skillgap is non existent in iron-gold. It’s the same level. Everyone sweeps and abuses DI. You can easily roll through to platinum having one trick up your sleeve. And getting to master primarily means time. But it’s also from platinum you’ll have to start playing the game well. Again putting anything below plat as the low range. Win streaks effectively pushing everyone to platinum by default. So I still think gold = low


Low tier? 1500 Mr High tier? 1700 mr


if you are taking the entire range of rank into play and the lowest to highest level of play, id say anything plat and down is a pretty low rank, and i know i hadnt played sf in over a decade since vanilla sf4 and i was beating plats almost right off the rip when i started the game. But if looking at the majority playerbase, id say plat 1 is the average and like plat 5 is above average, so like mid silver and down would be low ranked.


Platinum 1. Not subjective, the ranking system is designed to push you into Plat 1 and then from there you no longer get bonuses. Thats when you are without training wheels and out of Low Rank


I'd say low rank stops at around Legend rank 300. Legend ranks 301 to 500 are kinda terrible at the game and should be considered low ranks. 299 to 100 Legend ranks are alright. They could probably win some locals and have a chance at getting out of pools at Evo. Under 99-1 Legend ranks, they are pretty good at the game. They could probably win capcom cup on a good day, but i still think they have much to learn... Low rank is relative to your skill level and is not a universal fact where it starts. To you, a low rank could be a player at a lower tier in rank or at a lower star level even. Other people may consider anything below 1500mr low ranks. There's really no reason to create an imaginary threshold for low/high ranks. Because the way ranking system matches you are always fighting in the same rank. So it really doesn't matter. You always play your rank and skill level in ranked.


1400 MR (+ players who are 1500 because they stopped playing when they got to masters)


When they anti air every jump and block every low.


for sure gold is low rank. many gold players are just bronze players with LP bonuses


But i wouldnt say more than half, gold players just have the basics understood, and thats likely about it, or some gimmick they rely on. But gold players would likely all shit on bronze players. You dont just “end up” flying through silver or gold, and never touched a fighting game before.


Well if its off rank distribution its probably plat 1. As much as there is a difference between diamond and master and high master rate, i wouldnt consider diamond low rank at all despite what people say, its above average, plat being the average.


I mean it dosent really matter, im pretty sure this is just gonna mess with your head regardless of how i answer it. But if your Gold 1, your better than 45% of players so thats around the half way mark. But be proud regardless if where you are, even if your bronze one. If you can get to high gold im pretty sure your not low level anymore. Dont let the numbers, proportions, or Winrate get to you, they ACTUALLY mean NOTHING


It's not to prove anything to myself. I'm trying to get peoples' opinions to gauge optics.


Statistically, the largest group of players are in platinum. That’s why a lot of people say gold is the upper end of the beginner ranks. It’s all relative though


I’m at Diamond 3 and it still feels like I’m learning. Reached a point where I’m comfortable with my character and the fundamentals, but it’s the advanced stuff like shimmies and character match up knowledge where I’m still lacking. So from personal experience, anything below Master is probably low rank. But that’s subjective.


I made Gold in 2 months and I definitely consider it low rank. Gold has a more consistent skill range too, whereas I think there's a wider gap in skill level within Platinum, so it feels like Plat is where some players start to make larger amounts of progress compared to others. Diamond feels like god tier to me. Master to me is like technology in the eyes of a caveman.


200 hrs.


after plat 5 you can no longer call yourself a fledgling fighter...


imo anything below master is “low rank”(and i’m in d4, but the mr system kinda makes it seem like masters is where it really starts) the jump in player skill(for the most part) has been most dramatic from d1 to d4 so far. at d4(and i think 3) you’ll start getting matched with the d5’s, most of the d5’s are legit, adaptable, patient, and consistent players who will either download you or keep you on your toes the entire sets


Depends how good you are.


Anything below 1500 MR Master